Other names and synonyms
grat.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Common names (Germ), Gnaden-kraut; (English) Hedge hyssop.
Additional facts
Gratiola officinalis, Linn.
Natural order: Scrophulariaceae.
Preparation: Tincture of the whole plant.
Natural order: Scrophulariaceae.
Preparation: Tincture of the whole plant.
Psyche and consciousness
Emotional. Very much excited, and unable to fall asleep in the evening. Very talkative and joyous. So joyous and lively that she jumps and dances (after one hour). Sad mood (after one hour). Anxiety and heat in the whole body, with weakness, which disappear in the open air. Fretful mood (first day).
Fretful and ill-humored; nothing pleases her (first day).
Fretful, irritated by every contradiction, angry outbreaks, misanthropic, with solicitude about his own health. Very ill- humored (first day). Great ill-humor and desire to be alone (first day). Very much out of humor (after half an hour).
Averse to everything at 1 ; no desire to talk or move.
Intellectual. Earnest, reflective mood. She is in deep thought and does not seem to hear what is said to her at 2 1/2 Disinclination to every mental work. Irresolute; no persistency in work. He does not seem to apprehend objects as distinctly, but is much more confused than usual (after quarter of an hour). Loss of thought; she does not seem to know what she will answer when she is asked a question, and is obliged to think for a long time first; in the afternoon.
Fretful and ill-humored; nothing pleases her (first day).
Fretful, irritated by every contradiction, angry outbreaks, misanthropic, with solicitude about his own health. Very ill- humored (first day). Great ill-humor and desire to be alone (first day). Very much out of humor (after half an hour).
Averse to everything at 1 ; no desire to talk or move.
Intellectual. Earnest, reflective mood. She is in deep thought and does not seem to hear what is said to her at 2 1/2 Disinclination to every mental work. Irresolute; no persistency in work. He does not seem to apprehend objects as distinctly, but is much more confused than usual (after quarter of an hour). Loss of thought; she does not seem to know what she will answer when she is asked a question, and is obliged to think for a long time first; in the afternoon.
Head, face, and ears
Dryness of the eyes, with feeling as is sand were in them.
Burning pains in the left eye, lasting half an hour (after six hours). Pressure upon the eyes, in the afternoon (first day).
Pressive pain in both eyes (after three hours), and frequently repeated the whole day (first day). Tearing in the eyes, with mucous secretion in the lids, especially in the inner canthi. вrow. Twitching and jerking of the left eyebrow (after two hours). Drawing pain in the left eyebrow (after a quarter of an hour). Lids. Redness and itching in the canthi, more in the afternoon then in the morning. Twitching of the left lids, after dinner. The eyelids fall together on account of weakness (after three-quarters of an hour). Agglutination of the lids, with dry mucus, mostly in the canthi. Tension in the external canthus, at 2 , when reading. Pressure in the canthi, with inflammation of the conjunctiva. Stitching in the right inner canthus, with itching, disappearing on rubbing (after one hour). Tickling in the left inner canthus, disappearing on scratching, after dinner. сonstant itching in the eyelashes. Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation, when reading, with feeling of weakness in the eyes. Pressure in the eyeballs (second day). While reading it seems as if a fog were before the eyes, at 1.30 (after one hour and a half). Sensation as of a cloud before the eyes, with a feeling as if they were drawn together, and were smaller than usual, after breakfast. She seems to see objects at a distance better than those near, with burning heat in the face (after two hours). Shortsightedness, noticed on reading. While writing or looking at bright objects the sight suddenly vanishes; this symptom is relieved by closing the eyes, even the green trees and turf.
External. вurning before the left ear, which does not entirely disappear on rubbing (after two hours and a quarter).
Burning behind the right ear, at 4 Tearing in front of the left ear, near the eye (after one hour). Tearing and drawing upward and downward in a small spot near the left ear, soon disappearing on pressure (after half an hour). Internal. Sharp sticking in the left ear, which immediately disappears on walking, at 1 (second day). Fine tearing in the left ear, which soon disappears (after a quarter of an hour). сrawling in the ears, immediately.
Objective. Tendency to sneeze, which soon disappears (after a quarter of an hour). Sneezing twice, each time with a stitch in the left side (after a quarter of an hour). Sneezing, with stitches in the hypochondriac region, during diner. Frequent sneezing, during dinner. A few drops of water run from the right nostril. сoryza, in the evening before lying down, disappearing in bed. Subjective. On vomiting the nose feels full and stopped; relieved after vomiting. Feeling of stoppage of the nose (after half an hour). Pressure in the left upper nasal region (after three hours). Frequent fine tearings in the upper part of the left side of the nose (after two hours).
