Other names and synonyms
stigm.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Corn-silk (ZEA).
Has marked urinary symptoms, and has been used with success in organic heart disease, with much oedema of lower extremities and scanty urination. Enlarged prostate and retention of urine. Uric and phosphatic Gonorrhoea. сystitis.
Has marked urinary symptoms, and has been used with success in organic heart disease, with much oedema of lower extremities and scanty urination. Enlarged prostate and retention of urine. Uric and phosphatic Gonorrhoea. сystitis.
Urogenital system
Suppression and retention. Dysuria. Renal lithiasis; nephritic colic; blood and red sand in urine. Tenesmus after urinating. Vesical catarrh. Gonorrhoea. сystitis.
Shucks (as a decoction used for chronic malaria, teaspoonful doses freely. Doctor E. с. Lowe, England).
Shucks (as a decoction used for chronic malaria, teaspoonful doses freely. Doctor E. с. Lowe, England).
Method of drug use and dosage
Tincture in tent-to fifty-drop doses.