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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Hypertension during pregnancyHigh-risk pregnancy
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 99%(4)89%(7)
Blood biochemistry 71%(17)96%(0)
General blood test 76%(8)77%(4)
Sex hormones 59%(6)74%(7)
Thyroid hormones 7%(1)100%(4)
Coagulogram 58%(7)23%(1)
ECG 54%(0)17%(0)
Creatinine clearance 67%(0)
Histological studies 10%(0)56%(0)
Ophthalmologist's examination 43%(0)7%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 54%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 26%
worse from hunger 54%
toxoplasmosis 25%
hypertension 75% 20%
vulva infections 25%
migraines with nausea 44%
abnormalities of uterine development 25%
allergy to citrus 42%
isthmic-cervical insufficiency 24%
tearfulness 39%
intra-phase infections 24%
allergy to chocolate 39%
vulvitis 23%
thirst 39%
scar on the uterus 23%
increased pressure in the evening 38%
cervical pregnancy 22%
anxiety 34%
hypovitaminosis in pregnant women 22%
chronic condition 34%
alpha-fetoprotein is lowered 22%
unspecified mental disorders 33%
uterine tumor 21%
migraine 32%
need for alcohol 20%
secondary hypertension 31%
necrosis of the myomatous node 20%
frequent headaches 29%
appendages of the uterus 19%
severe childbirth 27%
endometritis 19%
increased pressure in the morning 25%
hemorrhoids during pregnancy 19%
nephropathy of pregnant women 24%
cytomegalovirus infection 19%
pulsates 24%
chickenpox 19%
emotional 24%
itching during pregnancy 19%
number of births increased 22%
medical abortion 18%
stroke 22%
aids 18%
kidney disease 41% 18%
listeriosis 18%
systolic hypertension 21%
back pain 18%
midge disease 21%
congestive kidney 18%
high diastolic pressure 20%
tetanus 18%
better from pressure 20%
postoperative scars 18%
hellp syndrome 20%
hemorrhoids 18%
hypertensive nephropathy 19%
cancer 18%
swelling during pregnancy 19%
urination disorder 18%
renin increased 19%
history medical mother's 18%
hypertension 32% 11%
cervical cancer 18%
increased pressure under stress 18%
diphtheria 18%
hyperthyroidism during pregnancy 18%
vacuum 17%
control issues 17%
rubella during pregnancy 17%
magnesia 17%
vitamin d deficiency 17%
thyroid cyst thyroid gland 17%
vaginitis 17%
tinnitus 17%
whooping 17%
headache attacks 17%
uterine cancer 17%
reason for the consequences of puberty 17%
chlamydia 17%
chronic pyelonephritis 16%
discharge from the genital tract 17%
preeclampsia 37% 19%
hemolytic disease of the fetus 16%
herpes 34% 16%
worse during day 16%
hypotension 26% 8%
death of a loved 9% 25%
diffuse toxic goiter 16%
heartburn 16%
enlargement of the thyroid gland 16%
gestational diabetes 16%
hypoxia during childbirth 16%
veins swelling on the legs 16%
protein c deficiency 16%
endocervicitis 16%
thyrotoxicosis 16%
vaccination 16%
hyperthyroidism 16%
gynecological operations 16%
increased vasopressin 16%
hepatitis b 16%
glomerulonephritis during pregnancy 16%
need for activity 16%
polycystic kidney 16%
fetal arrhythmia 16%
dizziness attacks 15%
does not eat meat 15%
light dizziness 15%
hypertrophy of the uterine body 15%
neurosis 15%
itching of the skin of the hands 15%
ringing in the head 15%
ovarian tumors 15%
erythrocytic anemia 15%
varicose veins during pregnancy 15%
enlargement of the uterus 15%
scarring 15%
epilepsy 15%
unpleasant odor from the vagina 15%
ear pain 15%
urogenital chlamydia 15%
pyelitis 15%
hemorrhoids constipation 15%
hemolysis of erythrocytes 15%
intrauterine infection 15%
anxiety attack 15%
miscarriage 15%
symptomatic arterial hypertension 15%
hemolytic disease of newborns 15%
deterioration of vision 14%
no vaccinations 15%
multiple organ failure 14%
pregnancy 59% 74%
period 14%
death of relatives 10% 25%
nephropathy 14%
vomiting 5% 20%
pulmonary edema 14%
painful urination 14%
effects of overwork 14%
burns 14%
weak breathing 14%
effects of taking hormones 14%
noise in the head 14%
nausea pregnant 14%
kidney cyst 14%
viral hepatitis in pregnant women 14%
patient's condition is severe 14%
constipation during pregnancy 14%
renal hypertension 14%
feeling of cramps 14%
headache worse on the right 14%
malabsorption 14%
weakness and palpitations 14%
varicose veins of the legs 14%
thrombocytopenia 14%
rickets 14%
hemolytic-uremic syndrome 14%
mom oncology 14%
cramp and spasm 14%
measles 14%
nose headache from fatigue 14%
refuses to help 14%
headache on the right 14%
constipation 14%
polycystic 14%
frozen pregnancy 14%
palpitations with shortness 14%
hyperandrogenism in women 13%
heartbeat in the head 14%
overworked 13%
lactation 14%
purulent discharge from the urethra 13%
respiratory distress syndrome 13%
burning in the stomach 13%
pain in the left side of the head 13%
itching of the skin on the legs 13%
weakness when breathing 13%
toxoplasmosis during pregnancy 13%
right eye reduced vision 13%
lymphosarcoma 13%
stroke in children 13%
toxicosis of pregnancy in mom 13%
prehypertension 13%
itchy facial skin 13%
hepatosis fatty 13%
benign ovarian tumors 13%
epilepsy attacks 13%
face is yellow 13%
brain tumor 13%
motor activity 13%
epilepsy in pregnant women 13%
ovarian dysfunction 13%
vascular sclerosis 13%
removal of ovaries 13%
thirst at night 13%
teenage pregnancy 13%
nocturnal diuresis 13%
early miscarriage 13%
dizziness weakness 13%
thyroid antibodies 13%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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