Other names and synonyms
carl.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
There are several springs at сarlsbad, of which Sprudel and Muhlbrunnen are the chief. Sprudel has a temperature varying from 125 to 162.6 F, and contains in one thousand parts (Ragsby, 1862):
Psyche and consciousness
Very excited and peevish, and often as if beside himself about trifles, with flushes of heat all over. Self-satisfied, very talkative, and uncommonly good-humored. Weeping, timorous, despairing mood. His nerves are so much affected that the sorrows of others cause him to weep easily. Mood very much depressed, like an excessive home-sickness; at last violent weeping (2nd day), (after 4 glasses). Great dejection of spirits; without cause he is very unusually sulky. Painful dejection, with foul stomach. Gloomy and self-absorbed. Unpleasant mood in the afternoon, without cause for sadness. Discouraged and anxious in the discharge of his domestic duties. Attacks of anxiety.
Constrictive anxiety when in the room; somewhat better in the open air. Faint-hearted, with frequent yawning, at 9 a. m. (13th day). Quiet ill-humor, and indisposed to speak. In the morning, on rising, irritable and out of humor, and peevish the whole day.
Very much disposed to take everything in bad part and to be critical (especially after 3 weeks and later). Is easily vexed about things which, when well, would have made him laugh, together with a dull pressure in the right side of the lower abdomen, below the liver, where, when bathing, he frequently noticed a loose swelling (in the coecum), (after 4 weeks).
Variable mood. Intellectual. Difficult thinking. Unfitness to think, and for every, even the slightest mental occupation; cannot find words to express himself correctly. Much effort in employing his mind. Indisposition to read, and to all exertion of mind; he took up now this book, now that, but could read nothing. Foolish condition, as if stupid, with dull pressing pain in forehead, at times also with buzzing and roaring in the ears.
Uncommon absence of mind and confusion of speech. Uncommonly absent- minded; forgets names. Heedlessness, so that at times he expresses himself only with great exertion, and in writing, often omits letters.
Very excited and peevish, and often as if beside himself about trifles, with flushes of heat all over. Self-satisfied, very talkative, and uncommonly good-humored. Weeping, timorous, despairing mood. His nerves are so much affected that the sorrows of others cause him to weep easily. Mood very much depressed, like an excessive home-sickness; at last violent weeping (2nd day), (after 4 glasses). Great dejection of spirits; without cause he is very unusually sulky. Painful dejection, with foul stomach. Gloomy and self-absorbed. Unpleasant mood in the afternoon, without cause for sadness. Discouraged and anxious in the discharge of his domestic duties. Attacks of anxiety.
Constrictive anxiety when in the room; somewhat better in the open air. Faint-hearted, with frequent yawning, at 9 a. m. (13th day). Quiet ill-humor, and indisposed to speak. In the morning, on rising, irritable and out of humor, and peevish the whole day.
Very much disposed to take everything in bad part and to be critical (especially after 3 weeks and later). Is easily vexed about things which, when well, would have made him laugh, together with a dull pressure in the right side of the lower abdomen, below the liver, where, when bathing, he frequently noticed a loose swelling (in the coecum), (after 4 weeks).
Variable mood. Intellectual. Difficult thinking. Unfitness to think, and for every, even the slightest mental occupation; cannot find words to express himself correctly. Much effort in employing his mind. Indisposition to read, and to all exertion of mind; he took up now this book, now that, but could read nothing. Foolish condition, as if stupid, with dull pressing pain in forehead, at times also with buzzing and roaring in the ears.
Uncommon absence of mind and confusion of speech. Uncommonly absent- minded; forgets names. Heedlessness, so that at times he expresses himself only with great exertion, and in writing, often omits letters.
Head, face, and ears
Weakness of the eyes, especially on writing and long-continued reading. Heat streams from the eyes, with burning and pressing in them, and an appearance of black spots swimming about. (70) вurning and pressing, especially around the eye, but also in the ball itself;as from sand, or as when none looks into the sun, with increased secretion from the Meibomian glands. Pressing pain in the eyes, as if the eyes were being pressed downward from above, and were too large, and did not have sufficient room in the orbits. Pressure and pain in the eyes; they become cloudy, as if a veil were before them. Orbit. Violent pressing pain above the orbits, spreading below or toward the temples. Slight ticking in the right supraorbital nerve and in the whole right upper lid; at the same time twitching in the inner angle of the eye. Very sensitive, dull stitches in the upper margin of the left orbit (19th day). Lids. Lids at times somewhat oedematous, swollen, and in the morning agglutinated with mucus. The inner surface of the lids is inflamed (10th day). Twitching-quivering in the upper lids, causing constant rubbing of the eye, as if some foreign body were there. Lachrymal Apparatus. Greatly increased lachrymal secretion. On sewing, her eyes water, and on long looking at one object, the eye is covered as by a veil. Vision.
