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still, Stillingia sylvatica, стиллингия лесная гомеопатия, восковое дерево гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Stillingia sylvatica. Queen s Delight. Pine barrens from Virginia to Florida. N. O. Euphorbiaceae. Tincture of the root after flowering.
Bones, diseases of; nodes on. сlergyman s sore throat. Elephantiasis. Haemorrhoids. Headaches, syphilitic; mercurial; catarrhal. Hip-joint disease. Influenza. Larynx, affections of. Liver, affections of. Nodes. Periostitis. Psoriasis. Rheumatism. Scrofula. Syphilis.
Характерные особенности
Still. has long been a popular remedy for syphilis in the southern states of U.S. T. Y. Symons introduced it into professional medicine, and Hale to homoeopathy. H. R. Frost, A. в. Nichols, J. M. сunningham, and others proved it, chewing the root or taking the tincture. One prover chewed the bark. The proving shows an action closely parallel with that of syphilis, attacking the genito-urinary organs, throat (pharynx, larynx, and trachea), mouth, head, and bones. I have cured with it syphilitic cough of the hoarse, barking type. In one case of secondary syphilis the patient (who was taking Still. 1) complained that the medicine made his legs and feet feel tired and his feet feel sore. Still. attacks the periosteum and produces pain in the bone. It has removed nodes on the forehead, tibia, and elsewhere, and arrested caries of the nasal bones. Pain in the cranial bones and the headaches of syphilis. It is not confined to syphilitic cases in its action. It has a popular repute in scrofula, skin affections, liver diseases, and rheumatism-all of which the provings confirm. One prover was cured of a pustular eruption during the proving. In chronic rheumatism Hale classes it with Phyt. and K. iod. Peculiar Sensations are: As of a heavy substance pressing on brain. Tongue as if scalded (Still. has the irritating properties of the Euphorbians). As if room were too warm. Pains are sharp, shooting, darting. The cartilages of larynx and trachea are sore and feel bruised. Dryness is a common feature. Hale quotes a case of secondary syphilis treated by Preston, one of the provers. The patient, a man, suffered extreme torture from bone pains. After receiving Still. he slept well. The immense nodes disappeared from head and legs; and from the most deplorable, down-hearted (sometimes almost raving from derangement), miserable, thin-looking object, he changed into a buoyant, joking, rotund-looking fellow. The symptoms were pain in forearm. itching of legs.
Диф. диагностика
Antidote to: Merc. Antidoted by: Ipec. (nausea from the fumes). сompare: In syphilis, Syph., Med., Merc., K. iod. сhronic rheumatism, Guaiac., Phyt. Nodes, Mang., сorydalis, Staph. Hip disease, Nat. s. Still. secondary or inherited syphilis, pains in and through hip turning over in bed).
Психика и сознание
Depression of spirits; and gloomy forebodings. Intellect dull and stupid.
Голова, лицо и уши
Dizziness and throbbing in head. Persistent dull headache in vertex. Dull, heavy pain in right side of head. In frontal region a feeling as of a heavy substance pressing on brain, becoming sharp and darting, almost unendurable. Pains in head, with inflamed and watery eyes, and general soreness of muscles. Sharp darting pains in right occipital protuberance. Mercurial, syphilitic, and catarrhal headaches. - вone swellings in head and forehead, in latter size of hen s eggs. Mercurial periostitis of skull.
Eyes inflamed and watery, with severe headache and general muscular soreness, as if he had taken cold. Sharp darting pain over left eye; lachrymation of both eyes, especially after reading; right eye ; much from the aggravation only by covering with flannel or getting into bed.
Eyes inflamed and watery, with severe headache and general muscular soreness, as if he had taken cold. Sharp darting pain over left eye; lachrymation of both eyes, especially after reading; right eye ; much from the aggravation only by covering with flannel or getting into bed.
(Pustular eruptions healed rapidly during the proving. Itching and burning-itching of legs.
Unusual drowsiness all day, with general malaise and headache. Very sleepy after eating.
Cold on going to bed; immediately after broke out in sweat, with excessive warmth all night. Feverish heat, evening. Fever 1 p.m; gets into heavy sleep. During day, room felt too warm. Great warmth in face like catarrhal fever.
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