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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Lightning eelsPansinusitis
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(5)100%(11)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 45%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 39%
lightning eels 44%
pansinusitis 38%
enlarged liver 25%
dissatisfaction with life 34%
acne face 22%
disease from resentment 34%
acne 10%
worse, drafts 34%
сыпь на туловище 10%
apathy 33%
pimples on the face 10%
lazy 29%
rashes on the face 9%
sinusitis 28%
consultation of a gastroenterologist 9%
ones indecision 28%
skin problems 9%
sad 28%
joint pain 8%
can't refuse 27%
painful appearance 8%
suspiciousness 27%
papules 8%
myxedema 26%
chronic kidney disease 8%
pain in the nose 26%
strong man 7%
adenoiditis in children 25%
kidney disease 7%
nasal congestion 24%
with anemia 7%
nose swelling 24%
arthropathy 7%
nasal obstruction 24%
swelling of the nasal mucosa 24%
streptococcal pneumonia 24%
ethmoiditis 23%
polyps 22%
runny nose 22%
headaches 22%
anxiety 22%
sense of smell is reduced 22%
adenoiditis 21%
unspecified mental disorders 21%
emotional 21%
pneumococcal infection 21%
ARVI 21%
pneumonia with sepsis 21%
labyrinthitis 20%
labyrinthopathies 20%
swelling 20%
patient's condition 20%
loss of sense of smell 20%
sinusitis in children 19%
smell in the nose 19%
poor sleep 19%
foreign body of the nose 19%
allergy 18%
purulent sinusitis 18%
sepsis 18%
pneumonia 18%
nasal mucosa is atrophied 17%
cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses 17%
foreign body of the ear 17%
sinusitis 17%
treatment with antibiotics 17%
adenoids 17%
sphenoiditis 17%
polyps in the nose 16%
blood diseases 16%
childhood diseases 16%
fungus 16%
respiratory syncytial infection 16%
pus on the tonsils 15%
adenovirus infection 15%
allergic rhinitis in children 15%
inflammation of the nasal mucosa 15%
stuffy ears 15%
eyebrow pain 15%
high temperature 15%
body odor 15%
sensitivity to odors 15%
violation of the function of the tonsils 15%
diabetes mellitus 14%
pneumonia in childhood 14%
rubs the nose 14%
impaired sense of smell 14%
nasal discharge purulent 14%
allergic rhinitis 14%
periods of exacerbation 14%
dryness 14%
weather dependence runny nose stuffiness 14%
headache in the back of the head 14%
pain in the jaw 13%
taste of blood in the mouth 13%
headache in the crown 13%
bronchitis in children 13%
headache when bending 13%
headache worse from inclination 13%
toothache along the lower jaw 13%
frontit 13%
toothache 13%
nasal congestion snot 13%
acute pain 13%
my nose pain in the cheekbones 12%
headache sudden 12%
cough day and night 12%
worse when tilting the head 12%
pain throughout the body 12%
synechiae of the nasal cavity 12%
dry rhinitis with loss of sense of smell 12%
headache is worse from movement 12%
moderate condition 12%
subacute condition 12%
hypertension 12%
alcoholic liver disease 12%
severe fever 12%
sore 12%
inflammation of the inner ear 12%
pain in the frontal part 12%
chills at night 12%
colorless runny nose 12%
rhinitis in children 12%
immunodeficiency 12%
worse from sharp odors 12%
pain when bending 11%
postnasal congestion syndrome 11%
ear tumors 11%
mucus in the nose 11%
epiglottitis 11%
sweating 11%
enlargement of tonsils 11%
severe nasal discharge 11%
worse from physical exertion 11%
oncology 11%
epiglottitis in children 11%
prolonged cough in children 11%
cough 11%
acute otitis 11%
pain in the upper jaw 11%
intoxication 11%
bacterial rhinitis 11%
nasal discharge is not 11%
chills 11%
decongestant poisoning in children 11%
frequent otitis 11%
cysts and polyps 11%
headache frontal 11%
streptodermia 11%
edematous palate 11%
external otitis 11%
ear cancer 11%
frequent runny 11%
strong fever 11%
bronchitis 11%
severe chills 11%
cough worse in the afternoon 11%
perspiration 10%
chronic runny 10%
headache worse from coughing 10%
breathes through the mouth 10%
type of breathing is mixed 10%
otitis media 10%
mycoplasma 10%
covid in children 10%
heaviness in the chest 10%
bokavirus infection 10%
hemophilic infection 10%
inflates the nostrils 10%
grandma has bronchial asthma 10%
headache from smells 10%
acute otitis 10%
pain in the lower jaw 10%
inflammation of larynx 10%
viscous runny nose 10%
seals in the chest 10%
parvovirus infection 10%
cough from odors 10%
fever with sweating 10%
chills with sweating 10%
sweat with chills 10%
facial pain 10%
cough short 10%
thick mucus in the nose 10%
better in morning 10%
the headache is worse from the smells 10%
acute sense of smell 10%
discomfort in the chest 10%
consequences of infection 10%
onset of illness 10%
formation chronic nasal 10%
pneumonia in children 10%
shortness 10%
chronic condition 10%
runny nose in the morning 9%
астмы в детстве 9%
headache when coughing 9%
consequences of acute respiratory 9%
pain when moving 9%
hyperthermic syndrome in children 9%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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