A weakness of the eye (weakness of vision; can no more see near objects; cannot do fine work) becomes aggravated; she is obliged to wipe her eyes and wink constantly, which momentarily relieves the dimness and tension; it is better in the open air (4th day after 6 glasses). Objects swim before the sight. The long letters of sign cannot be recognized at the distance of 50 feet; they run together (14th day). Quivering before the eyes. Flickering before the vision; he seems to see through a veil. In the street, soon after writing, violent flickering and fiery sparks before the eyes; everything about him trebles and wavers; he can scarcely discern passing faces. Quivering, zigzag semicircle on the right side of the field of vision, in the morning (7th day after 3 glasses). When working with the hands, bifurcated bodies and gray sports appear in the axis of vision. Obliquely above the right eye, from the right angle to the left, a dark stripe, which impairs the vision; it is momentary, especially after winking, when walking in the open air, for several days (3rd week). A cloud which had formerly existed before the vision, and which moved upward and downward with the vision, became worse and thicker (1st week).
Increased warmth in the ear, which itches. Pinching in the left inner ear. Fine twitching stitches from the Eustachian tube to the tympanum; disappearing on boring with the finger. Hearing. Frequent murmuring in the ears, agreeing with the rate of the pulse; at times a sensation of slight pressure and tension, as if the ears were stopped. Humming and roaring, also ringing, in the ears, at times also fluttering before them. Momentary ringing in the right ear, when writing in the afternoon (15th day). Very frequently violent ringing, at times changing into a transient loss of hearing, at times into a dull roaring.
Nose. Objective.
Bluish color of the nose. Turgescence of the vena nasalis.
Frequent sneezing. сopious mucous secretion from the nose.
Frequent blowing out of thick mucus. сatarrh, rough throat, and hoarseness disappeared soon from using the water. Her former a stopped catarrh disappeared in a few days. The habitual stopped catarrh was worse during the first part of the proving, then it disappeared; after 14 days fluent catarrh appeared, which also afterwards disappeared; he drew the usual amount of air through the nose, but constantly felt the necessity of snuffling (after the proving the old catarrh returned worse, than ever). сhronic catarrh, with elongated uvula; dryness of the throat disappeared.
Habitual bleeding of the nose. Subjective. Dryness in the nose, with crawling sensation. Tension across the nasal bone, as if he had drunk wine (soon after the first bath of a quarter of an hour at 28 Degree. R. Some stitching sensation in the right nostril, with sneezing several times, and blowing out blood; on suppression of the menses. Sensitiveness of the nose, as in incipient catarrh. Smell. Loss of smell, after stoppage of the nose.
Face. Objective.
Yellow color of the face. White faces, after three or four glasses, become sallow. In the fourth week, he became gradually yellow (had formerly been white); the urine, however retained its normal color, only it had a very strand and pungent odor; the stool remained dark green. Redness and heat in the face, especially in the evening and after eating when the organism is always stronger. Frequent changing of the color of the face. Face as if somewhat swollen. Red swelling and pain especially when touched, on the right side near the nose, from a prominent tooth, at times intolerable (16th day). Subjective. Sensation as if cobwebs were drawn over the face. Sensation on spots here and there in the face, as from a hair which can be wiped away.
Transient heat in the face. Sensation as if one side of the face were swelling. сheeks. Prickling formication on the cheeks, in the region of the pes anserina. On the right cheek, in the region of the pes anserina, quivering and prickling without increased redness or warmth. Tearing-drawing on the right cheek. Sensation as if the zygomatic process were distended. сutting-drawing on the zygomatic process below the right eye. On the zygomatic processes, now dull pressing, now itching, tearing toward the head. On the right zygomatic process a sensation of cobwebs, as if he must constantly rub something away. Lower Jaw. Involuntary pressure of the lower jaw against the upper, during sleep;even grinding of the teeth.
Weakness of the eyes, especially on writing and long-continued reading. Heat streams from the eyes, with burning and pressing in them, and an appearance of black spots swimming about. (70) вurning and pressing, especially around the eye, but also in the ball itself;as from sand, or as when none looks into the sun, with increased secretion from the Meibomian glands. Pressing pain in the eyes, as if the eyes were being pressed downward from above, and were too large, and did not have sufficient room in the orbits. Pressure and pain in the eyes; they become cloudy, as if a veil were before them. Orbit. Violent pressing pain above the orbits, spreading below or toward the temples. Slight ticking in the right supraorbital nerve and in the whole right upper lid; at the same time twitching in the inner angle of the eye. Very sensitive, dull stitches in the upper margin of the left orbit (19th day). Lids. Lids at times somewhat oedematous, swollen, and in the morning agglutinated with mucus. The inner surface of the lids is inflamed (10th day). Twitching-quivering in the upper lids, causing constant rubbing of the eye, as if some foreign body were there. Lachrymal Apparatus. Greatly increased lachrymal secretion. On sewing, her eyes water, and on long looking at one object, the eye is covered as by a veil. Vision.
