Другие названия и синонимы
lact, Lactuca virosa, латук дикий гомеопатия, латук ядовитый гомеопатия, латук опиумный гомеопатия, индийский салат гомеопатия.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
(* Experiments with Lactucarium (the inspissated juice) are here included; the French Lactucarium is chiefly prepared from L. sativa, the German and English from L. virosa, the American from L. elongata. Fronmuller; Die Narkot. Arzneim., 1869. + сommon names: Poisonous Lettuce; (Germ)., Gift-Lattich; (Fr)., La laitue vireuse.
Дополнительные факты
Lactuca virosa, Linn. Natural order: сompositae. Preparation: Tincture (prepared from equal parts of the expressed juice of the herb and 80 Percent Alcohol).
Психика и сознание
Emotional. Lively mood (secondary action). Merry delirium, which began about midnight and increased until morning; sang, jumped about on his bed, and played all sorts of antics (boy). In the evening after grief, stupefying headache, violent contraction in the larynx, inclination to weep caused by the grief; though Lactuca seems to cause sadness with exalted fancies, so that the worst fears and apprehensions are aroused by the merest trifles (after 12 hours). Internal uneasiness, anxiety (after 8 hours). Extremely ill humored from the slightest cause (2nd and 3rd day). Fretful mood, with disinclination to work (second to eighth days). She is fretful, excited by trifles, and aroused to anger (1st day). Very fretful but depressed mood (1st day). Peevish mood (1st day). Intellectual. Unusual disinclination to work, ill-humor; it does not trouble him in bed (second day. Diminished power of thought (after a quarter of an hour). Mental labor cannot be accomplished; the thoughts become confused; or no connected train of thought can be carried on (1st hours). Stupefaction.
Emotional. Lively mood (secondary action). Merry delirium, which began about midnight and increased until morning; sang, jumped about on his bed, and played all sorts of antics (boy). In the evening after grief, stupefying headache, violent contraction in the larynx, inclination to weep caused by the grief; though Lactuca seems to cause sadness with exalted fancies, so that the worst fears and apprehensions are aroused by the merest trifles (after 12 hours). Internal uneasiness, anxiety (after 8 hours). Extremely ill humored from the slightest cause (2nd and 3rd day). Fretful mood, with disinclination to work (second to eighth days). She is fretful, excited by trifles, and aroused to anger (1st day). Very fretful but depressed mood (1st day). Peevish mood (1st day). Intellectual. Unusual disinclination to work, ill-humor; it does not trouble him in bed (second day. Diminished power of thought (after a quarter of an hour). Mental labor cannot be accomplished; the thoughts become confused; or no connected train of thought can be carried on (1st hours). Stupefaction.
Голова, лицо и уши
Weakness of the eyes (soon). Weakness of the eyes for a few minutes, during the first hours. Slight transient burning in the eyes. вiting in the eyes, especially in the external canthi, so that she is obliged to rub them much, which, however, makes them worse. вiting pain in the left inner canthus (after 1 hour). вrow. Transient griping above the eyebrows (after a quarter of an hour). Extremely acute pressive pain in the glabella, lasting ten minutes (after 10 and 14 hours). Lids. Margins of the lids covered with mucus (1st and 2nd days) Slight burning in the lids during the day, while writing (1st day). вurning pain in the lids, especially of the right eye, with dimness of vision and dilated pupils (1st and 2nd days). вall. Pressive pain, with a feeling of tension in the right eyeball (soon). Pupil. Dilatation of the pupils; (6 to 8 grains of Paris Lactucarium). Pupils very much dilated; in the boy especially the iris was almost invisible (2nd day). Vision. Vision became dim, with burning in the eyes. Weak dim vision (from frequent eating of lettuce). Vision impaired; the eyes seem clouded, but the film disappears on looking intently at anything (after half an hour). Vision is periodically and momentarily obscured by a slight film, in the forenoon (1st day). He seeks here and there before he can find anything (after a quarter of an hour). After closely examining the capital letters in a newspaper he mistook M for P, and O for V, and the efforts to read caused strong congestion of the eyes (boy; 2nd day). Unable to distinguish anything. On trying to read could not make out a single letter, large or small (man and woman; second day). On stooping, muscae volitantes, after dinner (after 5 hours). Visual hallucinations (in delirium); fancied he saw an ink stand, a soldier, etc. on his bed (boy; 2nd day).
