Other names and synonyms
phel.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Common names (G. Wasser-fenchel, Pferde-kuemmel, Ross-fenchel.
Additional facts
Oenanthe phellandrium, Lamk. Phellandrium aquaticum, Linn.
Natural order: Umbelliferae.
Natural order: Umbelliferae.
Psyche and consciousness
Sensation of intoxication in the open air, that disappears in the house. Intoxication. Very much excited and joyous, in the evening (second day). Lively mood, with facile movements of the body, with agreeable warmth. Apprehension, with tightness about the chest, an hour and a half after dinner. She was apprehensive, and everything that she thought about fretted her, although she continued active at her work (after four hours). Depressed mood and sadness the whole forenoon. Sad, depressed, taking no pleasure in anything (after a quarter of an hour). Sad mood and fear the whole day, as from impending misfortune; she wept, and was prone to think upon sad subjects (third day). Everything fretted her; she had a morose expression (after one hour). Very ill-humored and sad (after two hours and a half). Ill-humored all day. Ill-humored, peevish. Deeply absorbed in herself and in thought (after four hours).
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo. Vertigo, so that she could scarcely open the eyes.
Vertigo, both while sitting and moving about. Vertigo, even to falling backward. The vertigo is worse in the open air; gradually disappears (after half an hour). Vertigo, so that she easily falls forward, backward, and to the side, in the house; better in the open air; worse while lying down (after five minutes).
Vertigo, that is worse when walking; it seems as though something projected from the forehead, so that she could not see over it (after eight minutes). Vertigo and dulness of the head (after a quarter of an hour). Vertigo and heaviness of the head; it threatens to fall to the side to which he turns it (after eight minutes). General Head. The head falls back an forth, while walking. Head dizzy and confused, as after intoxication, at 1 Obscuration of the head, as if intoxicated. Remarkable sensation of weight in the head, accompanied with giddiness, intoxication, etc. Heaviness of the head. Great heaviness of the head, that continued a long time, so that she thought she would be obliged to lie down (after ten minutes). Sensation of heaviness of the head, as if the head would be drawn backward to the nape of the neck (after half an hour). The head seems heavy, as if a weight were in it (after a quarter of an hour). The head seems large, full, and heavy (after half an hour). Sensation of fulness and heaviness in the head, so that she did not know how to hold it (after half an hour). Dulness of the head. dulness and headache the whole forenoon (after a quarter of an hour).
Headache, with perspiration on the top of the head as far as the forehead, a quarter of an hour after dinner, soon followed by coldness of the head. A sound in the brain, as if one were beating on metal that was freely swinging, which woke him, after which the sound gradually died away, at 5 p.m (eighth day). The dull headache and most of the head troubles disappear during dinner. The head symptoms seem relieved in the open air.
Forehead. A back-and-forth movement in the forehead, almost as if the head were moving back and forth (after a quarter of an hour).
Pressive sensation in the left frontal region, with a sensation of warmth in it (after two hours and a half). Sticking in the right frontal region, that lasted a long time. Tearing in the forehead (after one hour and a half). Pressive tearing extending to the right frontal region, while standing, three-quarters of an hour after dinner. A dizzy headache in the left frontal region, with increased warmth of the head and hands, without perspiration (after a quarter of an hour). Temples. Pressure in right temple.
Fine sticking in front of the left temple, the soon disappears (after a quarter of an hour). A sticking burning in the left temple, at 9 Intermitting burrowing in the left frontal region (after two hours and a half). Vertigo. Painful heaviness of the vertex, as if a hard body were lying upon it (after two hours). A burrowing pressure on the top of the head, more to the left side (after three hours). An almost burning constrictive sensation on the top of the head, more towards the forepart and left side. A constrictive sensation extending from the vertex to the sinciput (after one hour and a half). Painful throbbing and sticking on the vertex, that lasted a long time, at 3 A sudden painful stitch in the vertex, so that it drew the head backward (after one hour and a half). Two tearing and a stitch in the right side of the vertex, after eating (after two hours). A hot orgasm extending from the occiput to the vertex, and a slight dull stitch in the left side of the vertex, a quarter of an hour after dinner. Parietals. сompressive pain in both sides of the head, with dull headache (after one hour). Tearing in the upper part of the right side of the head, on shaking the head (after three hours). Painful tearing in the right side of the head, extending downwards (after one hour). Occiput and External Head.
