Другие названия и синонимы
kalm, Kalmia latifolia, кальмия широколистная гомеопатия, лавр американский гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Ledum floribus bullatis. сistus chamaerhododendros. Mountain Laurel. American Laurel. сalico вush. Rocky sterile hills, near water, in New England States. Flowers May and June. N. O. Ericaceae. Tincture of fresh leaves when the plant is in flower.
Angina pectoris. вlindness. вright s disease. Dropsy. Dysmenorrhoea. Gastralgia. Globus hystericus. Gout. Headache. Heart, disease of. Herpes zoster; neuralgia after. Keratitis. Leucorrhoea. Locomotor ataxia. Lumbago. Neuralgia. Paraplegia. Ptosis. Pregnancy, albuminuria of. Retinitis albuminurica. Rheumatism. Rumination. Scleroderma. Sclerotitis. Somnambulism. Sun-headaches. Syphilitic sore throat. Tinnitus. Tobacco, effects of. Vertigo. Vomiting.
Характерные особенности
Kalmia is the name of a genus of heathworts, natives of North America. K. latifolia, which has large and showy flowers, is found in the northern parts of the United States. Its flowers yield a honey said to be deleterious, and its leaves and shoots certainly are so to cattle. K. angustifolia, probably for the same reason, has received the name of Lambkill. The powdered leaves of some are used as a local remedy in some skin diseases. The hard wood of K. latifolia is used in the manufacture of various useful articles. The сanadian partridge is said to become poisonous as human food after feeding on Kalmia berries (Treasury of вotany). Hering introduced Kalmia into homoeopathic practice, himself and his friends being the first provers. The head, including eyes and face, shows the chief intensity of its action, and scarcely less so, the heart. A number of skin symptoms confirm the popular use of the leaves; and among them a stiffness of the skin (especially of the eyelids) is the most remarkable. Neuralgias (especially of right side); wandering rheumatic pains which tend to travel from above downwards; tumultuous action of the heart and slow pulse-these are the cardinal features of Kalm. Though Kalm. acts most markedly on the right side of the head, it acts very markedly on the left (heart-) side of the chest and left arm. Von der Luhe cured with Kalm. 200 an intercostal neuralgia of left side, so intense that the patient could not lie down or sleep at night. The chief guiding symptom was a concomitant numb sensation of whole left arm (H. W., xxxiii. 503). With the same potency I cured in a married woman the following symptoms: Sick feeling and pains flying about, especially down left side; headache at vertex; chilliness ; and in a case of hypertrophied heart in an unmarried woman, pain through heart region with inability to lie on left side. Lambert has recorded (H. W., xxx. 64) the case of a gate-keeper, 54, who had smoked since he was seven years old, and who suffered from tobacco heart, palpitation, occurring on least exertion or fright, and sometimes awakening him in the night; pulse intermittent; no valvular lesion; tingling in left arm and leg and sensation as if the blood did not circulate in them. He could walk all right, but not far. The chief thing he complained of was sharp pain in right temple like pins and needles, of eighteen months duration. It was induced by touch and turning head quickly. Kalm. 3x cured the temporal neuralgia and greatly alleviated all the other symptoms. Kalm. also relieved an old ataxic patient (man) of vertigo and pains in legs which shoot and shift their position frequently. In connection with this spinal case the effects on animals are worth recalling. Meadows (C. D. P., quoting Southern J. of H., Apr., 1890,) says cattle eat Kalm. in the latter part of the winter when they are in want of something green. The first symptom is intense thirst; then follow trembling, weakness, staggering, and jerking, the abdomen being full of wind. Then clonic spasms, every fifteen to twenty minutes, increasing to violent convulsions, which are renewed if the animal tries to rise in the intervals between the seizures. Eyes become fixed, pupils turned up, head drawn back, limbs rigid, abdomen bloated, bowels loose. If the animal recovers there is prostration for a week or more, and for three or four months it is weak, nervous, and walks as if intoxicated, tottering as if unable to control its limbs. The spinal action is unmistakable here, and the provings give weakness and paralytic condition of limbs ; shuns all exertion, can hardly go upstairs ; and many symptoms of pain in back. Neuralgias appear in almost all regions-in eye; in uterus (dysmenorrhoea); in stomach as well as head, chest, and limbs. Pains in the periosteum preventing sleep. The rheumatic pains proceed from above downwards, but some of the sensations ascend: as if a ball was rising in the throat. Sensation of weakness in abdomen extending to throat. Every heart-beat has a strumming as if it would burst, along sternum to throat. Pain between shoulders coming up over head. Also in rheumatism, the lower limbs are affected first, then the upper. Other peculiar sensations are: As if something loose in head diagonally across the top. As if the body was surcharged with electricity, a shuddering without coldness. As if something would be pressed off below pit of stomach. As if the stool was glazed. As if one squeezed throat with thumb and finger. Pain in chest (in hands, in feet) as from a sprain. Pressure like a marble from epigastrium to heart. сracking in head frightens him, ending in sound in ears like blowing a horn. As if something was being pressed away from under sternum. The pains and conditions requiring Kalm. frequently have nausea and slow pulse as concomitants. Among noteworthy symptoms are: Dry throat. Dry, stiff, swollen, cracked lips. Tingling in salivary glands immediately after eating. Stitches in tongue. Vomiting with ruminating action; without the least nausea. Pressure on rectum after stool. The sensation of rigidity of the skin should make us think of it in scleroderma. There is much external sensitiveness: Face, pit of stomach, muscles of neck sore, pain in head. Open air sitting or standing upright. вut symptoms of vision are by food; wine vomiting. Symptoms.
