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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Lightning eelsChronic stone-free cholecystitis
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(5)100%(4)
ECG 57%(0)
FGDS 9%(0)47%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 45%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 47%
lightning eels 44%
burning in the urethra 41%
enlarged liver 25%
genital warts 39%
acne face 22%
chronic stone-free cholecystitis 38%
acne 10%
chilly 35%
сыпь на туловище 10%
pericholecystitis 34%
pimples on the face 10%
non - calculous cholecystitis 33%
rashes on the face 9%
warts 31%
consultation of a gastroenterologist 9%
gallbladder stones 30%
skin problems 9%
irritability 28%
joint pain 8%
growths on the skin 28%
painful appearance 8%
chronic condition 27%
papules 8%
polyps 26%
acute condition 8%
moderate condition 25%
impaired lung function 7%
chronic cholangitis 25%
sensitivity to medications 7%
acute cholangitis 24%
with anemia 7%
acute cholecystitis 24%
arthropathy 7%
deformation of the gallbladder 24%
consequences of taking medications 6%
chronic cholecystitis 24%
quickly gets tired 23%
cholecystitis 21%
contractility of gallbladder is reduced 20%
empyema of the gallbladder 20%
hypertrophy biliary tract 19%
belching bitter 19%
patient's condition 19%
pain in the right wrist 18%
pain in the right arm 18%
worse after breakfast 18%
dysfunction of the gallbladder 18%
purulent cholecystitis 17%
pain in the right hypochondrium 17%
beating symptom is positive on the right 17%
belching air with flatulence 17%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 16%
pain pain in the ribs on the right 16%
cholecystectomy 16%
pain in the gallbladder 16%
biliary pancreatitis 16%
worse from fried 16%
biliary dyskinesia 15%
bloating 15%
Belching bitterness 15%
opisthorchiasis 15%
heartburn 15%
alternating constipation 14%
burning in the stomach 14%
pain in the sternum 14%
digestive disorders 14%
periods of exacerbation 14%
inflammatory bowel diseases 14%
heaviness behind the sternum 14%
pain right forearm 14%
pain in the right shoulder and forearm 14%
burning behind the sternum 14%
belching air 13%
constant bloating 13%
pain in the heart 13%
impaired function of the large intestine 13%
deterioration from fatty foods 13%
ascaris 13%
nausea flatulence belching 13%
transient blindness 13%
giardiasis 13%
aching pain in the right hypochondrium 13%
ascariasis 13%
helminths 13%
intestinal infection 13%
pancreatitis 13%
chronic appendicitis 13%
spastic abdominal pain 13%
pain in the right shoulder 13%
chronic oophoritis 13%
paradontosis 12%
worse food 12%
pain in the intestines 12%
lot of mucus 12%
volume of gallbladder is increased 12%
choleretic 12%
neurosis 12%
hepatic colic 12%
proteus syndrome 12%
tendency to constipation 12%
volume of gallbladder is decreased 12%
constant pain 12%
inflammation of the stomach 12%
pain in the ribs when breathing 12%
pain in the ribs when pressing 12%
pain in the right shoulder blade 12%
amoebiasis 12%
heaviness in the hypochondrium 11%
treatment with antibiotics 11%
pain in the right side of the abdomen 11%
pasternatsky's symptom 11%
feeling of bruising 11%
severe pain in the arm 11%
pyelitis 11%
salpingitis 11%
inflammation of the ovaries 11%
pain gives in the arm 11%
neurasthenia 11%
soreness of the body 11%
chronic tonsillitis 11%
abdominal pain on the right 11%
bitterness in the mouth 11%
pancreatitis chronic 11%
belching with flatulence 11%
bad breath unpleasant 11%
fatigue from life 11%
pain when inhaling 11%
heaviness in the epigastric 11%
nausea belching 11%
chronic pyelonephritis 11%
abdominal pain when pressing 11%
diarrhea alternates with constipation 11%
extrasystole 11%
adnexitis 11%
mental fatigue 11%
fatigue feeling 11%
chronic enteritis 11%
enteritis 10%
digestion constipation 10%
hyperbilirubinemia 10%
atonic constipation 10%
chronic pneumonia 10%
pain worse from pressure 10%
intestinal dyskinesia 10%
deterioration from alcohol 10%
zpr fatigue from the disease 10%
worse from pressure 10%
worse from excitement 10%
high temperature 10%
magnesia 10%
forearm pain 10%
irritability from fatigue 10%
pain in the ribs 10%
prolonged fever 10%
right-sided symptoms 10%
digestion bloating 10%
pain all over the stomach 10%
pain in the shoulder blade 10%
appendicitis 10%
cholestasis 10%
empty 10%
is blocked an increase in the alkaline phosphatase 10%
constipation prolonged 10%
dysbacteriosis 10%
sedentary lifestyle 9%
inflammation 9%
increased ESR 9%
belly enlargement 9%
difficult to swallow 9%
blindness 9%
appendages of the uterus 9%
increased cholesterol 9%
subfebrile condition 9%
pyelonephritis 9%
alternating symptoms 9%
pus on the tonsils 9%
pain in the wrists 9%
sore 9%
vulvitis 9%
vulva infections 9%
intra-phase infections 9%
improper nutrition 9%
food poisoning 9%
poor sleep 8%
fatigue 8%
female pelvic organs 8%
overweight 8%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 8%
pneumonia 8%
general loss of strength 8%
dystrophy 8%
a lot of medicines 8%
obesity 8%
patient's condition is severe 8%
arrhythmia 8%
state of exacerbation 8%
rupture duodenal dysfunction 8%
protein with increased 8%
lot of operations in small things 8%
pain when breathing 8%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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