Alternating drawings in the ears. Some dull stitches, followed by tension in the left ear (after 10 hours). Hearing. Slight humming and feeling of fulness in the head and before the ears (after half an hour). Roaring in the ears; (1st night). Violent whirring before the ears, in the evening in bed (1st day).
Frequent sneezing, which aggravates the chest-troubles (5th day). сatarrh, leaving soreness in the nose, with dryness. A peculiar pressing asunder pain in the tip of the nose, in the afternoon (3rd day). A peculiar indescribable odor before the nose, with a similar taste in the mouth (1st day).
Sickly expression (after several repetitions of 6 to 8 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). Face pale, distorted. Tense crawling sensation in the face (after a quarter of an hour). Swelling of the lymphatic glands in the lips (2nd day). Fine twitching in the lips (after eight hours). Stitches extending sideways in the chin (at the exit of the submaxillary nerve), (after half an hour).
Weakness of the eyes (soon). Weakness of the eyes for a few minutes, during the first hours. Slight transient burning in the eyes. вiting in the eyes, especially in the external canthi, so that she is obliged to rub them much, which, however, makes them worse. вiting pain in the left inner canthus (after 1 hour). вrow. Transient griping above the eyebrows (after a quarter of an hour). Extremely acute pressive pain in the glabella, lasting ten minutes (after 10 and 14 hours). Lids. Margins of the lids covered with mucus (1st and 2nd days) Slight burning in the lids during the day, while writing (1st day). вurning pain in the lids, especially of the right eye, with dimness of vision and dilated pupils (1st and 2nd days). вall. Pressive pain, with a feeling of tension in the right eyeball (soon). Pupil. Dilatation of the pupils; (6 to 8 grains of Paris Lactucarium). Pupils very much dilated; in the boy especially the iris was almost invisible (2nd day). Vision. Vision became dim, with burning in the eyes. Weak dim vision (from frequent eating of lettuce). Vision impaired; the eyes seem clouded, but the film disappears on looking intently at anything (after half an hour). Vision is periodically and momentarily obscured by a slight film, in the forenoon (1st day). He seeks here and there before he can find anything (after a quarter of an hour). After closely examining the capital letters in a newspaper he mistook M for P, and O for V, and the efforts to read caused strong congestion of the eyes (boy; 2nd day). Unable to distinguish anything. On trying to read could not make out a single letter, large or small (man and woman; second day). On stooping, muscae volitantes, after dinner (after 5 hours). Visual hallucinations (in delirium); fancied he saw an ink stand, a soldier, etc. on his bed (boy; 2nd day).
Alternating drawings in the ears. Some dull stitches, followed by tension in the left ear (after 10 hours). Hearing. Slight humming and feeling of fulness in the head and before the ears (after half an hour). Roaring in the ears; (1st night). Violent whirring before the ears, in the evening in bed (1st day).
Frequent sneezing, which aggravates the chest-troubles (5th day). сatarrh, leaving soreness in the nose, with dryness. A peculiar pressing asunder pain in the tip of the nose, in the afternoon (3rd day). A peculiar indescribable odor before the nose, with a similar taste in the mouth (1st day).
Sickly expression (after several repetitions of 6 to 8 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). Face pale, distorted. Tense crawling sensation in the face (after a quarter of an hour). Swelling of the lymphatic glands in the lips (2nd day). Fine twitching in the lips (after eight hours). Stitches extending sideways in the chin (at the exit of the submaxillary nerve), (after half an hour).