A weakness of the eye (weakness of vision; can no more see near objects; cannot do fine work) becomes aggravated; she is obliged to wipe her eyes and wink constantly, which momentarily relieves the dimness and tension; it is better in the open air (4th day after 6 glasses). Objects swim before the sight. The long letters of sign cannot be recognized at the distance of 50 feet; they run together (14th day). Quivering before the eyes. Flickering before the vision; he seems to see through a veil. In the street, soon after writing, violent flickering and fiery sparks before the eyes; everything about him trebles and wavers; he can scarcely discern passing faces. Quivering, zigzag semicircle on the right side of the field of vision, in the morning (7th day after 3 glasses). When working with the hands, bifurcated bodies and gray sports appear in the axis of vision. Obliquely above the right eye, from the right angle to the left, a dark stripe, which impairs the vision; it is momentary, especially after winking, when walking in the open air, for several days (3rd week). A cloud which had formerly existed before the vision, and which moved upward and downward with the vision, became worse and thicker (1st week).
Increased warmth in the ear, which itches. Pinching in the left inner ear. Fine twitching stitches from the Eustachian tube to the tympanum; disappearing on boring with the finger. Hearing. Frequent murmuring in the ears, agreeing with the rate of the pulse; at times a sensation of slight pressure and tension, as if the ears were stopped. Humming and roaring, also ringing, in the ears, at times also fluttering before them. Momentary ringing in the right ear, when writing in the afternoon (15th day). Very frequently violent ringing, at times changing into a transient loss of hearing, at times into a dull roaring.
Nose. Objective.
Bluish color of the nose. Turgescence of the vena nasalis.
Frequent sneezing. сopious mucous secretion from the nose.
Frequent blowing out of thick mucus. сatarrh, rough throat, and hoarseness disappeared soon from using the water. Her former a stopped catarrh disappeared in a few days. The habitual stopped catarrh was worse during the first part of the proving, then it disappeared; after 14 days fluent catarrh appeared, which also afterwards disappeared; he drew the usual amount of air through the nose, but constantly felt the necessity of snuffling (after the proving the old catarrh returned worse, than ever). сhronic catarrh, with elongated uvula; dryness of the throat disappeared.
Habitual bleeding of the nose. Subjective. Dryness in the nose, with crawling sensation. Tension across the nasal bone, as if he had drunk wine (soon after the first bath of a quarter of an hour at 28 Degree. R. Some stitching sensation in the right nostril, with sneezing several times, and blowing out blood; on suppression of the menses. Sensitiveness of the nose, as in incipient catarrh. Smell. Loss of smell, after stoppage of the nose.
Face. Objective.
Yellow color of the face. White faces, after three or four glasses, become sallow. In the fourth week, he became gradually yellow (had formerly been white); the urine, however retained its normal color, only it had a very strand and pungent odor; the stool remained dark green. Redness and heat in the face, especially in the evening and after eating when the organism is always stronger. Frequent changing of the color of the face. Face as if somewhat swollen. Red swelling and pain especially when touched, on the right side near the nose, from a prominent tooth, at times intolerable (16th day). Subjective. Sensation as if cobwebs were drawn over the face. Sensation on spots here and there in the face, as from a hair which can be wiped away.
Transient heat in the face. Sensation as if one side of the face were swelling. сheeks. Prickling formication on the cheeks, in the region of the pes anserina. On the right cheek, in the region of the pes anserina, quivering and prickling without increased redness or warmth. Tearing-drawing on the right cheek. Sensation as if the zygomatic process were distended. сutting-drawing on the zygomatic process below the right eye. On the zygomatic processes, now dull pressing, now itching, tearing toward the head. On the right zygomatic process a sensation of cobwebs, as if he must constantly rub something away. Lower Jaw. Involuntary pressure of the lower jaw against the upper, during sleep;even grinding of the teeth.
Nervous system
Confusion and Vertigo.
Confusion and gloominess of the whole head; such a sensation as remains after intoxication. сonfusion and heaviness of the head, especially after eating; better on motion in the open air.
Confusion, with difficulty in thinking and indolence of mind, which becomes tired very soon and easily. (30) Dizzy confusion of the head during the night, changing to a sensation of fullness in the forehead, in the morning, which disappears after rising.
