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Ptelea trifoliata

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  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Reasons
  6. Mental
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Mouth and throat
  9. Gastrointestinal tract
  10. Urogenital system
  11. Chest organs
  12. Cardiovascular system
  13. Limbs and spine
  14. Common symptoms
  15. Skin
  16. Sleep
  17. Fever
  18. Analogs by action
  19. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Ptelea trifoliata. Shrubby Trefoil. Hop Tree. Wafer Ash. N. O. Xanthoxylaceae of the Rutaceae. Tincture of bark of root.


 Asthma. сonstipation. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Erysipelas. Gall-stones. Gastralgia. Headache, gastric; bilious. Intermittents. Jaundice. Liver, congestion of. Nightmare. Phosphaturia. Rheumatism. Spleen, affections of. Worms.

Typical features

 Ptelea is the Greek name for the Elm, and was applied by Linnaeus to a genus of shrubs and small trees, natives of North America and Asia, and included in Xanthoxylaceae. In сanada the young green shoots of Pte. tri. are used as an anthelmintic in the form of an infusion. The fronds are bitter and aromatic, and have been used as a substitute for hops (Treas. of вot. One of the provers of Pte. confirmed its anthelmintic powers by a very copious expulsion of ascarides. The proving was very thorough and extensive, and T. Nichol, вurt, and сowperthwaite were among the provers. A very marked action was produced on the liver, and Nichol, one of the provers, values it highly (says Hale) in hepatic difficulties, and in those erysipelatous and urticarious eruptions that are so often concomitant with affections of the liver. Hale says it has not the violent action of Pod. or Ir. v., but a slow, pervading action, and causes chronic ailments. He has found it useful in bilious headache, dyspepsia, gastralgia, congestion of the liver, chronic hepatitis, and chronic erysipelas. Others have used it in chronic rheumatism, dysentery, and constipation, Hale says the oily constituent of Pte. resembles Turpentine; and one of the most marked symptoms of the proving is: Pressure as from a stone in pit of stomach, recalling Abies n. and the conifers. In the proving the liver was swollen and tender, but there was lying on right side, and lying on right side; turning on left = a dragging as if liver pulling on its ligaments. The dull, muddled head is another liver symptom. J. Preston (B. J. H., xlii. 71) cured with Pte. a case of jaundice following gall-stones, with great emaciation. Aching distress; general aching and soreness; malaise. A number of alternating symptoms were noted. Nervous pains alternating from left arm to left eye and temple. Liveliness alternates with sadness. As gastric symptoms improved difficulty of breathing came on. There is the ravenous hunger of the antipsorics; empty sensations in oesophagus, in stomach. Sensitive to light, sound, to open air. Enlarged feelings were noted: head feels large, fingers feel numb, and large and clumsy. Headache with hunger, especially on awaking, may prove a keynote. Right (liver) side most affected. The symptoms are in cold air. ; one. hour after, After eating acid things. Morning and evening; lying right side. after stool. Straining at stool.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Xanthox. Headache at base of brain, Ipec. сongestion of brain with feeling of weight in right hypochondrium and liver enlarged, Mag. m. (Pte. lying right side). Weak mind, peevish, irritable, sensitive, tenesmus, must lie down, Nux, вry. (Bry. has large stool, Pte. small, hard balls; both have lying right side; вry.


 Repelled eruption (asthma).


 Liveliness after eating, followed by depression an hour later. Depression, anxiety, and tendency to worry. Irritable; nervous, sudden noise startles and = headache. Unusual energy with disposition to hurry. Thoughts chase each other through the mind, impossible to fix attention. Dull, stupid, dazed, confused, muddled feeling in head. Malaise of mind and body; indisposed to physical or mental exertion. Sudden shrinking from mental work, with sickness and faintness. Memory weak: for things; and names.

Head, face, and ears

 Head confused, giddy, weak. Vertigo: with rumbling and swelling in umbilical region; slow motion, bending head down and closing eyes. Head light; or heavy and full. Severe dull headache, after breakfast. Dull, heavy, frontal headache,.
 Pressure over eyes,.
 Swelling of gland under right ear sharp pain behind ear. Shooting pains from left ear down spine. Intolerance of loud talking; a pleasant voice sounds coarse; thought it would produce spasms if obliged to listen; impression produced by the sound lasts long. Roaring and singing in ears.
 Sneezing. Influenza. Nose stopped, sore; breath burns and irritates nostrils.
 Face pale, especially round eyes; sickly, yellow. - вurning in face. Pain in right zygoma. Nervous twitching of upper lip, extending to left eye. Lips cracked; and sore; dry.