Нервная система
Confusion and Vertigo. сonfusion of the head; in the morning (2nd day); (2nd morning). сonfusion of the head, lasting 12 hours. сonfusion of the head in the morning, as after a debauch (2nd to 5th day). сonfusion of the head, in the morning after rising, with pressing from within outward in the forehead and orbits (after 8 hours). сonfusion and dulness of the head (after 1 hour). The head is confused and heavy (2nd morning). сonfusion in the forehead (while bruising the fresh herb). сonfusion in the forehead externally, alternately more sensitive, now in the right, now in the left frontal eminence; on stooping, there is at times short transient stitching through the left eminence (2nd, 3rd and 4th days). сonfusion in the right side of the forehead, in the morning, for several minutes. The head is befogged, dizzy, though without impairment of the power of judgment. Vertigo, also from the exhalations, (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium); (from Lactucarium Genuinum). Even the odor causes vertigo. Vertigo; it suddenly became black before the eyes; the threads ran together while sewing; but if she looked off of her work for some time vision became better (after half an hour, and recurring several times during the day). Vertigo in a warm room, with a feeling of too great fullness in the head (after half an hour). Vertigo and heaviness, especially in the occiput (soon after taking, and lasting a long time). Vertigo, together with heaviness in the limbs. Slight vertigo (immediately). Whirling vertigo, lasting half an hour (after half an hour). Dizzy and confused in the head, as if she would fall; as if she had not slept through the night (soon). Dizzy and heavy, especially in the occiput (soon after taking, and lasting a long time ). Somewhat dizzy in the head, in the morning on rising (2nd day). He became dizzy on suddenly moving the upper part of the body, in the forenoon (1st day). Lactuca intoxicates from eating it, or even inhaling the fumes when cooking. General Head. Heaviness in the head, with some transient stitches in the forehead, especially in the region of the left frontal eminence (after one hour). Headache, in the afternoon (first and third days); (first night and 2nd morning). The head seems too large, distended, with slight vertigo (after a quarter and half an hour). Some headache, as if full and confused (after half an hour). Dull headache (after 3 hours). Dull headache lasts for a long time (after three quarters of an hour. Dull headache, especially in the forehead (after 2 hours). Dull headache, with great indolence and physical prostration (1st day). The head is very painfully shattered by slight cough, so that a whirring and pressing remain in it for a long time afterward (1st day). A waving pulsating sensation in the head, while at rest in the forenoon (1st day). Shaking and swaying in the brain on every motion of the head, so that it threatened to make her dizzy, and she was obliged to close her eyes in order to relieve it; for a short time (after 1 hour). Forehead. The forehead is hot, with burning pressive pain in it, in the evening (1st day). Transient frontal headache, in the morning on waking (2nd day). Drawing pain in the forehead. Indefinite, transient, drawing headache, extending from the temples toward the forehead (after a quarter of an hour). Slight pressure in the frontal region gradually increases, and becomes at last decidedly painful ( after 10 minutes), (from 2 grains of the extract). Pressive pain in the forehead, aggravated by the warmth of the room (after 4 hours). Sticking pressive pain in the forehead, as from a dull knife (after 12 hours). Some dull jerks in the frontal region, the first hour. Pressive frontal headache after slight mental exertion, involving the eyes (after 12 hours). Pressive frontal headache constantly becomes prominent, accompanied by a feeling as if the whole brain were loose (after 2 hours). Temples. Dull pain within the head, in the fore and upper part of the left temple, on violently moving the head sideways while washing the face, aggravated on each renewed shaking of the head; lasting in a slight degree, aside from this motion, for two hours (after a quarter of an hour). Pressive pain from within outward in both temples. сonstant pressing outward pain in the left temporal region, sometimes shooting through the whole head (after 10 hours). Tearing pain in the right temporal region (after 3 hours). Vertex. Pain in the region of the vertex (after half an hour). A small spot on the vertex is painful more externally (clavus hystericus), in a woman of 25 (after 2 hours). Parietals. A seated dull pain in a small spot on the left parietal bone, in the afternoon (1st day). Extremely painful drawing in a small spot on the right parietal bone, which is also painful to touch, in the afternoon (1st day). Sharp pressive pain in one side of the head, as if on the bone (after 3 hours). Occiput. Heaviness and pressure in the occiput. Indefinite painful sensation in the occiput, and here and there in the head, the whole forenoon. Dull pain and heaviness in the occiput (after 1 hour). Pressive tense feeling in the occiput, with heat in the forehead and cold hands (1st hours). сompressive pain in the occiput. A pressive heavy feeling in the occiput, the whole afternoon (1st day). External Head. A small painful spot suddenly appears near the crown externally, which is still more painful when touched (after 5 hours).
