Другие названия и синонимы
gymn, Gymnocladus canadensis, гимнокладус двудомный гомеопатия.Источник описания
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickeФармакологическая группа
American сoffee-tree.
Sore throat, dark livid redness of fauces, and erysipelatous swelling of face are most marked. Hives. Desire for heat and quiet. Headache, throbbing in forehead and temples and over eyes, with bluish-white coating of tongue. вurning in eyes.
Sore throat, dark livid redness of fauces, and erysipelatous swelling of face are most marked. Hives. Desire for heat and quiet. Headache, throbbing in forehead and temples and over eyes, with bluish-white coating of tongue. вurning in eyes.
Голова, лицо и уши
Sensation as of flies crawling over face. Erysipelas. Great sensibility of teeth.
Ротовая полость и горло
Sore; dark livid redness of fauces and tonsils. Sticking pain. Mucus in throat and hawking. Tickling, with dry cough.
Диф. диагностика
Compare: Lachnant; Laches; Ailanth; Rhus.
Способ применения и дозы
Lower attenuations.