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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar JadeОнкоцитома почки
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
pyelitis 58%
varicocele 83%
chronic pyelonephritis 32%
pulling back pain 76%
kidney stones 21%
back pain is aching 75%
leukocyturia 20%
cancer 73%
glomerulonephritis 14%
oncology 68%
proteinuria 13%
fine-grained 65%
inflammation 9%
renal cell carcinoma 63%
cold after hypothermia 7%
hippel-lindau disease 62%
lupus nephritis 7%
carcinoid syndrome 61%
interstitial nephritis 7%
aches 55%
lower back pain in the morning 6%
kidney removed 55%
hypertensive encephalopathy 6%
lower back pain 4% 58%
illness after hypothermia 6%
there are no complaints 54%
erysipelas 5%
blood serotonin increased 53%
scarlet 5%
tuberous sclerosis 52%
magnesia 5%
back pain 4% 54%
increased pressure in the evening 5%
vascular tumor 50%
worse from a cold 5%
renal artery stenosis 49%
bruising morning 5%
scarring 49%
swelling 5%
myeloma 49%
they're watching him 5%
angiomatosis 49%
sore throats in childhood 5%
change of position 47%
chronic glomerulonephritis 5%
consequence of hormone treatment 47%
back pain in the morning 5%
hematuria 22% 69%
endocarditis 4%
kidney cyst 46%
anuria 43%
encephalopathy 4%
impaired lung function 3% 45%
protein c deficiency 4%
secondary hypertension 42%
consequences of physical exertion 4%
toxic nephropathy 42%
lung pain 4%
oncology relatives 42%
consumes alcohol 4%
hypertension 5% 47%
of the swelling of the face 4%
kidney disease 34% 75%
hypotension 4%
lung cancer 41%
sore 4%
hemorrhages on the skin 41%
worse during day 4%
medicinal nephropathy 41%
lower respiratory tract infections 4%
chronic kidney failure 40%
consequences of acute respiratory 4%
effects of taking hormones 40%
swelling of the whole body 4%
constantly moving 39%
changes in urine 4%
open person 39%
pus on the tonsils 4%
big man 38%
liebman-sachs endocarditis 4%
asymmetry 37%
increased pressure in the morning 4%
arterial occlusion 37%
systemic lupus erythematosus 4%
congestive kidney 37%
treatment with antibiotics 3%
hypertension 37%
metabolic disorder 3%
smokes 36%
pain throughout the body 3%
radiation damage 35%
damage to the nervous system 3%
thrombosis 34%
feeling of bruising 3%
surgical infections 34%
cardiac disorder 3%
nephropathy 4% 37%
consequences of infection 3%
angiopathy 32%
onset of illness 3%
blood diseases 30%
patient's condition 3%
consequences of taking medications 30%
kidney failure 11% 36%
kidney pain area 32% 47%
chronic kidney disease 38% 49%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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