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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Lightning eelsEczema of the vestibule of the nose
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(5)100%(10)
Blood biochemistry 57%(6)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 45%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 29%
lightning eels 44%
dermatitis and eczema 27%
enlarged liver 25%
acute eczema 26%
acne face 22% 7%
peeling 26%
сыпь на туловище 10%
runny nose 25%
consultation of a gastroenterologist 9%
dermatitis 25%
joint pain 8%
allergy to the skin 24%
painful appearance 8%
crusts on the skin 24%
changes in the blood 8%
allergies in children 24%
acute condition 8%
crusts on the head 24%
chronic kidney disease 8%
rash on the nose 24%
kidney disease 7%
chronic eczema 24%
with anemia 7%
seborrhea 23%
arthropathy 7%
dryness 23%
drug allergy 23%
bubbles are suppurating 23%
allergy 22%
itchy skin 22%
increased sensitivity 22%
fungus 22%
suppuration of the skin 21%
rashes bubbles 21%
rash pustules 19%
atopic dermatitis in children 19%
childhood diseases 18%
common rashes 18%
treatment with antibiotics 18%
contact allergy 18%
bubbles on the skin 18%
itching at night worse 18%
burning of the skin 18%
rashes itchy 18%
rashes with peeling 18%
burns 17%
periods of exacerbation 17%
dermatitis in children 17%
burning itching 17%
food allergy 17%
abrasion 17%
babies rashes 16%
purulent rashes on the skin 16%
candidiasis of the mucous membranes 16%
rashes dry 16%
red rash 16%
combs to blood 16%
bacterial rhinitis 16%
dermatosis 16%
which are covered with crusts 16%
easily blushes 15%
patient's condition 15%
atopic dermatitis 15%
wet skin 15%
increased igg 15%
allergic rhinitis 15%
immunodeficiency 15%
eosinophilia 14%
exudative 14%
rashes on the hands 14%
frontit 14%
chronic rhinopharyngitis 14%
itching on the elbow bends 14%
skin compaction 14%
burning in the nose 14%
food allergy in children 14%
eustachia 13%
acute nasopharyngitis runny 13%
radiation damage 13%
rash folds 13%
neutrophilosis 13%
peeling of the skin on the face 13%
chronic condition 13%
moderate condition 13%
eczema nose 13%
pain in the nose 13%
The skin is not 13%
wet rashes 13%
bubbles itchy 13%
eczema of the vestibule of the nose 13%
otitis media due to a runny nose 13%
itchy nose 13%
rash on the forehead 13%
cancer 12%
wounds 12%
nose red 12%
violation of the function of the testicles 12%
oily skin 12%
itching strong at night 12%
histamine lowered 12%
peeling eyebrows 12%
allergy to cow's milk proteins in children 12%
worse pregnancy 12%
deterioration during pregnancy 12%
dry eczema 12%
pituitary gland diseases 12%
wiskott-aldrich syndrome 12%
peeling of the eyelids 12%
keratoconus 12%
allergodermatoses 12%
dry skin peeling 12%
rash on the cheeks 12%
contact dermatitis 12%
ulcers in the nose 12%
adenoiditis 12%
rash on the limbs 12%
eczema worse from chemistry 12%
gain diathesis 12%
allergy in an infant 12%
infected eczema 12%
dry skin 12%
swelling of the skin 12%
serous otitis media 12%
itching is worse during the day 12%
itching of the cheeks 12%
tubotitis 12%
consequences of infection 12%
radiation therapy 11%
rash burning 11%
blood diseases 11%
purulent otitis 11%
acute stomatitis 11%
acute otitis 11%
itching under the knees 11%
sinusitis 11%
cut wound 11%
sluggish baby 11%
swelling with itching 11%
allergic rhinitis in children 11%
itching constant 11%
itching in the folds of the skin 11%
better bathing 11%
allergic rash 11%
fighting 11%
skin problems 9% 20%
vulgar ichthyosis 11%
atrophoderma 11%
red rashes with itching 11%
oncology 11%
papules 8% 19%
sensitivity to medications 7% 18%
scratch 11%
heredity predisposition 11%
dermographism white 11%
ovarian dysfunction 11%
tachyphylaxis 11%
for an increase in ige 11%
onset of illness 11%
peeling of the hands 11%
rhinopharyngitis 11%
nasolabial folds 11%
aids 11%
rashes on the chin 10%
hyperpigmentation 10%
snot in the throat 10%
rashes back of the hand 10%
peeling of the skin on the feet 10%
itching of the skin at night 10%
candidiasis 10%
volume of thyroid gland is reduced 10%
rash on the wrists 10%
year-round allergic rhinitis 10%
mature skin 10%
pregnancy 10%
homeopathy 10%
worse in evening 10%
itching of the wrists 10%
pharyngitis 10%
respiratory allergy 10%
conjunctivitis 10%
swelling 10%
frequent conjunctivitis 10%
trophic ulcer 10%
acute otitis 10%
cracks on the hands 10%
intertriginous psoriasis 10%
chronic sinusitis 10%
rash in the popliteal fossa 10%
rash in the mouth 10%
itchy feet 10%
otitis media 10%
eczema nipples 10%
rashes on the genitals 10%
reddening of the skin 10%
pityriasis 10%
subacute condition 10%
adenoids 10%
rashes symmetrical 10%
rash on the elbow bends 10%
problems with studying 10%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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