Другие названия и синонимы
tong, Tongo, кумаруна душистая гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Dipterix odorata. Tongo, Tonka or Tonquin вean. N. O. Leguminosae. Tincture of the dried beans.
Hip, pains in. Migraine. Neuralgia of face. Toothache.
Характерные особенности
Tongo was proved by Nenning. Its fragrant seed is much used by perfumers. Dipterix odorata, which yields it, is a native of сayenne. The fruit is something like that of the almond-tree. сuriously in the proving it produced Risings with taste of bitter almonds. The chief uses of Tong. have been in migraine and neuralgic affections. The symptoms are: вy movement. Pressure .
Диф. диагностика
Antidoted by: Vinegar.
Психика и сознание
Peevishness and ill-humour. Dislike to labour and conversation.
Голова, лицо и уши
Head confused, especially in occiput, with drowsiness. Heaviness of head, especially on rising up after stooping. Drawing headache. Pressure, tearings, and shootings in head, especially on coining into a room, with tearings on one side of the face and ill-humour. Shootings in head, when laughing. Pulsative headache, especially on left side. The headaches disappear on taking vinegar. Excessive sensibility of exterior of head.
Burning sensation and dryness of eyes, when reading in evening. Drawing, tension, and quivering in eyelids.
Tearing in ears.
Coryza, with obstruction of nose. Violent sneezing in the night. Slight tearing in root of nose with irritation to sneeze and cough.
Paleness of complexion, with red cheeks. Tearing in maxillae. Semilateral, tearing pains in face.
Burning sensation and dryness of eyes, when reading in evening. Drawing, tension, and quivering in eyelids.
Tearing in ears.
Coryza, with obstruction of nose. Violent sneezing in the night. Slight tearing in root of nose with irritation to sneeze and cough.
Paleness of complexion, with red cheeks. Tearing in maxillae. Semilateral, tearing pains in face.
Ротовая полость и горло
Toothache, with tearing pain, especially in molars,.
Copious accumulation of water in mouth.
Roughness and scraping in throat.
Copious accumulation of water in mouth.
Roughness and scraping in throat.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Risings with taste of bitter almonds.
Burning sensation and cuttings in the hypochondria, as if externally. Movements and pinchings in abdomen.
Tenesmus. Hard faeces, evacuated with straining. Diarrhoea, followed by excessive sensibility of abdomen.
Burning sensation and cuttings in the hypochondria, as if externally. Movements and pinchings in abdomen.
Tenesmus. Hard faeces, evacuated with straining. Diarrhoea, followed by excessive sensibility of abdomen.
Мочеполовая система
Scanty urine, with white sediment. Urine of colour of white wine, with much slimy sediment. Red urine, with abundant clay-coloured sediment.
Catamenia premature. Leucorrhoea, when walking. Discharge of thick mucus from vagina (when making an effort to pass a stool).
Catamenia premature. Leucorrhoea, when walking. Discharge of thick mucus from vagina (when making an effort to pass a stool).
Органы грудной клетки
Hoarseness, with burning sensation in larynx.
Shooting and burning sensation under sides of the chest.
Shooting and burning sensation under sides of the chest.
Конечности и позвоночник
Pains in loins, with excessive sensibility to the touch.
Tearing in left hip-joint 5 rubbing. Tearing in left thigh and knee pressure. Violent stinging like the prick of a needle in fatty portion of right great toe after dinner.
Tearing in left hip-joint 5 rubbing. Tearing in left thigh and knee pressure. Violent stinging like the prick of a needle in fatty portion of right great toe after dinner.
Общие симптомы
Tearing in the limbs, by external pressure and also by movement. The majority of the symptoms manifest themselves when seated, and during repose. Vinegar dissipates many of the pains.