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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Hypercoagulation syndromePyre syndrome
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 97%(10)
General blood test 78%(6)10%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 99%
little lupus anticoagulant 97%
of the desire for fresh air 49%
plasminogen reduced 97%
muscle tension 46%
platelet aggregation increased 76%
noise irritates 42%
prothrombin index increased 65%
weakness 34% 74%
thrombocytopenia 58%
stiffness in the joints 39%
aplastic anemia 56%
stiffness in the back 37%
plaques in the arteries 54%
tension in the spine 34%
acute leukemia 54%
is better when busy 32%
systemic vasculitis 51%
splenic angle syndrome 29%
head severe 50%
overweight 28%
thrombocytosis 50%
forgetfulness 27%
immunoglobulin a deficiency 49%
headaches 24%
neuroses in children 49%
frequent colds 21%
nose thrombophilia 49%
atonic constipation 20%
dic syndrome 48%
intestinal dyskinesia 20%
feeling of blood loss 48%
dolichosigma 20%
anemia, unspecified 48%
constipation prolonged 19%
coagulopathy 46%
muscle weakness 19%
leukemia 45%
accumulation of gases in the left hypochondrium 19%
erythrocytosis 45%
swelling in the left hypochondrium 19%
lymphocytic 45%
impaired function of the large intestine 18%
vasculitis 44%
constipation 17%
lymphosarcoma 41%
pain in the intestines 17%
neurosis 41%
pain in the left hypochondrium 16%
atherosclerosis of blood vessels 41%
pain in the rectum 16%
bacteremia 40%
visceroptosis 15%
hemorrhagic diathesis 40%
heaviness in the abdomen 14%
protein c deficiency 40%
bloating 14%
underdevelopment 40%
abnormalities of intestinal development 14%
traumatic illness 40%
pain is better from movement 14%
vascular damage 38%
dolichocolon 14%
sepsis 38%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 14%
changes in the blood 38%
movement better pain 14%
with anemia 37%
alternating constipation 13%
consequences of injuries 37%
abdominal pain worse after eating 13%
thrombosis 37%
headache wandering 12%
surgical infections 36%
nausea 12%
cancer 35%
veins bloating 12%
bleeding 35%
incomplete bowel rotation 12%
there are no complaints 34%
volume of spleen is reduced 12%
oncology 33%
intoxication 12%
blood diseases 33%
acute pain 12%
injury 33%
stomach pain after eating 12%
quickly gets tired 37% 32%
enterovirus infection 11%
connective tissue weakness 11%
rupture duodenal dysfunction 11%
feeling of heaviness in the stomach 11%
intestinal lumen is narrowed 11%
abdominal pain after eating 11%
in winter abdominal pain on the left 11%
worse after eating 11%
increased urea 10%
subacute condition 10%
cytolysis syndrome 10%
weakness of the ligaments 10%
gases in the stomach 10%
pain in the left side of the body 10%
pain all over the stomach 10%
viral diarrhea 10%
weakness of the eyes 10%
weakness after illness 10%
connective tissue dysplasia 10%
flat feet 10%
cyclothymia 10%
better from movement 10%
blood flow rate is reduced 10%
wandering pains 10%
pain increases gradually 10%
main complaint is abdominal pain 10%
nausea vomiting 10%
accumulation of gases in the stomach 10%
increased blood flow rate 10%
leukocytosis 10%
no appetite 10%
weakness in the foot 10%
stool mushy 10%
increase in creatinine 9%
increased alt 9%
intestinal obstruction 9%
deformations of the feet 9%
stomach nausea 9%
intestinal lethargy 9%
weakness in the legs 9%
make the main 9%
rubella 9%
muscle atrophy 9%
difficult defecation 9%
hypoproteinemia 9%
erythrocytic anemia 9%
scoliosis 9%
increased ast 9%
of reduced efficiency 9%
abdominal 9%
myopia 9%
digestion bloating 9%
veins swelling on the legs 9%
infections of the genitourinary system 9%
left-sided symptoms 9%
abdominal discomfort 9%
no feeling of hunger 9%
is blocked an increase in the alkaline phosphatase 9%
vitamin c deficiency 8%
herpes 8%
drug poisoning 8%
painful appearance 8%
enteropathy 8%
caution 8%
constant pain 8%
decreased concentration 8%
weight change 8%
changeable mood 8%
malabsorption 8%
crooked legs 8%
increased ESR 8%
spondylopathy 8%
curvature of the spine 8%
cytomegalovirus infection 8%
stomach pain 8%
sharp belly 8%
pain throughout the body 7%
impaired gastric function 7%
fighting 7%
digestive disorders 7%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 7%
general intoxication syndrome 7%
thin 7%
visual impairment 7%
inflammatory bowel diseases 7%
violation of the chair 7%
emotional 7%
consequences of taking medications 6%
chronic condition 98% 100%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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