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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar DIC syndromeHigh-risk pregnancy
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(12)96%(0)
General blood test 98%(15)77%(4)
General urine test 81%(3)89%(7)
Coagulogram 94%(4)23%(1)
Thyroid hormones 100%(4)
Sex hormones 20%(1)74%(7)
Histological studies 56%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 20%74%
hyperchromia 98%
high-risk pregnancy 34%
increase in creatine kinase 86%
late pregnancy 29%
leukocyturia 81%
hypertension during pregnancy 27%
post-traumatic shock 71%
rubella 26%
hepatorenal syndrome 69%
toxoplasmosis 25%
decreased fibrinogen 65%
vulva infections 25%
bleeding stomach ulcer 65%
abnormalities of uterine development 25%
hypercoagulation syndrome 63%
2 trimester of pregnancy 24%
hemorrhagic shock 61%
1 pregnancy 24%
acute renal failure 61%
eclampsia 24%
dic syndrome 61%
intra-phase infections 24%
hyperfibrinogenemia 58%
violation of uteroplacental blood flow 24%
by erosion of the stomach 58%
isthmic-cervical insufficiency 24%
gastrointestinal bleeding 57%
swelling during pregnancy 23%
bleeding uterine 57%
scar on the uterus 23%
thrombin time is increased 55%
vulvitis 23%
external bleeding 55%
diabetes mellitus 22%
effects of shock 54%
hypovitaminosis in pregnant women 22%
intestinal bleeding 54%
cervical pregnancy 22%
shock states of various genesis 53%
alpha-fetoprotein is lowered 22%
effects of poisoning 53%
smokes 21%
acute injury 53%
uterine tumor 21%
proteinuria 73% 19%
hypertension 20%
thrombocytopenia 52%
need for alcohol 20%
liver injuries 52%
necrosis of the myomatous node 20%
bleeding 51%
obesity 20%
stomach ulcer 51%
1 trimester of pregnancy 20%
blood loss 51%
preeclampsia 19%
hemorrhagic syndrome 50%
cytomegalovirus infection 19%
hemorrhagic diathesis 50%
hemorrhoids during pregnancy 19%
hypofibrinogenemia 50%
swelling 19%
antithrombin 3 increased 50%
chickenpox 19%
snake bite 50%
convulsions 19%
pain after injury 50%
endometritis 19%
pulmonary edema 49%
placental abnormalities 19%
dystrophy 49%
appendages of the uterus 19%
capillary bleeding 49%
itching during pregnancy 19%
terminal states 48%
tetanus 18%
gastrojunal ulcer 48%
vitamin c deficiency 18%
central venous pressure is lowered 48%
history medical mother's 18%
consequences of injuries 47%
stress during pregnancy 18%
toxic hepatitis 47%
listeriosis 18%
collapse 47%
congestive kidney 18%
hematocrit is reduced 46%
excess weight during pregnancy 18%
respiratory insufficiency 46%
medical abortion 18%
intestinal ulcer 45%
urination disorder 18%
acute liver failure 44%
aids 18%
the taste of acetone in the mouth 43%
hemorrhoids 18%
platelet aggregation increased 43%
back pain 18%
pulmonary hemorrhage 42%
cervical cancer 18%
septic abortion 41%
uterine hypoplasia 18%
burn shock 41%
postoperative scars 18%
diseases of the stomach and duodenum 41%
diphtheria 18%
parenchymal jaundice 41%
overweight 17%
peptic ulcer 49% 6%
chlamydia 17%
acute blood loss 41%
rubella during pregnancy 17%
protein with increased 55% 13%
uterine cancer 17%
obstetric sepsis 40%
vacuum 17%
infectious and toxic myocarditis 40%
whooping 17%
bacteremia 50% 9%
mental retardation 17%
kidney failure 50% 9%
vitamin d deficiency 17%
oliguria 39%
vaginitis 17%
obstetric peritonitis 39%
headache of a pregnant woman 17%
venous bleeding 39%
3 trimester of pregnancy 17%
peptic ulcer disease 12p of the intestine 38%
bleeding during pregnancy 16%
thermal burns 38%
gestational diabetes 16%
hemolytic-uremic syndrome 38%
hepatitis b 16%
platelet aggregation is reduced 38%
vaccination 16%
a lot of medicines 38%
worse during day 16%
impaired gastric function 46% 6%
need for activity 16%
profuse uterine bleeding 37%
herpes 16%
pain-free myocardial infarction 37%
hemolytic disease of the fetus 16%
subdural hematoma 36%
veins swelling on the legs 16%
prolonged crushing syndrome 35%
nose thrombophilia 16%
ulcers in the nose 35%
weight 16%
apoplexy 35%
syphilis 16%
consequences of abdominal trauma 35%
heartburn 16%
toxic liver 35%
fetal arrhythmia 16%
hemolysis of erythrocytes 34%
thyroid diseases 16%
sepsis 48% 12%
endocervicitis 16%
pelvioperitonitis 34%
gynecological operations 16%
addison 's crisis 34%
death of the child 16%
necrotic pancreatitis 34%
bradycardia 16%
postpartum bleeding 34%
ovarian tumors 15%
thrombocytopathy 34%
hemolytic disease of newborns 15%
uterine atony 34%
hypertrophy of the uterine body 15%
pleurisy 34%
does not eat meat 15%
retroperitoneal hematoma 34%
intrauterine infection 15%
hemorrhagic pleurisy 33%
hemorrhoids constipation 15%
pionephrosis 33%
no vaccinations 15%
postpartum infections 33%
scarring 15%
intestinal mucosa 33%
heart dysfunction 15%
cardiogenic shock 32%
unpleasant odor from the vagina 15%
injury 42% 8%
spasm 15%
does the wrong thing 32%
itching of the skin of the hands 15%
arterial bleeding 44% 10%
violation of thyroid function 15%
thrombosis 47% 13%
alpha-fetoprotein increased 15%
stroke 32%
loss of a loved one a person 15%
dehydration 32%
miscarriage 15%
hematoma 32%
varicose veins during pregnancy 15%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
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  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
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