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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Dehydration in childrenХроническая болезнь почек
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 16%(3)21%(23)
Blood biochemistry 10%(0)25%(0)
General blood test 16%(5)15%(18)
Creatinine clearance 27%(0)
Coagulogram 13%(3)12%(3)
Coprogram 14%(1)7%(3)
CT of the kidneys 15%(0)
Thyroid hormones 13%(0)
Elements and vitamins 13%(13)
ECG 13%(0)
General inspection 9%(0)3%(0)
Other hormones 10%(1)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%5%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 14%100%
vomiting 67% 5%
pyelonephritis 12% 95%
vomiting at night 51%
kidney failure 10% 26%
sluggish baby 51% 4%
increase in creatinine 15%
vomiting even from water 46% 2%
kidney cyst 12%
vomiting bile 46% 3%
kidney damage 11%
weakness 35% 5%
increase in gfr urine 10%
drowsiness 28%
decrease in albumin 10%
dehydration in children 33% 5%
decrease in creatinine 10%
tongue wet 23%
increase in albumin 9%
the child does not eat 23%
secondary hypertension 9%
dryness of mucous membranes and skin 22%
hypertension 9%
refusal to drink 22%
atherosclerosis of the renal arteries 9%
does not complain 22%
injury 8%
desire tea 22%
angiopathy 8%
thirst 27% 3%
atherosclerosis of blood vessels 8%
high temperature 25% 2%
acute injury 8%
fontanelle 20%
dyslipidemia 8%
diabetes insipidus in children 20%
hyperphosphatemia 8%
dry cracked lips 19%
medicinal nephropathy 8%
convulsions 22% 2%
glomerulonephritis 8%
acute allergic reactions 18%
nephrosclerosis 7%
thermal burns 18%
control issues 7%
drinks a lot of fluids 22% 2%
chronic anemia 7%
dry lips 17%
obesity 7%
skin is worse from water 17%
changes in urine 7%
vomiting and diarrhea at the same time 17%
overweight 7%
allergic gastritis 17%
ckd c4 7%
stool meager 17%
with anemia 7%
vomiting with blood 17%
diabetic nephropathy 7%
colds with temperatures 17%
vascular damage 7%
hematocrit increased 16%
dependence on food 7%
indomitable vomiting 16%
hypertensive nephropathy 7%
desire for salty 16%
consequences of taking medications 7%
aphonia 16%
sediment urine 7%
intestinal infection 16%
hyperparathyroidism 6%
very dry skin 16%
symptomatic arterial hypertension 6%
an increase in the level of white blood cells in the urine 16%
eats 6%
coma in a child 16%
general loss of strength 6%
heart sounds are weakened 16%
uremia 6%
colds with high fever 16%
oncology 6%
medicinal colitis 16%
calciphylaxis 6%
there is no thirst 16%
quickly gets tired 6%
hypotension 22% 5%
cancer 6%
inflammation of the stomach 15%
kidney stones 6%
bacterial enteritis 15%
obstructive uropathy 6%
marble skin 15%
hypervolemia 6%
viral enteritis 15%
increased uric acid 6%
inflammatory bowel diseases 15%
thrombosis 6%
diarrhea with blood 18% 2%
weakness 6%
tonic-clonic seizures 14%
there are no complaints 6%
difficulty inhaling breathing 14%
increased potassium 6%
diabetic ketoacidosis 14%
smokes 6%
reduced sweating 14%
general swelling does 6%
to breathe hard 14%
swelling 6%
breathing is difficult 14%
hereditary jade 6%
sagging skin 14%
inflammation 11% 17%
bubbles on the skin 14%
proteinuria 11% 17%
convulsive syndrome in children 13%
decreased ferritin 5%
respiratory allergy 13%
no feeling of hunger 5%
viral diarrhea 13%
IBS 5%
clonic cramps 13%
kidney failure in children 5%
generalized epilepsy 13%
stones in the bladder 5%
acute colitis 13%
anomalies of kidney development 5%
hypertensive dehydration 17% 2%
terminal states 5%
infectious colitis 13%
metabolic acidosis 5%
hoarseness voice 12%
analgesic nephropathy 5%
dry mouth 12%
worse food 5%
rapid reaction 18% 4%
ischemic nephropathy 5%
mouth dryness 12%
arterial occlusion 5%
lethargy 12%
weight 5%
epileptiform seizures 12%
hypertensive heart failure 5%
motor anxiety 12%
observation 5%
Common symptoms are weakness 12%
liebman-sachs endocarditis 5%
mucous hyperemia 12%
hemoglobin increased 5%
diarrhea 17% 3%
refuses treatment 5%
calculating 15% 1%
nausea 5%
worse from water 16% 2%
polymorbidity 5%
diarrhea vomiting 16% 2%
protein-energy deficiency 5%
dry skin 16% 2%
vasculitis 5%
hypotonic dehydration 15% 2%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 5%
epilepsy 11%
of the swelling of the face 5%
blood diseases 19% 6%
strong man 5%
dryness 19% 6%
red urine 5%
moderate condition 15% 2%
vomiting with increased blood pressure 5%
reddening of the skin 11%
heart failure 5%
thirst is reduced 15% 2%
better in spring 5%
wet skin 11%
azotemia 5%
epilepsy attacks 11%
decreased urea 5%
impaired function of the large intestine 11%
complications of kidney transplantation 5%
leg cramps 11%
decreased calcium 5%
patient's condition 17% 5%
increased calcium 5%
leukocytosis 10%
catheter-associated bloodstream infections 5%
diarrhea in a child 14% 2%
parathyroid hormone increased 5%
diabetes insipidus 15% 3%
shortness 5%
serious child 14% 2%
renal artery stenosis 5%
liquid stool 14% 2%
calcification 5%
cylinders 15% 3%
vitamin d deficiency 5%
high height 15% 3%
renal osteodystrophy 5%
severe dryness of the skin 15% 3%
parathyroid hormone reduced 5%
gastroenteritis 13% 2%
subacute condition 5%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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