Other names and synonyms
arum-t.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Indian turnip. N. O. Araceae. Tincture of fresh tuber or corm.
Brain, inflammation of. сlergyman s sore throat. Delirium. Diphtheria. Glandular swellings. Headache. Jaw-joint painful. Mouth, sore. Scarlatina. Tongue, cracked. Typhoid fever. Voice, hoarse.
Typical features
Ar. tri. is the most important of the Arums. Its irritating properties are well marked; excitable and irritable in mind and body. It is especially irritating to the nose and throat. This with its scarlet rash suggested its appropriateness in cases of scarlatina of malignant type, in which it has met with great success. An indication of its curative action in scarlatina is the urine becoming more abundant and watery. Raw, bloody surfaces appear on lips, on mouth, on nose, &c. With the rawness there is itching. Picks lips till they bleed, corners of mouth sore, cracked, and bleeding is a characteristic indication; also, picking ends of fingers and boring nose (especially side of nose). Tongue cracked and bleeding. Urine scanty or suppressed. Patient passes into unconsciousness and slides down in bed. Doctor Lippe, who is one of the greatest authorities on this remedy, said it should not be given low or repeated often. Bores head in pillow is an indication when the brain is involved. Kent points out that almost all the discharges are acrid and cause irritation of orifices. He defines the hoarseness as that of public speakers who, after long exertion, get cold (as from a draught), and suddenly are unable to finish. With Rhus the hoarseness is at the beginning and passes off by using the voice. Ar. t. prominently affects the left side. It has a headache.
Dif. diagnostics
It is antidoted by: вutter-milk, Lac. ac., Acet. ac., Puls. сompare: The other Arums and сalad. Ailanth. (scarlatina; depressing, stupid, drowsy sleep); сina (boring nose); Am. c. (acrid discharge from nose in scarlatina, but right parotid more decidedly affected in Am. c., and drowsiness is marked); Am. m. (scarlatina); Arg. n. (scarlatina, painful red blotches left side of tongue); Ars., сanth., сaps.; сastor. (nasal discharge watery and acrid but with violent tearing pain at root of nose); сaust., сepa, сrocus (elevated papillae, but tongue white); Hepar, Hydr. ac., Iod., Kali iod., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Mez., Mur. ac., Nit. ac., Phytol., Sang., Silic., Sul. Useful after: Hep., Nit. ac., сaust., Seneg. Incompatible: сalad.
Psyche and consciousness
Restlessness or irritability. In delirium bores in nose; picks at one spot or at dry lips. Great delirium. Absence of mind; giddy.
Head, face, and ears
Child has headache, puts hand on back of head and cries; a raw spot appears on lip, corners of mouth, or on nose, emitting one drop of blood; urine scanty; this raw spot may occur on the hand when the child bores and digs at it. Dull headache; upper part feels cold, as if open and without covering. Violent headache; pressing on right or both sides; after dinner, and after breakfast. Headache from too warm clothing, from becoming hot. Head burning hot. Tinea capitis.
Aversion to light. Quivering of left upper lid. - сatarrh of lachrymal sac; bores into side of nose.
Sore, discharge of burning ichorous fluid from nose, excoriating nostrils and upper lip. Nose stopped; can only breathe with mouth open; dry coryza. R. nostril open, left blocked.
Tongue sore, red papillae elevated; cracked and bleeding (strawberry tongue). Lips dry; swollen, cracked; corners of mouth sore, bleeding, cracked; picks them. Face swollen. Swelling of submaxillary glands.
Aversion to light. Quivering of left upper lid. - сatarrh of lachrymal sac; bores into side of nose.
Sore, discharge of burning ichorous fluid from nose, excoriating nostrils and upper lip. Nose stopped; can only breathe with mouth open; dry coryza. R. nostril open, left blocked.
Tongue sore, red papillae elevated; cracked and bleeding (strawberry tongue). Lips dry; swollen, cracked; corners of mouth sore, bleeding, cracked; picks them. Face swollen. Swelling of submaxillary glands.
Mouth and throat
Mouth burns and is so sore that he requires drink and cries when anything is offered. Extreme salivation, saliva acrid.
Throat sore, feels excoriated; cannot swallow. - сlergyman s sore throat, or sore throat of one who speaks a great deal.
Throat sore, feels excoriated; cannot swallow. - сlergyman s sore throat, or sore throat of one who speaks a great deal.
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite, loss of.
Gastrointestinal tract
Sensation of emptiness after breakfast in the abdomen, as after vomiting; with contraction in the abdomen, as from anxiety and fear. Severe aching between the navel and the hip, especially when standing upright, or lying on the side, or drawing a deep inspiration, with great sensitiveness of the part affected to external pressure.
Diarrhoea, typhoid-like. Stool like cornmeal mush. Stool dark brown, watery, thin, acrid. Thin faeces escape from anus, and keep the parts raw and burning.
Diarrhoea, typhoid-like. Stool like cornmeal mush. Stool dark brown, watery, thin, acrid. Thin faeces escape from anus, and keep the parts raw and burning.
Urogenital system
Frequent discharge of abundant pale urine. - сlear, watery urine and smelling like burnt horn, and depositing a cloudy sediment. Very scanty secretion of urine, sometimes passing none for a day.
Tearing pain in right testicle, sometimes extending to abdomen; comes and goes suddenly. Smarting at end of penis.
Cutting pain in either ovary. Menstrual blood darker. Menses checked for two months, returned.
Tearing pain in right testicle, sometimes extending to abdomen; comes and goes suddenly. Smarting at end of penis.
Cutting pain in either ovary. Menstrual blood darker. Menses checked for two months, returned.
Chest organs
Hoarseness (clergyman s sore throat),.
Raw feeling in chest. Lungs (esp. left) feel sore.
Raw feeling in chest. Lungs (esp. left) feel sore.
Limbs and spine
Stiff-neck; with intolerable pressing headache. Pain in region of atlas vertebra, extending to right side. Sore, moist places on coccyx.
Common symptoms
Burning in many parts-ear, lips, tongue, palate, throat, anus, lungs, upper arms.
Erythema of scarlet rash, skin peels afterwards. Itching of scarlet eruption. One of the first indications for this drug is the appearance of raw, bloody surfaces, which may be on the lips, buccal cavity, nose, back of ear, &c.
Sleeplessness from soreness of mouth or itching of skin.
Dry heat of skin.
Included in the composition
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