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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Kidney fusionMalignant arterial hypertension
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 35%(0)97%(7)
MRI of the renal arteries 58%(0)47%(0)
Ultrasound of arterial vessels 40%(0)64%(0)
CT of the renal arteries 56%(0)46%(0)
Blood biochemistry 100%(9)
Other hormones 84%(5)
General blood test 78%(8)
ECG 72%(0)
Ultrasound of the Heart 60%(0)
Ultrasound of the organ 38%(0)22%(0)
Angiography 53%(0)6%(0)
Thyroid hormones 58%(1)
MRI of the kidneys 50%(0)8%(0)
Sex hormones 23%(1)34%(4)
Histological studies 23%(0)29%(0)
CT of the kidneys 45%(0)7%(0)
Creatinine clearance 50%(0)
Tomography of arterial vessels 38%(0)12%(0)
Radiography of the area 45%(0)5%(0)
Measurements at the reception 30%(0)19%(0)
CT of the organ 31%(0)17%(0)
MRI of the brain 41%(0)
CT of the aorta 41%(0)
MRI of the organ 32%(0)9%(0)
Kidney scintigraphy 40%(0)
CT scan of the brain 35%(0)
Ultrasound of the lungs 34%(0)
Infection tests 22%(0)11%(0)
Chest radiography 32%(0)
Scintigraphy 28%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 38%
kidney stones 59%
pheochromocytoma 32%
pain under the lower ribs 51%
hypertension at night 29%
hydronephrosis 51%
symptomatic arterial hypertension 28%
horseshoe kidney 43%
tumors of the adrenal glands 28%
squeezing abdominal 42%
malignant arterial hypertension 27%
constant bloating 41%
worse from increased pressure 25%
bloating 40%
kidney damage 24%
asymmetry 38%
hormonal disorders 24%
numbness of the extremities 36%
retinopathy 24%
numbness of the legs 35%
familial arterial hypertension 24%
neurasthenia 35%
arterial occlusion 23%
kidney pain area 48% 11%
hyperaldosteronism 23%
constant nausea 33%
better from pressure 23%
lymphostasis 33%
atherosclerosis of blood vessels 23%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 39% 5%
worse from pressure 23%
nephropathy 53% 19%
renal artery stenosis 23%
swelling of the extremities 32%
fear of doctors 22%
chronic venous edema 32%
stroke 22%
bruise 31%
aldosteroma 22%
pyelonephritis 43% 10%
headaches 22%
medicinal nephropathy 30%
atherosclerosis of the renal arteries 22%
constipation 38% 6%
hypoxia 21%
stomach pain 29%
damage to the nervous system 21%
effects of taking antibiotics 29%
protein with increased 21%
pain in the veins 29%
proteinuria 21%
hysteria 29%
headache with dizziness 20%
venous congestion 29%
plaques in the arteries 20%
swelling of the legs 28%
hypertension 2 st 20%
forced situation 28%
obesity 20%
kidney disease 54% 24%
smokes 20%
sensations in the legs 27%
vascular damage 20%
neurosis 27%
senile asthenia syndrome 19%
abdominal pain 25%
overweight 19%
inflammation 41% 16%
pituitary tumors 19%
pain in the upper back 37% 12%
he feels like an old man 19%
chronic pyelonephritis 37% 12%
convulsions 19%
pyelitis 35% 11%
headache hypertension 19%
vomiting 34% 13%
increase in gfr urine 18%
nausea 34% 13%
hypertension during pregnancy 18%
lower back pain 30% 9%
hyperglycemia 18%
hypertensive nephropathy 36% 16%
blood diseases 18%
impaired gastric function 25% 6%
dizziness 17%
back pain 27% 9%
itsenko-cushing syndrome (hypercorticism) 17%
chf 28% 14%
hypertensive encephalopathy 17%
nausea vomiting 26% 12%
hypertension with dizziness 17%
quickly gets tired 25% 12%
decreased concentration 17%
general loss of strength 26% 13%
preeclampsia 17%
constant weakness 27% 14%
cardiac asthma 17%
there are no complaints 23% 11%
hypertensive 17%
feeling of bruising 24% 12%
congestive kidney 17%
up circulatory disorders 24% 12%
night apnea 17%
acute pain 23% 12%
hematoma 17%
it's better to be alone 25% 19%
hypertrophy of the left ventricle 17%
vascular tumor 26% 20%
onset of illness 17%
IBS 25% 20%
increased pressure in the evening 17%
secondary hypertension 31% 26%
increase in albumin 17%
cardiac disorder 23% 18%
pressure in the head 17%
swelling 23% 18%
kidney infarction 17%
renal hypertension 33% 28%
headache with visual impairment 16%
injury 22% 18%
acute obstructive bronchitis 16%
patient's condition 16%
hypertensive heart failure 16%
fear of danger 16%
hypertensive retinopathy 16%
pain chest 16%
decrease in creatinine 16%
dizziness when getting 16%
grandmother diabetes 16%
metabolic disorder 16%
increased potassium 16%
type 2 diabetes mellitus 16%
decrease in albumin 16%
chronic obstructive bronchitis 15%
pregnancy toxicosis 15%
obstructive bronchitis 15%
pre-infarction condition 15%
heart hypertrophy 15%
increase in creatinine 15%
heredity predisposition 15%
increased pressure in the morning 15%
atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries 15%
metabolic syndrome 15%
ischemic stroke 15%
headache with nausea and vomiting 15%
acute bronchitis 15%
apnea 15%
thyroid diseases 15%
dizziness with vomiting 15%
consumes alcohol 15%
forgetfulness 15%
kidney cyst 15%
anomalies of kidney development 15%
angina attack 15%
Chronical bronchitis 15%
weak erection 15%
dizziness with nausea 15%
rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis 15%
hypotension 15%
drowsiness 15%
thyrotoxicosis 14%
frequent headaches 14%
frequent colds 14%
cardiodilation 14%
injury of the ureter 14%
cerebral circulation disorder 14%
weakness 14%
ckd c4 14%
caution 14%
protein in urine is reduced 14%
sudden vomiting 14%
history of myocardial infarction 14%
headache to vomiting 14%
quickly depletes 14%
pain in the vessels of the head 14%
encephalopathy 14%
acute left ventricular failure 14%
bronchitis 14%
angina pectoris 14%
cardiomegaly 14%
left-sided symptoms 14%
impaired glucose tolerance 14%
secondary hyperaldosteronism 14%
renin lowered 14%
type 1 diabetes mellitus 14%
toxicosis 14%
hemorrhage in the eye 14%
hypotension 13%
pain in the ureter 13%
of constant fear 13%
consequences of childbirth 13%
increased uric acid 13%
страх измерения давления 13%
calcification 13%
atrial fibrillation 13%
insulin allergy 13%
diabetes mellitus 13%
an increase in the level of white blood cells in the urine 13%
heart failure 13%
arterial hypertension in adults 13%
systolic hypertension 13%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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