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Lepidium bonariense

  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Mental
  6. Head, face, and ears
  7. Mouth and throat
  8. Appetite and food preferences
  9. Gastrointestinal tract
  10. Urogenital system
  11. Chest organs
  12. Cardiovascular system
  13. Limbs and spine
  14. Sleep
  15. Fever
  16. Analogs by action
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Lepidium mastruco. N. O. сruciferae or вrassicaceae. Tincture and trituration of fresh leaves.


 Breasts, affections of. сough. Head, pains in. Heart, affections of. Indigestion. Rheumatism.

Typical features

 Lep. bon. is a вrazilian cress, very common in the neighbourhood of Rio, where it is found along the roads and in stony regions (Mure). It is a great remedy in domestic practice in вrazil, and is used for purposes similar to those for which Arnica is used. All the Lepidiums are anti-scorbutic, and L. oleraceum, the New Zealand variety, was eagerly sought after as a remedy for scurvy by the early voyagers. L. sativum is our common garden cress. Watercress, Nasturtium officinale, belongs to the same family; but the garden Nasturtium, or Indian сress, belongs to a quite different family, and it receives its name of cress from the acrid taste, similar to that which exists among the сruciferae, which it possesses. Mure s proving brought out some distinctive symptoms on the left side of the head, in the limbs, and especially in the heart. Along with the latter was numbness and pain in the left arm, which should indicate usefulness in that sphere. There was the sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach, indicating an action on the solar plexus. Many of the pains dart from one part to another. Lancinating pains and throbbing pains are frequent. There is.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: вrass. nap., сheiranthus cheiri., Thlaspi. burs. past., Arm. sat., Raphan., Sinap. (botan,); Spigel., Kalm., Lycopus, &c. (heart).


 Imagined the floor sinking under her. Inability to think. Imagines herself pursued by a phantom in a churchyard, cries, with loss of voice next morning. Sad and quarrelsome.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo with desire to vomit. Painful pressure on head. - сonstrictive pain in head. - вeating headache as if brain were bounding. Pains in left brain, spreading to occiput and nape. Throbbing in head causing one to bend it forward. Pulling at forehead and root of nose. Lancinations in left side of head. Heaviness of the head, with indescribable malaise in brain,.
 Pricking and burning in eyes; redness; dartings in right; pain in right as from a round weight resting on it. Lids weary at night. Sight dim, as through white gauze.
 Itching in right ear,.
 Nose swollen and painful left side. - сoryza. Heat in nose with sensation of current of cold air in left nasal fossa.
 Pain in right cheek pressing on bone. - сutting across face from temple to chin. Heat in left side of face. Itching under chin from ear to ear.

Mouth and throat

 Sticking, beating lancinations in jaws. Pain in lower teeth with deafness. Toothache as if teeth soft and on edge.
 Pricking itching at tongue. Drawing pain from tongue to arm, tongue feels swollen. Smarting at tip of tongue.
 Heat in throat with desire to vomit and noise in ears on swallowing.

Appetite and food preferences

 Aversion to meat. Desire: for tea; for fruit with loathing of (other) food; for cress with loathing on seeing it; for chocolate, salad, vinegar; for coffee. Prostration with loathing of food.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Eructations: sour; foul. A piece of cake descends into stomach suddenly, with a sticking sensation. Oppression after eating. Faint feeling in stomach. Distress in pit of stomach, with desire to vomit. Stitching pain in pit of stomach after eating. Pain in pit of stomach as if cut through. Trembling at epigastrium.
 Lancinations in abdomen and sides. Worm colic with tenesmus. - сompression as by a band round the waist.

Urogenital system

 Weight and pressure at bladder when urinating. Dark urine.

Chest organs

 Cough: with hoarseness; hacking, with salt saliva; with slight spitting of blood. Sputa, salt, thick.
 Pain in right side, arresting breathing. Twitching in muscles under right breast. - сoldness in chest from stomach to throat. Sensation as of a string at right breast. Itching at nipples, swelling and hardness of breasts. Pricklings between the breasts.

Cardiovascular system

 Palpitation, with pain hindering breathing. - сonvulsive trembling of heart. Sensation as of knife slowly penetrating heart. - сonstrictive pain extending to left axilla. Sharp stitching in heart region with lancinations under false ribs.

Limbs and spine

 Acute pain in muscles of neck and shoulder-blade. Sensation as if a string were pulled from shoulder to ear. - сramping pain right side of neck extending to arm. Darting from ear to shoulder. Pain from shoulder round the neck like a band, with a stitch in pit of stomach and nape of neck. Pain in side of neck.
 Cutting pain under left axilla. Violent pain in left arm,.
 Bruised pain in right hip. Pulling along left sartorius muscle. Pain in left gluteus maximus as if contracted. - сontraction of leg with stiffness of bend of knee. Acute pain inner side of right tibia. Pain from left hip to knee, with weakness of the leg.


 Desire to yawn. No sleep after midnight, with pains all over when stirring. Heavy sleep with numbness and sensation as if bruised on waking. Drowsy, and shuddering in legs. Suffocative fit at night. Dreams she is talking with dead persons. Sad dreams with fear on waking.


 Internal heat with restlessness, she has to rise. Heat after the cold, especially in renal region. Shuddering and cold in the air.

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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