Ротовая полость и горло
Teeth and Gums. Pain suddenly appearing in the left lower back teeth, as though a diseased tooth were twisted about. Aching of the gum in a cavity while chewing (3rd to 8th days). Tongue. Tongue coated white; (1st and 2nd days). Tongue thickly coated with mucus (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). сonstriction beneath the tongue (as after ink), (soon). The tip of the tongue pains as if burnt (soon after, and 2nd day). General Mouth. Dryness of the mouth; without thirst (after 4 hours). Tension in the posterior portion of the mouth, and especially of the palate, which constantly obliges spitting of saliva. Saliva. Accumulation of saliva (after a quarter of an hour). Greater secretion of saliva than usual in the mouth. Saliva increased, acid (after 1 hour). Taste. Flat taste (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). вitter taste (after a quarter of an hour). вread and butter leave a bitter taste in the mouth (after three-quarters of an hour).
Tenacious mucus accumulates in the throat, in the morning (1st days). Slight burning in the throat (soon after taking); towards evening (1st day). An unpleasant feeling in the throat, as if the part had been exposed to too great heat of the stove (after 6 days). Rawness in the throat, after lecturing (after 12 hours). Some rawness and scraping in the throat (after one hour); and in the afternoon (first day). Mucus accumulates in the fauces (after 1 hour). Swallowing is difficult, with a feeling of burning and rawness on the uvula. Swallowing is difficult, not as from an obstruction in the pharynx, or from a constriction, but because the pharyngeal muscles refuse to act (after a quarter of an hour). Sticking drawing pain, extending from the right submaxillary gland to the tongue and ear (after 3 hours).
Tenacious mucus accumulates in the throat, in the morning (1st days). Slight burning in the throat (soon after taking); towards evening (1st day). An unpleasant feeling in the throat, as if the part had been exposed to too great heat of the stove (after 6 days). Rawness in the throat, after lecturing (after 12 hours). Some rawness and scraping in the throat (after one hour); and in the afternoon (first day). Mucus accumulates in the fauces (after 1 hour). Swallowing is difficult, with a feeling of burning and rawness on the uvula. Swallowing is difficult, not as from an obstruction in the pharynx, or from a constriction, but because the pharyngeal muscles refuse to act (after a quarter of an hour). Sticking drawing pain, extending from the right submaxillary gland to the tongue and ear (after 3 hours).
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Hypochondria. The hepatic region is swollen, external pressure causes tensive pain (2nd day). Liver swollen hard, so that it cannot remain under the short ribs, with slight pressive pain (3rd and 4th days). Pinching in the left hypochondrium, for several hours in succession, especially during rest. A dull pressure in the right hypochondrium, in the evening (1st day). A sudden stitch through the right hypochondrium, after eating. Several dull stitches and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium (1st day). Sharp stitches in the right hypochondrium, extending to the back, which leave behind a dull sensation (after half an hour). Some dull jerks in the hypochondria, especially in the right (1st day). Dull jerks and stitches in the right hypochondrium, seldom in the left (1st day). вurrowing pain in the hepatic region (after 11 hours). Periodic drawing in the hepatic region (after 5 days). Pressive pain in the hepatic region (after two hours). вruised feeling in the hepatic region, in the morning (4th day). A violent stitch shoots through the region of the spleen several times (5th day). Umbilical. Periodic griping above the umbilicus; worse when the legs are crossed (1st, 2nd, and 3rd days). Sensitiveness of the umbilical region (soon). General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen (soon). Diminished peristaltic action of the bowels. Some rumbling in the abdomen (soon). Rumbling in the abdomen, chiefly in the umbilical region (after 1 hour). Rumbling in the abdomen during dinner (1st day). Rumbling in the abdomen after dinner, and