Другие названия и синонимы
past, Pastinaca sativa, пастернак посевной гомеопатия.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Pastinaca sativa, L.
Natural order: Umbelliferae.
Preparation: Tincture of the roots (of the second year, when they are very poisonous).
Natural order: Umbelliferae.
Preparation: Tincture of the roots (of the second year, when they are very poisonous).
Психика и сознание
Illusions, loss of consciousness, quiet delirium; the illusions were confined to vision, and the patients stared and grasped at illusions were confined to vision, and the patients started and grasped at imaginary objects in the air, etc.; some of them did not speak at all, others only indistinctly or incoherently; two them used inarticulate sounds; almost uninterrupted attempts to get out of bed. All labored under delirium tremens; they were in constant motion, talking incessantly, without knowing what they said, and fancied they saw objects which had no existence. They fought with each, other and were occasionally attacked with fits of convulsive laughter. They rejected everything that was offered them and were obliged to be restrained by force (first evening).
Illusions, loss of consciousness, quiet delirium; the illusions were confined to vision, and the patients stared and grasped at illusions were confined to vision, and the patients started and grasped at imaginary objects in the air, etc.; some of them did not speak at all, others only indistinctly or incoherently; two them used inarticulate sounds; almost uninterrupted attempts to get out of bed. All labored under delirium tremens; they were in constant motion, talking incessantly, without knowing what they said, and fancied they saw objects which had no existence. They fought with each, other and were occasionally attacked with fits of convulsive laughter. They rejected everything that was offered them and were obliged to be restrained by force (first evening).
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo and general uneasiness. Giddiness. Sense o weight in head (second day).
Pupil dilated (first evening).
Staring look. Look vague (first evening). сhange of color of the face. сountenance pale (first evening).
Vertigo and general uneasiness. Giddiness. Sense o weight in head (second day).
Pupil dilated (first evening).
Staring look. Look vague (first evening). сhange of color of the face. сountenance pale (first evening).
Ротовая полость и горло
Tongue clean, moist, and trembling (first evening).
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
The irritability of the gastric nerves appeared in all of them much depressed, for emetics in double the usual doses had no effect; but after repeated doses of a concentrated aqueous solution of sulphate of zinc, vomiting was effected, and perfect convalescence followed in a few days.
Органы грудной клетки
Breathing somewhat difficult and slow.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Suppressed (unterdrueckt) beating of a heart and pulse. Pulse appeared smaller, weaker, and slower than usual (first evening).