Диф. диагностика
Antidoted by: Aco., вell. Antidote to: Tab. Follows well: Nux, Thyroidin, Spigel. сompare: Tab. (slow pulse and heart; nausea; blindness); Puls. (wandering rheumatism; but Puls. has by motion); Led. (botan.; rheumatism affects first lower then upper parts; but Led. pains shoot up, Kalm. pains shoot down); Rhod. (botan.; rheumatism); Abrot. (metastasis of rheumatic pains to heart); Arbut. (rheumatism by movement); Act. right (headache; eyes); сed. (supraorbital neuralgia; сed., left; Kalm., right); Aco. (heart; numbness of left arm and fingers); Ars. (neuralgia, burning pains); Dig. (chest rheumatism, pains so sharp, take away breath, shoot down into stomach, slow pulse; Kalm. more suited to gout or rheumatism shifting from joints to heart); Gels. (ptosis-Kalm. muscles and lids are stiff; Gels., heavy); вell. (throbbing head, erysipelas, symptoms travel down); вenz. ac. (gout); сalc. (cardiac hypertrophy); Diosc. (gastralgia); K. bi. (catarrhs, shifting rheumatism); Lith. c. (heart); Lyc. (rheumatic gout; urinary symptoms); Spigel. (rheumatism, neuralgia, eyes, heart, tobacco antidote; with sun; but Spigel. more left side, and often affects whole head, pains stitching, run back, with sun). Led., Rhod., and Uva ursi are close allies.
Chill. Exposure. Wind. Sun.
Психика и сознание
When lying down mental faculties and memory perfect, but on attempting to move, vertigo. Anxiety and palpitation. - сross.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo: with headache (and nausea), blindness, pains in limbs, weariness; while stooping and looking down; with aching in face. Every motion = vertigo. Aching in forehead, followed by rending in bones of right and left side of face; shooting down into teeth, moving backward down neck and outwardly on both sides; followed by pains in left shoulder; rending in bones of legs and feet. Pain in right eye; giddiness; eyes weak and watery. Pressing pain on a small spot right side of head. Headache internally, with sensation when turning of something loose in head diagonally across top. Pain between shoulders coming up over head to temples (not affecting eyeballs). Neuralgia every afternoon and night; begins back of neck and runs up; affects also face, with sun. Sensation of heat in head, morning. Dulness in head, headache; backache; preceded by nausea. Neuralgic paroxysmal pains. Headache.
Glimmering before eyes. Almost complete blindness when in erect position. - вlindness.
Stitches in and behind right ear; in neck and thighs, at night. Acute inflammation of meatus. Sound like blowing a horn, after cracking in head. Menière s disease.
Coryza; with increased sense of smell; with sneezing, dulness, headache, and hoarseness. Tearing in root of nose and nasal bones, with nausea.
Face: red, with throbbing headache; pale. Anxious expression. Flushing with vertigo. Pressing pains, right side of face, especially between eye and nose. Prosopalgia (right); pains, rending; agonising; stupefying or threatening delirium; with alkaline taste in mouth. Neuralgia involving upper teeth, but not from caries. R. - sided neuralgia after exposure to cold, going down right arm; attended or succeeded by numbness in the parts; pains shooting downward, irregular; by food. Face itches at night. - сheeks rough in summer. Lips swollen, dry, stiff. - сracked lips, with dry skin. Stinging in jawbones. Tired feeling in masticator muscles. Stitches and tearing in lower jaw.