Irritation and tickling in the left side of the nose, as if one would sneeze (after two hours). Itching biting in the right nostril, which disappears on rubbing (after three-quarters of an hour).
Objective. Long-continued redness of the face (after half an hour). Pale color of the face (after three-quarters of an hour).
The face burns like fire and is also externally warm and red, after dinner. Tensive feeling in the face, like a swelling (third day). Tearing in the right half of the face (third day).
Dryness of the eyes, with feeling as is sand were in them.
Burning pains in the left eye, lasting half an hour (after six hours). Pressure upon the eyes, in the afternoon (first day).
Pressive pain in both eyes (after three hours), and frequently repeated the whole day (first day). Tearing in the eyes, with mucous secretion in the lids, especially in the inner canthi. вrow. Twitching and jerking of the left eyebrow (after two hours). Drawing pain in the left eyebrow (after a quarter of an hour). Lids. Redness and itching in the canthi, more in the afternoon then in the morning. Twitching of the left lids, after dinner. The eyelids fall together on account of weakness (after three-quarters of an hour). Agglutination of the lids, with dry mucus, mostly in the canthi. Tension in the external canthus, at 2 , when reading. Pressure in the canthi, with inflammation of the conjunctiva. Stitching in the right inner canthus, with itching, disappearing on rubbing (after one hour). Tickling in the left inner canthus, disappearing on scratching, after dinner. сonstant itching in the eyelashes. Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation, when reading, with feeling of weakness in the eyes. Pressure in the eyeballs (second day). While reading it seems as if a fog were before the eyes, at 1.30 (after one hour and a half). Sensation as of a cloud before the eyes, with a feeling as if they were drawn together, and were smaller than usual, after breakfast. She seems to see objects at a distance better than those near, with burning heat in the face (after two hours). Shortsightedness, noticed on reading. While writing or looking at bright objects the sight suddenly vanishes; this symptom is relieved by closing the eyes, even the green trees and turf.
External. вurning before the left ear, which does not entirely disappear on rubbing (after two hours and a quarter).
Burning behind the right ear, at 4 Tearing in front of the left ear, near the eye (after one hour). Tearing and drawing upward and downward in a small spot near the left ear, soon disappearing on pressure (after half an hour). Internal. Sharp sticking in the left ear, which immediately disappears on walking, at 1 (second day). Fine tearing in the left ear, which soon disappears (after a quarter of an hour). сrawling in the ears, immediately.
Objective. Tendency to sneeze, which soon disappears (after a quarter of an hour). Sneezing twice, each time with a stitch in the left side (after a quarter of an hour). Sneezing, with stitches in the hypochondriac region, during diner. Frequent sneezing, during dinner. A few drops of water run from the right nostril. сoryza, in the evening before lying down, disappearing in bed. Subjective. On vomiting the nose feels full and stopped; relieved after vomiting. Feeling of stoppage of the nose (after half an hour). Pressure in the left upper nasal region (after three hours). Frequent fine tearings in the upper part of the left side of the nose (after two hours).
Irritation and tickling in the left side of the nose, as if one would sneeze (after two hours). Itching biting in the right nostril, which disappears on rubbing (after three-quarters of an hour).
Objective. Long-continued redness of the face (after half an hour). Pale color of the face (after three-quarters of an hour).
The face burns like fire and is also externally warm and red, after dinner. Tensive feeling in the face, like a swelling (third day). Tearing in the right half of the face (third day).
Nervous system
Confusion and Vertigo. сonfusion of the head (after two hours); (second day). Painful confusion of the head, which disappeared after breakfast, but frequently returned after dinner. Vertigo, as if she would turn in a circle (after five minutes). Vertigo, as if objects wavered, more on the left side, lasting a quarter of an hour (after five minutes).
Vertigo, as if the head moved back and forth, on reading; disappearing after reading. Vertigo on rising from sitting (after five minutes). Vertigo, like reeling, immediately after rising, lasting several hours. If she closes the eyes, it seems as though she would fall, on account of vertigo, and the whole room goes round; disappearing in the open air (after quarter of an hour). Vertigo, as if it turned around to the right, disappearing in the open air (after five minutes).