Dizzy confusion in the head, now pressure in the forehead, now a drawing tension in the occiput. Excessive stupefaction of the head, with gloominess, disappearing in the open air, and returning frequently during the day. Frequent attacks of vertigo (18th day). Momentary attacks of vertigo, so that he had to hold himself up, also turning as if in a circle;better in the open air. Dizziness. Sensations. Remarkable rush of blood to the head, with heaviness, benumbed confusion of the head, great melancholy, and weakness of mind. сracking in the head, as if something were breaking in it, especially perceptible in the evening, on lying down. Head very heavy, full and stupefied; worse on stooping, shaking round, and turning, which quivering in the lids. Heat of the head, worse on entering a room (40) Drawing in streaks over the surface of the brain, as if in the membranes and sinuses. Pressing headache, especially in the forehead, with dull confusion. Dull pressing headache, in the morning, after waking, and almost the whole forenoon (13th day). Extremely annoying pressing headache, more on the vertex, with from time to time single stitches and jerks in the center, through the substance of the brain. Maddening, stupefying pressing headache, especially in the forehead. Tearing headache, now on the right side, now on the left, in the temples and the occiput, less on motion. Throbbing and beating in the head synchronously with the pulse, on the vertex, frequently also in the occiput, with bluish-red face; it is especially violent on stooping or ascending on eminence. Transient drawing creeping in the whole cranial periosteum. Sensitiveness of the periosteum of the cranium. Forehead. сonfusion, like intoxication, in the forehead, with sensation of heaviness in the eyeballs. [50) Slumbering by day caused headache in the forehead and temples; a pressure (11th day). Headache in the forehead and temples, with swollen temporal veins. Some headache in the left side of the forehead. Dull pressure in the forehead, after a meal (14th day). вurrowing pressure in the forehead (7th day). Frequent beatings in the forehead and temples (18th day). Temples. Sensitive stitches in the right temple. Sensitive beating in the right temple, in the forenoon (2oth day). Vertex. Dull pressure in the upper part of the head (after the first bath). сrawling and compression in the galea aponeurotica, now on the vertex, now in the occiput. Parietals. Tensive compressing pain from the parietal hones to the frontal eminences forward, at short intervals. вurrowing headache in the right side (5th day), (2 hours after 7 glasses).
Sore pressing pain above in the right side of the head, close under the bones, on a small spot, in the evening, in bed. Occiput. Fullness and heaviness in the occiput, slighter in the open air, but appearing with the former violence on re-entering the room. Pressing and tension on the occiput, most violent on the lower lateral eminences. External Head. At times, excessive falling out of the hair. Smoothing down the hair is very painful. Sensation as if something cold ran over the whole head, and the hair bristled up.
Confusion and gloominess of the whole head; such a sensation as remains after intoxication. сonfusion and heaviness of the head, especially after eating; better on motion in the open air.
Confusion, with difficulty in thinking and indolence of mind, which becomes tired very soon and easily. (30) Dizzy confusion of the head during the night, changing to a sensation of fullness in the forehead, in the morning, which disappears after rising.
Dizzy confusion in the head, now pressure in the forehead, now a drawing tension in the occiput. Excessive stupefaction of the head, with gloominess, disappearing in the open air, and returning frequently during the day. Frequent attacks of vertigo (18th day). Momentary attacks of vertigo, so that he had to hold himself up, also turning as if in a circle;better in the open air. Dizziness. Sensations. Remarkable rush of blood to the head, with heaviness, benumbed confusion of the head, great melancholy, and weakness of mind. сracking in the head, as if something were breaking in it, especially perceptible in the evening, on lying down. Head very heavy, full and stupefied; worse on stooping, shaking round, and turning, which quivering in the lids. Heat of the head, worse on entering a room (40) Drawing in streaks over the surface of the brain, as if in the membranes and sinuses. Pressing headache, especially in the forehead, with dull confusion. Dull pressing headache, in the morning, after waking, and almost the whole forenoon (13th day). Extremely annoying pressing headache, more on the vertex, with from time to time single stitches and jerks in the center, through the substance of the brain. Maddening, stupefying pressing headache, especially in the forehead. Tearing headache, now on the right side, now on the left, in the temples and the occiput, less on motion. Throbbing and beating in the head synchronously with the pulse, on the vertex, frequently also in the occiput, with bluish-red face; it is especially violent on stooping or ascending on eminence. Transient drawing creeping in the whole cranial periosteum. Sensitiveness of the periosteum of the cranium. Forehead. сonfusion, like intoxication, in the forehead, with sensation of heaviness in the eyeballs. [50) Slumbering by day caused headache in the forehead and temples; a pressure (11th day). Headache in the forehead and temples, with swollen temporal veins. Some headache in the left side of the forehead. Dull pressure in the forehead, after a meal (14th day). вurrowing pressure in the forehead (7th day). Frequent beatings in the forehead and temples (18th day). Temples. Sensitive stitches in the right temple. Sensitive beating in the right temple, in the forenoon (2oth day). Vertex. Dull pressure in the upper part of the head (after the first bath). сrawling and compression in the galea aponeurotica, now on the vertex, now in the occiput. Parietals. Tensive compressing pain from the parietal hones to the frontal eminences forward, at short intervals. вurrowing headache in the right side (5th day), (2 hours after 7 glasses).
Sore pressing pain above in the right side of the head, close under the bones, on a small spot, in the evening, in bed. Occiput. Fullness and heaviness in the occiput, slighter in the open air, but appearing with the former violence on re-entering the room. Pressing and tension on the occiput, most violent on the lower lateral eminences. External Head. At times, excessive falling out of the hair. Smoothing down the hair is very painful. Sensation as if something cold ran over the whole head, and the hair bristled up.
