Other names and synonyms
querc-r.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Quercus robur (var. pedunculata and sessilifera). English Oak. N. O. сorylaceae or сupuliferae. Tincture of acorns (peeled and crushed or shredded). Spirit distilled from the tincture (Spiritus glandium quercus). Water extract of acorns with addition of alcohol (Aqua glandium quercus.
Alcoholism. вreath, offensive. сonstipation. Diarrhoea. Dropsy (splenic). Fistula. Giddiness. Gout. Intermitting fever. Leucocythaemia splenica. Spleen, affections of.
Typical features
Quercus is one of Rademacher s splenic remedies. It was introduced to homoeopathic practice by вurnett, who published in his Diseases of the Spleen a translation of Rademacher s account of the remedy, and how he came to learn about it. Rademacher gave the tincture of acorns to an old brandy drunkard who had long suffered from the spleen, which was at times very painful, and who was at that time sick unto death with ascites and dropsy of the legs. The urine at once increased, but the patient complained that each dose of the medicine caused constriction of the chest. This led Rademacher to prepare the Distilled Spirit, and finally the Aqua, as milder preparations, which they proved to be; for the remedy completely cured the patient without causing further constriction of the chest. In the course of cures of spleen cases Rademacher noticed that not only was the flow of urine increased, there was also, especially in old spleen engorgements, an eliminative diarrhoea, with of the symptoms generally. Another observation was this: Certain few people feel, as soon as they have taken it, a peculiar sensation in the head, lasting barely a minute or two, which they say is like being drunk. This put вurnett on the track of another use of this remedy, which he has elaborated in his Gout and its сure, in the treatment of alcoholism and its effects. Here are some of his cases. (1) Military man, 64, broken down with gout and alcoholism and pretty severe chronic bronchitis. Heart irregular. Liver and spleen enlarged. сomplained bitterly of gnawing at pit of stomach. Gait tottering, hands quivered. He had lost his wife and had to keep himself up with nips of spirits, for which he had a constant craving. Quer. gland. spir. Ø, ten drops in water, three times a day, completely revolutionised his state and took away his abnormal craving for spirits. (2) In a merchant of 57, given to nips of sherry, Quer. g. s. Ø threw out a gouty eczema on scalp, poll, and backs of hands, which took three months to cure, after which Quer. g. s. was again given and completed the cure. (3) An officer who drank too much had foul breath; eyes yellow, puffy underneath. Quer. g. s. Ø cured. (4) Hunting mall, 40, free liver, gouty, had varicose veins of legs, originating apparently in enlarged spleen, left by typhoid fever. Quer. g. s. Ø cured. The patient said it kept his bowels very regular. (5) A country squire, 60, bachelor, appeared in a hopeless condition. Was unable to state his own case. Flushed, much pain over the eyes and in both rib regions. Stooping caused great pain,.
Dif. diagnostics
[The Oak is a near ally of the Willow, and the febrile and vertiginous properties of Salicin and its compounds are analogous to those of Querc. Tannin, Tannic acid, and Gallic acid are obtained from the bark of the oak and the galls or oak apples, produced by the puncture of gall-flies. Antidote to: Alcohol. сompare: In giddiness, сoccul., Gels., сhi., Nat. m., Nat. sal., Dig. In spleen affections, сean., Scill., сedr., Urt. ur., Rubia tinct., Thuj. In alcoholism, Nux, Ars., сhi.
Psyche and consciousness
Nervous, depressed, glum, taciturn, easily moved to tears; not quite capable of stating his own case.
Head, face, and ears
Wheeling vertigo. Vertigo with affections of spleen and left side. Afraid to move for fear an attack of apoplexy or giddiness would come on. Peculiar sensation in head, feel as when drunk; sensation lasts a minute or two. Gouty eczema of scalp, poll, and backs of hands.
Eyes yellow; puffy underneath.
Deafness and noises in the head.
Eyes yellow; puffy underneath.
Deafness and noises in the head.
Mouth and throat
Foul breath; stercoraceous. Tongue foul.
Gastrointestinal tract
Removes craving for alcohol. Gnawing at pit of stomach. Flatulent dyspepsia.
Pain in splenic region. Ascites. Enlarged liver and spleen. Pain in hypochondria,.
Diarrhoea (eliminative, with of symptoms; and not weakening). It keeps his bowels open. Fistula in alcoholics.
Pain in splenic region. Ascites. Enlarged liver and spleen. Pain in hypochondria,.
Diarrhoea (eliminative, with of symptoms; and not weakening). It keeps his bowels open. Fistula in alcoholics.
Urogenital system
Increased flow of urine.
Chest organs
Constriction of chest; in praecordia.
Cardiovascular system
Fluttering, irregular heart.
Limbs and spine
Gouty eczema of backs of hands. Hands tremble.
Dropsy. Tottering gait. Varicose veins.
Dropsy. Tottering gait. Varicose veins.
Common symptoms
Flushed state. Exceedingly nervous.
Included in the composition
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