Vertigo, as if he would fall forward, with weakness, in the open air; the vertigo disappears in the room (after one hour). Slight attacks of vertigo at times, especially on walking rapidly.
Vertigo disappears in the open air and returns in the warm room (after quarter of an hour). Dizziness. Dizziness of the head, he stands long looking at one spot without thinking (soon). As if intoxicated, during and after eating (after half and hour, and later). She seems intoxicated, disappearing in the open air (after three-quarters of an hour). General Head. Rush of blood and feeling as if intoxicated in the whole brain (after three-quarters of an hour). Violent rush of blood to the head, with throbbing in the forehead, amounting to vertigo, with blackness before the eyes; aggravated by motion, especially on riding, and increasing even to loss of consciousness, only disappearing after several hours sleep. The head is very light and free (after a quarter and one hour). Dulness in the head while standing and walking, only somewhat relieved by lying; between 7 and 8 A dull sensation in the head in the evening (first day). Heaviness of the head on stooping and on rising up again (after three quarters of an hour).
Heaviness and sensation of pressing forward, from the nape of the neck into the head (after half an hour). The head seems heavy, with nausea and sleepiness (one hour and a half after dinner). Feeling of warmth in the head (after one hour and a half). Heat in the head after rising from stooping (after half an hour). Heat in the head, with redness of the face, disappearing in the open air (after one hour and three- quarters). Much heat in the head, with great weariness and laxity of the body, in the evening (fifth day). Great sensitiveness of the head to cold. Feeling of fullness in the head, and as if the brain would be pushed forward (after a quarter of an hour). Feeling of fullness in the head and stoppage of the nose, which, however, does not last long, on going into the open air (after one hour and a half). Feeling as if the brain was contracted, and the head would become smaller, with general discomfort; disappearing in the open air (after one hour). Violent headache, with nausea and qualmishness, at 2 Pressive headache, with heat in the face, the whole day (fourth day). Violent pressive headache in the afternoon (fifth day). Sudden attack; she feels a sudden vibration in the whole head while sitting, at 10 p.m, as if some one let go a stiff steel spring which had been made very tense, and which hummed and vibrated for some time, so that the hearing and sight vanished, but she did not lose consciousness; the attack lasted two minutes (second day). The headache is worse in the open air. The headache seems aggravated by motion of the body in the afternoon. The headache seems worse on rising from sitting, at 2.30 The throbbing headache is at one time relieved, at another aggravated, and at another time disappears entirely in the open air. Forehead. A feeling in the middle of the forehead, as if a hair hung down, which he constantly wanted to wipe away (after two hours). вurning about the forehead, rather external, an hour and a quarter after dinner. Frequent sudden burning in the left frontal eminence as if one suddenly approached him with a glowing-hot iron, an hour and a quarter after dinner. Tension in the forehead, it is drawn in folds (after one hour).
Sensation as if screwed together in the forehead, vertex, and occiput (after three-quarters of an hour). Drawing pain in the left frontal eminence (first day). Pressure and burning in the forehead, more on the right side, lasting a long time (after two hours). Pressure in the forehead, with confusion of the whole head (first day). Pressure in the right of the forehead.
Pressure in the right frontal region above the right eye (after one hour). Pressive headache in the forehead, passing off towards noon (seventh day). Pressive headache in the frontal region, with vertigo. Pressive headache in the skin of the forehead, lasting a long time (after five hours). Sticking in the forehead, with warmth in it (after half an hour). Sticking pains in the left frontal eminence, lasting only a short time (after five hours). Painful sticking headache in the right frontal eminence (after four hours). Violent sticking in the whole forehead at 2.30 Violent sticking and beating in the forehead in the morning (second day). Tearing, sticking headache in the frontal region (after four hours). Tearing pains in the frontal region, not persistent (after four hours).
Very painful pressive tearing in the left side of the forehead (after two hours and a half). Throbbing and tearing in the forehead (after one hour). вeating and throbbing in the forepart of the forehead, and tearing farther back towards the vertex, at 3 Violent beating and sticking in the forehead at 3.15 Temples. вoring and tearing in the temples, only in the afternoon and night, and still a little in the morning; the most violent pain lasts only half an hour; pain is generally aggravated by cold and warmth, and the temples, become very sensitive from the pain (ninth day). Pressure in the temples, lasting a short time. сoarse sticking, at first only in the right, but soon after also in the left temple (after one hour).