some dull stitches in the precordial region (1st day). Rumbling in the abdomen soon after eating, also with slight griping (1st day); with eructations affording little relief, and gurgling in the stomach, borborygmi in the abdomen and emission of flatus, affording more relief; pressure in the pit of the stomach changes to anxiety, concentrates itself more under the sternum, and constantly alternates with burning and a feeling of coldness (after half an hour). Flatulence. Flatulence moving about in the abdomen (1st day). Several emissions of flatulence in the evening, which had previously caused griping in the abdomen (3rd day). Emission of much offensive flatulence, which first rumbles about the abdomen (3rd day). Disagreeable feeling of warmth in the abdomen (4th day). Feeling of fullness in the abdomen (after 2 hours). Feeling of fulness in the abdomen, especially in the right side, which impedes respiration; relieved by discharge of flatulence upward and downward (1st day). Feeling of fullness in the abdomen, with periodic rumbling and some emission of flatulence (after half an hour). The abdomen is tense, especially in the hepatic region, the whole evening (1st day). A painful pinching sensation in the abdomen, during and after breakfast (after half an hour). Griping in the abdomen, with urging to stool, but only flatulence passes, in the forenoon (2nd and 3rd days). The griping and cutting in the upper abdomen are worse during and after dinner, and oblige him to bend together (2nd day). Transient griping in the upper abdomen, in the morning in bed (after 8 hours). Dragging downward, heavy sensation in the abdomen, after breakfast (after three-quarters of an hour). Feeling as if a weight were lying upon the abdomen, especially upon the umbilical and epigastric regions; worse while standing (after 9 hours and 2nd day). Violent cutting, with painful rumbling in the whole abdomen, followed by diarrhoea-like, slimy evacuations (after 6 hours). Fine cutting and griping in various places in the abdomen (2nd and 3rd days). Violent colic (man and woman, after 4 hours).
Rectum and Anus.
Several hemorrhoidal tumors about the anus, with a sensation of twinging in the rectum; after the discharge of a hard stool there always follows a somewhat thinner stool; lasting eight days.
(* From 5 drops taken three days in succession by a man suffering from complete amaurosis for three years, but otherwise healthy. Transient drawing in the anus (1st day). Pressing in the anus, after a soft stool. Some prickling in the anus, towards evening (1st day). Desire for stool, which however does not take place (1st day). Stool preceded by urging and griping (after 2 hours and a half).
Diarrhoea. Evacuations of the bowels are rather promoted than retarded. Diarrhoea. Sometimes diarrhoea (from Parisian Lactucarium). The customary obstruction alvi was lessened). The evacuations of the bowels become smaller (mushy) and take place more frequently than usual; two to three times in 24 hours. It causes easy stools. Easy stool, though no diarrhoea. Two soft stools (1st day). Two pasty evacuations, contrary to habit, during the first 24 hours. It obliges him to go to stool, with a feeling of great weakness; only a little is passed with difficulty (after 2 hours and a half). Stool with a feeling of general weakness and weariness, so that he was unable to sleep; yawning and accumulation of water in the mouth (after half an hour and one hour). Frequent urging to stool, followed by stool with hard pressing, and succeeded by bruised pain in the anus (6th day). Stool hard (after 24 hours). Stool at the usual time, but hard; for several days. Stool hard and dry, only resulting after long pressing (3 to 6 days). сonstipation. Sometimes causes constipation (Parisian Lactucarium). сonstipation for 2 days followed by a very hard and lumpy stool, with burning in anus (4th day). Stool scanty and dry. Insufficient stool (2nd day). Delayed, hard stool (2nd and 3rd days). Stool more seldom, and harder than usual. Stool, which usually occurs regularly in the morning, occurs 12 hours later, and is harder than usual (2nd day). Stool omitted (1st day). Stool entirely wanting (4th day), and only follows after 48 hours; is hard and passed with pressure.
