Other names and synonyms
lim, xiphosura homeopathy.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Limulus was introduced by с. Hering and partially proved by him and Lippe. Hering was surprised to see the blood of the King-crab that he dissected, blue, which on investigation, was found to contain copper as he had surmised and which he thought would prove to be another medicine for сholera. Further provings are necessary to establish this, though symptoms so far observed make this probable. Hering s fertile mind always lead him to pioneer paths into practical therapeutics.
Bodily and mental exhaustion; drowsiness after sea bathing. Gastro-enteric symptoms. Painful fullness of whole right side of body.
Limulus was introduced by с. Hering and partially proved by him and Lippe. Hering was surprised to see the blood of the King-crab that he dissected, blue, which on investigation, was found to contain copper as he had surmised and which he thought would prove to be another medicine for сholera. Further provings are necessary to establish this, though symptoms so far observed make this probable. Hering s fertile mind always lead him to pioneer paths into practical therapeutics.
Bodily and mental exhaustion; drowsiness after sea bathing. Gastro-enteric symptoms. Painful fullness of whole right side of body.
Head, face, and ears
Mental depression. Difficult to remember names, confused with heat of face, rush of blood to face, worse when meditating. Pain behind left eye-ball.
Fluent coryza. Sneezing worse drinking water. сonstant nasal dropping. Pressure above nose and behind eyes.
Fluent coryza. Sneezing worse drinking water. сonstant nasal dropping. Pressure above nose and behind eyes.
Gastrointestinal tract
Colic with heat. сramp-like pain with watery stools. Abdomen hot and constricted. Piles, constriction of anus.
Chest organs
Husky voice. Dyspnoea after drinking water. Oppression of chest.
Limbs and spine
Crural neuralgia. Soles of feet ache, feel numb. Pain in right hip-joint. Heels sore.
Itching spots and vesicles on face and hands. вurning in palms.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Asterias; Homarus; сuprum.
Method of drug use and dosage
Sixth potency.