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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Chronic osteomyelitisLightning eels
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(5)100%(5)
General urine test 54%(1)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 39%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 45%
chronic condition 28%
lightning eels 44%
lazy 25%
enlarged liver 25%
bone fistula 24%
acne face 22%
chronic osteomyelitis 24%
сыпь на туловище 10%
suppuration with fistulas 22%
pimples on the face 10%
weakness 22%
acne 10%
acute hematogenous osteomyelitis 22%
rashes on the face 9%
bone necrosis 20%
consultation of a gastroenterologist 9%
osteomyelitis 20%
painful appearance 8%
fistula 18%
changes in the blood 8%
post-traumatic osteomyelitis 17%
acute condition 8%
necrosis 15%
papules 8%
amyloidosis of the heart 13%
impaired lung function 7%
treatment with antibiotics 12%
sensitivity to medications 7%
wet skin 12%
with anemia 7%
consequences of operation 12%
strong man 7%
high temperature 12%
leukocytosis 8% 11%
suppuration of the skin 11%
skin problems 9% 9%
amyloidosis of the kidneys 11%
joint pain 8% 8%
back pain 11%
kidney disease 7% 7%
injury 11%
headache with fever 11%
fever worse 11%
nephrosis 11%
fever with sweating 11%
bone fracture 11%
fever in the head 11%
chills with sweating 11%
sweating of the head 10%
malignization 10%
sweats from pain 10%
amyloidosis 10%
intoxication 10%
trophic ulcer 10%
sweating with weakness 10%
sweating of the whole body 10%
joint soreness 10%
consequences of injuries 10%
chills weakness 10%
limps 10%
sweat with chills 10%
perspiration 10%
fever in the body 10%
headache with chills 10%
feeling of bruising 10%
temperature with chills 9%
improvement from physical exertion 9%
chronic kidney failure 9%
inflammatory infiltrate 9%
consequences of a fracture 9%
rash pustules 9%
consequences of suppression 9%
lower back pain 9%
illness after hypothermia 9%
cardiomyopathy 9%
lung damage 9%
fever with pain in the head 9%
phlegmon 9%
porous skin 9%
headache with weakness 9%
arthritis with pain 9%
limbs pain 9%
weakness at temperature 8%
sweating 8%
kidney failure 8%
peptic ulcer 8%
general weakness 8%
heart failure 8%
dystrophy 8%
congestive kidney 8%
arthritis 8%
state of exacerbation 8%
reddening of the skin 8%
general intoxication syndrome 8%
ulcers on the skin 8%
chills 8%
acute injury 8%
a history of trauma 8%
increased ESR 8%
subfebrile condition 8%
consequences of physical exertion 8%
are bad 8%
headaches 7%
cardiac disorder 7%
onset of illness 7%
pain throughout the body 7%
hematuria 7%
consequences of taking medications 11% 6%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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