Другие названия и синонимы
convo-d, Convolvulus duartinus, ipomea alba homeopathy, вьюнок гомеопатия, колониктий белый гомеопатия, ипомея альба гомеопатия.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Ipomoea bona-nox, L. (styled Convolvulus duartinus by Mure.
Natural order: сonvolvulaceae.
Preparation: Tincture of the flowers (obtained by Mure from gardens in Rio Janeiro).
Natural order: сonvolvulaceae.
Preparation: Tincture of the flowers (obtained by Mure from gardens in Rio Janeiro).
Психика и сознание
Moral weakness (in two provers). Discouragement. Hypochondria.
Reveries in daytime. Mental languor.
Moral weakness (in two provers). Discouragement. Hypochondria.
Reveries in daytime. Mental languor.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo, with fainting. Dizziness (in three provers). Pain all over the head, especially on the median line. Pain in the whole head, from morning till 5 o’clock in the evening. Two small spots on the forehead, disappearing in a few minutes. Heaviness and dizziness in the frontal region, two days in succession. вurning in the frontal region, ceasing after a cold bath. Pain in the frontal region. Pain in the frontal region with heat at the root of the nose (in three provers). Pressure at the frontal region.
Pain in the temples. Pain in the left temporal region, corresponding to the eye. Acute pain in the morning in the left temporal region, two days in succession (in two provers). Slight pain at the vertex. Violent pain at the vertex in the morning.
Violent pain at the vertex, in the evening. Headache, sometimes in the vertex, sometimes in the occiput. Headache on the left side.
Inflammation of the left eye.
Dark redness of the face. Red spot on the right cheek when rising from bed; it disappears in the course of the day. Pain in the right cheek.
Vertigo, with fainting. Dizziness (in three provers). Pain all over the head, especially on the median line. Pain in the whole head, from morning till 5 o’clock in the evening. Two small spots on the forehead, disappearing in a few minutes. Heaviness and dizziness in the frontal region, two days in succession. вurning in the frontal region, ceasing after a cold bath. Pain in the frontal region. Pain in the frontal region with heat at the root of the nose (in three provers). Pressure at the frontal region.
Pain in the temples. Pain in the left temporal region, corresponding to the eye. Acute pain in the morning in the left temporal region, two days in succession (in two provers). Slight pain at the vertex. Violent pain at the vertex in the morning.
Violent pain at the vertex, in the evening. Headache, sometimes in the vertex, sometimes in the occiput. Headache on the left side.
Inflammation of the left eye.
Dark redness of the face. Red spot on the right cheek when rising from bed; it disappears in the course of the day. Pain in the right cheek.
Ротовая полость и горло
Toothache. Swelling of the gums. The tongue feels swollen.
Spitting of mucus. вad taste in the mouth.
Slight pain on each side of the thyroid cartilage. Sore throat for more than eight days. Slight heat in the upper part of the Oesophagus.
Heat and dryness at the anterior and superior part of the Oesophagus (in three provers).
Spitting of mucus. вad taste in the mouth.
Slight pain on each side of the thyroid cartilage. Sore throat for more than eight days. Slight heat in the upper part of the Oesophagus.
Heat and dryness at the anterior and superior part of the Oesophagus (in three provers).
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Appetite on getting up in the morning (in two provers). Pain the stomach for three days. Diminished appetite.
Pain in the abdomen with internal heat. Violent colic, with drawing (in two provers).
Constipation the first days (in eight provers).
Pain in the abdomen with internal heat. Violent colic, with drawing (in two provers).
Constipation the first days (in eight provers).
Мочеполовая система
Red urine. Yellow sediment in the urine.
Органы грудной клетки
Deepseated pain under the right breast.
Конечности и позвоночник
Small red spot on the right side of the neck. Numbness in the left scapular region.
Superior Extremities.
Numbness of both arms. Numbness of the arm, worse when hanging down.
Pain at the left shoulder. Deep seated pain in the left forearm.
Pain in the left wrist-joint. Numbness of the right index and middle fingers.
Inferior Extremities.
Paralytic pain of the legs and thighs for several days. Pain in the right knee. Deep seated pain, first in the left, then in the right thigh. Lancinating pain in right knee. Numbness of left leg and heel.
Pain at the forepart of the left leg, for four days. Deep seated pain in the calves.
Superior Extremities.
Numbness of both arms. Numbness of the arm, worse when hanging down.
Pain at the left shoulder. Deep seated pain in the left forearm.
Pain in the left wrist-joint. Numbness of the right index and middle fingers.
Inferior Extremities.
Paralytic pain of the legs and thighs for several days. Pain in the right knee. Deep seated pain, first in the left, then in the right thigh. Lancinating pain in right knee. Numbness of left leg and heel.
Pain at the forepart of the left leg, for four days. Deep seated pain in the calves.
Drowsiness in daytime (in two provers). Drowsiness in the evening (in three provers). Dreams about quarreling. Dreams about dead persons and the falling out of his front teeth. Dreams of flying along a lighted street; appearance of a ghost; wakes with a start.
Shivering several times in the course of the day. Heat and burning of the skin all over, with prickings like the bite of ants. Profuse sweat in bed, several nights in succession.
Conditions. Aggravation.
(Morning), Pain in temporal region; pain at vertex; when rising from bed, spot on cheek.
(Night), In bed, profuse sweat.
(When lying down), Numbness in arm.
(Morning), On getting up, appetite.
(After cold bath), вurning in frontal region ceases.
(Morning), Pain in temporal region; pain at vertex; when rising from bed, spot on cheek.
(Night), In bed, profuse sweat.
(When lying down), Numbness in arm.
(Morning), On getting up, appetite.
(After cold bath), вurning in frontal region ceases.
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