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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Thinking disordersДефицит омега-3
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%55%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
confusion of thoughts 43%
at sea is good 99%
loses thought 42%
nails grow slowly 89%
studies poorly 39%
nails grow rapidly 89%
impaired coordination 36%
increased endurance 70%
epilepsy 35%
dull complexion 67%
time to do anything says slowly 31%
lipid metabolism 65%
problems with studying 31%
dry skin of the face 65%
prudence 30%
tonsillopharyngitis 65%
rapid breathing 30%
maldigestion syndrome 63%
dizziness attacks 29%
causeless anxiety 63%
ataxia 28%
little fat in the fecal 61%
aphasia 28%
chronic gastroduodenitis 61%
moderate condition 27%
catarrh of the nasopharynx 61%
hearing impaired 27%
suppressed emotions 61%
egocentric 27%
constantly complains 60%
lethargy 26%
skin problems 58%
increased intracranial pressure 25%
chronic duodenitis 58%
childhood diseases 21%
not mindfulness 57%
purposeful 19%
feeling of bruising 8% 64%
schizophrenia 19%
digestive disorders 56%
madness 18%
chronic enteritis 56%
argues 18%
pancreatitis chronic 55%
obvisit 17%
decreased vitamin d3 55%
intoxication 17%
greasy stools 55%
damage to the nervous system 17%
inflammation of the nasopharynx 55%
psychosis 17%
tired of people 55%
slender 16%
cholecystopancreatitis 54%
emptiness in the head 16%
chronic cholecystitis 54%
hypomania 16%
other gastritis 53%
confusion 16%
chronic gastritis 52%
lack of thoughts 16%
to increase the mammary glands 51%
cerebrovascular disease unspecified 15%
pregnancy 51%
does not answer questions 15%
worse from worry 50%
obsessive thoughts 14%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 49%
mental shock 14%
gastroenteritis 49%
rapid speech 13%
baldness 49%
senile dementia 13%
can not think 49%
criticality 13%
vitamin d deficiency 48%
depressive thoughts 12%
enteritis 48%
thinks about the bad 12%
thoughts about work 12% 59%
intoxication psychosis 12%
blood diseases 47%
general intoxication syndrome 12%
duodenitis 47%
oncology 12%
cholecystitis 47%
organic delusional schizophrenic disorder 12%
psychological suppression 47%
injury 12%
very correct 46%
volitional disorders 12%
improper nutrition 46%
infectious psychoses 12%
hypoproteinemia 46%
drug poisoning 12%
Common symptoms are weakness 46%
think long 11%
rapid growth 46%
empty 11%
history medical mother's 46%
emotional burnout 11%
depressed mood 46%
alzheimer's disease 11%
stool meager 46%
involutional psychosis 11%
hair loss 46%
psycho - organic syndrome 11%
patient's condition 10% 56%
worse when thinking about the disease 11%
intensive physical load 45%
peak's disease 11%
dry skin 45%
up strong 11%
myositis 45%
prolonged depression 10%
pancreatitis 44%
stereotypia 10%
increased cholesterol 44%
motor anxiety 10%
gastritis 44%
sudden onset 10%
memory 44%
dementia 10%
ARVI 43%
speech absence 10%
malabsorption 43%
up mania 10%
hypertrophy biliary tract 43%
in the genus mental illness 10%
liver dysfunction 43%
drug poisoning 10%
oily skin 42%
affective disorders 10%
enteropathy 42%
brain tumor 9%
vitamin c deficiency 42%
head injury 9%
high height 41%
neurosis 9%
frequent colds 41%
traumatic brain injury 9%
protein with increased 41%
leukoencephalitis 9%
I can't be alone 40%
need for activity 9%
rupture duodenal dysfunction 40%
effects of poisoning 9%
decreased concentration 40%
inflammation of the brain 9%
hepatitis 40%
effects of shock 9%
nose nursing mom 40%
cytomegalovirus infection 9%
general weakness 40%
mixed anxious 9%
mood disorder 14% 54%
depression anxiety 9%
violation of the chair 39%
encephalitis 9%
heart failure 39%
delayed reaction 9%
no appetite 39%
consequences of injuries 8%
dystrophy 39%
stage of recovery 8%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 39%
neurological disorders 8%
immunodeficiency 38%
subacute condition 8%
liver diseases 37%
convulsions 8%
weakness after illness 37%
acute condition 8%
dryness 37%
family man 8%
allergy 37%
fatigue 8%
cannot work 10% 46%
paranoia 8%
changeable mood 9% 44%
stiffness in the joints 8%
weakness 34%
suspicion 8%
general loss of strength 8% 40%
recovery period 7%
constant weakness 9% 41%
impaired lung function 7%
decreased intelligence 14% 45%
up circulatory disorders 44% 36%
quickly gets tired 8% 37%
organic brain damage 45% 39%
anxiety 12% 40%
hypoxia 44% 38%
depression 12% 39%
sad 12% 39%
thinking disorders 22% 48%
cognitive disorders 18% 42%
emotional 17% 37%
unspecified mental disorders 23% 38%
cerebral circulation disorder 31% 41%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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