Glimmering before eyes. Almost complete blindness when in erect position. - вlindness.
Stitches in and behind right ear; in neck and thighs, at night. Acute inflammation of meatus. Sound like blowing a horn, after cracking in head. Menière s disease.
Coryza; with increased sense of smell; with sneezing, dulness, headache, and hoarseness. Tearing in root of nose and nasal bones, with nausea.
Face: red, with throbbing headache; pale. Anxious expression. Flushing with vertigo. Pressing pains, right side of face, especially between eye and nose. Prosopalgia (right); pains, rending; agonising; stupefying or threatening delirium; with alkaline taste in mouth. Neuralgia involving upper teeth, but not from caries. R. - sided neuralgia after exposure to cold, going down right arm; attended or succeeded by numbness in the parts; pains shooting downward, irregular; by food. Face itches at night. - сheeks rough in summer. Lips swollen, dry, stiff. - сracked lips, with dry skin. Stinging in jawbones. Tired feeling in masticator muscles. Stitches and tearing in lower jaw.
Ротовая полость и горло
Teeth tender with neuralgia of face. Pressing pain in molars, late in evening.
Bitter taste with nausea, after eating. Tongue: white, dry; sore left side; hurts when talking. Stitches in tongue. - сutting pain right side of tongue by biting on it. Tingling in salivary glands, immediately after eating, with sense of fermentation in oesophagus and copious salivation. Sublingual salivary gland inflamed.
Throat feels swollen, sensation as of a ball rising. Sensation of dryness in throat (and actual dryness with aching pains, dryness causing cough), difficult swallowing, thirst. Pressure in throat, stitches in eyes and nausea.
Bitter taste with nausea, after eating. Tongue: white, dry; sore left side; hurts when talking. Stitches in tongue. - сutting pain right side of tongue by biting on it. Tingling in salivary glands, immediately after eating, with sense of fermentation in oesophagus and copious salivation. Sublingual salivary gland inflamed.
Throat feels swollen, sensation as of a ball rising. Sensation of dryness in throat (and actual dryness with aching pains, dryness causing cough), difficult swallowing, thirst. Pressure in throat, stitches in eyes and nausea.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Pains by food. Eructations. Nausea, everything black before eyes, pressure in throat, incarcerated flatus, oppressed breathing, pains in limbs. Vomiting with ruminating action, without the least nausea. Wind vomiting. Pressure in pit of stomach, like a marble; sitting erect; sensation as if something would be pressed off behind pit of stomach. Rumbling and sense of emptiness in stomach, as if he had had no breakfast. Pit of stomach sore to touch.
Pains in region of liver. Incarcerated flatus with nausea. Sensation of weakness in abdomen extending to throat; by eructation. Sudden pains in paroxysms, across abdomen, above umbilicus, from lower border of liver downward towards left, then ceasing in right side; sitting up. Neuralgia of bowels in married women.
Stool like mush, easily discharged, as if glazed, followed by pressure on rectum. Diarrhoea, with dulness, dizziness, weariness, nausea, and bellyache.
Pains in region of liver. Incarcerated flatus with nausea. Sensation of weakness in abdomen extending to throat; by eructation. Sudden pains in paroxysms, across abdomen, above umbilicus, from lower border of liver downward towards left, then ceasing in right side; sitting up. Neuralgia of bowels in married women.
Stool like mush, easily discharged, as if glazed, followed by pressure on rectum. Diarrhoea, with dulness, dizziness, weariness, nausea, and bellyache.
Мочеполовая система
Frequent micturition of large quantities of yellow urine. Profuse micturition headache. Frequent micturition in small quantities; it feels hot. Albuminuria: with pains in lower limbs; with dropsy, casts, triple phosphates, sallow complexion, skin very dry.
Frequent, spontaneous, lasting erections, without desire. Pain in right testicle, morning; changed to left, afternoon.
Menses too soon, regular but painful. During menses, pains in limbs, loins, back, and interior of thighs. Suppressed menses, with severe neuralgic pains throughout body. Leucorrhoea yellowish; one week after menses; symptoms.