Very distressing intermitting pressure in the occiput (after two hours and a quarter). An almost burning constrictive sensation in the occiput, lasting three-quarters of an hour. Pressive dulness in the occiput, that lasted a long time (after half an hour).
Dull headache, especially in the sinciput. Painful tearing in the occiput (after two hours and a quarter). A slight burrowing in the left occipital protuberance (after eight minutes). Some sharp stitches in the right side of the occiput (after one hour).
Itching on the scalp, relieved by scratching (after three- quarters of an hour). Itching above the right side of the forehead, relieved by scratching, at 9.30 Itching on the left temple, relieved by scratching, but returning, and only entirely relieved after repeated scratching, at 2.30 Itching on the right side of the head, relieved by scratching, an hour and a half after dinner. Itching on the right side of the occiput, relieved by scratching (after two hours and three quarters). вiting, like fleabites, in a small spot on the upper part of the right side of the head, relieved by rubbing (after three- quarters of an hour). Two stitches, like fleabites, on the right side of the occiput, followed by sore smarting on the spot (after two hours and a half).
Sensation of dryness and burning in the eyes, lasting half an hour (after three-quarters of an hour). Dryness of the eyes, with sticking in them, in the house and in the open air (after a quarter of an hour). Intermitting pressure about both eyes (after three hours). Frequent biting in the left eye, as from something corrosive. Sticking itching in both eyes, that disappears on rubbing (after half an hour). Itching in the right eye, that disappears on rubbing, at 8 Itching in the left eye, disappearing on rubbing, after dinner. Orbit and Lid. Frequent tearing in the right upper orbital margin, in the bone (after four hours). The eyelids close from heaviness and sleepiness (after five minutes). Frequent twitching of the left lids (after two hours and a half). Tearing in the right lower lid, near the outer canthus, after dinner. A tension and burning in a very small spot on the left lower lid (after three-quarters of an hour). The lids burn, in the morning, during and after rising (second day). Itching-sticking biting in the inner canthus (after one hour). вiting on the left lid, lasting a long time (after two hours and a quarter). вiting burning in the left upper lid, almost like that caused by horseradish or Mezereum, at 9.30.
Biting itching on the left lid, at 3 (third day). Itching in the left lower lid, that disappears after rubbing. Itching in the right inner canthus, that disappears on rubbing. Lachrymal Apparatus. Increased lachrymation in both eyes, with biting (after one hour). Watering of the eyes in the house and in the open air (after one hour). Watering of the eyes in the house and in the open air (after two hours and a half). The eyes are very watery, in the morning, but not agglutinated (second day). Vision Dimness of vision, with and without the vertigo, while sewing (after a quarter of an hour). Dimness, like a mist, before the eyes, that lasts three hours, while sewing (after half an hour).
Itching tearing behind the left ear, that frequently returns (after one hour and a half). Painful tearing behind the left ear, at 3 Painful boring deep in the left ear, that extends to the left jaw (after three hours and a half). Painful boring within the left ear, soon disappearing (after three hours and a half). Frequent painful tearing in the right ear, half an hour after dinner. A fine tearing in the right external meatus (after one hour). Itching biting within the right ear, that extends still deeper on boring in with the finger (after three hours and a half). сrawling itching externally and within the right ear, that disappears on boring in with the finger and on rubbing, half and hour after dinner. Singing and noises in the right ear, at 8 p.m (second day).
A number of vesicles in the right nostril, that at first itch, then become confluent, and smart only when scratched off. вoth nostrils are red, burning, and, together with the upper lip, are swollen, with coryza and hoarseness (third to fifth day).
Sneezing twice, half an hour after dinner. Fluent coryza, with hoarseness (fifth day). The nose is stopped, in the evening, so that she is obliged to sit up at night to get air; on the next morning fluent coryza (fourth day). сould scarcely get air through the nose on account of the stoppage, with roughness of the voice (first and second days). She had no smell in the nose for three hours (after one hour).
Pale look, without sensation of coldness, an hour and a half after dinner. Tension of the skin of the left side of the face, with increased warmth. Tension in a small spot on the left cheek, that disappears on rubbing (after two hours and a quarter).