Tearing in the upper part of the right temple, a simple pain in this place on pressing on it (after five minutes). Tearing pain in the left temple, which soon disappears (after one hour and a half). Transient tearing in the right temporal muscle (third day). Pain, as if from a blow in the left temporal bone, when touched (after three hours). Vertex. Frequent sensation of coldness on the vertex, at times somewhat painful, which, after covering with the cap, soon changed to a sensation of heat. Short but painful throbbing and drawing in the vertex (after half an hour). Parietals. Feeling of heaviness in the left half of the head, which, however, soon disappear (after three-quarters of an hour). Headache over the whole right side (after one hour and a half). Drawing in the left side of the head on going into the open air (after half an hour). Pressive headache in the right side of the head, as if something heavy was lying upon the brain, lasting till evening (sixth day). Sticking in the right side of the head and in the occiput (after a quarter of an hour). Fine stitches in the whole left side of the head, deep in the brain, which gradually disappear in the open air (after half an hour).
Tearing in both sides of the head and in the occiput, at 2.
Tearing in the right side of the head, together with a bruised pain, extending down to the ear (after three-quarters of an hour). Tearing in the left side of the head, above the forehead, which disappears on rubbing (after three-quarters of an hour). Tearing in the left side of the head, and as this disappears, fine painful stitches in the left side of the forehead (after three-quarters of an hour). Occiput. Waking unusually early every morning, with a somewhat painful sensation in the occiput, when soon disappeared after rising, and on lying upon the abdomen. Pressure on the left side of the occiput, with a sensation as though something heavy was lying there (after five minutes). Fine sticking in the left side of the occiput; as this ceases, tearing in the left side of the chin (after three- quarters of an hour). A stitch in the left side of the occiput (after three- quarters of an hour). вruised pain in the left side of the occiput after sneezing (after one hour and a half). External Head. вurning fine sticking on the scalp, which disappears on scratching (after two hours and a half). вiting in a small spot, first on the right, then on the left side of the head, which disappears on scratching, an hour after dinner. вiting in the right side of the occiput, which does not disappear on scratching (after three-quarters of an hour). Itching biting on the scalp above the forehead, which disappears on scratching (after two hours). Itching biting on the vertex, which disappears only after long scratching (after two hours and three-quarters).
Itching biting on the occiput, which disappears on scratching, but frequently returns (after one hour). сonstantly recurring itching biting on the vertex, also after dinner.
Itching on the scalp above the left frontal region, disappearing after scratching, at 2 Itching on the vertex, which disappears on scratching (after one hour and a half ).
Itching in the right side of the occiput, which disappears after scratching (after three-quarters of an hour). вurning itching on the vertex, which disappears on scratching (fourth day).
Vertigo, as if the head moved back and forth, on reading; disappearing after reading. Vertigo on rising from sitting (after five minutes). Vertigo, like reeling, immediately after rising, lasting several hours. If she closes the eyes, it seems as though she would fall, on account of vertigo, and the whole room goes round; disappearing in the open air (after quarter of an hour). Vertigo, as if it turned around to the right, disappearing in the open air (after five minutes).
Vertigo, as if he would fall forward, with weakness, in the open air; the vertigo disappears in the room (after one hour). Slight attacks of vertigo at times, especially on walking rapidly.
Vertigo disappears in the open air and returns in the warm room (after quarter of an hour). Dizziness. Dizziness of the head, he stands long looking at one spot without thinking (soon). As if intoxicated, during and after eating (after half and hour, and later). She seems intoxicated, disappearing in the open air (after three-quarters of an hour). General Head. Rush of blood and feeling as if intoxicated in the whole brain (after three-quarters of an hour). Violent rush of blood to the head, with throbbing in the forehead, amounting to vertigo, with blackness before the eyes; aggravated by motion, especially on riding, and increasing even to loss of consciousness, only disappearing after several hours sleep. The head is very light and free (after a quarter and one hour). Dulness in the head while standing and walking, only somewhat relieved by lying; between 7 and 8 A dull sensation in the head in the evening (first day). Heaviness of the head on stooping and on rising up again (after three quarters of an hour).