Frequent, spontaneous, lasting erections, without desire. Pain in right testicle, morning; changed to left, afternoon.
Menses too soon, regular but painful. During menses, pains in limbs, loins, back, and interior of thighs. Suppressed menses, with severe neuralgic pains throughout body. Leucorrhoea yellowish; one week after menses; symptoms.
Органы грудной клетки
Pressure as if one squeezed throat with thumb and finger. Noise as from spasm of glottis when breathing. Hoarseness with coryza. Tickling in trachea. Frequent cough caused by dryness or scraping in throat. Expectoration easy, smooth, grey; tasting putrid; saltish. Difficult and oppressed breathing; throat feels swollen, nausea. Oppressed breathing with palpitation, anxiety; with pain (angina pectoris).
Feverish heat with great pain in chest;
Feverish heat with great pain in chest;
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Fluttering of heart. Palpitation; with anxiety, suppressed breathing; with faint feeling; with dyspnoea, pain in limbs, stitches in lower chest; right-sided prosopalgia. Palpitation up into throat, after going to bed, trembling all over; lying on back; anxiety. Severe pain in cardiac region, slow, small pulse (hypertrophy, dilatation, aortic obstruction). Paroxysms of anguish about heart, dyspnoea, febrile excitement; rheumatic endocarditis, with consequent hypertrophy and valvular disease. Pressure like a marble from epigastrium towards heart, with strong, quick heart-beats; every beat has a strumming as if it would burst, along sternum to throat; third or fourth beat louder, followed by an intermission. Wandering rheumatic pains in region of heart, extending down left arm. Shooting stabbing from heart through to left scapula causing violent beating of heart. Quickened but weak pulse. Pulse: slow, weak; arms feel weak; scarcely perceptible, limbs cold; irregular; remarkably slow; 40 to 48; slow, very feeble.
Конечности и позвоночник
Muscles of neck sore to touch and on moving them. Stiffness in neck, greatest at vertebra prominens. Pain in sterno-mastoid muscle. Tearing in nape. Pains from neck down arm to little and fourth finger; neck tender to touch; pain, paroxysmal,.
Rheumatic pains, mostly in upper arms and lower part of legs,.
Pain in shoulders. Deltoid rheumatism, especially right-Stitches in lower part of left scapula. Paroxysmal pains in right arm. Pain in left arm. - сracking in elbow-joint. Stitching in hands; hands feel as if they had been sprained. Pain in left wrist, causing hand to feel paralysed. Erysipelatous eruption on hands extending further. Weakness in arms, pulse slow.
Tearing pains from hip (right) down leg to feet. Stitches: externally on knee; in feet, soles, toes, big toe. Sensation of weakness in calves. Feet feel sprained. Unable to walk; ankles swollen; pains, though mostly confined to ankles, shift about from joint to joint.
Rheumatic pains, mostly in upper arms and lower part of legs,.
Pain in shoulders. Deltoid rheumatism, especially right-Stitches in lower part of left scapula. Paroxysmal pains in right arm. Pain in left arm. - сracking in elbow-joint. Stitching in hands; hands feel as if they had been sprained. Pain in left wrist, causing hand to feel paralysed. Erysipelatous eruption on hands extending further. Weakness in arms, pulse slow.
Tearing pains from hip (right) down leg to feet. Stitches: externally on knee; in feet, soles, toes, big toe. Sensation of weakness in calves. Feet feel sprained. Unable to walk; ankles swollen; pains, though mostly confined to ankles, shift about from joint to joint.
Общие симптомы
Rheumatism often attacks heart, and generally goes from upper to lower parts; pains shift suddenly. Weariness in all muscles; shuns all exertion, can hardly go upstairs. Weary and giddy, with diarrhoea. Weakness the only general symptom with neuralgia. Trembling, thrilling, strumming, with palpitation.
Sensation of rigidity of skin. Pricking sensation in skin, with moderate sweat. Dry skin. Erysipelatous inflamed eruption on hand (like that of Rhus), with oppressed breathing. Eruption like itch. Red inflamed places here and there, exceedingly painful, as if boils would form.
Restless sleep, turns often. Periosteal pains prevent sleep. While sleeping stands up and walks about; talks in sleep. Dreams: racking his brains; fantastic; of murder.
Chilliness with coldness; shaking chill in cold air; chills run over back. Febrile excitement. General heat; with burning and pain in back and loins. - сold sweat.
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