Violent pinching on the left cheek, with tearing to and fro for some time, in the open air; a kind of violent twitching (after two hours and a half). A fine stitch, like a fleabite, between the chin and lower lip, somewhat to the right side, after eating (after one hour and a half). Tearing in a small spot on the left lower jaw (after four hours).
Vertigo, both while sitting and moving about. Vertigo, even to falling backward. The vertigo is worse in the open air; gradually disappears (after half an hour). Vertigo, so that she easily falls forward, backward, and to the side, in the house; better in the open air; worse while lying down (after five minutes).
Vertigo, that is worse when walking; it seems as though something projected from the forehead, so that she could not see over it (after eight minutes). Vertigo and dulness of the head (after a quarter of an hour). Vertigo and heaviness of the head; it threatens to fall to the side to which he turns it (after eight minutes). General Head. The head falls back an forth, while walking. Head dizzy and confused, as after intoxication, at 1 Obscuration of the head, as if intoxicated. Remarkable sensation of weight in the head, accompanied with giddiness, intoxication, etc. Heaviness of the head. Great heaviness of the head, that continued a long time, so that she thought she would be obliged to lie down (after ten minutes). Sensation of heaviness of the head, as if the head would be drawn backward to the nape of the neck (after half an hour). The head seems heavy, as if a weight were in it (after a quarter of an hour). The head seems large, full, and heavy (after half an hour). Sensation of fulness and heaviness in the head, so that she did not know how to hold it (after half an hour). Dulness of the head. dulness and headache the whole forenoon (after a quarter of an hour).
Headache, with perspiration on the top of the head as far as the forehead, a quarter of an hour after dinner, soon followed by coldness of the head. A sound in the brain, as if one were beating on metal that was freely swinging, which woke him, after which the sound gradually died away, at 5 p.m (eighth day). The dull headache and most of the head troubles disappear during dinner. The head symptoms seem relieved in the open air.
Forehead. A back-and-forth movement in the forehead, almost as if the head were moving back and forth (after a quarter of an hour).
Pressive sensation in the left frontal region, with a sensation of warmth in it (after two hours and a half). Sticking in the right frontal region, that lasted a long time. Tearing in the forehead (after one hour and a half). Pressive tearing extending to the right frontal region, while standing, three-quarters of an hour after dinner. A dizzy headache in the left frontal region, with increased warmth of the head and hands, without perspiration (after a quarter of an hour). Temples. Pressure in right temple.
Fine sticking in front of the left temple, the soon disappears (after a quarter of an hour). A sticking burning in the left temple, at 9 Intermitting burrowing in the left frontal region (after two hours and a half). Vertigo. Painful heaviness of the vertex, as if a hard body were lying upon it (after two hours). A burrowing pressure on the top of the head, more to the left side (after three hours). An almost burning constrictive sensation on the top of the head, more towards the forepart and left side. A constrictive sensation extending from the vertex to the sinciput (after one hour and a half). Painful throbbing and sticking on the vertex, that lasted a long time, at 3 A sudden painful stitch in the vertex, so that it drew the head backward (after one hour and a half). Two tearing and a stitch in the right side of the vertex, after eating (after two hours). A hot orgasm extending from the occiput to the vertex, and a slight dull stitch in the left side of the vertex, a quarter of an hour after dinner. Parietals. сompressive pain in both sides of the head, with dull headache (after one hour). Tearing in the upper part of the right side of the head, on shaking the head (after three hours). Painful tearing in the right side of the head, extending downwards (after one hour). Occiput and External Head.
Very distressing intermitting pressure in the occiput (after two hours and a quarter). An almost burning constrictive sensation in the occiput, lasting three-quarters of an hour. Pressive dulness in the occiput, that lasted a long time (after half an hour).
Dull headache, especially in the sinciput. Painful tearing in the occiput (after two hours and a quarter). A slight burrowing in the left occipital protuberance (after eight minutes). Some sharp stitches in the right side of the occiput (after one hour).
Itching on the scalp, relieved by scratching (after three- quarters of an hour). Itching above the right side of the forehead, relieved by scratching, at 9.30 Itching on the left temple, relieved by scratching, but returning, and only entirely relieved after repeated scratching, at 2.30 Itching on the right side of the head, relieved by scratching, an hour and a half after dinner. Itching on the right side of the occiput, relieved by scratching (after two hours and three quarters). вiting, like fleabites, in a small spot on the upper part of the right side of the head, relieved by rubbing (after three- quarters of an hour). Two stitches, like fleabites, on the right side of the occiput, followed by sore smarting on the spot (after two hours and a half).
