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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Sheehan syndromeHigh-risk pregnancy
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(0)100%(4)
Blood biochemistry 87%(2)96%(0)
Sex hormones 97%(8)74%(7)
General urine test 47%(0)89%(7)
General blood test 53%(3)77%(4)
Histological studies 6%(0)56%(0)
Radiography of the skull 54%(0)
Other hormones 53%(2)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 25%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 13%74%
hypopituitarism 21%
high-risk pregnancy 34%
pituitary gland diseases 17%
late pregnancy 29%
decreased tsh 17%
rubella 26%
hypogalactia 17%
toxoplasmosis 25%
dic syndrome 16%
death of relatives 25%
lactation 16%
abnormalities of uterine development 25%
hemorrhagic diathesis 15%
death of a loved 25%
estriol deficiency 15%
1 pregnancy 24%
weakness before menstruation 15%
2 trimester of pregnancy 24%
hypotonic uterine bleeding 15%
violation of uteroplacental blood flow 24%
lactation problems 15%
isthmic-cervical insufficiency 24%
acth deficiency 15%
eclampsia 24%
placenta increment 14%
scar on the uterus 23%
swelling before menstruation 14%
worse pregnancy 7% 30%
consequences of injuries 13%
swelling during pregnancy 23%
size of pituitary gland is increase 12%
alpha-fetoprotein is lowered 22%
nose nursing mom 12%
diabetes mellitus 22%
obstetric peritonitis 12%
hypovitaminosis in pregnant women 22%
blood loss 12%
pregnancy complications 8% 30%
obstetric sepsis 12%
smokes 21%
amniotic fluid embolism 12%
uterine tumor 21%
worse from the conflict 12%
premature birth 20%
neurosarcoidosis 12%
need for alcohol 20%
cause consequences of abortion 11%
1 trimester of pregnancy 20%
postpartum endometritis 11%
obesity 20%
involution of the mammary glands 11%
necrosis of the myomatous node 20%
clinical death 11%
consequences of taking medications 20%
criticality 11%
impaired uterine function 7% 27%
rupture of the cervix 11%
vomiting 20%
coagulopathy 11%
there are no complaints 20%
weakness during menstruation 11%
liver diseases 20%
weak hair 11%
deterioration during pregnancy 10% 30%
dizziness weakness 11%
preeclampsia 19%
chorioamnionitis 11%
placental abnormalities 19%
nails brittle 10%
hemorrhoids during pregnancy 19%
rapid childbirth 10%
proteinuria 19%
monthly short 10%
chickenpox 19%
periodic dizziness 10%
convulsions 19%
post-traumatic shock 10%
cytomegalovirus infection 19%
monthly gas scanty 10%
pregnancy toxicosis 8% 27%
vaginal tears 10%
itching during pregnancy 19%
postpartum infections 10%
cervical cancer 18%
pelvioperitonitis 10%
history medical mother's 18%
fsh deficiency 10%
stress during pregnancy 18%
lh deficiency 10%
excess weight during pregnancy 18%
hypoaldosteronism 10%
urination disorder 18%
arterial hypertension in adults 10%
uterine hypoplasia 18%
moderate condition 10%
aids 18%
split hair 10%
vitamin c deficiency 18%
toxic shock syndrome 9%
back pain 18%
bleeding uterine 9%
listeriosis 18%
polyuria 9%
hemorrhoids 18%
weakness after illness 9%
postoperative scars 18%
headache periodic 9%
congestive kidney 18%
autoimmune thrombocytopenia 9%
tetanus 18%
overflow of the head 9%
diphtheria 18%
stopped menstruation 9%
cancer 18%
pituitary tumors 9%
toxicosis 7% 25%
sharp headache 9%
hypertension during pregnancy 9% 27%
number of births increased 9%
childhood diseases 6% 24%
sudden dizziness 9%
3 trimester of pregnancy 17%
hemorrhagic shock 9%
discharge from the genital tract 17%
fisher-evans syndrome 9%
vaginitis 17%
poisoning addison 9%
headache of a pregnant woman 17%
injuries 9%
vulva infections 8% 25%
rapid reaction 9%
vitamin d deficiency 17%
adrenal insufficiency 8%
whooping 17%
hypoglycemia 8%
mental retardation 17%
feeling of danger 8%
rubella during pregnancy 17%
secondary hypertension 8%
antenatal fetal death 17%
thin skin 8%
chlamydia 17%
headache with weakness 8%
uterine cancer 17%
need for movement 8%
overweight 17%
encephalitis 8%
syphilis 16%
nose headache from fatigue 8%
endocervicitis 16%
intra-abdominal infections 8%
veins swelling on the legs 16%
lack of menstruation 8%
bradycardia 16%
слабость периодическая 8%
herpes 16%
monthly irregular 8%
hemolytic disease of the fetus 16%
primary immunodeficiency 8%
heartburn 16%
hyperpigmentation 8%
death of the child 16%
renal hypertension 8%
need for activity 16%
external bleeding 8%
worse during day 16%
purulent peritonitis 8%
weight 16%
hypotension with weakness 8%
vaccination 16%
feeling lonely 8%
hepatitis b 16%
absent-mindedness 8%
gestational diabetes 16%
shock states of various genesis 7%
impaired lung function 16%
myocardial infarction 7%
angiopathy 16%
thrombocytopenia 7%
up circulatory disorders 6% 22%
leukoencephalitis 7%
nose thrombophilia 16%
effects of shock 7%
fetal arrhythmia 16%
patient's condition is severe 7%
intra-phase infections 8% 24%
dehydration 7%
female pelvic organs 11% 27%
strong man 6%
gynecological operations 16%
control issues 6%
violation of thyroid function 15%
alpha-fetoprotein increased 15%
does not eat meat 15%
hemolytic disease of newborns 15%
hypertrophy of the uterine body 15%
miscarriage 15%
varicose veins during pregnancy 15%
unpleasant odor from the vagina 15%
hemorrhoids constipation 15%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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