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Mercurialis perennis

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  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Reasons
  6. Mental
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Mouth and throat
  9. Appetite and food preferences
  10. Gastrointestinal tract
  11. Urogenital system
  12. Chest organs
  13. Cardiovascular system
  14. Limbs and spine
  15. Common symptoms
  16. Skin
  17. Sleep
  18. Fever
  19. Analogs by action
  20. Included in the composition
  21. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Mercurialis perennis. Dog s Mercury. N. O. Euphorbiaceae. Tincture of whole fresh plant in flower.


 Amblyopia. вreasts, swelling of; pain in. сonjunctivitis. Dysmenorrhoea. Epiphora. Flatulence. Menses, late. Pannus. Ptosis. Rheumatic affections. Spleen, affections of. Tongue, paralysis of. Trachoma. Vertigo.

Typical features

 Dog s Mercury is a common plant with poisonous properties, on account of which it is avoided by cattle. It was proved by Hesse. Like other Euphorbians, it has exceedingly acrid properties, and many of its symptoms resemble closely those of the more corrosive salts of Mercury: prevalence of burning symptoms; irritation of eyes and nose; tenesmus after stool, &c. Compared with other Euphorbians, says сooper, it dries up the mucous surfaces, causing burning locally and a general drowsiness, whilst most Euphorbians set up violent irritation and diarrhoea from the first. Moreover, its action is not expended on the skin so soon as that of the others. Among the most characteristic symptoms is vertigo by going downstairs. The dryness of the mouth and throat is more remarkable than in any other remedy, even sugar refuses to melt in the mouth. Eating.

Dif. diagnostics

 Antidoted by: Aco., вell. сompare: Euphorb., сroton, Acalypha, &c. In.


 Blow on head.


 Excited mood; like intoxication. Morose, quarrelsome. Fretful, ill-humoured. Difficulty in collecting his senses. - сoma.

Head, face, and ears

 Giddiness on descending stairs. Whirling vertigo. Head confused as if inflated. Scalp feels tense and numb, is moved with difficulty. Tension and heaviness of head with sensation of heat. Tension in head, especially forehead and above eyes; on stooping changing to a pressing-out pain. - вurning on vertex. Shooting in left forehead and temple, by cold and pressure. Numbness of occiput and vertex; after a blow on head.
 Eyelids feel heavy and dry, it is difficult to move them. Pain; burning; forcing-out sensation in eyes. Weakness of upper lids. Trembling and twitching of upper lids (esp. left). - вlinking of eyes. Dilated pupils with great sensitiveness of eyes to light. Asthenopia; as of a cloud, veil, or cobweb before sight. Watery eyes.
 The breath from nose is cold. - сrawling and burning of nose. - вreath hot in nose; sensation of heat rising from stomach into nose. - сonscious of having a nose, nostrils feel sore. Feels as if she had two noses.
 Feeling of coldness in face. Feeling of tension in face and head. Great redness of cheeks. Lips dry and parched, with increased thirst.

Mouth and throat

 Dryness of mouth, it is difficult to move tongue and impedes chewing. - вurning in mouth and tongue. Tongue feels heavy and dry, numb, insensible, with loss of taste. - вurning blisters on tongue, inside of lips and cheeks; they form very painful spreading ulcers. Tongue painful if it touches palate as if there were blisters on it.
 Burning dryness in throat. Ulcers on palate, tonsils, and back of pharynx.

Appetite and food preferences

 Increased thirst with dry lips and mouth. Great dryness in mouth while eating. After eating: biting burning on tongue; nausea; vomiting.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Chilly feeling or burning in stomach. - вelching . Vomits food as soon as eaten. Tumour inside pit of stomach size of hen s egg,.
 Abdominal pulsation. Violent twinging in left hypochondrium. Pressure in liver region extending to spleen. In spleen: warmth; gnawing; pressure.
 Dragging pressing in rectum (and burning and smarting in anus) with pressure and tension in small of back. Dragging; burning; crawling; itching in anus. Diarrhoea with constant colic. Thin stools. Profuse soft stool followed by some straining.

Urogenital system

 Burning; prickly burning in urethra. - сrawling in urethra and prepuce, with crawling in anus and tearing and dragging in small of back. Frequent urging; with burning; micturition somewhat increased.
 Dragging in inguinal region, at times sticking pain,.
 Menses: shorter, with abdominal cramp; too late. Menses profuse, violent orgasm of blood, great anxiety so that she nearly fainted, oppressed breathing, heat over whole body, especially head and face, anxious sweat; limbs heavy, trembling; next day great swelling and painfulness of breasts; on third day headache, faint-like weakness, compelled to lie down; menses only appeared that night, were scanty, and only lasted three days instead of seven (from gr. vi. of extract of root).

Chest organs

 Breath hot, almost burning, lips almost made sore by it. - вreathing: stertorous; difficult, especially right side.
 Pressure and painfulness on chest; in forepart; and in stomach with dyspnoea. Sticking in left; throbbing in right chest. Orgasm with dysmenorrhoea.

Cardiovascular system

 Orgasm in heart region. - сonstriction. Whirling, rushing, throbbing in heart, stomach, and upper abdomen; then rolling, throbbing with trembling and orgasm in all the veins, without heat; abdominal aorta felt distinctly beating while sitting; dulness and stupefaction of head as if blood mounted violently upward; pulse accelerated and full. Palpitation with oppression, as if chest would be constricted, after stooping.

Limbs and spine

 Aching in nape. Flushes of heat in back. Drawing tearing along right scapula, extending into upper arm. Tensive dragging and dragging tearing in small of back (with anal symptoms).
 Tearings; stitches; burning, smarting, tearing in limbs, almost in the skin, especially of hands and feet. Tired and weary. Weakness of arms and legs as if she would fall to left without vertigo. Headache.
 Jerking, sticking, drawing tearings throughout upper limbs. Stitches in finger-tips. Veins of hands distended.
 Dragging in left thigh as if hernia would occur. Tearing from side of left palm down front of thigh. Jerking tearing in left patella. Painful ache in knees. Pressive tearing pain in tibiae. Sticking tearing in toes and tips of toes.

Common symptoms

 Feeling of emptiness and weariness in whole body. Persistent pains in muscles on motion.


 Pimples on chin; with biting itching. - вurning; itching; tearing on skin.


 Frequent yawning and weariness. Dizzy sleepiness. Sleep unrefreshing, full of dreams. Dreams of animals.


 Cold over the whole body, with hot flush in face; must be warmly covered, then sleeps and perspires. - сold over whole body, emanating from right side, particularly from right arm, shuddering, great debility, sleepiness. Gooseflesh on the cold right arm, extending over whole body; after midnight an offensive perspiration on both sides, particularly on arms. On going to bed in evening chill, during night and towards morning heat with intense thirst; perspiration in morning.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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