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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Metabolic myopathyPolyneuropathy of pregnant women
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
glycogenoses 88%
polyneuropathy 43%
myopathies 79%
vomiting reflex 38%
myoglobinuria 79%
neurological disorders 37%
alcoholic myopathy 76%
pregnancy 36%
mitochondrial myopathy 71%
female alcoholism 34%
thyroid is enlarged to 2 degrees 62%
numbness of the hands 34%
medicinal myopathy 62%
acute intermittent porphyria 33%
convulsions pain 58%
moral 32%
congenital myopathies 53%
hypotension with weakness 31%
medical thyrotoxicosis 52%
weakness during pregnancy 29%
can not lie still 51%
paretic gait 28%
oppenheim syndrome 51%
vomiting in pregnant 28%
thyroid is enlarged to 1 degree 50%
cold feet 27%
hormonal disorders 49%
porphyria 27%
ganglioneuritis 49%
tingling 27%
itsenko-cushing's disease 47%
numbness of fingers 27%
metabolic disorder 65% 17%
polio 26%
inflammatory myopathy 45%
numbness of the hands 26%
drug poisoning 45%
consequences of childbirth 25%
acromegaly 45%
better from smoking 25%
kidney failure 44%
skin anesthesia 25%
hypoparathyroidism 43%
insensitivity to pain 24%
consequences of alcoholism 43%
weakness of the ligaments 24%
hyperaldosteronism 43%
алкоголизм и наркомания 24%
poisoning addison 43%
loss of touch 24%
gigantism 43%
improvement from alcohol 24%
convulsions 41%
chilly 24%
kidney disease 40%
tingling in the legs 24%
pompe disease 40%
hypotension 24%
periodic paralysis 39%
diabetic polyneuropathy 24%
rickets 39%
numbness of the legs 24%
measles 39%
paresis of legs 23%
violation of pulmonary circulation 38%
leg weakness walking 23%
uremia 38%
vomiting 23%
violation of thyroid function 38%
ones weakness in the leg muscles 22%
cardiopulmonary insufficiency 38%
skin irritation 22%
chronic liver failure 37%
dry mouth 22%
weakness in the hands 37%
weakness in the legs 21%
vitamin d deficiency 37%
thirst 21%
adrenal insufficiency 36%
mouth dryness 21%
contractures 36%
addiction 20%
thyrotoxicosis 36%
hypotension 20%
hyperthyroidism 35%
neurogenic pain 20%
diffuse toxic goiter 35%
sensations in the legs 19%
stagnation in the lungs 35%
general weakness 18%
chronic respiratory failure 35%
smokes 18%
lipid metabolism 35%
general intoxication syndrome 18%
chronic kidney failure 34%
muscle pain 18%
hypothyroidism 34%
diabetes mellitus 17%
leg cramps 34%
dryness 17%
pituitary gland diseases 34%
it's better to be alone 17%
enlargement of the thyroid gland 34%
nose pulmonary heart 33%
effects of poisoning 33%
liver failure 33%
chf 33%
malabsorption 33%
thyroid diseases 33%
liver dysfunction 33%
asymmetry 32%
protein with increased 32%
heredity predisposition 32%
respiratory insufficiency 32%
enteropathy 32%
consequences of physical exertion 31%
paralysis 31%
congestive kidney 31%
patient is motionless 30%
chronic kidney disease 30%
shortness 30%
IBS 30%
heart failure 30%
dependence on plastic surgery 30%
heart dysfunction 29%
liver diseases 28%
up circulatory disorders 28%
cardiac disorder 27%
consequences of operation 27%
angiopathy 27%
impaired lung function 27%
weakness 59% 31%
consequences of taking medications 25%
muscle weakness 59% 35%
patient's condition 35% 15%
intoxication 39% 23%
weakness after illness 40% 24%
alcoholism 36% 21%
alcohol dependence 32% 19%
onset of illness 26% 15%
paresis 44% 37%


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  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
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