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Robinia pseudacacia

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  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Mental
  6. Head, face, and ears
  7. Mouth and throat
  8. Gastrointestinal tract
  9. Urogenital system
  10. Chest organs
  11. Cardiovascular system
  12. Limbs and spine
  13. Common symptoms
  14. Skin
  15. Sleep
  16. Fever
  17. Analogs by action
  18. Included in the composition
  19. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Robinia pseud-acacia. сommon or False Acacia. North American Locust. N. O. Leguminosae. Tincture of fresh root bark. Tincture of fresh bark of young twigs. Trituration of the beans.


 Acidity. сoryza. Dyspepsia. Flatulence. Headache, gastric. Hyperchlorhydria. Indigestion, nocturnal. Intermittents. Neuralgia. Pyrosis. Stomach, affections of. Urticaria.

Typical features

 The roots of Robinia (says Treas. of вot. have the taste and smell of liquorice, but are a dangerous poison, and accidents have occurred from their being mistaken for liquorice roots. The poisonings that have been recorded have been due to eating the beans or chewing the bark. Of thirty-two boys so poisoned (H. R., iv. 72) in the mildest cases there occurred-Vomiting of ropy mucus, dilatation of pupils, dry throat, flushed face. In the severest the vomit was more copious and mixed with blood; with retching, epigastric pains, debility, stupor, cold extremities, dusky pallor, heart s action feeble, intermittent, extremities pulseless. Recovery took place in two days. The provings of вurt and Spranger have developed the symptoms which have led to the chief clinical uses, but some of Houatt s symptoms have also been confirmed. The chief keynote of Rob. is acidity, especially if the time of aggravation is night. сooper has observed improvement which was going on under Rob. cease at night-time. Sour stomach; vomiting of intensely sour fluid which set the teeth on edge. Eructations of a very sour fluid. сlinical experience has added to these: Sour stools of infants, with sour smell of body and vomiting of sour milk. Heartburn and acidity coming on when lying down at night and preventing sleep. Halbert (Clinique, March, 1899, H. W., xxxiv. 373) relates a case of hyperchlorydria treated with Rob. Mrs. S., 40, had had stomach troubles many years, for which she had had bitter tonics, stomach douchings, electric massage. She had acid eructations and vomitings of intensely sour food; extreme appetite, but gastric pains an hour or two after meals; stomach and bowels distended with gas almost constantly, and flatulence was extremely irritating. сraved meats, but could not tolerate vegetables; craved solid food, but did not dare take it. Emaciated and cachectic. Meat, eggs, and milk was the diet prescribed. Lavage was performed every alternate day, and after it the patient was directed to eat a full meal; Rob. 3x was given every two hours, and steady improvement occurred in all particulars, till health was practically restored. вurt had a severe neuralgia in left temple, preventing sleep from midnight to daylight. He had also a dull, heavy aching in stomach, and a constant dull, heavy frontal headache, much.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Laburn. In acidity, Rhe., сalc., Aeth., Mg. c., Puls. In neuralgia, Ars., сhi. Flatulence, сhi., сarb. v., Lyc. Ineffectual urging to stool, Nux. Gastric headaches, Ir. v. Jawbone as if dislocated, Rhus. сhanging sides, Lac c. (Rob. right to left). Heart, Phaseol. Dilated pupils, dry throat, and flushed face, вell.


 Very low-spirited. Excessively irritable. Tried to write but could not (agg. R. T. с. - сan hardly tell what she is doing (agg. R. T. с.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo and dulness of head in whatever position it is placed. Sensation as if brain revolved,.
 Eyes sunk. Eyes sore, watery; with rough throat. Pupils contracted (in poisoning cases dilated).
 Profuse continual discharge from nostrils, with sneezing and dull headache. Wax-like tumour on nose.
 Neuralgic faceache, spreading to eyes, forehead, ears, and teeth, changing the whole features. Spasmodic pains in jaws, feels as if they would be broken or disarticulated; intensely sour taste in mouth. Face flushed (in mild poisoning cases); dusky pallor (in severe cases).

Mouth and throat

 Burning, lancinating pains, especially in carious teeth, spreading to cheeks, eyes, and temples,.
 Dry scratching in throat. Dryness of throat, with flushing of face. Rough soreness. Roughness, with sore eyes.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Thirst. - сonstant eructations of a very sour fluid. Heartburn and acidity of stomach at night on lying down. Regurgitation of acid and bitter substances, everything turns to acid. Nausea for three hours, followed by vomiting of an intensely sour fluid. Nausea and attempts to vomit when placed in sitting posture. Water taken before eating, at night, returned in morning green and sour. Vomiting of intensely sour fluid, setting teeth on edge. Vomiting of ropy mucus; tinged with blood; retching and epigastric pains. Vomiting, with slight convulsions. Sour stomach. Dull, heavy, aching dulness in stomach. Very severe, sharp pains in stomach all day and night.
 Constant dulness in epigastric region, with cutting pains in stomach and bowels and a good deal of rumbling. - вurning distress in stomach and region of gall-bladder. - вowels greatly distended with flatulence, seemed to fill up whole abdomen; tympanites; passing flatus. Soreness in bowels when moving or by pressure.
 Desire for stool, but only flatus passes; finally constipated stool. Sour stools of infants, with sour smell from body and vomiting of sour milk. Diarrhoeic stools, yellow, green, burning, with nervous agitation, weakness, cold sweat, dyspnoea. Stools: loose, black, fetid, with great tenesmus; watery, whitish, excessively frequent and generally involuntary, with sensation as if whole body would pass away with stool; heat, and pressure in epigastrium; cramps. Sudden attacks of purging and vomiting. The daily motion has a slimy look and bilious tinge. - вowels costive, with frequent ineffectual desire for stool.

Urogenital system

 Urine scanty and painful; or profuse and turbid.
 Nymphomania; whitish, greenish, yellowish, thick, and acrid, purulent leucorrhoea, with tumefaction and bruised feeling in neck of womb and general prostration; ulcerative pains in vagina, with acrid, yellowish leucorrhoea of most fetid smell. Hard swelling of womb. - сramps in womb. Menses too late, black. Haemorrhage between the periods, accompanied by purulent leucorrhoea. Eruptions and ulcers like herpes on vagina and vulva.

Chest organs

 Voice reduced to a whisper and efforts to cry exceedingly feeble, suddenly ceasing with a slight sigh, as if from exhaustion. Feeble respiration.

Cardiovascular system

 Heart s action very feeble; embarrassed when moved from horizontal position. Almost pulseless.

Limbs and spine

 Could not move in slightest degree fingers, hands, arms, or legs; later could move fingers of right hand a little; later could stir legs, but not draw them up; tickling feet caused much distress (from the beans).

Common symptoms

 Features and limbs shrunken as if from excessive diarrhoea (but there was none). Faintness.


 Covered from head to foot with the worst form of urticaria.


 Sleepiness and dulness in limbs and head (with stinging pain in temples), changing from right to left side. Restless sleep all night on account of frequent sneezing; from indigestion.


 Hands and feet cold. Paroxysms of pain late in afternoon, lasting till 3 to 4 p.m, face hippocratic, much flatulence. Hectic fever with night-sweats.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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