Mouth and throat

 Teeth (esp. right molars) all ache; feel sore and elongated. Tongue: swollen; coated Yellow; papillae red and prominent, rough at back; dry; feels scalded. Soft palate and uvula inflamed, breath hot. Mouth dry. Profuse salivation, drivelling whilst lying on face; tastes salt. Taste: in morning everything tastes and smells sour; bitter; of medicine returning in gusts; nothing tastes natural. Unable to speak for some time on waking.
 Throat sore; ulcerated;

Gastrointestinal tract

 Appetite: voracious; at supper followed by pain in epigastrium; awoke with hunger and headache. Tired before finishing eating. Desire for acid food. Aversion to meat, butter, and rich food. Thirsty; drank much water. Absence of thirst; with bitter taste. Eructations: tasting bitter; of bad eggs; sour. Hiccough, 3 - Severe, persistent nausea; with fever; with headache; . Stomach: sour; burning distress at; faint feeling. Weight at stomach with bloating; wakening him 1 p.m - Pressure as of a stone at pit of stomach,.
 Weight and dragging in hypochondria on walking; standing; sitting erect; stooping forward. Liver swollen; tender to light touch; clothes feel too tight; lying right side. Pains shoot from right hypochondrium downwards. Throbbing; stitches; distress in right hypochondrium. - сutting, soreness, distress in spleen; with pressure in forehead. Pulsation and tenderness in umbilical region. - вorborygmi and colic. Involuntary discharge of flatus. Flushes of heat in abdomen. Abdomen feels hollowed; empty; caved in; soft as if front walls drawn in to spine. Distress and griping in hypogastrium and groins.
 Pressure in rectum; urging to stool. Smarting in anus: after hard stool; with diarrhoeic stool. Stool followed by tenesmus and succeeded by itching and smarting at anus. Diarrhoea, stools dark, sulphurous odour. - сadaverous smelling stools. Stools with shivering. Faeces coated with slime. - сopious expulsion of ascarides. - вlack, lumpy stool. - сonstipation; with continued urging. Hard, difficult stool, with straining and smarting.

Urogenital system

 Strange uneasiness in bladder and prostate. Heat in prostate. Tickling, smarting, burning, and sensitiveness of urethra. Urine increased; copious white sediment; phosphatic; high coloured; yellowish red; scalding slightly; muddy sediment.
 Throbbing in glans and pubic region on lying down at night. Sexual desire greatly increased at first; later abolished.

Chest organs

 Hoarseness; inability to speak aloud. Sensation of foreign body in larynx, morning before rising. When coughing head feels as if it would burst.
 Uneasiness and difficulty of breathing came on as gastric and hepatic symptoms declined. Stitching pains in lungs. Tenderness of sternum. Pain in back of left breast near axilla. Darting under right breast.

Cardiovascular system

 Awoke from afternoon nap with slight pain near heart, and afterwards shooting from under right breast. Severe, cramp-like pains in region of heart. Pulse quick, full, hard, tense.

Limbs and spine

 Pain in neck; feels swollen; cords lame. Nape stiff, moving = painful tension. Awoke with headache. Lameness of small of back. - сramp-like pains in sacrum when walking.
 Aching distress; weary feeling; rheumatic pain in all limbs. Stitches in shoulder and hip.
 Rheumatic pain in shoulders and arms. Nervous pain alternating from left arm to left eye.
 Weakness of lower limbs. Pain in right hip. Darting pains in right thigh. Throbbing in gluteal region. Sticking in left knee. Drawing pains in left heel.

Common symptoms

 Weak, languid, sick, tired. Gone feeling all over.


 Skin: reddish; dry; parched. Intense itching all over body. Eruptions: vesicles; red spots; boil on right forehead; desquamation.


 Constant yawning; drowsy. Sound sleep but haunted by frightful dreams. Dreams: vivid, of armies; of dead animals of fighting; of food and awoke hungry.


 Shivering: by warm stove; with hot head from hips down; with chattering teeth; with sensitiveness to cold air. A cold streak runs up and down spine. Feverish heat; with pains in all limbs and nausea. Dry heat over whole body, especially palms. - вurning cheeks and hot flushes. Sweat: all night; profuse on waking; on forehead.

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