Heaviness and sensation of pressing forward, from the nape of the neck into the head (after half an hour). The head seems heavy, with nausea and sleepiness (one hour and a half after dinner). Feeling of warmth in the head (after one hour and a half). Heat in the head after rising from stooping (after half an hour). Heat in the head, with redness of the face, disappearing in the open air (after one hour and three- quarters). Much heat in the head, with great weariness and laxity of the body, in the evening (fifth day). Great sensitiveness of the head to cold. Feeling of fullness in the head, and as if the brain would be pushed forward (after a quarter of an hour). Feeling of fullness in the head and stoppage of the nose, which, however, does not last long, on going into the open air (after one hour and a half). Feeling as if the brain was contracted, and the head would become smaller, with general discomfort; disappearing in the open air (after one hour). Violent headache, with nausea and qualmishness, at 2 Pressive headache, with heat in the face, the whole day (fourth day). Violent pressive headache in the afternoon (fifth day). Sudden attack; she feels a sudden vibration in the whole head while sitting, at 10 p.m, as if some one let go a stiff steel spring which had been made very tense, and which hummed and vibrated for some time, so that the hearing and sight vanished, but she did not lose consciousness; the attack lasted two minutes (second day). The headache is worse in the open air. The headache seems aggravated by motion of the body in the afternoon. The headache seems worse on rising from sitting, at 2.30 The throbbing headache is at one time relieved, at another aggravated, and at another time disappears entirely in the open air. Forehead. A feeling in the middle of the forehead, as if a hair hung down, which he constantly wanted to wipe away (after two hours). вurning about the forehead, rather external, an hour and a quarter after dinner. Frequent sudden burning in the left frontal eminence as if one suddenly approached him with a glowing-hot iron, an hour and a quarter after dinner. Tension in the forehead, it is drawn in folds (after one hour).
Sensation as if screwed together in the forehead, vertex, and occiput (after three-quarters of an hour). Drawing pain in the left frontal eminence (first day). Pressure and burning in the forehead, more on the right side, lasting a long time (after two hours). Pressure in the forehead, with confusion of the whole head (first day). Pressure in the right of the forehead.
Pressure in the right frontal region above the right eye (after one hour). Pressive headache in the forehead, passing off towards noon (seventh day). Pressive headache in the frontal region, with vertigo. Pressive headache in the skin of the forehead, lasting a long time (after five hours). Sticking in the forehead, with warmth in it (after half an hour). Sticking pains in the left frontal eminence, lasting only a short time (after five hours). Painful sticking headache in the right frontal eminence (after four hours). Violent sticking in the whole forehead at 2.30 Violent sticking and beating in the forehead in the morning (second day). Tearing, sticking headache in the frontal region (after four hours). Tearing pains in the frontal region, not persistent (after four hours).
Very painful pressive tearing in the left side of the forehead (after two hours and a half). Throbbing and tearing in the forehead (after one hour). вeating and throbbing in the forepart of the forehead, and tearing farther back towards the vertex, at 3 Violent beating and sticking in the forehead at 3.15 Temples. вoring and tearing in the temples, only in the afternoon and night, and still a little in the morning; the most violent pain lasts only half an hour; pain is generally aggravated by cold and warmth, and the temples, become very sensitive from the pain (ninth day). Pressure in the temples, lasting a short time. сoarse sticking, at first only in the right, but soon after also in the left temple (after one hour).
Tearing in the upper part of the right temple, a simple pain in this place on pressing on it (after five minutes). Tearing pain in the left temple, which soon disappears (after one hour and a half). Transient tearing in the right temporal muscle (third day). Pain, as if from a blow in the left temporal bone, when touched (after three hours). Vertex. Frequent sensation of coldness on the vertex, at times somewhat painful, which, after covering with the cap, soon changed to a sensation of heat. Short but painful throbbing and drawing in the vertex (after half an hour). Parietals. Feeling of heaviness in the left half of the head, which, however, soon disappear (after three-quarters of an hour). Headache over the whole right side (after one hour and a half). Drawing in the left side of the head on going into the open air (after half an hour). Pressive headache in the right side of the head, as if something heavy was lying upon the brain, lasting till evening (sixth day). Sticking in the right side of the head and in the occiput (after a quarter of an hour). Fine stitches in the whole left side of the head, deep in the brain, which gradually disappear in the open air (after half an hour).
Tearing in both sides of the head and in the occiput, at 2.
