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Leptandra virginica

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  1. Additional facts
  2. Nosology
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Appetite and food preferences
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Cardiovascular system
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Common symptoms
  12. Fever
  13. Skin
  14. Patient type and constitution
  15. Dif. diagnostics
  16. Analogs by action
  17. Included in the composition
  18. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering

Additional facts

 Culver’s Root. Scrophulariacea.
 Introduced by Hale. Provings by вurt and a student in Hahnemann Medorrhinum сollege. See Hale’s New Remedies. вoth provers made use of Leptandrin.


 - Sick headache, вarlow, Times Retros., vol. 2, p. 14 ; вilious headache, Hale’s Therap., p. 387 ; Hepatic disease, Neidhard, Warren, Hale’s Therap., p. 375 ; Griping pain in intestines, Williamson, Trans. Hom. Medorrhinum Soc. Pa., 1873, p. 97 ; Diarrhoea, вarnes, Hale’s Therap., p. 386 ; сhronic diarrhoea and dysentery, сoe, вurt’s Mat. Medorrhinum, p. 568 ; Dysentery, Hughes, Pharmacody., p. 501 ; Fry, Hale’s Therap., p. 385.


 Gloomy ; desponding ; drowsy. θ Hepatic derangement.

Head, face, and ears

 Constant dull frontal headache ; worse in temples, with aching in umbilicus.
 Sick headache with furred tongue, hepatic derangement.
 Bilious headache ; constipation, bitter taste, indigestion.
 Smarting and aching in eyes.

Mouth and throat

 Tongue yellow or black down centre.

Appetite and food preferences

 Canine hunger.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Nausea, with deathly faintness on rising.
 Vomiting of bile, yellow tongue ; shooting pains about liver, black stools.
 Weak, sinking sensation at pit of stomach.
 Great distress in stomach and small intestines, with immediate desire for stool.
 Burning, aching in stomach and liver, worse drinking water.
 Dyspepsia from disordered liver and stomach.
 Dull aching in liver, worse near gall bladder.
 Burning distress in back part of liver and in spine.
 Periodical liver derangement, occurring every two or three months ; yellow coated tongue ; constant nausea, vomiting of bile ; shooting or aching pains in region of liver ; loss of appetite ; urine brownish or very dark ; pain in transverse colon ; giddiness in head.
 Deliriousness ; complete prostration ; heat and dryness of skin ; coldness of extremities ; fetid and tarry stools ; tongue thickly coated, with a black streak down centre. θ Hepatic disease.
 Jaundice, with clay colored stools.
 Constant dull aching distress in umbilical region.
 Sharp, distressing pains between navel and epigastrium.
 Rumbling and distress in whole bowels, especially in hypogastrium, with black stools.
 Bilious colic, or a tendency to it.
 Rumbling and distress in hypogastric region, profuse, black, fetid stools, pains in bowels.
 Stools : black, tarry, bilious, undigested, followed by great distress in liver ; mushy, with weak feeling in bowels ; greenish, muddy, spouting out like water ; profuse, black, fetid, running a stream ; profuse, black, consistence of cream ; black, papescent, tar-like, fetid, in afternoon and evening ; first hard, black, lumpy, afterwards soft and mushy ; watery, with large quantities of mucus ; yellowish green ; clay colored ; worse morning, as soon as he moves ; from meat or vegetables.
 Profuse, watery stools, followed by severe cutting pains in small intestines ; after exposure to wet, damp weather.
 Before stool : rumbling.
 After stool : sharp, cutting pains and distress in umbilical region ; faint, weak, hungry ; griping, but no straining.
 Profuse dark brown, almost black, mushy and highly offensive stools ; difficulty in retaining stool, must go immediately ; sharp pain preceding stool, better afterwards but increasing weakness ; usually went to sleep soon after stool ; three to four stools daily. θ During progress of post-scarlatinal follicular enterocolitis with dropsy.
 For nearly three months, camp diarrhoea ; hardly able to stand ; emaciated ; features haggard and jaundiced ; stools, previously mixed with undigested food, now muco-purulent and bloody, quite frequent, with tenesmus and cutting pains low down in bowels ; sense of weight at stomach after cold water, cutting in bowels and disposition to stool.
 The mucus discharged resembles false membrane.
 Diarrhoea : dependent on hepatic derangement, or inflammation of mucous membrane ; debility.
 Chronic ulceration of intestines, with hepatic disorder.
 Dysentery or typhoid with black, tar-like passages.
 Dysentery of nearly a month’s standing, brought on by sudden changes of climate ; dizziness and headache ; chills, followed by fever ; pain and uneasiness in bowels ; nausea and constant profuse flow of saliva during chill ; thirst ; unable to keep food or any drink on stomach ; desire to urinate during chill ; urine high colored and passed in small quantities ; soreness of rectum ; hemorrhoids ; painful dragging and stinging pains in rectum ; bowels bound and alternated every three or four days by diarrhoea, passages consisting of fecal matter resembling raw or boiled beef after having been pounded fine, with an admixture of mucus and an intolerable fetid smell ; the desire to stool was in morning and continued about an hour, during which time there were four or five passages, followed by tenesmus of rectum and a feeling as if something was passing out.
 Constipation ; piles, depending upon hepatic derangement.
 Frequently bleeding piles ; constipation and distressing pain beneath sacrum.