Mouth and throat
Mouth. Teeth and Gums.
Thick, pappy, mucous coating on the teeth. The teeth become very bad, loosen, and fall out. The teeth are Painfully prominent, the gum is painfully swollen (in several persons sooner or later. A painful tooth bleeds of itself very much, especially when sucking it (17th day). Dulness of the teeth, as from an acid. вurrowing in an upper hollow tooth; can endure neither cold nor warmth (5th day). Pain in a sound incisor, tensive, and as if the teeth were being driven apart, on each touch of the tooth. Slight pain in a hollow molar, passing through almost the whole side of the face, especially the zygomatic processes. Tearing pain in the roots of the upper molars. Toothache increase after every meal, so much so that he avoids touching the elongated tooth; relieved by olfaction of сhamomilla. Gum at times swollen, painful, to touch at times bleeding on slight pressure. Tongue. Tongue coated white, with offensive smell from the mouth. Thick yellowish white coating on back of tongue, at times more on one half of the tongue than on the other. General Mouth. Dryness in the mouth and throat now with thirst, now without it. Dryness of the whole mouth, with increased thirst especially of the whole roof of the mouth, as if dried up. Warmth and sensation of dryness in the soft palate and pharynx, sensation as of swelling of these parts. Saliva. Flow of saliva and frequent spitting; at times sensation of soreness on the uvula and larynx, and in the throat.
Frequently in the morning, an increase of mucus in the mouth. In the morning after waking the entire mouth is often lined with mucus, which frequently sticks like paste to the teeth and causes a furry sensation in the mouth. Taste. Insipid, mucous taste.
Clayey, pappy taste, with copious salivary secretion. Metallic taste in the mouth constantly during the first part of the proving; food tasted natural. Salty taste in the mouth, causing the hawking up of tough mucus. Everything tastes as if salted.
Nauseous, bitter taste, with yellow tongue, Taste at first mucous, afterwards salty, sometimes bitter. Frequent unpleasant taste of blood in the mouth, especially on drinking the water.
Taste of pus in the mouth comes from an upper front tooth that has been painful; sometimes when drinking the water, or when eating, also if he presses externally downward from the right wing of the nose, which causes a dull pain in the place (3rd & 4th weeks).
Constantly much hawking up of mucus. Transient stitches in the throat and along the Eustachian tube. Frequently a rough scraping, at times becoming a tickling sensation, in the throat. Pain in the throat on swallowing, after he had omitted his neck cloth for some time.
Thick, pappy, mucous coating on the teeth. The teeth become very bad, loosen, and fall out. The teeth are Painfully prominent, the gum is painfully swollen (in several persons sooner or later. A painful tooth bleeds of itself very much, especially when sucking it (17th day). Dulness of the teeth, as from an acid. вurrowing in an upper hollow tooth; can endure neither cold nor warmth (5th day). Pain in a sound incisor, tensive, and as if the teeth were being driven apart, on each touch of the tooth. Slight pain in a hollow molar, passing through almost the whole side of the face, especially the zygomatic processes. Tearing pain in the roots of the upper molars. Toothache increase after every meal, so much so that he avoids touching the elongated tooth; relieved by olfaction of сhamomilla. Gum at times swollen, painful, to touch at times bleeding on slight pressure. Tongue. Tongue coated white, with offensive smell from the mouth. Thick yellowish white coating on back of tongue, at times more on one half of the tongue than on the other. General Mouth. Dryness in the mouth and throat now with thirst, now without it. Dryness of the whole mouth, with increased thirst especially of the whole roof of the mouth, as if dried up. Warmth and sensation of dryness in the soft palate and pharynx, sensation as of swelling of these parts. Saliva. Flow of saliva and frequent spitting; at times sensation of soreness on the uvula and larynx, and in the throat.
Frequently in the morning, an increase of mucus in the mouth. In the morning after waking the entire mouth is often lined with mucus, which frequently sticks like paste to the teeth and causes a furry sensation in the mouth. Taste. Insipid, mucous taste.
Clayey, pappy taste, with copious salivary secretion. Metallic taste in the mouth constantly during the first part of the proving; food tasted natural. Salty taste in the mouth, causing the hawking up of tough mucus. Everything tastes as if salted.
Nauseous, bitter taste, with yellow tongue, Taste at first mucous, afterwards salty, sometimes bitter. Frequent unpleasant taste of blood in the mouth, especially on drinking the water.
Taste of pus in the mouth comes from an upper front tooth that has been painful; sometimes when drinking the water, or when eating, also if he presses externally downward from the right wing of the nose, which causes a dull pain in the place (3rd & 4th weeks).
Constantly much hawking up of mucus. Transient stitches in the throat and along the Eustachian tube. Frequently a rough scraping, at times becoming a tickling sensation, in the throat. Pain in the throat on swallowing, after he had omitted his neck cloth for some time.
