Other names and synonyms
narc-ps.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Narcissus poeticus, Linn. Natural order: Amaryllidaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the bulbs.
Stupefaction. Nausea, constant Taormina, and burning pain in the stomach (after a quarter of an hour). The woman was relieved by repeated vomiting after administration of warm water, and also by the copious watery alvine evacuations which followed, attended by dreadful griping and cutting pain in the bowels. Symptoms of gastro-enteritis (second day), (in the man). Small and tremulous pulse for the whole night (in the man). Trembling of the limbs (after a quarter of an hour). Obtuseness of the senses (after a quarter of an hour). Fainting (after a quarter of an hour). сoldness of the extremities. сold sweat (after a quarter of an hour).
Stupefaction. Nausea, constant Taormina, and burning pain in the stomach (after a quarter of an hour). The woman was relieved by repeated vomiting after administration of warm water, and also by the copious watery alvine evacuations which followed, attended by dreadful griping and cutting pain in the bowels. Symptoms of gastro-enteritis (second day), (in the man). Small and tremulous pulse for the whole night (in the man). Trembling of the limbs (after a quarter of an hour). Obtuseness of the senses (after a quarter of an hour). Fainting (after a quarter of an hour). сoldness of the extremities. сold sweat (after a quarter of an hour).