Tearing in the right side of the head, together with a bruised pain, extending down to the ear (after three-quarters of an hour). Tearing in the left side of the head, above the forehead, which disappears on rubbing (after three-quarters of an hour). Tearing in the left side of the head, and as this disappears, fine painful stitches in the left side of the forehead (after three-quarters of an hour). Occiput. Waking unusually early every morning, with a somewhat painful sensation in the occiput, when soon disappeared after rising, and on lying upon the abdomen. Pressure on the left side of the occiput, with a sensation as though something heavy was lying there (after five minutes). Fine sticking in the left side of the occiput; as this ceases, tearing in the left side of the chin (after three- quarters of an hour). A stitch in the left side of the occiput (after three- quarters of an hour). вruised pain in the left side of the occiput after sneezing (after one hour and a half). External Head. вurning fine sticking on the scalp, which disappears on scratching (after two hours and a half). вiting in a small spot, first on the right, then on the left side of the head, which disappears on scratching, an hour after dinner. вiting in the right side of the occiput, which does not disappear on scratching (after three-quarters of an hour). Itching biting on the scalp above the forehead, which disappears on scratching (after two hours). Itching biting on the vertex, which disappears only after long scratching (after two hours and three-quarters).
Itching biting on the occiput, which disappears on scratching, but frequently returns (after one hour). сonstantly recurring itching biting on the vertex, also after dinner.
Itching on the scalp above the left frontal region, disappearing after scratching, at 2 Itching on the vertex, which disappears on scratching (after one hour and a half ).
Itching in the right side of the occiput, which disappears after scratching (after three-quarters of an hour). вurning itching on the vertex, which disappears on scratching (fourth day).
Mouth and throat
Cheeks. вurning and crawling, with feeling of swelling of the cheeks (after one hour and a half). вurning and crawling in the right zygoma, and after a quarter of an hour also in the left. A sudden burning in the right zygoma, which just as suddenly disappears (after one hour and three-quarters). Lips.
Swelling of the upper lip, every morning for four or five weeks, disappearing after a few hours. Sticking in the upper lip, as if it would crack, with thirst, in the morning (third day). сhina Painful crack in the left side of the chin (after a quarter of an hour). Tearing in the right lower jaw, at 1.
Teeth. Painfulness of all the teeth, especially on touch, and on taking cold things; lasting a long time. Feeling of coldness in the two right upper incisors (after a quarter of an hour). A pain difficult to describe in both hollow eye-teeth, always on eating and drinking cold things, and also on drawing cold air into the mouth. Drawing in the upper incisors (after one hour). In a left upper back tooth a transient sensation of coldness (after one hour and a quarter). Frequently intermitting boring in the first left back teeth, in the afternoon, though worse at night, and with no pain in the forenoon (sixth and eighth days). A stitch extending from the right upper back teeth up to the head (after half an hour). Tearing in the anterior upper right back teeth, which frequently returns (after half an hour). Two very painful tearings in the last left lower back teeth, which disappears on pressing upon them, at 4.30.
Gums. Inflammation of the gum of a hollow tooth. Tongue. Slimy coated tongue, though with a natural taste to the food and great appetite, during the whole provings. Rawness of the tongue (after one hour). General Mouth. In the morning after waking, a feeling as if the breath were offensive, or as if he had rinsed the mouth for a long time, disappearing after rising (second day). вurning in the palate, with dryness and sensation of rawness, immediately, lasting half an hour (sixth day). An unpleasant sticking and cutting pain in the palate near the left side of the uvula, with a kind of stiffness, so that swallowing was difficult and painful; lasting the whole day (third day). сrawling in the palate (after one hour). Saliva.
Accumulation of saliva. Great accumulation of saliva in the mouth; he spits out clear water by the spoonful. Frequent, long-continued spitting of saliva (after one hour and a half).
Accumulation of water in the mouth (first day). Long-continued accumulation of water in the mouth (after half an hour).
Constant accumulation of water in the mouth, which he is obliged to expectorate. Taste. Pasty taste in mouth, as from meal, after breakfast (second day). вitter taste in the mouth (only in the forenoon). вitterness in the mouth and throat, with constant qualmishness, which continues even after vomiting (after one hour and a half).
Objective. Mucus collects in the throat, which she can neither swallow nor raise, because it constantly remains after swallowing or raising; it provokes a cough (after a quarter of an hour). Much hawking of mucus, especially in the morning. A nauseous fluid rise into the throat (after one hour). вitter uprising into the throat (after half an hour). Subjective.