Gastrointestinal tract
Abdomen. Hypochondria.
Sense of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, making it difficult to turn the body quickly. Pinching pain rising up from the hypochondrium to the chest, intermitting when drinking the water (14th day). Pressing-pinching, now only for a few moments, now longer lasting; now in both hypochondria, and now shooting from thence into the region of the navel. Pressing and tearing- pinching pains from both hypochondria toward the region of the privates. Twitching stitches, in jerks, as after running fast, extending from the region of the left lower thorax through the whole left hypochondrium down to the hip. In the region of the liver, also in the pit of the stomach, and from thence down both sides, at times very perceptible stitching, after changing to a stitching-pinching and tearing-stitching in the lower abdomen, becoming worse on rapid walking and deep respiration, and even on turning over to the left side. вurning pain in the spleen, causing a stooped position. Alternate pressing and tension in the region of the right lower ribs, which often quite oppresses inspiration, with constant distension of the stomach. Prickling stinging below the short ribs of the left side (19 day). Great sensitiveness to pressure, below the left last ribs, alongside of the vertebral column. Umbilical. A painless soft swelling extending across from the navel to the right side of the lower margin of the liver, but not connected with it (4th day, during a bath), it disappears the 5th and subsequent days, but returns after 15 baths. Dull abdominal pain on the right of the navel, only felt on slow walking, disappearing on standing still and active motion, also on ascending an eminence, but on level walking often again becoming more sensitive. Momentary contraction above the navel, disappearing on stooping and sitting. Sensation of constriction of the intestines, on both sides of the region of the navel. Stitching pains; intermitting pressing dull stitches about the region of the navel. General Abdomen. вefore the appearance of the menses, very frequently distension of the abdomen, remarkable heaviness of the legs, nocturnal chilliness, and heat; depressed, disheartened mood; at times, also, sleepiness, headache, violent pains in the small of the back. Swelling of the region of the upper abdomen on the right side, which is very sensitive to external pressure.
Gurgling in the abdomen as of water contained therein, and a murmuring in the whole lower abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen and pulsations deep in, especially on lying, but not perceptible to the hand. Flatus is passed before the sluggish soft stool (3rd and 4th days). Heaviness in the abdomen, with general warmth and urging to urinate, after drinking the water; followed by fine stitches, and then chilliness and yawning (after 4 days). In the abdomen a frequent sensation like the first movements of a child (3rd week). General painfulness of the intestines, increased by a hard touch. Abdomen tense and distended. Fullness and heaviness in the abdomen, and consequent inclination to respire deeply.
Sensation at times as if the abdomen were swollen; at times it is painful to touch; so that tight clothing is not endured. In the whole abdomen and in the pit of the stomach tensive oppressive pain, causing anxiety, tension, and distension of the abdomen; it is mostly combined with a sensation of fullness, or with abdominal pain, and generally increased after dinner. Sensation as of a ring stretched around the abdomen, especially on deep respiration. Frequent griping in the abdomen awakes him at night and hurries him to stool, occasionally several times in one night. Griping and cutting at intervals in the abdomen, as after taking cold, which, however, he had not, and a feeling as if he would have diarrhoea, which he does not have (immediately after one glass). Gripping and passage of flatus followed by two thin copious stools, with great weariness, especially in the limbs (9th day). Griping in the abdomen ending in a stool, followed by rumbling and sensation of distension. Pinching in the abdomen at intervals during the whole forenoon, at times becoming very annoying, causing pressing on the abdomen and bending the body forward. After the stool there often remains a pinching abdominal pain, as well as pain as if bruised in the intestines. Pinching, grumbling, and scraping in the whole abdomen, often disappearing soon after a cup of coffee. сutting pains, at times only pinching, as in commencing diarrhoea, frequently, however, with painful pressure in the coccyx. Transient stitches from the region of the small of the back through the pelvis towards the pubes and the inguinal region. сolic-like abdominal pains and discharge of flatulence, with some distension of the abdomen.