Sensation of dryness and burning in the eyes, lasting half an hour (after three-quarters of an hour). Dryness of the eyes, with sticking in them, in the house and in the open air (after a quarter of an hour). Intermitting pressure about both eyes (after three hours). Frequent biting in the left eye, as from something corrosive. Sticking itching in both eyes, that disappears on rubbing (after half an hour). Itching in the right eye, that disappears on rubbing, at 8 Itching in the left eye, disappearing on rubbing, after dinner. Orbit and Lid. Frequent tearing in the right upper orbital margin, in the bone (after four hours). The eyelids close from heaviness and sleepiness (after five minutes). Frequent twitching of the left lids (after two hours and a half). Tearing in the right lower lid, near the outer canthus, after dinner. A tension and burning in a very small spot on the left lower lid (after three-quarters of an hour). The lids burn, in the morning, during and after rising (second day). Itching-sticking biting in the inner canthus (after one hour). вiting on the left lid, lasting a long time (after two hours and a quarter). вiting burning in the left upper lid, almost like that caused by horseradish or Mezereum, at 9.30.
Biting itching on the left lid, at 3 (third day). Itching in the left lower lid, that disappears after rubbing. Itching in the right inner canthus, that disappears on rubbing. Lachrymal Apparatus. Increased lachrymation in both eyes, with biting (after one hour). Watering of the eyes in the house and in the open air (after one hour). Watering of the eyes in the house and in the open air (after two hours and a half). The eyes are very watery, in the morning, but not agglutinated (second day). Vision Dimness of vision, with and without the vertigo, while sewing (after a quarter of an hour). Dimness, like a mist, before the eyes, that lasts three hours, while sewing (after half an hour).
Itching tearing behind the left ear, that frequently returns (after one hour and a half). Painful tearing behind the left ear, at 3 Painful boring deep in the left ear, that extends to the left jaw (after three hours and a half). Painful boring within the left ear, soon disappearing (after three hours and a half). Frequent painful tearing in the right ear, half an hour after dinner. A fine tearing in the right external meatus (after one hour). Itching biting within the right ear, that extends still deeper on boring in with the finger (after three hours and a half). сrawling itching externally and within the right ear, that disappears on boring in with the finger and on rubbing, half and hour after dinner. Singing and noises in the right ear, at 8 p.m (second day).
A number of vesicles in the right nostril, that at first itch, then become confluent, and smart only when scratched off. вoth nostrils are red, burning, and, together with the upper lip, are swollen, with coryza and hoarseness (third to fifth day).
Sneezing twice, half an hour after dinner. Fluent coryza, with hoarseness (fifth day). The nose is stopped, in the evening, so that she is obliged to sit up at night to get air; on the next morning fluent coryza (fourth day). сould scarcely get air through the nose on account of the stoppage, with roughness of the voice (first and second days). She had no smell in the nose for three hours (after one hour).
Pale look, without sensation of coldness, an hour and a half after dinner. Tension of the skin of the left side of the face, with increased warmth. Tension in a small spot on the left cheek, that disappears on rubbing (after two hours and a quarter).
Violent pinching on the left cheek, with tearing to and fro for some time, in the open air; a kind of violent twitching (after two hours and a half). A fine stitch, like a fleabite, between the chin and lower lip, somewhat to the right side, after eating (after one hour and a half). Tearing in a small spot on the left lower jaw (after four hours).
Mouth and throat
Teeth and Gum. Stitches, as with needles, and tearing, in the last upper left back tooth, aggravated by touch of the tongue, at 1.30 Some tearing in the last lower right back tooth, in cool air, disappearing in the house, in the evening. Fine tearing in the cavity of a left lower back tooth, at 8.30 Transient tearing in a right upper cavity. Itching tearing in the roots of an upper and opposite lower back tooth of the right side, during dinner. The gum of the two left lower incisors is red and swollen on the posterior surface, with an ulcerative pain when pressed upon, at 5.30 (second day). вiting sensation, almost like a burning, on the gum, on the inner surface of the anterior lower incisors. Tearing in the gum of the right upper back tooth, that soon disappears (after half an hour). Tongue and General Mouth.
Red vesicles, that burn like fire, on the right margin of the tongue, towards the tip (sixth and seventh days). вurning biting on the tip of the tongue, has form blisters, soon disappearing.
Burning prickling on the tip of the tongue. The mouth and throat are so dry at night that she can swallow only with difficulty (after forty-eight hours). Saliva. сonstant accumulation of saliva and spitting, lasting half an hour (after half an hour).
Frothy saliva, which she is frequently obliged to spit out, half an hour after dinner. Taste. Sweet taste in the mouth, after drinking water, half an hour after dinner. The taste of beer seems very bitter. Taste of cheese on the tongue (after a quarter of an hour). Slimy taste in the mouth (soon).
Mucus collects in the throat and provokes hawking (after a quarter of an hour). Hawking of mucus, in the evening, on account of rawness in the throat. сhokes easily while drinking in the evening. Dryness in the throat, at night, and thirst for beer, in the morning, especially for fresh milk (fourth day). Dryness in the throat, with thirst, in the morning, that disappears after breakfast, repeated the following day (ninth day). Rawness in the throat that frequently disappears and returns (after a quarter of an hour). Rawness in the throat, with hoarseness, that lasts a long time (after a quarter of an hour). Rawness in the throat that provokes hawking (after one hour). Sensation of rawness in the throat, with short breathe (after two hours). At 4 , the pressure and sticking in the throat return and lasts till 6, when they gradually disappear; the pain is noticed only on empty swallowing and on swallowing saliva, not while eating, and compels hawking, after which swallowing becomes painless; the throat is not sensitive externally, and the parts are not red (second day). Sore throat, with pressure and sticking, during empty swallowing, and at other times; she noticed nothing of it after taking food from 4 to 7 Sore throat; stitches when swallowing, and at other times; it disappears on eating bread, but immediately afterwards returns, at 4 Stitches in the throat, more while swallowing than at other times (fifth and sixth days). A burning sensation in the oesophagus, extending downward (immediately).
Red vesicles, that burn like fire, on the right margin of the tongue, towards the tip (sixth and seventh days). вurning biting on the tip of the tongue, has form blisters, soon disappearing.
Burning prickling on the tip of the tongue. The mouth and throat are so dry at night that she can swallow only with difficulty (after forty-eight hours). Saliva. сonstant accumulation of saliva and spitting, lasting half an hour (after half an hour).
Frothy saliva, which she is frequently obliged to spit out, half an hour after dinner. Taste. Sweet taste in the mouth, after drinking water, half an hour after dinner. The taste of beer seems very bitter. Taste of cheese on the tongue (after a quarter of an hour). Slimy taste in the mouth (soon).
Mucus collects in the throat and provokes hawking (after a quarter of an hour). Hawking of mucus, in the evening, on account of rawness in the throat. сhokes easily while drinking in the evening. Dryness in the throat, at night, and thirst for beer, in the morning, especially for fresh milk (fourth day). Dryness in the throat, with thirst, in the morning, that disappears after breakfast, repeated the following day (ninth day). Rawness in the throat that frequently disappears and returns (after a quarter of an hour). Rawness in the throat, with hoarseness, that lasts a long time (after a quarter of an hour). Rawness in the throat that provokes hawking (after one hour). Sensation of rawness in the throat, with short breathe (after two hours). At 4 , the pressure and sticking in the throat return and lasts till 6, when they gradually disappear; the pain is noticed only on empty swallowing and on swallowing saliva, not while eating, and compels hawking, after which swallowing becomes painless; the throat is not sensitive externally, and the parts are not red (second day). Sore throat, with pressure and sticking, during empty swallowing, and at other times; she noticed nothing of it after taking food from 4 to 7 Sore throat; stitches when swallowing, and at other times; it disappears on eating bread, but immediately afterwards returns, at 4 Stitches in the throat, more while swallowing than at other times (fifth and sixth days). A burning sensation in the oesophagus, extending downward (immediately).
