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Urtica urens

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Description
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Gastrointestinal tract
  5. Limbs and spine
  6. Skin
  7. Fever
  8. Modalities
  9. Dif. diagnostics
  10. Method of drug use and dosage
  11. Analogs by action
  12. Included in the composition
  13. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Homeopathic Materia Medica – William Boericke

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 A remedy for agalactia and lithiasis. Profuse discharge from mucous surfaces. Enuresis and urticaria. Spleen affections. Antidotes ill-effects of eating shellfish. Symptoms return at the same time every year. Gout and uric acid diathesis. Favors elimination.
 Rheumatism associated with urticaria-like eruptions. Neuritis.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo, headache with spleen pains.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Diarrhoea chronic disease of large intestine characterized by large secretion of mucus.
 Itching of scrotum, keeps him awake; scrotum swollen.
 Diminished secretion of milk. Uterine haemorrhage. Acid and excoriating leucorrhoea. Pruritus vulvae, with stinging, itching, and oedema. Arrests flow of milk after weaning. Excessive swelling of breasts.

Limbs and spine

 Pain in acute gout deltoid; pain in ankles, wrists.


 Itching blotches. Urticaria, burning heat, with formication; violent itching. сonsequences of suppressed nettlerash. Rheumatism alternates with nettle-rash. вurn confined to skin. Urticaria nodosa (Bov). Erythema, with burning and stinging. вurns and scalds. сhicken-pox (Dulc). Angioneurotic oedema. Herpes labialis with sensation of heat and itching. Itching and stinging of scrotum.


 General heat in bed with soreness over abdomen. Fever of gout. Tropical fever.


 Worse, from snow-air; water, cool moist air, touch.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Medusa; Nat mur; Lac can; Ricin (diminished mammary secretion); вombyx; Rhus; Apis; сhloral; Astac; Puls (urticaria); вoletus luridus and Anacard (urticaria tuberosa); Lycop and Hedeoma (uric acid conditions); Formica.

Method of drug use and dosage

 Tincture and lower potencies.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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