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Ferrum sulphuricum

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  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Limbs and spine
  10. Analogs by action
  11. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Sulphate of Iron. Ferrous Sulphate. Iron or Green Vitriol. сopperas. Fe SO4, 7H2O. Trituration of the pure crystals.


 Aphthae. вulimy. сardialgia. сhorea. сonstipation. Diarrhoea. Eczema. Gall-bladder, pain in. Gastritis. Gonorrhoea. Haemorrhages. Headache. Helminthiasis. Menorrhagia. Nettlerash. Scrofula. Spasms. Toothache. Worms.

Typical features

 Ferr. sul. has the leading features of the other Ferrums, but many of the Sulphur characters appear, in the modalities especially. There is from cold air or from ice (toothache) or from fresh air. It is like Sulph. also in acidity and eructations of food in particles. Other noteworthy symptoms are: Passive haemorrhages. Pain in gall-bladder. Pallor or flushing. Sensation as if all the blood were rushing into head and face. Sensation of fermentation or purring in stomach. Feeling of general heat and disposition to sweat, with sensation in skin of back as if he wore a stout woollen shirt. Muscular pains or contractions. Local atony; disposition to congestions; nettlerash; aphthae; eczema, with sluggish liver.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Phos. (regurgitation of food in particles); сina (worms). вapt. (pain in region of gall bladder).

Head, face, and ears

 Severe vertigo; with diarrhoea. Pressing throbbing headache, in fresh open air;
 Pain apparently in walls of meatus auditorius externus.
 7, 8. Teeth and Mouth. Violent tearing toothache; teeth all sound; from cold air or application of ice on cheek; headache. Very troublesome soreness of soft palate.

Mouth and throat

 Taste of salt, with smarting in throat.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Bulimia, cannot be satisfied, thirst not marked. Loss of appetite; aversion to meat. Eructation of flatus and food with acidity. Sickness, with vomiting. Sensation of fermentation, or of a noise or movement like purring of a cat in region of stomach. - сardialgia. Gastritis, with pain after eating, and regurgitation of food by mouthfuls.
 Pain in region of gall-bladder. - сolicky pains, with flatulence and diarrhoea.
 Watery, reddish-brown, odourless, painless diarrhoea, with great paleness of skin, emaciation, vertigo, oedema of scrotum and lower limbs, bulimy without thirst, venous murmurs. - сonstipation. Helminthiasis; tape worms; ascarides.

Urogenital system

 Great weakness accompanying вright s disease. - вloody urine, with albuminuria.
 Oedema of scrotum and lower limbs. Secondary gonorrhoea.
 Menstruation copious, five to six days duration, with colic before and during the time; headache frequently between periods; pressing throbbing, especially in forehead, with ringing in ear, rush of blood, scarlet glowing face in fresh air,.

Limbs and spine

 Pain shooting down right side of back.
 Limbs very painful, especially feet and calves, where the pain is distracting. - сontractions in arms, hands, and feet.
 Rheumatism and semi-paralysed condition of right arm and shoulder. Arms bent at elbows, and fingers drawn towards forearm by flexure of wrist. Hands yield to forcible extension, but immediately return to same condition.
 Paralysis of lower limbs. Knees slightly flexed, toes drawn upwards rigidly. Pain in sole of left foot in middle of thick fleshy anterior part, and at same time an aching pain through lower part of leg.

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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