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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar HydroureterХроническая болезнь почек
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
ormond's disease 82%
pyelonephritis 33% 95%
megaureter 78%
kidney damage 11%
urethrolithiasis 76%
decrease in albumin 10%
obstructive uropathy 77% 6%
increase in gfr urine 10%
pain in the groin area 67%
decrease in creatinine 10%
renal colic 67%
atherosclerosis of the renal arteries 9%
tartar 66%
increase in albumin 9%
pain in the ureter 65%
glomerulonephritis 8%
gestational pyelonephritis 64%
diabetes mellitus 8%
vesicoureteral reflux 61%
dyslipidemia 8%
ureteritis 60%
hyperphosphatemia 8%
groin pain in men 60%
medicinal nephropathy 8%
congenital abnormalities of the ureter 64% 2%
acute injury 8%
prostate adenoma 65% 3%
angiopathy 8%
colic 58%
cardiac disorder 8%
plaque on the teeth 57%
atherosclerosis of blood vessels 8%
changes in urine 66% 7%
hypertensive nephropathy 7%
hydrourethronephrosis 57%
control issues 7%
large stones in the bladder 57%
diabetic nephropathy 7%
prostate cancer 56%
heart dysfunction 7%
pain from the back to the stomach 55%
obesity 7%
stones in the bladder 61% 5%
sediment urine 7%
weak stream of urine 54%
metabolic disorder 7%
lower abdominal pain in men 53%
ckd c4 7%
diverticulum of the bladder 53%
nephrosclerosis 7%
urethral cancer 53%
overweight 7%
diverticulum of the ureter 53%
vascular damage 7%
diverticulum of the urethra 52%
dependence on food 7%
kidney pain area 52%
increased uric acid 6%
urethrocele 52%
polyuria 6%
pain in the kidneys and groin 51%
hereditary jade 6%
tumors of the ureter 57% 4%
calciphylaxis 6%
heaviness in the lower abdomen 50%
hyperparathyroidism 6%
lower abdominal pain 49%
electrolyte balance disorders 6%
pain in the lower abdomen 49%
uremia 6%
feeling of blockage 49%
general loss of strength 6%
ovarian apoplexy 49%
symptomatic arterial hypertension 6%
female pelvic organs 48%
eats 6%
multiple stones in the bladder 48%
weakness 6%
impaired prostate function 53% 4%
dryness 6%
injury of the ureter 47%
smokes 6%
oncology 54% 6%
quickly gets tired 6%
ureteral stricture 46%
blood diseases 6%
bowel cancer 46%
hypervolemia 6%
little urine 52% 5%
thrombosis 6%
feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder 45%
general swelling does 6%
feeling of residual urine 45%
up circulatory disorders 6%
urination incomplete 44%
increased potassium 6%
groin pain in women 44%
decrease in phosphorus 5%
urethra valves 49% 3%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 5%
neurogenic bladder 43%
metabolic acidosis 5%
appendages of the uterus 43%
strong man 5%
benign neoplasms 48% 3%
vitamin d deficiency 5%
intestinal tumor 43%
azotemia 5%
discomfort when urinating 43%
decreased calcium 5%
testicular pain 42%
tubulopathy 5%
prostate enlargement 42%
increased calcium 5%
cysts and polyps 42%
of the swelling of the face 5%
chills 42%
shortness 5%
pain gives in the groin 42%
heart failure 5%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 49% 6%
increase in phosphorus 5%
cervical cancer 41%
dehydration 5%
lip pain 41%
dehydration in children 5%
stims 41%
protein-energy deficiency 5%
боль распространяется вверх 40%
worse food 5%
onset of illness 48% 6%
vomiting with increased blood pressure 5%
inflammatory bowel diseases 40%
catheter-associated bloodstream infections 5%
intestinal colic 40%
vasculitis 5%
rectal cancer 39%
parathyroid hormone reduced 5%
tuberculin 39%
renal osteodystrophy 5%
difficulty urinating 39%
parathyroid hormone increased 5%
hydronephrosis 39%
subacute condition 5%
reaction to manta rays 39%
complications of kidney transplantation 5%
lymphosarcoma 42% 1%
renal artery stenosis 5%
abdominal pain 39%
calcification 5%
kidney disease 59% 19%
better in spring 5%
uterine cancer 38%
IBS 5%
nocturnal enuresis 38%
toxic nephropathy 5%
esophageal stenosis (stricture 38%
hemoglobin increased 5%
kidney cyst 51% 12%
arterial occlusion 5%
broths 41% 2%
decreased urea 5%
diabetes insipidus 42% 3%
liebman-sachs endocarditis 5%
ovarian cysts 37%
observation 5%
kidney hypertrophy 41% 2%
hypertensive heart failure 5%
heaviness in the abdomen 37%
red urine 5%
appendicitis 36%
vomiting 5%
delayed urination 36%
protein with increased 5%
tumors of the rectum 36%
nausea 5%
pregnancy 36%
hypokalemia 5%
pain in the bladder 36%
weight 5%
kidney failure 64% 26%
kidney failure in children 5%
cancer 44% 6%
patient's condition 5%
weakness 42% 5%
decreased ferritin 5%
inflammation 54% 17%
fluid in the abdomen 5%
bladder tumor 39% 2%
interstitial nephritis 5%
ovarian dysfunction 35%
drug poisoning 5%
ovarian tumors 35%
increased vitamin d3 5%
lethargy with fever 35%
ischemic nephropathy 5%
hypotension with weakness 35%
feeling of bruising 5%
general weakness 40% 3%
analgesic nephropathy 5%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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