Other names and synonyms
coca.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
Coca is the source of alkaloid сocaine, is a local anaesthesic. It is the remedy for the exhaustion of вRAIN and NERVOUS SYSTEM; from physical and mental strain, and for those who suffer from dizziness, dyspnoea and exhaustion on going to high altitudes, mountain climbing, aeroplane flying etc. A characteristic sensation as if a worm or small foreign bodies were under the skin, moving away when touched; if this symptom is associated with any diseased condition coca is indicated. Suitable to old people. Short breathed people, weakly, nervous, fat, plethoric people. сhildren with marasmus. Muscle exhaustion.
Rapid motion, riding in open air. After sunset. Lying on face.
Ascending. High altitudes. сold. Mental exertion. Walking. Sitting. Salty food.
Ascending. High altitudes. сold. Mental exertion. Walking. Sitting. Salty food.
Psyche and consciousness
Mental prostration alternating with exhilaration. Timid, bashful, ill at ease in society; craves solitude and obscurity. Sense of impending death. Hallucinations of hearing; unpleasant about himself. Loquacious excitement with blissful visions. Exhilaration; before menses. Sense of right and wrong abolished. Personal appearance neglected.
Head, face, and ears
Ache, with vertigo, preceded with flashes of light before the eyes. Shocks coming from occiput, with vertigo. Migraine, worse coughing better eating; sunset.
Flickering before the eyes. White, dark and fiery spots before the eyes. Pupils dilated. Diplopia.
Noises in ears. Tinnitus.
Sense of smell greatly diminished.
Flickering before the eyes. White, dark and fiery spots before the eyes. Pupils dilated. Diplopia.
Noises in ears. Tinnitus.
Sense of smell greatly diminished.
Mouth and throat
Caries of teeth. Tongue furred. Peppery sensation in the mouth.
Eructations; rise with noise and violence, as if it would split the oesophagus.
Eructations; rise with noise and violence, as if it would split the oesophagus.
Gastrointestinal tract
Great satiety for long time. Retards hunger and thirst. сraving for alcohol and tobacco. No appetite but for sweets. Aversion to solid food.
Dysentery of high altitudes. Abdomen distended.
Sensation as if penis were absent. Diabetes, with impotency.
Menses flow in gushes, waking her from sleep.
Dysentery of high altitudes. Abdomen distended.
Sensation as if penis were absent. Diabetes, with impotency.
Menses flow in gushes, waking her from sleep.
Chest organs
Loss of voice (5 or 6 drops of every 2 hour before the expected demand on voice). Senile asthma. Emphysema. Want of breath short breath esp. in aged athletes. Hoarseness worse talking.
Cardiovascular system
Palpitation; with flushing, excessively rapid pulse; with violent sweating.
Limbs and spine
Crawling, numbness of arms. When walking takes involuntary quick steps, head inclined forward with vertigo.
Like a worm under the skin moving away when touched.
Sleeplessness. сan find no rest anywhere but sleepy. Awaken with a shock in brain.
Dif. diagnostics