Other names and synonyms
chin-ar.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Arsenite of Quinine. (C20 H24 N2 O2) 3H3 As O4 2H2O. Trituration or solution.
Angina pectoris. Asthma. вright s disease. Diarrhoea. Diphtheria. Epilepsy. Gastralgia. Hectic fever. Hemicrania. Intermittent fever. Keratitis. Ophthalmia. Scarlatina. Sore-throat, malignant. Spinal irritation. Syphilis. Tobacco, effects of. Tuberculosis.
Typical features
The Arsenite of Quinine combines many of the properties of its two components, but having been proved it can be treated as a separate individuality. The periodicity is intensified, and this is especially noted in the neuralgias. An irritable mood precedes the headache, which is by motion (vertigo); and by eating (gastralgia). The chief effects were manifested on the stomach, solar plexus, ligaments and skin. According to him it corresponds to tobacco intoxication and its effects; indigestion from unripe fruits; gastralgia from coarse food or ill-baked bread; chronic rheumatism of joints without swelling; tertiary syphilis of periosteum; colic from incarcerated flatus; intermittent fever with predominating chills, little thirst and continuous almost convulsive yawning; effects of severe and depressing influences on the mind; to convalescence from long-lasting sickness. The circulation was slow, and limbs relaxed. Weakness, prostration, and disinclination for mental exertion were marked in several provers.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Apis (diphtheria); Aethusa (sleep after vomiting); сact. (constricting sensations).
Psyche and consciousness
Dislike of mental occupation in spite of clear-headed lightness about head and feeling of exhilaration. Memory impaired. Anxiety. - сhild sits up in bed lamenting. Irritable mood precedes headache.
Head, face, and ears
Sudden attacks of vertigo,.
Intense photophobia and orbicular spasm gushing hot tears, ulcers attacking each eye,.
Ringing in ears like bells; with congestion towards head. Noise in ears and dulness of hearing.
Profuse coryza erect position and out of doors. Post-nasal catarrh.
Trembling of facial muscles, especially orbicularis palpebrarum (immediately). Dull pain in left temporal region at articulation of lower jaw. Face pale, sallow, bloated.
Intense photophobia and orbicular spasm gushing hot tears, ulcers attacking each eye,.
Ringing in ears like bells; with congestion towards head. Noise in ears and dulness of hearing.
Profuse coryza erect position and out of doors. Post-nasal catarrh.
Trembling of facial muscles, especially orbicularis palpebrarum (immediately). Dull pain in left temporal region at articulation of lower jaw. Face pale, sallow, bloated.
Mouth and throat
Tongue thickly furred; appetite bad. Yellow, slimy coating on tongue, with bitter taste. Fetid breath. Dryness in roof of mouth, gnawing and nausea. Metallic bitter taste, without changing taste of victuals.
Throat feels sore and raw,.
Throat feels sore and raw,.
Gastrointestinal tract
Appetite gone. Violent thirst for cold water. Desire for sweets. Empty sensation. Hiccough and belching; followed by urging to stool. Sudden, indescribable general nausea, with flying heat and waning strength, especially of lower limbs. Nausea and vomiting followed by sleep. Eggs or fish cause painless diarrhoea at once. Gnawing and nausea as before vomiting as at beginning of tobacco-poisoning. Pain in stomach as if it had contracted itself round an uneven stone. Disturbed in night by severe pain in stomach as if it were pressed against spinal column; by eating, for a few moments; repeated several mornings. - сontracting gastralgia, as if pushed up; only for a moment by tasteless eructation.
Pain in epigastrium as from foul stomach. Pain as from flatus wedged into flexure of colon. Aching around navel and in ilium. In evening severe colicky pains by pressure.
Violent urging to stool, evacuated in prolonged rush till bowel empty; stool thin, brown, painless. Diarrhoea, morning, hardly had time to dress, brown, liquid with jelly-like lumps: pain in left iliac region, quite severe when walking. Towards morning, frequent, bad-smelling flatus. Stool pappy; watery, fetid. Stool, fecal, with mucus and blood, preceded and followed by tenesmus. Stool hard, voided with difficulty; aided by pressing finger on coccyx. - сould eat no breakfast, but took some dinner, and immediately thereafter great urging to stool, which was watery and blackish; some pain in hypogastrium.
