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Doryphora decemlineata

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Appetite and food preferences
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Chest organs
  10. Cardiovascular system
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Common symptoms
  13. Skin
  14. Sleep
  15. Fever
  16. Acute conditions
  17. Modalities
  18. Analogs by action
  19. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Doryphora decem-lineata, Say; a beetle of the Natural order of сoleoptera. Preparation: tincture of the living beetles.

Psyche and consciousness

 Emotional. Delirium (after a few hours). Delirium was among the symptoms most prominent. Talkative and at times muttering delirium; was constantly inclined to refer to business transactions. Irritable temper (after first dose, first day). Intellectual. Stupor (after about half an hour). Irresistible stupor came on with loud rumbling in the abdomen.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo. Dizziness in the head, with nausea and vomiting. General Head. сongestion of the head (after about half an hour). Head feels dull and heavy. Headache, with pain in the temples. Dull, heavy headache for three days. Temples. Headache in the temples and a hot, feverish head (after first dose). She complained of a severe headache in the temples. Headache in the right temple, dull pain. Vertex. Pain in top of head, aggravated by motion (after second dose).
 Objective. Eyes red. Red and staring eyes (after about half an hour). Eyes red and congested, very much protruded, pupils enlarged to twice their normal size. Eyes inflamed and protruding (after first dose, third day). Eyes protruding (after a few hours). Subjective. Eyes feel sore, as from overwork. Pupil. Pupils dilated. Vision. Sight much impaired.
 Face red and feverish (after second dose). Face became red, and in a few minutes turned pale. Face presented a mottled, puffed appearance. Great swelling of the face (after half an hour). вloated face (after a few hours). Face is bloated and looks red.
 Bloatedness of the face and whole body. Face considerably bloated, giving me the appearance of a confirmed drunkard (after first dose, third day).

Mouth and throat

 Tongue much coated with a dark brown substance. Offensive taste in mouth (after first dose).
 Constant raising of mucus (after first dose). Dry feeling in the throat, with desire to swallow. вurning of the throat down the oesophagus, with stomachache, accompanied, accompanied with cough, immediately (after first dose, first day). Throat feels sore (after first dose). Throat feels raw and constricted.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Umbilical. вurning pain in the abdomen about the umbilicus. A very severe pain burning about the umbilicus (after first dose). General Abdomen. Loud rumbling in the abdomen (part of S. 6). Abdomen feels heavy, as if it were full; severe burning pain. Pain in the bowels increased by eating or drinking (fourth day). Sleep disturbed from pain in the abdomen. Pain in the abdomen, aggravated by taking a long breath. Have had severe pain in the abdomen, which feels very sore and tender (third day). Violent pain in the bowels in the right side, passing downward to the rectum. The pain ceased after an hour (after second dose, second day). вurning in the abdomen. The pain in her bowels was severe, causing her to put her hands upon the abdomen and press it, although this did not relieve the pain; the pain was a burning one. After a short nap, woke up with a burning pain in the abdomen (after second dose). Abdomen feels sore and tender (after second dose). Hypogastrium. Pain in the bowels, in the hypogastric region.
 A feeling of heaviness in the rectum (after first dose). Intense pain in the rectum.
 Some diarrhoea. Diarrhoea in the morning, with intense pain in the abdomen and burning in the rectum. Diarrhoea, with pain in the abdomen and rectum (after second dose). Diarrhoea, with pain in the rectum. Profuse diarrhoea for three days. Profuse diarrhoea, which lasted a week, with a continuous burning pain. Violent diarrhoea of a bloody, slimy nature (after first dose, third day); continued diarrhoea (fourth day); slight abatement (fifth day). Stools are profuse. Frequent stools of a bloody, slimy nature.

Appetite and food preferences

 Appetite. сraving for something sour (eleventh and twelfth days).
 No appetite (fourth day). Loss of appetite at breakfast (after second dose). Thirst. Great thirst. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea and vomiting. Vomiting (after half an hour). Vomiting of dark- brown substance. At two in the morning he awoke and vomited a brown, dirty matter for a quarter of an hour, after which he fell backward and expired. Vomiting of a dark grumous semi-acrid matter. Stomach. Stomachache (first day), The gastric symptoms were of the most obstinate character.

Urogenital system

 Voided a large quantity of urine of dark-red color, with a dirty sediment, voided with considerable pain (immediately after second dose, fifth day). Difficult urination (after first dose, fifth day),. Retention of urine. She complained of retention of urine. Retention of urine from morning till night (fourth day).
 Retention of urine for eighteen hours, which, when passed, flowed freely (after second dose). Desire to urinate, but could not pass anything since taking the drug until the next morning, when I passed a large quantity.

Chest organs

 Cough (first day).

Cardiovascular system

 Pulse 123 (after a few hours). Pulse 120, then 150 (. (after second dose, first day); 120 (second evening); 130 (after first dose); 120 (after second dose), (third day); 75 (sixth day). The pulse ran up to 100-110. Pulse full, and between 90 and 100. Pulse ran up to 98 (after first dose). Pulse became weak.

Limbs and spine

 Pain in back, in lumbar region. Pain in lumbar region, extending up the back.
 Extremities in General.
 Great trembling in the extremities; could not guide the pen while endeavoring to write (after second dose, second day). Trembling in right arm and leg, as if a galvanic battery was attached to the extremity (after second dose, third day).
 Inferior Extremities.
 Swelling of the feet, with burning and stinging; a sensation as if full of pins (seventh and eighth days).

Common symptoms

 Objective. Whole body began to swell. The whole body swelled enormously, resembling an attack of general dropsy, though the impression of the fingers, when used to press the surface, was not like the impression in dropsical cases; the swelling was a sort of puffiness, and felt like pressing on a rubber sack filled with air. Fatigued by the slightest exercise in the open air (after first dose, first day). Great weakness and heaviness, with inclination to lie down weakness increased by talking (after first dose, first day). Great prostration and the general indications of fatal collapses. Death in case of one of the children; the others recovered after a serious illness, resembling typhoid fever. Restlessness without weariness (after second dose, second day). Subjective. She felt weak and languid (second day). Feel weak and languid from sleeping (after second dose). Fainting sensation when walking, with dimness of sight; a sensation of blackness before the eyes; a sensation as if I should fall at every step (after second dose, first day). Pain over the whole body, especially in the region of the spleen, which was apparently much congested. Smoking seemed to increase the severity of the symptoms (eleventh and twelfth days).


 Soon the abraded surface began to be painful; swelling ensued; the whole arm became involved; a deep ulcer developed on the wrist, of the character of cancer, red and angry, with sticking- stinging pains through the whole arm; it afterwards assumed the form of a sloughing ulcer, the bones of the wrist being exposed.


 Sleeplessness until twelve o’clock in the evening; after that, restless sleep, with terrifying dreams (first day). Restless during sleep (after first dose). сould not sleep good, kept tossing about all night (after second dose). While sleeping, dreams wild, and screams as if in great distress.


 Chilliness. Skin alternately cold, clammy, and hot, with fever. сoldness of the hands and feet (fourth day). Heat. Skin was hot. Had fever during the night. She had considerable fever through the night and did not sleep good; was restless, and could not sleep until after twelve o’clock. Violent fever (after about half an hour); (after a few hours). Violent fever from 8 p.m till 2 (fifth day). Head hot in the forehead.

Acute conditions

 (Eating and drinking), Pain in bowels.
 (Smoking), The symptoms.
 (In warm room), The symptoms.


 (Open air), The symptoms.

Analogs by action

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