Gastrointestinal tract
Umbilicus and Sides. Pinching and constriction about the umbilical region. Sudden painful pinching about the navel, that soon disappears (second day). Some short twinging in the right side of the abdomen (after one hour and three-quarters). A constrictive pain in the right side of the upper abdomen, while eating, thence it extends in a straight line to the left side, where it becomes a sticking; after rising from a seat and on walking about it disappears. Sudden burning in the right side of the upper abdomen (after half an hour). A biting, internally, in the right side of the upper abdomen (after two hours and a half).
Biting in a small spot to the right of the navel (after two hours and a half). General Abdomen. Very violent audible rumbling and gurgling in the whole abdomen (after two hours). The abdomen seems very much distended (after two hours). Slight but frequent emission of flatus, at 1.30 Incarceration of flatus by the ribs and in the sacral region, in the morning (second day).
Qualmishness in the abdomen, with frequent emission of flatus and thin stool, without tenesmus, at 9 p.m, lasting the whole day (fourth day). Pressure in the abdomen, caused by flatus that is not passed, in the morning (second day). Pressure in the upper abdomen and about the navel, at 2 (third day). вurning, extending from the abdomen up into the stomach, following the eructations of the drug (after a quarter of an hour). Movings about in the whole abdomen (after three-quarters of an hour).
Short moving back and forth in the upper abdomen, causing coldness (after half an hour). Moving about in the intestines that causes coldness (immediately). Feeling of coldness in the abdomen, after the stool. Icy coldness in the intestines, that continues for a quarter of an hour, after spirituous drinks (soon). Long-continued sensation of coldness in the abdomen (after two hours and a half). Pinching in the abdomen, especially about the navel, with very soft stool (second day). Pinching in the upper abdomen and desire for stool, but only flatus was emitted, an hour after dinner. Pinching and cutting in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would occur, at 3 p.m;a hard stool, however, resulted, after which the pains were relieved for a time, but returned again after half an hour, followed by a liquid stool and tenesmus, when the pain gradually decreased in severity (fourth day). сutting pains in the abdomen, that cease after the evacuation of soft faeces, at 7 Long-continued, though frequently intermitting, aching in the upper abdomen, at 2.
Hypogastrium. сutting in the middle of the lower abdomen, that extended on the right side to the epigastric region, and was very painful (after three-quarters of an hour). Frequent intermitting pinching in the lower abdomen (after two hours and a quarter). A dull stitch in the right flank, during inspiration, and on bending towards that side a violent stitch in the right inguinal region, after dinner.
Rectum, Anus, and Stool.
Burning in the anus, with an ineffectual desire for stool, at 1.30 Itching in the anus, that becomes a burning, after rubbing. Stool, preceded and accompanied by the flatulence, griping in the whole abdomen, and succeeded by tenesmus in the anus. Normal stool, the upper surface of which was glistening, followed by burning in the anus (after one hour and a half). The usual stool, three times in one day, with emission of much flatus. Very thin stool, followed by tenesmus and sore pain in the anus (relieved by Rheum. (sixth day). Soft stool in the evening, though he had had a hard stool in the forenoon. No stool all day, but transient urging thereto, only in the afternoon and evening. Two hard stools, with painful pressure (third and fourth days). Hard stool, with pressure. Very hard stool, with violent pain in the anus (second day). Very copious hard stool, accompanied by some clawing (second day).
Umbilicus and Sides. Pinching and constriction about the umbilical region. Sudden painful pinching about the navel, that soon disappears (second day). Some short twinging in the right side of the abdomen (after one hour and three-quarters). A constrictive pain in the right side of the upper abdomen, while eating, thence it extends in a straight line to the left side, where it becomes a sticking; after rising from a seat and on walking about it disappears. Sudden burning in the right side of the upper abdomen (after half an hour). A biting, internally, in the right side of the upper abdomen (after two hours and a half).
Biting in a small spot to the right of the navel (after two hours and a half). General Abdomen. Very violent audible rumbling and gurgling in the whole abdomen (after two hours). The abdomen seems very much distended (after two hours). Slight but frequent emission of flatus, at 1.30 Incarceration of flatus by the ribs and in the sacral region, in the morning (second day).
Qualmishness in the abdomen, with frequent emission of flatus and thin stool, without tenesmus, at 9 p.m, lasting the whole day (fourth day). Pressure in the abdomen, caused by flatus that is not passed, in the morning (second day). Pressure in the upper abdomen and about the navel, at 2 (third day). вurning, extending from the abdomen up into the stomach, following the eructations of the drug (after a quarter of an hour). Movings about in the whole abdomen (after three-quarters of an hour).
