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Viola odorata

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Common symptoms
  4. Psyche and consciousness
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Chest organs
  9. Limbs and spine
  10. Sleep
  11. Fever
  12. Acute conditions
  13. Urogenital system
  14. Analogs by action
  15. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Viola odorata, Linn. Natural order: Violaceae. сommon name: Violet. Preparation: Tincture of plant in flower.

Common symptoms

 Relaxation of all the muscles. вruised pain in all the bones of the body, in the morning in bed, after waking, which disappears after rising. Transient burning, here and there, on the body; it seems like a drawing-together in a small spot, and burning like a small transient flame, while sitting during the day, as well as while lying at night. Symptoms recurred equally in all positions, were mild yet more definitely felt than from other drugs.

Psyche and consciousness

 Morbid fantasies; fantasies come to him, he makes an effort to grasp them, but before he can do so they disappear (after eight hours). Sadness changing to gloomy despondency. Aversion to talking, gloomy and hypochondriac mood, with weakness of memory (after one hour and a half). Aversion to all music, especially the violin. Special sharpness of mind, lasting a long time. Increased activity of mind for half an hour (after one hour); followed by difficult reflection for an hour (after one hour and a half). Very great intellectual and emotional activity, with constant weak memory, followed by headache (after nine hours). сonfusion of thoughts; when he attempted to express his thoughts by words they immediately disappeared, and some strange thoughts took their place, and he could not recall the former. Disconnected thoughts thronged one upon the other, none of which he was able to grasp; but his judgment remained good, because he knew how little he would be understood if he expressed his thoughts; on this account he kept quiet, yet for the most parts was unable to express any of his fantasies even by a word, 3. He seems able to recognize only half an idea; he puts in the proper place but cannot hold to it; he makes great effort to grasp the other half, but at the same moment half of another incomplete idea presses upon him, and so on; thoughts chase one another, but he always has only half a thought which he cannot hold to and cannot think out; his judgment, however, remains, he recognizes morbid fantasies, but cannot help them; therewith he looks like one meditating and despondent, 3. Momentary vanishing of thought. Weakness of memory; when he reaches a period in reading he has already forgotten what the beginning of the sentence was. Great weakness of memory for twenty-four hours.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo; everything in the head seems to whirl around, even while sitting. Heaviness of the whole head, the cervical muscles seem very weak. Dull confused headache. Dull headache, with cramp in one eye, with vision of a fiery tremulous half circle. Drawing in the left frontal eminence (after a quarter of an hour). A prickling in the forehead from rush of blood (after eleven minutes). Tension i the occiput and forehead (after three-quarters of an hour). Tension of the scalp of the occiput, even when not moving, though worse on bending the head forward and backward; a painful sensation which compels him to wrinkle the frontal muscles, lasting several days.
 Burning pain in the left eye. Heat and burning in the eyes. Tension beneath the eyes. Lids. The eyes close. сramp like spasms in the eyelids, extending to the malar region, especially of the left side. Heaviness of the lids with the usual clearness of the eyes, as sometimes when one has risen very early in the morning (after one hour and a quarter). Tendency of the lids to close without physical sleepiness. вall. It seems to him as though each of the eyeballs were compressed from both sides (after one hour and a half)2. Pupil. Pupils contracted (after one hour). Vision. It seems thick before the eyes, and everything seems dim. Sharp vision, ease in looking (after nine hours). He is obliged to hold objects somewhat nearer than usual in order to see distinctly (after two hours). The contours of letters are not sharply defined while reading, they seem to run together. Illusion of vision; at the point to which he looks he seems to see a half point, which then becomes a tremulous light, constantly more fiery, and at last looks like a half circle and a zigzag fiery appearance following a serpentine course, which at last becomes weaker, and gradually disappears; with this the white of the eye looks red (after eight hours and a half), 3.
 Drawing and tension in the left ear rather externally. Pressing pain behind the left ear externally. Deep transient stitches alternately beneath one or the other ear, especially the left. Sticking from within outward, in the left ear. Rushing and ringing in the ears.
 Numb feeling in the tip of the nose, as if it had been beaten, and the blood were pressing out.
 Tension, which at times extends to the upper half of the face, especially of the nose, thence to the forehead and temples, as far as the ears, alternating with a similar sensation in the occiput and cervical muscles. Pressure on the malar bone. Violent drawing pressure from the malar bone to the temples, immediately. Tearing pain in the left lower jaw, extending up to the ear.

Mouth and throat

 Tearing in the teeth of the right lower jaw (after ten minutes). A sensation in the hard palate, as if it were completely dried up.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Constipation for two days; he has inclination but nothing results.

Chest organs

 Short breath. Respiration is scarcely noticed, inspiration and expiration are difficult; it is most painful on expiration with great apprehension, associated with violent beating of the heart (after eight hours and a half).
 Frightful oppression of the chest and dyspnoea, with pain in neck, extending from a stone lying upon it.

Limbs and spine

 Jerking drawing in the cervical muscles, near the nape of the neck, extending downwards, in the evening, while lying on the opposite side.
 Trembling of the limbs.
 Upper Limbs.
 Drawing pain in the right elbow. Pressing pain in the right wrist. Drawing pain on the back of the left metacarpus, extending towards the wrist. сramp like pain in the first joint of the left index finger, even during rest (after five minutes). Sticking in the tip of the middle finger (after a quarter of an hour).


 Yawning and stretching, without sleepiness. Yawning every morning, so that the eyes fill with water. Sleepiness in the eyes and lids, they will close. He lies on the back at night during sleep with the left hand above the head, contrary to habit, and with the knees bent and lying far to the side.


 Forehead hot. Febrile shivering. Night sweat.

Acute conditions

 Aggravation, (Moving head backward and forward), Tension in scalp of occiput.

Urogenital system

 Extremely unusual nocturnal emission, which does him no good; followed by headache.

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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