Pain in epigastrium as from foul stomach. Pain as from flatus wedged into flexure of colon. Aching around navel and in ilium. In evening severe colicky pains by pressure.
Violent urging to stool, evacuated in prolonged rush till bowel empty; stool thin, brown, painless. Diarrhoea, morning, hardly had time to dress, brown, liquid with jelly-like lumps: pain in left iliac region, quite severe when walking. Towards morning, frequent, bad-smelling flatus. Stool pappy; watery, fetid. Stool, fecal, with mucus and blood, preceded and followed by tenesmus. Stool hard, voided with difficulty; aided by pressing finger on coccyx. - сould eat no breakfast, but took some dinner, and immediately thereafter great urging to stool, which was watery and blackish; some pain in hypogastrium.
Urogenital system
Urine scanty; frequent urging. Urine increased, urging tiresome.
A peculiar burning ache about sphincter vesicae and throughout urethra.
A peculiar burning ache about sphincter vesicae and throughout urethra.
Chest organs
Breathing unsatisfactory, wants more air than he can take into his lungs. Respiration very free, as if thorax were hollow. Suffocative attacks beginning in morning and lasting till noon; sitting bent forward at open window,.
Severe stitching pain, in chest; later in precordia;
Severe stitching pain, in chest; later in precordia;
Cardiovascular system
Angina pectoris. Palpitation on leaning against back. Sensation as if heart had stopped. Heart began to tremble, with a rumbling noise; I was unable to distinguish the pulsations (lasted one hour). Slow pulse. L. intercostal neuralgia as if torn with hot tongs.
Limbs and spine
Pain in muscles between left shoulder and neck, as if sprained, on rising from sleep, 4 - вack feels weak as after a long journey. Pressure in solar plexus (usually only felt after eating tough meat or hard nuts, of which I had not partaken) extended toward the back, when it changed to a pinching sensation; spine painfully sensitive to touch at this point.
Pain in left wrist, stiffness of left arm. Pain of fatigue in right wrist. - вurning pain as in periosteum of left elbow. Annoying feeling of fatigue in right shoulder, as if humerus were torn out of its socket. Sore, tired aching in joints, bones and muscles: in left biceps for some hours.
Dull pain in right temporal region, at articulation of jaw and right hip. Pain in right astragalo-tarsal joint as if bones drawn in opposite directions; walking. Pressure on tuberosity of tibia, which is somewhat swollen. Pain in right knee as from a fall. - сramp in calf. Pains back of right thigh and in calf. Numbness of legs after hardly having lain down. Weakness of lower limbs.
Pain in left wrist, stiffness of left arm. Pain of fatigue in right wrist. - вurning pain as in periosteum of left elbow. Annoying feeling of fatigue in right shoulder, as if humerus were torn out of its socket. Sore, tired aching in joints, bones and muscles: in left biceps for some hours.
Dull pain in right temporal region, at articulation of jaw and right hip. Pain in right astragalo-tarsal joint as if bones drawn in opposite directions; walking. Pressure on tuberosity of tibia, which is somewhat swollen. Pain in right knee as from a fall. - сramp in calf. Pains back of right thigh and in calf. Numbness of legs after hardly having lain down. Weakness of lower limbs.
Common symptoms
In different parts of body burning fluttering beats, as from electricity. Stiffness of all bones, even while walking. - вurning pains deep in joints. - вurning pains as in periosteum. Nervous restlessness, unable to remain in the house. While walking, dizziness and collapse. Desire to lie down. - сomplete relaxation of muscles as from tobacco-poisoning.
Goose flesh, especially of lower extremities. Periodical furuncles, which relieve the head. - вurning, erysipelatous redness and violent itching by cold.
Night full of visions; heavy sleep till morning. Nervous restlessness, anxious dreams. Sleep frequently interrupted.
General chill and cold. After the feverish cough in the chill, no reaction of warmth. Flying heat with nausea. - сold, clammy sweat.