Urogenital system

 Red or orange colored urine, with dull aching in lumbar region.
 Menses suppressed or retarded ; liver affected ; prickly heat.
 Leucorrhoea, with ulceration of os uteri ; sometimes fetid, with shreds of mucous lining it ; irritation of bladder and rectum ; frequent pain at bottom of bowels ; general languor and prostration ; heat and dryness of skin.

Cardiovascular system

 Soreness in cardiac region.
 Pulse slow and full.

Limbs and spine

 Chilly sensation on shoulders and down back.
 Sore, lame feeling in small of back.
 Pain in right shoulder and arm. θ Hepatic affections.
 Rising : causes nausea, faintness.
 Hardly able to stand : from weakness.
 Morning : clay colored stools ; desire to stool.
 Afternoon and evening : black fetid stools.

Common symptoms

 Exposure to wet, damp weather ; profuse, watery stools, with cutting pains in small intestines.
 After cold water : sense of weight in stomach.
 Sudden changes of climate : dysentery.
 Feeling as if something was passing out of rectum.
 Pain : in transverse colon ; in bowels ; at bottom of bowels ; in right shoulder and arm.
 Great distress : in stomach and small intestines ; in hypogastric region ; in liver.
 Sharp distressing pains : between navel and epigastrium.
 Distressing pain : beneath sacrum.
 Sharp pain : in abdomen.
 Shooting pains : about liver.
 Cutting pains : in small intestines ; in umbilical region ; low down in bowels.
 Painful dragging and stinging : in rectum.
 Dull pain : in forehead ; in temples.
 Aching : in umbilicus ; in eyes ; in stomach ; in liver ; in lumbar region.
 Dull aching distress : in umbilical region.
 Griping : after stool ; bilious colic.
 Burning distress : in back part of liver and spine.
 Burning : in stomach ; in liver.
 Soreness : of rectum ; in cardiac region.
 Smarting : in eyes.
 Heat : of skin.
 Sore lame feeling : in small of back.
 Uneasiness : in bowels.
 Weak sinking sensation : at pit of stomach.
 Weight : at stomach.
 Dryness : of skin.
 Chilly sensation : on shoulders and down back.
 Chronic abdominal complaints caused by derangement of portal system.
 Chronic congestion and other chronic disorders of liver.
 Chronic dysentery and diarrhoea, and other diseases of bowels ; when false membranous formations have occurred in small intestines, produced by gradual exudation of plastic lymph.
 Ascites and anasarca from obstructed circulation in portal system.


 Chilly along spine and down right arm.
 Shivering, or dry, hot skin ; stupor ; limbs cold and numb ; tongue black down centre. θ вilious fever.
 Bilious typhoid fevers.
 In one hour : four or five stools.
 Daily : three or four stools.
 Every three or four days : bowels bound, or diarrhoea.
 For nearly a month : dysentery.
 Every two or three months : liver derangement.
 For nearly three months : camp diarrhoea.
 Right : pain in shoulder and arm ; chilly down arm.


 Hot and dry skin. θ вilious attacks.

Patient type and constitution

 Boy at. 6, during progress of post-scarlatinal follicular enterocolitis, associated with general anasarca ; diarrhoea.
 Woman, at. 75 ; hepatic disease.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare : вryon., сinchon., Iris v., Mercur., Podoph.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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