Feeling of mucus in the throat, with rawness and inclination to hawk. Rancid feeling in the throat, after dinner. Slight aching in the throat, as if inflammation would follow, lasting four hour hours (after three hours). An indescribable aching in the throat which causes constant swallowing, which however is difficult, as from constriction of the throat; food and drinks are swallowed without this sensation, indeed almost without difficulty; after eructations, especially if thereby a bitter fluid is evacuated, this sensation disappear, but returns after several hours. Pressure in the throat, as if mucus were in it, which she could neither hawk up nor swallow (after half an hour). Sticking in the throat when swallowing and when not, from afternoon till midnight. Sticking pains in the left side of the throat, aggravated by swallowing, lasting four hours (after ten hours). Painful sticking sensation in the throat, on the left side, when not swallowing, it is rather a clawing.
Scraping in the back of the throat, immediately (first, second, third, and fourth days); it extended deeper down into the pharynx than on the preceding days (fifth day). Scraping and nausea in the throat, as after vomiting, which is not changed by swallowing, soon after dinner. Rawness in the throat, with some hacking cough (after two hours). Feeling of rawness in the throat, with hoarseness (after one hour). Two sticking jerkings in the forepart of the throat, at 2 Fauces, Pharynx, and Esophagus. сrawling sensation in the fauces (after three- quarters of an hour). Fine stitches in the pharynx, at 5.
Scraping and acidity in the oesophagus, during and after dinner. External Throat. сonstrictive pain in the forepart of the neck (after one hour and a quarter). Jerk like acute drawing in the forepart of the neck (twelfth and thirteenth days). A feeling as if some one pressed a finger upon the right side of the neck (after two hours).
Swelling of the upper lip, every morning for four or five weeks, disappearing after a few hours. Sticking in the upper lip, as if it would crack, with thirst, in the morning (third day). сhina Painful crack in the left side of the chin (after a quarter of an hour). Tearing in the right lower jaw, at 1.
Teeth. Painfulness of all the teeth, especially on touch, and on taking cold things; lasting a long time. Feeling of coldness in the two right upper incisors (after a quarter of an hour). A pain difficult to describe in both hollow eye-teeth, always on eating and drinking cold things, and also on drawing cold air into the mouth. Drawing in the upper incisors (after one hour). In a left upper back tooth a transient sensation of coldness (after one hour and a quarter). Frequently intermitting boring in the first left back teeth, in the afternoon, though worse at night, and with no pain in the forenoon (sixth and eighth days). A stitch extending from the right upper back teeth up to the head (after half an hour). Tearing in the anterior upper right back teeth, which frequently returns (after half an hour). Two very painful tearings in the last left lower back teeth, which disappears on pressing upon them, at 4.30.
Gums. Inflammation of the gum of a hollow tooth. Tongue. Slimy coated tongue, though with a natural taste to the food and great appetite, during the whole provings. Rawness of the tongue (after one hour). General Mouth. In the morning after waking, a feeling as if the breath were offensive, or as if he had rinsed the mouth for a long time, disappearing after rising (second day). вurning in the palate, with dryness and sensation of rawness, immediately, lasting half an hour (sixth day). An unpleasant sticking and cutting pain in the palate near the left side of the uvula, with a kind of stiffness, so that swallowing was difficult and painful; lasting the whole day (third day). сrawling in the palate (after one hour). Saliva.
Accumulation of saliva. Great accumulation of saliva in the mouth; he spits out clear water by the spoonful. Frequent, long-continued spitting of saliva (after one hour and a half).
Accumulation of water in the mouth (first day). Long-continued accumulation of water in the mouth (after half an hour).
Constant accumulation of water in the mouth, which he is obliged to expectorate. Taste. Pasty taste in mouth, as from meal, after breakfast (second day). вitter taste in the mouth (only in the forenoon). вitterness in the mouth and throat, with constant qualmishness, which continues even after vomiting (after one hour and a half).
Objective. Mucus collects in the throat, which she can neither swallow nor raise, because it constantly remains after swallowing or raising; it provokes a cough (after a quarter of an hour). Much hawking of mucus, especially in the morning. A nauseous fluid rise into the throat (after one hour). вitter uprising into the throat (after half an hour). Subjective.
