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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Ileofemoral thrombosisРетинопатия Пурчера
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 45%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 98%
ileofemoral thrombosis 40%
fundus arteries narrowed 91%
pain in the foot 30%
retinopathy 89%
nose thrombophilia 21%
blindness 82%
obliterating endarteritis 15%
eye swelling 78%
pain in the thigh 15%
visual impairment 77%
deep vein thrombosis 15%
retinal hemorrhage 66%
pain in the legs 15%
pancreatitis 66%
phlebitis 14%
traumatic brain injury 65%
limbs warm 14%
roth's disease 64%
pain in the lumbosacral region 14%
head injury 64%
pain in the groin area 14%
occlusion of the central retinal artery 63%
thrombophlebitis 14%
autoimmune pancreatitis 61%
hyperhomocysteinemia 13%
traumatic illness 61%
high temperature 13%
angiopathy 7% 68%
pain in the calves 13%
retinal rupture 60%
warm feet 13%
hemorrhage in the eye 59%
swelling of genitals 13%
not sensitive to pain 59%
excess weight during pregnancy 12%
alcoholic pancreatitis 57%
vascular tumor 12%
cryoglobulinemia 56%
heaviness in the legs 12%
sedentary lifestyle 55%
blue veins 12%
hellp syndrome 54%
swelling during pregnancy 12%
indomitable vomiting 53%
sensations in the legs 12%
blurred vision 53%
pelvic bone fracture 12%
arterial occlusion 9% 61%
preeclampsia 11%
up circulatory disorders 11% 62%
overweight 11%
macular edema 51%
shereshevsky-turner syndrome 11%
rupture of the eyeball 48%
pain in the lower extremities 11%
acute head injury 48%
swelling of the feet 11%
fisher-evans syndrome 48%
pain in the sacrum 11%
acute condition 47%
thrombosis of the lower extremities 11%
injury 12% 58%
hypercoagulation syndrome 11%
heaviness in the eyes 45%
pain in the shins 11%
autoimmune thrombocytopenia 45%
anaerobic infection 11%
swelling 15% 60%
acute pain in the legs 11%
red spots on the skin 45%
paralysis of the lower extremities 11%
blood diseases 12% 57%
migrating larva 10%
prolonged labor 45%
lung infarction 10%
primary immunodeficiency 42%
lower back pain 10%
heavy eyes 42%
swelling of the whole body 10%
systemic lupus erythematosus 41%
predominant right 10%
pressure in the head 41%
pretending to be sick 10%
late pregnancy 40%
superficial veins 10%
pancreatopathy 40%
limbs pain 10%
changes in the blood 8% 47%
abdominal injuries 10%
hemorrhages on the skin 39%
swelling of the extremities 10%
alcohol is abusing 39%
peripheral artery thrombosis 10%
apoplexy 39%
oncology 10%
liebman-sachs endocarditis 39%
subcutaneous edema 10%
hepatitis c 38%
myocardial dysfunction 10%
endocarditis 38%
stroke 9%
chronic kidney failure 38%
back pain 9%
pregnancy complications 38%
heredity predisposition 9%
eye surgery 38%
brain tumor 9%
thrombocytopenia 36%
destructive behavior 9%
viral hepatitis 36%
swelling of the legs 9%
acute injury 36%
painful appearance 9%
a history of trauma 36%
bleeding 9%
cerebral circulation disorder 35%
conservative 9%
aids 35%
myocardial infarction 9%
congestive kidney 35%
joint injuries 9%
bacteremia 35%
tumors of the heart 9%
hepatitis 34%
blue skin 9%
kidney failure 34%
pain in the veins 9%
organic brain damage 34%
hysteria 9%
sepsis 33%
pale skin 9%
lymphostasis 11% 44%
wet skin 9%
immunodeficiency 33%
bone fracture 8%
chronic kidney disease 33%
radiation damage 8%
venous thrombosis 21% 53%
acute pain 8%
subacute condition 32%
cancer 8%
liver diseases 32%
necrosis 8%
kidney disease 32%
pain throughout the body 8%
vomiting 31%
consequences of childbirth 8%
pregnancy toxicosis 10% 40%
heart dysfunction 8%
venous congestion 9% 38%
bleeding 8%
onset of illness 12% 41%
patient is motionless 8%
skin problems 29%
smokes 8%
toxicosis 9% 37%
radiation therapy 8%
hypoxia 8% 33%
paralysis 8%
hemorrhagic diathesis 12% 35%
patient's condition 7%
cardiac disorder 7% 30%
vascular damage 14% 34%
there are no complaints 10% 30%
thrombosis 46% 64%
pregnancy 13% 31%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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