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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar DorsopathyPolyneuropathy of pregnant women
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 74%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
sitting at home 73%
polyneuropathy 43%
spondylolisthesis 65%
vomiting reflex 38%
spondylosis 60%
pregnancy 36%
dorsopathy 59%
female alcoholism 34%
hernia intervertebral 59%
acute intermittent porphyria 33%
spine protrusion 58%
moral 32%
sudden sweating 55%
weakness during pregnancy 29%
spondylopathy 54%
paretic gait 28%
hernias of the spine 53%
vomiting in pregnant 28%
sciatica 53%
porphyria 27%
osteochondrosis 51%
numbness of fingers 27%
dislocation of the vertebrae 51%
tingling 27%
scoliosis 51%
cold feet 27%
bone growths 50%
paresis 11% 37%
night sweating 49%
polio 26%
back pain 49%
numbness of the hands 26%
warts on the legs 48%
better from smoking 25%
curvature of the spine 48%
consequences of childbirth 25%
wart on the sole 48%
chilly 24%
hernia 47%
improvement from alcohol 24%
pinching nerves 46%
diabetic polyneuropathy 24%
lordosis 46%
tingling in the legs 24%
stooped 46%
алкоголизм и наркомания 24%
hump 46%
leg weakness walking 23%
hot 46%
vomiting 23%
violation of pain sensitivity 45%
skin irritation 22%
intervertebral hernia of the cervical 45%
dry mouth 22%
dystrophy 45%
thirst 21%
myelopathy 45%
alcoholism 21%
tension in the spine 44%
mouth dryness 21%
pain in the sacrum 42%
addiction 20%
shooting pains 42%
numbness of the hands 15% 34%
pain in the legs 39%
weakness 13% 31%
stiffness in the back 39%
general weakness 18%
lower back pain 39%
dryness 17%
acute pain 39%
diabetes mellitus 17%
pain in the cervical 38%
intoxication 7% 23%
neuralgia 38%
weakness of the ligaments 10% 24%
pathological movements in spine 38%
hypotension with weakness 19% 31%
headache tension 38%
general intoxication syndrome 8% 18%
tension in the head 37%
paresis of legs 14% 23%
pain worse from pressure 37%
alcohol dependence 11% 19%
neck pain the 37%
smokes 11% 18%
joint deformation 37%
metabolic disorder 10% 17%
muscle tension 37%
hypotension 17% 20%
sciatica 36%
neurological disorders 35% 37%
worse from pressure 36%
hypotension 23% 24%
spinal canal stenosis 36%
it's better to be alone 16% 17%
infringement of the sciatic nerve 36%
stiffness in the joints 35%
increased alt 35%
osteochondrosis pain 35%
consequences of taking medications 34%
constant pain 34%
hypotension with hypotrophy 33%
inflammation 33%
spondylolysis 33%
pain from the load 32%
compression myelopathy 32%
pain in the muscles of the back 32%
hypotrophy 31%
pain in the fingers 31%
vertebral artery syndrome 30%
fatigue 30%
sciatic nerve pain 29%
posterior costal hump 29%
lumbar kyphosis 28%
pain chest 28%
cough when moving 28%
arthropathy 28%
thoracic kyphosis 28%
there is emaciation in the neck 27%
osteoarthritis of peripheral joints 27%
pain in the lumbar spine 26%
kyphosis scoliosis 26%
spinal injury 26%
pain in the wrists 26%
pain in the ankles 26%
stiffness in the lower back 26%
limps 25%
consequences of physical exertion 25%
pain in the collarbone 25%
thoracolumbar kyphosis 25%
position of the sacrum closer to horizontal 24%
numbness with pain 24%
lumbago 24%
pain in the shoulder blade 24%
pain in the sacrum lying down 24%
postoperative pain 24%
forward tilt of pelvis 24%
scar-adhesive epiduritis 24%
pulling pain in the arm 24%
shooting pain in the lower back 24%
bone deformation 24%
pain in the tendons 23%
pain in a paralyzed arm 23%
recovery period 23%
ankle weakness 23%
consequences of spinal injury 23%
back muscle spasm 23%
wound postoperative 23%
pain in the cervical spine 23%
pain gives in the leg 23%
motor activity 23%
consequences of operation 23%
weakness in the hip 23%
stage of recovery 23%
surgical infections 23%
desire for fried 23%
aching pain in the shoulder 23%
is not deformed 22%
ankylosing spondylitis 22%
consequences of injuries 22%
back aches 22%
consequences of infection 22%
flies in front of the eyes 22%
cough with sneezing 22%
thoracic spondylosis 22%
chest deformity 21%
breast asymmetry 21%
compression of the spinal cord 21%
intervertebral hernia of the lumbar 21%
vertebral syndrome 21%
tendon compaction 21%
stretching 21%
fluorosis 21%
myositis 21%
flat back syndrome 21%
constantly changes the position of the body 21%
ankylosis 21%
wedge - shaped vertebrae 21%
spinal epidural abscess 21%
pain in the fingers 21%
wounds 21%
bone fracture 20%
pain throughout the body 20%
conservative 20%
pain over the pubic 20%
bleeding 20%
angular hump 20%
calculating 20%
often sneezes 20%
pain in internal organs 20%
damage to the nervous system 20%
reduction of the number of movements (oligokinesia) 20%
misalignment of pelvis 20%
cervical neuralgia 20%
sheyerman-mau disease 20%
false joint 19%
reins symptom 19%
lower back pain when leaning forward 19%
calcification 19%


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  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
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