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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar PiosalpinxLightning eels
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(7)100%(5)
General urine test 99%(1)
Blood biochemistry 57%(3)
Sex hormones 57%(1)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 93%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 45%
endometritis 84%
lightning eels 44%
heat in the ears 84%
enlarged liver 25%
rashes on the chin 60%
acne face 22%
painful pimples 60%
сыпь на туловище 10%
pain in the chin 58%
pimples on the face 10%
pregnancy 57%
consultation of a gastroenterologist 9%
bleeding uterine 52%
rashes on the face 9%
vaginal 50%
joint pain 8%
bleeding 49%
painful appearance 8%
endometrial hyperplasia 48%
changes in the blood 8%
endometrioid cyst 46%
papules 8%
piosalpinx 45%
chronic kidney disease 8%
gonorrhea 45%
strong man 7%
posthemorrhagic anemia 44%
sensitivity to medications 7%
adnexitis 37%
with anemia 7%
inflammation of the ovaries 36%
arthropathy 7%
appendages of the uterus 36%
impaired lung function 7% 7%
blood diseases 36%
vulvitis 35%
vulva infections 35%
blood loss 35%
mycoplasma 35%
intra-phase infections 34%
STDs 33%
female pelvic organs 33%
impaired uterine function 31%
weakness after illness 31%
acne 43% 10%
gonorrheal vulvovaginitis 30%
chlamydia 29%
treatment with antibiotics 28%
tubovarial abscess 27%
weakness 26%
parametrite 26%
abscesspelvis 26%
consequences of operation 25%
pelvioperitonitis 24%
scars adhesions after surgery 24%
sepsis 24%
bacteremia 24%
consequences of infection 23%
pain in the lower abdomen 23%
gonococcal salpingitis 23%
obliteration of the fallopian tube 23%
lower abdominal pain 23%
gonorrhea in women 22%
surgical infections 22%
bursting pain in the lower abdomen 22%
high temperature 22%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 21%
uterine appendages are increase 21%
chlamydia in women 21%
appendages of pain 21%
worse after coitus 20%
acute appendicitis 20%
chills 20%
pain from the lower back spreads to the legs 20%
intra-abdominal infections 20%
fever abdominal pain 20%
ovarian cyst 20%
pain throughout the body 20%
ascites 20%
bursting in the lower abdomen 20%
septic abortion 20%
pain after coitus 19%
appendicitis 19%
cold sweat 19%
sweating 19%
acute salpingitis 19%
cutting pain in the lower abdomen 19%
ectopic pregnancy 19%
alternating heat 19%
mycoplasmosis in women 18%
frozen pregnancy 18%
cause consequences of abortion 18%
temperature with chills 18%
urination disorder 18%
abdominal pain 18%
chills alternating fever 18%
gases when urinating 18%
acute pain in the lower abdomen 18%
pain in the lumbosacral region 18%
paranoia 17%
bursting abdominal pain 17%
constant aching pain 17%
abscess 17%
belly enlargement 17%
sharp belly 17%
suspicion 17%
tuberculosis 16%
worse during menstruation 16%
chills with fever 16%
worse from physical exertion 16%
stage of recovery 16%
constant pain 16%
oncology 16%
pain gives in the groin 16%
acute pyelonephritis 16%
proteus syndrome 16%
purulent discharge from the vagina 16%
cold sweating 16%
pulsation in the abdomen 16%
urination rare 16%
abdominal distension a 15%
habitual miscarriage 15%
rare stool 15%
removal of the uterus 15%
silicotuberculosis 15%
sweat with chills 15%
pain gives in the leg 15%
effects of taking antibiotics 15%
acute expansion of the stomach 15%
pneumonia 15%
fever with sweating 15%
pain gives in the back 15%
Friedlander 's pneumonia 15%
recovery period 15%
chills with sweating 15%
consequences of taking medications 23% 6%
defecation during urination 14%
intestinal endometriosis 14%
sweats often 14%
gonococcus dna positive 14%
metroendometritis 14%
vomiting 14%
acute pain 14%
abdominal 14%
purulent peritonitis 14%
consequences of abortion 14%
patient's condition 14%
anaerobic infection 14%
numbness of the abdomen 14%
endometriosis 14%
vaults of uterus are painful 14%
feeling of bruising 14%
pain in the sacrum 14%
acute cholecystitis 14%
piovar 14%
sweating with weakness 14%
pyelitis 14%
nausea 14%
gynecological operations 14%
sweating of the whole body 14%
sweating with palpitations 14%
chronic pelvic pain syndrome in women 14%
appendix cancer 13%
stool with gases 13%
ureaplasma 13%
cholecystitis 13%
the feeling is made of glass 13%
infertility female 13%
complications of childbirth 13%
medical abortion 13%
ureaplasmosis 13%
postoperative scars 13%
phlegmon 13%
difficult defecation 13%
pain in the groin area 13%
digestion bloating 13%
bursting 13%
uterine tumor 13%
ovarian dysfunction 13%
weakness and palpitations 13%
fallopian tube cancer 13%
better in morning 13%
miscarriage 13%
ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis 13%
appendicitis during pregnancy 13%
chronic pelvic pain syndrome 13%
mycoplasma dna positive 13%
perihepatitis 12%
stomach pain 12%
subfebrile condition 12%
shock states of various genesis 12%
procalcitonin is elevated 12%
on palpation the uterus painful 12%
bloating 12%
hypertrophy biliary tract 12%
ovarian endometriosis 12%
general tension 12%
effects of shock 12%
aches 12%
chronic oophoritis 12%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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