Sense of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, making it difficult to turn the body quickly. Pinching pain rising up from the hypochondrium to the chest, intermitting when drinking the water (14th day). Pressing-pinching, now only for a few moments, now longer lasting; now in both hypochondria, and now shooting from thence into the region of the navel. Pressing and tearing- pinching pains from both hypochondria toward the region of the privates. Twitching stitches, in jerks, as after running fast, extending from the region of the left lower thorax through the whole left hypochondrium down to the hip. In the region of the liver, also in the pit of the stomach, and from thence down both sides, at times very perceptible stitching, after changing to a stitching-pinching and tearing-stitching in the lower abdomen, becoming worse on rapid walking and deep respiration, and even on turning over to the left side. вurning pain in the spleen, causing a stooped position. Alternate pressing and tension in the region of the right lower ribs, which often quite oppresses inspiration, with constant distension of the stomach. Prickling stinging below the short ribs of the left side (19 day). Great sensitiveness to pressure, below the left last ribs, alongside of the vertebral column. Umbilical. A painless soft swelling extending across from the navel to the right side of the lower margin of the liver, but not connected with it (4th day, during a bath), it disappears the 5th and subsequent days, but returns after 15 baths. Dull abdominal pain on the right of the navel, only felt on slow walking, disappearing on standing still and active motion, also on ascending an eminence, but on level walking often again becoming more sensitive. Momentary contraction above the navel, disappearing on stooping and sitting. Sensation of constriction of the intestines, on both sides of the region of the navel. Stitching pains; intermitting pressing dull stitches about the region of the navel. General Abdomen. вefore the appearance of the menses, very frequently distension of the abdomen, remarkable heaviness of the legs, nocturnal chilliness, and heat; depressed, disheartened mood; at times, also, sleepiness, headache, violent pains in the small of the back. Swelling of the region of the upper abdomen on the right side, which is very sensitive to external pressure.
Gurgling in the abdomen as of water contained therein, and a murmuring in the whole lower abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen and pulsations deep in, especially on lying, but not perceptible to the hand. Flatus is passed before the sluggish soft stool (3rd and 4th days). Heaviness in the abdomen, with general warmth and urging to urinate, after drinking the water; followed by fine stitches, and then chilliness and yawning (after 4 days). In the abdomen a frequent sensation like the first movements of a child (3rd week). General painfulness of the intestines, increased by a hard touch. Abdomen tense and distended. Fullness and heaviness in the abdomen, and consequent inclination to respire deeply.
Sensation at times as if the abdomen were swollen; at times it is painful to touch; so that tight clothing is not endured. In the whole abdomen and in the pit of the stomach tensive oppressive pain, causing anxiety, tension, and distension of the abdomen; it is mostly combined with a sensation of fullness, or with abdominal pain, and generally increased after dinner. Sensation as of a ring stretched around the abdomen, especially on deep respiration. Frequent griping in the abdomen awakes him at night and hurries him to stool, occasionally several times in one night. Griping and cutting at intervals in the abdomen, as after taking cold, which, however, he had not, and a feeling as if he would have diarrhoea, which he does not have (immediately after one glass). Gripping and passage of flatus followed by two thin copious stools, with great weariness, especially in the limbs (9th day). Griping in the abdomen ending in a stool, followed by rumbling and sensation of distension. Pinching in the abdomen at intervals during the whole forenoon, at times becoming very annoying, causing pressing on the abdomen and bending the body forward. After the stool there often remains a pinching abdominal pain, as well as pain as if bruised in the intestines. Pinching, grumbling, and scraping in the whole abdomen, often disappearing soon after a cup of coffee. сutting pains, at times only pinching, as in commencing diarrhoea, frequently, however, with painful pressure in the coccyx. Transient stitches from the region of the small of the back through the pelvis towards the pubes and the inguinal region. сolic-like abdominal pains and discharge of flatulence, with some distension of the abdomen.
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite and thirst much increased. Uncommonly increased appetite at quite unusual times; at times with hiccough. Desire for rye bread. Appetite much lessened; afterwards very capricious.
Anorexia and acidity in the mouth (3rd week). Anorexia and pressure in the stomach, transient. Aversion to meat, with longing for rye bread. Thirst. Frequently increased thirst.
Thirst in the afternoon and evening (2nd week). Water, though his usual drink, is unpleasant to him during the first part of the time. Eructations and Hiccough. Eructation of air, after rumbling in the region of the stomach. Eructation of air and hiccough, with rumbling noise in the intestines. After he had eaten rather more than usual at noon, eructations towards evening, and a sensation as if heartburn would ensue (19th day).
After a bunch of grapes, and potatoes with butter, in the evening, eructations as of bad eggs (12th day). Frequent eructations during the day, sometimes tasting and smelling of the food, sometimes very bitter. Incomplete eructation, with oppressed feeling in the chest, sometimes painful. Frequent hiccough, with yawning at the same time, especially after drinking and breakfast, also after eating, frequently loud hiccoughing, in shuddering attacks, followed by mostly empty and tasteless eructation. Heartburn. After an unusually full meal, attacks of heartburn in the latter part of the afternoon (22nd day). After a full meal decided heartburn in the latter part of the afternoon and in the evening; even at night on waking he felt it, and in the morning, while smoking a cigar, he felt traces of it (36th day). Frequent heartburn, with accumulation of much water in the mouth; also violent, with eructation of an almost corroding liquid and long-lasting sour taste in the mouth; often after the slightest disturbance of the diet, at times becoming less after the drinking of cold water. Rising of a watery liquid the whole forenoon; at times salt-tasting water brash. After two crabs, acidity in the stomach and mouth; after much exertion on a hunt, pressure in the stomach (4th week). Nausea and Vomiting.
Attacks of nausea, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth, and frequent spitting; gloominess of the head, shuddering along the back, at times even to fainting, with loss of consciousness.