Short moving back and forth in the upper abdomen, causing coldness (after half an hour). Moving about in the intestines that causes coldness (immediately). Feeling of coldness in the abdomen, after the stool. Icy coldness in the intestines, that continues for a quarter of an hour, after spirituous drinks (soon). Long-continued sensation of coldness in the abdomen (after two hours and a half). Pinching in the abdomen, especially about the navel, with very soft stool (second day). Pinching in the upper abdomen and desire for stool, but only flatus was emitted, an hour after dinner. Pinching and cutting in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would occur, at 3 p.m;a hard stool, however, resulted, after which the pains were relieved for a time, but returned again after half an hour, followed by a liquid stool and tenesmus, when the pain gradually decreased in severity (fourth day). сutting pains in the abdomen, that cease after the evacuation of soft faeces, at 7 Long-continued, though frequently intermitting, aching in the upper abdomen, at 2.
Hypogastrium. сutting in the middle of the lower abdomen, that extended on the right side to the epigastric region, and was very painful (after three-quarters of an hour). Frequent intermitting pinching in the lower abdomen (after two hours and a quarter). A dull stitch in the right flank, during inspiration, and on bending towards that side a violent stitch in the right inguinal region, after dinner.
Rectum, Anus, and Stool.
Burning in the anus, with an ineffectual desire for stool, at 1.30 Itching in the anus, that becomes a burning, after rubbing. Stool, preceded and accompanied by the flatulence, griping in the whole abdomen, and succeeded by tenesmus in the anus. Normal stool, the upper surface of which was glistening, followed by burning in the anus (after one hour and a half). The usual stool, three times in one day, with emission of much flatus. Very thin stool, followed by tenesmus and sore pain in the anus (relieved by Rheum. (sixth day). Soft stool in the evening, though he had had a hard stool in the forenoon. No stool all day, but transient urging thereto, only in the afternoon and evening. Two hard stools, with painful pressure (third and fourth days). Hard stool, with pressure. Very hard stool, with violent pain in the anus (second day). Very copious hard stool, accompanied by some clawing (second day).
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite. Increased hunger; she wanted to eat constantly, contrary to habit (after one hour an a half). She has no hunger; it constantly seems as though the stomach were full. She has no hunger; indeed she is averse to food, yet she eats her usual meal at noon. She eats only soup at noon, without appetite. Loathing of the veal that had been eaten in the evening (sixth day).
Thirst. Thirst, at 5 (third day). Great thirst, in the morning (sixth day). Thirst neither before, during, nor after the chill. Thirst for milk and to water that disappears for awhile after taking soup, in the morning (second day). Thirst for milk and beer, with aversion to water (fourth day). Desire for acids, with thirst, in the morning (fourth day). Aversion to and dread of water, with thirst, though she could easily take liquid food; the whole forenoon and after eating. Eructations. Eructations, tasting of the foot eaten at dinner, as hour previously.
Eructations, with an odor almost of bedbugs (after half an hour).
Empty eructations, at 8 Inclination to eructate, and ineffectual eructations, with pressure in the stomach (after half an hour). A sensation as if an acrid pungent exhalation rose from the stomach, with an ineffectual effort to eructate (after three hours). Nausea. Loathing, so that she was frequently obliged to spit (after eight minutes. Nausea in the stomach, like qualmishness; she wished that he could eructate (after one and a half). A slight qualmishness in the stomach (after one hour). She woke after midnight with anxiety, nausea, and loathing, that came from the abdomen into the stomach; she was obliged to rise, an had two diarrhoea-like stools in succession, with pressure an tenesmus, followed by sore pain in the anus, after which she fell asleep (the evening before she had eaten potatoes an vinegar), (fifth day). Nausea and qualmishness, followed by pressure in the stomach, disappearing on empty eructations. Nausea, qualmishness, and loathing, in the stomach, lasting a long time. General Stomach. Oppression of the stomach, that disappears after rising (after five minutes). An indescribable disagreeable sensation in the stomach. A very sick and empty feeling in the stomach (after one hour). Sensation of faintness and emptiness in the stomach, with constant painless movements about in the intestines (after two hours and a half). Sensation as if the stomach were full of water that would rise up, followed by a sensation as if a large round body were twisting about in the stomach, that afterwards fell downward, followed by rumbling in the stomach (after half an hour). Long-continued burning in the stomach (soon). Pinching and cutting about the epigastric region. Dull stitches above the pit of the stomach, though without affecting respiration (after five minutes).
