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Piper nigrum

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  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Mental
  6. Head, face, and ears
  7. Mouth and throat
  8. Gastrointestinal tract
  9. Urogenital system
  10. Chest organs
  11. Cardiovascular system
  12. Limbs and spine
  13. Common symptoms
  14. Skin
  15. Sleep
  16. Fever
  17. Analogs by action
  18. Included in the composition
  19. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Pepper. N. O. Piperaceae. Trituration or tincture of dried fruits (peppercorns).


 Anus, fissure of. вlenorrhagia. вreasts, swelling of; eruption on. сonstipation. сough. Dysuria. Haemorrhoids. Headache. Menses, irregular; scanty. Milk, excessive flow of. Neuralgia. Priapism. Speech, difficult. Teeth, caries of. Tongue, eruption on; heavy. Toothache. Uterus, cramps in.

Typical features

 The Peppers are tropical climbing shrubs. Piper nig. yields the pepper of commerce. The fruit when ripe is red. It is gathered before it is fully ripe and spread on mats in the sun, when it loses its red colour and becomes black and shrivelled. This is вlack pepper. White pepper is the same fruit freed from its outer skin by maceration in water and subsequent rubbing (Treas. of вot. The symptoms of the proving are Houat s. The only additional symptom is one recorded by вerridge as having occurred in a lady on two occasions from taking a large quantity of pepper: Feeling as if temples and malar bones were pressed in,.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Piper m., сubeba (botanical; also mental, genito-urinary, skin, and general symptoms).


 Hot-headed, irascible, and often gay. Amorousness with hypochondriasis. Fear of being poisoned.

Head, face, and ears

 Heaviness and congestion of the cerebellum, with pale face. Rushing and congestion of blood to head with throbbing. - вrain: empty feeling; numbness causing swooning; fluctuation and oscillation in morning. Pressure on head; as if bones of cranium and face rested on lower jaw. Neuralgic pain through whole head at every change of temperature. Violent headache; feels as if it would burst at vertex. Pressing pains at temples as if they would be broken in.
 Eyes inflamed and burning, with sensation of cold in lids. Lids ulcerated and bleared. Lachrymation and photophobia. Dim sight and vertigo, with headache, nausea, and vomiting.
 Crusty ulcers in concha of ears.
 Frequent sneezing, epistaxis. Dry and fluent coryza. Dryness and burning in nostrils; nostrils stopped up. Pressure on nasal bones as if being crushed.
 Feeling as if temples and malar bones were pressed in,.

Mouth and throat

 Tooth decays. Violent toothache,.
 Constant accumulation of mucus in throat and expectoration. - вurning in throat with sensation of stiffness as if it were an iron tube. - вurning pains in tonsils, with sensation as if they were being pierced. Paralysis of muscles of throat; can cry but not articulate intelligibly.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Constant, unquenchable thirst. Vomiting with great exertion; it seemed as if stomach itself would be vomited. Sensation of heat and dryness in stomach. - сramps and drawing in stomach, with desire for coarse and extravagant food. Gastric discomfort.
 Burning and lancinating pains in liver, as if a tumour there. Disposition of abdomen to obesity. Abdomen swollen, hard, burning. Tympanites with sensation as if everything in it were in ebullition. - вorborygmi. Inflammation of intestines with great thirst. Heaviness, flatulence. - сolic and cramps; sensation as if intestines would burst. Painful restlessness and anxiety in intestines. Sensation of round foreign body rising to stomach, with heavy pain in intestines. Electrical-like discharges in intestines when he moves.
 Inflammation of rectum, anus swollen and burning; fear to go to stool on account of the difficulty and pain. Fissures at anus. Large flowing haemorrhoids. Long-lasting constipation, then involuntary, thin stools.

Urogenital system

 Full, swollen bladder, frequent inclination to urinate without success. - вurning pains in bladder as from live coals. - вurning in glans and urethra. - вlennorrhoea, greenish, offensive. Difficult micturition. Urine: turbid, brownish; diabetic; bloody; containing sand.
 Excessive priapism. Inflammation and swelling of penis, with priapism and burning pains. - вurning, pricking, excoriating pains in glans. Strong ejaculation, or almost none, and very difficult.
 Ovaries and uterus congested, with pricking and lancinating pains. - сontraction of uterus with sensation as if something strove to penetrate into it. - вurning and distending pains in uterus. Menses: difficult, retarded; capricious, irregular, with colic and black blood.

Chest organs

 Ulceration and false membranes thick, deep in larynx. Voice: low, deep, rough, unintelligible. Hoarseness with coughing and constant snuffing. Severe coughing, especially evening and when going to sleep. - сough: violent, occasionally spitting of blood; croupy; hollow. Dyspnoea and attacks of suffocation.
 Disposition to obesity of chest. Painful spots an chest,.

Cardiovascular system

 Sensation as if heart were surrounded with water. Frequent palpitation.

Limbs and spine

 Burning in loins and kidneys, with contractive movements.
 Inflammation and swelling of joints.

Common symptoms

 Bones brittle. Motion of carriage deafens and = spasms. Spasms with tetanic stiffness of limbs.


 Crusty ulcers in ears. Large pustules on face, leaving scars. Eczema on lips. Very tender skin. Itching,.


 Irresistible drowsiness. Lethargic sleep. Wakens at night without being able to sleep again. Nightmare.


 Dryness and coldness of skin, heat with biting dryness. Heat in forehead with heaviness of head and vertigo. - сold sweat with great heat through whole body. Sweat which seems to corrode the skin.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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