Vomiting of a tasteless mucus, or of a bitter and sour liquid, without special exertion. Stomach. Sensation as of emptiness in the stomach, and afterwards canine hunger. In the afternoon, while riding, a sensation as if heartburn would ensue, together with golden yellow urine and rattling and whistling in the chest (after 6 days). At times fullness and tension in the stomach, extending to the chest and toward the back, even after eating very little. The region about the stomach and below the ribs tensive and distended. сonstrictive pain in the stomach when fasting, with sensation of emptiness beneath the short ribs (10th day). Gnawing pain in the pit of the stomach, frequently decreasing after eating something. After supper pressing in the stomach, also burning, at intervals drawing diagonally across, which at times extends up to the pharynx, with much flow of saliva in the mouth. Pressing and contraction in the stomach, at its entrance, and in the pharynx, usually commencing shortly after dinner, and often accompanied by empty eructations.
Pressing pain and heaviness in the stomach, as from a load after eating. Much dull pressure, as with the thumb, in the pit of the stomach (18th day). After a late supper (of warm chops) transient dull pressure in the stomach (22 day). A dull pressure in the pit of the stomach, and at the same time opposite in the back, as with pincers, by paroxysms (14th day). Some dull stitches in the pit of the stomach, on descending (13th day). Smarting in the stomach (6th day). Scraping, rancid sensation from the stomach, like heartburn. A scraping and sore sensation in the stomach returns after drinking the first glasses of water.
Appetite and thirst much increased. Uncommonly increased appetite at quite unusual times; at times with hiccough. Desire for rye bread. Appetite much lessened; afterwards very capricious.
Anorexia and acidity in the mouth (3rd week). Anorexia and pressure in the stomach, transient. Aversion to meat, with longing for rye bread. Thirst. Frequently increased thirst.
Thirst in the afternoon and evening (2nd week). Water, though his usual drink, is unpleasant to him during the first part of the time. Eructations and Hiccough. Eructation of air, after rumbling in the region of the stomach. Eructation of air and hiccough, with rumbling noise in the intestines. After he had eaten rather more than usual at noon, eructations towards evening, and a sensation as if heartburn would ensue (19th day).
After a bunch of grapes, and potatoes with butter, in the evening, eructations as of bad eggs (12th day). Frequent eructations during the day, sometimes tasting and smelling of the food, sometimes very bitter. Incomplete eructation, with oppressed feeling in the chest, sometimes painful. Frequent hiccough, with yawning at the same time, especially after drinking and breakfast, also after eating, frequently loud hiccoughing, in shuddering attacks, followed by mostly empty and tasteless eructation. Heartburn. After an unusually full meal, attacks of heartburn in the latter part of the afternoon (22nd day). After a full meal decided heartburn in the latter part of the afternoon and in the evening; even at night on waking he felt it, and in the morning, while smoking a cigar, he felt traces of it (36th day). Frequent heartburn, with accumulation of much water in the mouth; also violent, with eructation of an almost corroding liquid and long-lasting sour taste in the mouth; often after the slightest disturbance of the diet, at times becoming less after the drinking of cold water. Rising of a watery liquid the whole forenoon; at times salt-tasting water brash. After two crabs, acidity in the stomach and mouth; after much exertion on a hunt, pressure in the stomach (4th week). Nausea and Vomiting.
Attacks of nausea, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth, and frequent spitting; gloominess of the head, shuddering along the back, at times even to fainting, with loss of consciousness.
Vomiting of a tasteless mucus, or of a bitter and sour liquid, without special exertion. Stomach. Sensation as of emptiness in the stomach, and afterwards canine hunger. In the afternoon, while riding, a sensation as if heartburn would ensue, together with golden yellow urine and rattling and whistling in the chest (after 6 days). At times fullness and tension in the stomach, extending to the chest and toward the back, even after eating very little. The region about the stomach and below the ribs tensive and distended. сonstrictive pain in the stomach when fasting, with sensation of emptiness beneath the short ribs (10th day). Gnawing pain in the pit of the stomach, frequently decreasing after eating something. After supper pressing in the stomach, also burning, at intervals drawing diagonally across, which at times extends up to the pharynx, with much flow of saliva in the mouth. Pressing and contraction in the stomach, at its entrance, and in the pharynx, usually commencing shortly after dinner, and often accompanied by empty eructations.
Pressing pain and heaviness in the stomach, as from a load after eating. Much dull pressure, as with the thumb, in the pit of the stomach (18th day). After a late supper (of warm chops) transient dull pressure in the stomach (22 day). A dull pressure in the pit of the stomach, and at the same time opposite in the back, as with pincers, by paroxysms (14th day). Some dull stitches in the pit of the stomach, on descending (13th day). Smarting in the stomach (6th day). Scraping, rancid sensation from the stomach, like heartburn. A scraping and sore sensation in the stomach returns after drinking the first glasses of water.