Thirst. Thirst, at 5 (third day). Great thirst, in the morning (sixth day). Thirst neither before, during, nor after the chill. Thirst for milk and to water that disappears for awhile after taking soup, in the morning (second day). Thirst for milk and beer, with aversion to water (fourth day). Desire for acids, with thirst, in the morning (fourth day). Aversion to and dread of water, with thirst, though she could easily take liquid food; the whole forenoon and after eating. Eructations. Eructations, tasting of the foot eaten at dinner, as hour previously.
Eructations, with an odor almost of bedbugs (after half an hour).
Empty eructations, at 8 Inclination to eructate, and ineffectual eructations, with pressure in the stomach (after half an hour). A sensation as if an acrid pungent exhalation rose from the stomach, with an ineffectual effort to eructate (after three hours). Nausea. Loathing, so that she was frequently obliged to spit (after eight minutes. Nausea in the stomach, like qualmishness; she wished that he could eructate (after one and a half). A slight qualmishness in the stomach (after one hour). She woke after midnight with anxiety, nausea, and loathing, that came from the abdomen into the stomach; she was obliged to rise, an had two diarrhoea-like stools in succession, with pressure an tenesmus, followed by sore pain in the anus, after which she fell asleep (the evening before she had eaten potatoes an vinegar), (fifth day). Nausea and qualmishness, followed by pressure in the stomach, disappearing on empty eructations. Nausea, qualmishness, and loathing, in the stomach, lasting a long time. General Stomach. Oppression of the stomach, that disappears after rising (after five minutes). An indescribable disagreeable sensation in the stomach. A very sick and empty feeling in the stomach (after one hour). Sensation of faintness and emptiness in the stomach, with constant painless movements about in the intestines (after two hours and a half). Sensation as if the stomach were full of water that would rise up, followed by a sensation as if a large round body were twisting about in the stomach, that afterwards fell downward, followed by rumbling in the stomach (after half an hour). Long-continued burning in the stomach (soon). Pinching and cutting about the epigastric region. Dull stitches above the pit of the stomach, though without affecting respiration (after five minutes).
Urogenital system
Desire to urinate, although he had urinated only five minutes before. Desire to urinate, but only a very little is passed, with violent burning, in the evening. Increased secretion of urine, in the forenoon. The urine passed the second time after an hour was very pale; again, after two hours, pale, almost greenish, although he had drunk nothing. Urine pale, almost as clear as water, passed four times. Evacuation of very pale urine, as clear as water, although he had urinated only three-quarters of an hour before. Urine scanty (soon). Urine very scanty.
Sexual organs.
Itching on the prepuce, removed by scratching. The menses, that had just begun, ceased (after two hours). Menses seven days too early; coming on with weakness and prostration, that were relieved by walking about, without the usual symptoms. Menses twelve days too early, lasting only a day and a half, and very scanty, though without any difficult; quite unusual. On the appearance of the menses, great weakness, yawning, violent bruised pain in the inner surface of both thighs, so that she could neither sit, stand, walk, nor lie on account of great pain; somewhat relieved by leaning the body towards the left side, and disappearing in the afternoon; all unusual; the menses lasted only eight days, flowed only in the morning and evening, and rather more profusely than usual.
Sexual organs.
Itching on the prepuce, removed by scratching. The menses, that had just begun, ceased (after two hours). Menses seven days too early; coming on with weakness and prostration, that were relieved by walking about, without the usual symptoms. Menses twelve days too early, lasting only a day and a half, and very scanty, though without any difficult; quite unusual. On the appearance of the menses, great weakness, yawning, violent bruised pain in the inner surface of both thighs, so that she could neither sit, stand, walk, nor lie on account of great pain; somewhat relieved by leaning the body towards the left side, and disappearing in the afternoon; all unusual; the menses lasted only eight days, flowed only in the morning and evening, and rather more profusely than usual.