Other names and synonyms
fel.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Ox-gall. Bilis вovina). Preparation: The inspissated or desiccated gall may be triturated with sugar of milk, or lower dilutions may be made with water.
Psyche and consciousness
Peevish, irritable mood. Greatly inclined to all kinds of business; unpleasant impressions did not affects him.
Head, face, and ears
Confusion of the head. Violent in the morning, on pressure upon the right temple, extending towards the occiput and to the nape of the neck. Mouth. Tongue white.
Gastrointestinal tract
Increased thirst. Odorless and tasteless eructations. Gurgling in the stomach and epigastric region.
Rumblings and motions in the abdomen. Violent peristaltic movements of the intestines.
Stool thin, with urging and sensation of warmth in the anus. Stool thin, pasty, followed by pressing, although with crumbling faeces.
Rumblings and motions in the abdomen. Violent peristaltic movements of the intestines.
Stool thin, with urging and sensation of warmth in the anus. Stool thin, pasty, followed by pressing, although with crumbling faeces.
Urogenital system
Urging to urinate. Urine offensive.
Sexual Organs.
The scrotum itches and afterwards becomes moist.
Sexual Organs.
The scrotum itches and afterwards becomes moist.
Chest organs
Anxiety in the chest. сonstriction of the chest, on waking at 3 p.m, he is unable to sleep again on account of the tightness of the breath, and cannot remain lying; it seems as though something in the throat prevented the free passage of the air; relieved by deep inspiration and sitting upright.
Appetite poor.
Tension in the nape of the neck.
Appetite poor.
Tension in the nape of the neck.
Limbs and spine
Some tearings in the left shoulder-joint, extending up to the nape of the neck. сramp in the right great toe.
Sound sleep in the morning, with some perspiration. No inclination to sleep after eating. Unable to sleep after eating, as he was accustomed to do.
Included in the composition
- — Flowers Energy №47
- 11.9€ Hepar compositum (2 firms)
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug