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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar High-risk pregnancyPostpartum thrombophlebitis
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 74%25%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 47%
hypertension during pregnancy 27%
ileofemoral thrombosis 40%
rubella 26%
superficial veins 34%
death of relatives 25%
thrombophlebitis 33%
abnormalities of uterine development 25%
purulent thrombophlebitis 32%
toxoplasmosis 25%
pain in the veins 31%
death of a loved 25%
deep vein thrombosis 31%
eclampsia 24%
phlebitis 31%
violation of uteroplacental blood flow 24%
pain in the veins of the legs 30%
isthmic-cervical insufficiency 24%
lung infarction 29%
scar on the uterus 23%
thrombosis of the lower extremities 8% 35%
swelling during pregnancy 23%
protein s deficiency 27%
diabetes mellitus 22%
pain in the legs 25%
alpha-fetoprotein is lowered 22%
post - phlebotic syndrome 25%
hypovitaminosis in pregnant women 22%
metrothrombophlebitis 25%
worse pregnancy 30% 6%
leg pain with edema 24%
1 trimester of pregnancy 20%
peripheral artery thrombosis 24%
liver diseases 20%
venous thrombosis 7% 30%
premature birth 20%
hemorrhagic diathesis 22%
need for alcohol 20%
swelling of the legs 22%
necrosis of the myomatous node 20%
thrombosis of small vessels 22%
cytomegalovirus infection 19%
floating blood clot 21%
proteinuria 19%
vascular tumor 20%
chickenpox 19%
thrombosis with varicose 19%
convulsions 19%
swelling of the hips 19%
hemorrhoids during pregnancy 19%
pain in the calves 19%
placental abnormalities 19%
protein c deficiency 18%
itching during pregnancy 19%
protein s lowered 18%
history medical mother's 18%
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia 18%
listeriosis 18%
pain in the thigh 18%
aids 18%
hypercoagulation syndrome 18%
medical abortion 18%
thrombophilia during pregnancy 18%
stress during pregnancy 18%
pain in the shins 18%
congestive kidney 18%
difficulty urinating 17%
uterine hypoplasia 18%
weak stream of urine 17%
diphtheria 18%
swelling of the extremities 17%
tetanus 18%
chronic venous edema 17%
postoperative scars 18%
chills 17%
high-risk pregnancy 34% 14%
nose thrombophilia 16% 32%
vacuum 17%
antibodies to cardiolipin increased 16%
antenatal fetal death 17%
postpartum endometritis 16%
with anemia 17%
hyperhomocysteinemia 16%
chlamydia 17%
pain throughout the body 6% 22%
whooping 17%
prolonged fever 16%
3 trimester of pregnancy 17%
hyperthermia 16%
vaginitis 17%
postpartum obesity 15%
discharge from the genital tract 17%
nose nursing mom 15%
vitamin d deficiency 17%
pain in the ankles 15%
mental retardation 17%
chf 15%
rubella during pregnancy 17%
right-sided symptoms 15%
headache of a pregnant woman 17%
edema after sleep 15%
hepatitis b 16%
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 15%
gestational diabetes 16%
congenital familial osteopetrosis 15%
syphilis 16%
pain in legs in the evening 14%
endocervicitis 16%
sudden pain 14%
need for activity 16%
insensitivity to pain 14%
heartburn 16%
arterial occlusion 6% 20%
hemolytic disease of the fetus 16%
vascular damage 9% 23%
herpes 16%
pain in the foot 14%
thyroid diseases 16%
intolerance to drugs 13%
bradycardia 16%
warfarin necrosis of the skin 13%
hormonal disorders 16%
fever abdominal pain 13%
vaccination 16%
fever tachycardia 13%
fetal arrhythmia 16%
antithrombin 3 lowered 13%
death of the child 16%
warfarin necrosis 13%
weight 16%
lactation 13%
childhood diseases 24% 6%
chills down the back 13%
worse during day 16%
bloating 13%
loss of a loved one a person 15%
legs swell in the evening 13%
itching of the skin of the hands 15%
pain in the calf muscles 13%
urogenital chlamydia 15%
swelling of the feet 13%
intrauterine infection 15%
treatment with antibiotics 13%
miscarriage 15%
thrombocytopenia 13%
alpha-fetoprotein increased 15%
pain over the pubic 13%
viral hepatitis 15%
leg pain fever 13%
scarring 15%
difficulty urinating in women 13%
2 trimester of pregnancy 24% 7%
pale skin 13%
hemorrhoids constipation 15%
thrombosis 13% 26%
unpleasant odor from the vagina 15%
varicose veins of the legs 14% 27%
does not eat meat 15%
worse standing better sitting 12%
hypertrophy of the uterine body 15%
deterioration postpartum 9% 21%
hemolytic disease of newborns 15%
violation of the right departments hearts 12%
violation of thyroid function 15%
pain gives in the leg 12%
no vaccinations 15%
endocrine infertility 12%
effects of taking hormones 14%
anovulatory cycle 12%
mom oncology 14%
increased blood clotting 12%
malabsorption 14%
pain in the lower abdomen on the right 12%
rickets 14%
pain in the groin area 12%
facial muscle spasm 14%
pain in the lower abdomen 12%
feeling of cramps 14%
lower abdominal pain in women 12%
intoxication 14%
lower abdominal pain 12%
hepatitis 14%
abdominal pain 12%
constipation 14%
abdominal swelling 12%
viral hepatitis in pregnant women 14%
bends in an arc 12%
worse from water 14%
high temperature 6% 18%
hypothyroidism during pregnancy 14%
wet skin 11%
refuses to help 14%
hodgkin's lymphoma in pregnant women 11%
nausea pregnant 14%
rheumatic myositis 11%
measles 14%
pain in the legs at night 11%
constipation during pregnancy 14%
pain in the right iliac region 11%
deterioration during pregnancy 30% 15%
swelling of the ankle joint 11%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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