Feeling of mucus in the throat, with rawness and inclination to hawk. Rancid feeling in the throat, after dinner. Slight aching in the throat, as if inflammation would follow, lasting four hour hours (after three hours). An indescribable aching in the throat which causes constant swallowing, which however is difficult, as from constriction of the throat; food and drinks are swallowed without this sensation, indeed almost without difficulty; after eructations, especially if thereby a bitter fluid is evacuated, this sensation disappear, but returns after several hours. Pressure in the throat, as if mucus were in it, which she could neither hawk up nor swallow (after half an hour). Sticking in the throat when swallowing and when not, from afternoon till midnight. Sticking pains in the left side of the throat, aggravated by swallowing, lasting four hours (after ten hours). Painful sticking sensation in the throat, on the left side, when not swallowing, it is rather a clawing.
Scraping in the back of the throat, immediately (first, second, third, and fourth days); it extended deeper down into the pharynx than on the preceding days (fifth day). Scraping and nausea in the throat, as after vomiting, which is not changed by swallowing, soon after dinner. Rawness in the throat, with some hacking cough (after two hours). Feeling of rawness in the throat, with hoarseness (after one hour). Two sticking jerkings in the forepart of the throat, at 2 Fauces, Pharynx, and Esophagus. сrawling sensation in the fauces (after three- quarters of an hour). Fine stitches in the pharynx, at 5.
Scraping and acidity in the oesophagus, during and after dinner. External Throat. сonstrictive pain in the forepart of the neck (after one hour and a quarter). Jerk like acute drawing in the forepart of the neck (twelfth and thirteenth days). A feeling as if some one pressed a finger upon the right side of the neck (after two hours).
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite. Hunger but want of appetite (first day). Hunger with dread of eating, especially solid food, at 7 Diminished appetite, bread tastes the best. She eats more from habit than from hunger; she can eat only bread relish (first and second days). The dinner does not relish, although he eats as usual and has his usual taste. Appetite and hunger have entirely disappeared (first day). Aversion to all food, with a natural taste. Aversion and shuddering, with nausea in the stomach (after a quarter of an hour). Aversion to the accustomed tobacco. Special aversion to fat, she eats even pork without appetite. Disgust and dread of all nourishment (after one hour and a half). Thirst. Thirst in the evening; after drinking water the qualmishness was somewhat relieved. Increased thirst during the morning hours. Violent thirst at an unusual hour (after four days). Eructation and Hiccough. Inclination to eructate (first day). Inclination to eructate, which changes to qualmishness (after five minutes). сonstant but ineffectual desire to eructate (after a quarter of an hour). Tendency to eructations and pressure extending from the stomach up into the throat, so that it takes away the breath (after two hours). Feeling as if she should eructate, followed by empty eructations (after five minutes). Eructations, soon (second day). Eructations, several times during the first hours.
Eructations while eating, and regurgitation of the food. Empty eructations, after breakfast. Sweet eructations (after a quarter of an hour). вitter eructations when walking in the open air (after two hours and a half). Frequent bitter eructations, soon (fifth day). вitter eructations tasting like bitter almonds (after three- quarters of an hour). Eructations tasting of the drug, with pains in the chest like sticking (after a quarter of an hour). Eructations tasting of the food (an hour after a meal); (at 3.30 P.M)., (fifth day). Eructations of the meat which had been eaten at 2 Two forcible eructations, after breakfast, as of rancid fat, with feeling as if water would rise up with it (after two hours and a half). Eructations tasting of juniper. Risings of tasteless water from the stomach into the mouth, at 1.30 Hiccough, worse after dinner (after one hour and a half). Hiccough, with eructations tasting of the drug, and heat in the head, during dinner. Frequent attacks of water brash, especially when fasting and after cold water. Nausea and Vomiting. Some nausea, lasting only a short time (second day).
Eructations while eating, and regurgitation of the food. Empty eructations, after breakfast. Sweet eructations (after a quarter of an hour). вitter eructations when walking in the open air (after two hours and a half). Frequent bitter eructations, soon (fifth day). вitter eructations tasting like bitter almonds (after three- quarters of an hour). Eructations tasting of the drug, with pains in the chest like sticking (after a quarter of an hour). Eructations tasting of the food (an hour after a meal); (at 3.30 P.M)., (fifth day). Eructations of the meat which had been eaten at 2 Two forcible eructations, after breakfast, as of rancid fat, with feeling as if water would rise up with it (after two hours and a half). Eructations tasting of juniper. Risings of tasteless water from the stomach into the mouth, at 1.30 Hiccough, worse after dinner (after one hour and a half). Hiccough, with eructations tasting of the drug, and heat in the head, during dinner. Frequent attacks of water brash, especially when fasting and after cold water. Nausea and Vomiting. Some nausea, lasting only a short time (second day).