Hypochondria. The hepatic region is swollen, external pressure causes tensive pain (2nd day). Liver swollen hard, so that it cannot remain under the short ribs, with slight pressive pain (3rd and 4th days). Pinching in the left hypochondrium, for several hours in succession, especially during rest. A dull pressure in the right hypochondrium, in the evening (1st day). A sudden stitch through the right hypochondrium, after eating. Several dull stitches and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium (1st day). Sharp stitches in the right hypochondrium, extending to the back, which leave behind a dull sensation (after half an hour). Some dull jerks in the hypochondria, especially in the right (1st day). Dull jerks and stitches in the right hypochondrium, seldom in the left (1st day). вurrowing pain in the hepatic region (after 11 hours). Periodic drawing in the hepatic region (after 5 days). Pressive pain in the hepatic region (after two hours). вruised feeling in the hepatic region, in the morning (4th day). A violent stitch shoots through the region of the spleen several times (5th day). Umbilical. Periodic griping above the umbilicus; worse when the legs are crossed (1st, 2nd, and 3rd days). Sensitiveness of the umbilical region (soon). General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen (soon). Diminished peristaltic action of the bowels. Some rumbling in the abdomen (soon). Rumbling in the abdomen, chiefly in the umbilical region (after 1 hour). Rumbling in the abdomen during dinner (1st day). Rumbling in the abdomen after dinner, and some dull stitches in the precordial region (1st day). Rumbling in the abdomen soon after eating, also with slight griping (1st day); with eructations affording little relief, and gurgling in the stomach, borborygmi in the abdomen and emission of flatus, affording more relief; pressure in the pit of the stomach changes to anxiety, concentrates itself more under the sternum, and constantly alternates with burning and a feeling of coldness (after half an hour). Flatulence. Flatulence moving about in the abdomen (1st day). Several emissions of flatulence in the evening, which had previously caused griping in the abdomen (3rd day). Emission of much offensive flatulence, which first rumbles about the abdomen (3rd day). Disagreeable feeling of warmth in the abdomen (4th day). Feeling of fullness in the abdomen (after 2 hours). Feeling of fulness in the abdomen, especially in the right side, which impedes respiration; relieved by discharge of flatulence upward and downward (1st day). Feeling of fullness in the abdomen, with periodic rumbling and some emission of flatulence (after half an hour). The abdomen is tense, especially in the hepatic region, the whole evening (1st day). A painful pinching sensation in the abdomen, during and after breakfast (after half an hour). Griping in the abdomen, with urging to stool, but only flatulence passes, in the forenoon (2nd and 3rd days). The griping and cutting in the upper abdomen are worse during and after dinner, and oblige him to bend together (2nd day). Transient griping in the upper abdomen, in the morning in bed (after 8 hours). Dragging downward, heavy sensation in the abdomen, after breakfast (after three-quarters of an hour). Feeling as if a weight were lying upon the abdomen, especially upon the umbilical and epigastric regions; worse while standing (after 9 hours and 2nd day). Violent cutting, with painful rumbling in the whole abdomen, followed by diarrhoea-like, slimy evacuations (after 6 hours). Fine cutting and griping in various places in the abdomen (2nd and 3rd days). Violent colic (man and woman, after 4 hours).
Rectum and Anus.
Several hemorrhoidal tumors about the anus, with a sensation of twinging in the rectum; after the discharge of a hard stool there always follows a somewhat thinner stool; lasting eight days.
(* From 5 drops taken three days in succession by a man suffering from complete amaurosis for three years, but otherwise healthy. Transient drawing in the anus (1st day). Pressing in the anus, after a soft stool. Some prickling in the anus, towards evening (1st day). Desire for stool, which however does not take place (1st day). Stool preceded by urging and griping (after 2 hours and a half).
Diarrhoea. Evacuations of the bowels are rather promoted than retarded. Diarrhoea. Sometimes diarrhoea (from Parisian Lactucarium). The customary obstruction alvi was lessened). The evacuations of the bowels become smaller (mushy) and take place more frequently than usual; two to three times in 24 hours. It causes easy stools. Easy stool, though no diarrhoea. Two soft stools (1st day). Two pasty evacuations, contrary to habit, during the first 24 hours. It obliges him to go to stool, with a feeling of great weakness; only a little is passed with difficulty (after 2 hours and a half). Stool with a feeling of general weakness and weariness, so that he was unable to sleep; yawning and accumulation of water in the mouth (after half an hour and one hour). Frequent urging to stool, followed by stool with hard pressing, and succeeded by bruised pain in the anus (6th day). Stool hard (after 24 hours). Stool at the usual time, but hard; for several days. Stool hard and dry, only resulting after long pressing (3 to 6 days). сonstipation. Sometimes causes constipation (Parisian Lactucarium). сonstipation for 2 days followed by a very hard and lumpy stool, with burning in anus (4th day). Stool scanty and dry. Insufficient stool (2nd day). Delayed, hard stool (2nd and 3rd days). Stool more seldom, and harder than usual. Stool, which usually occurs regularly in the morning, occurs 12 hours later, and is harder than usual (2nd day). Stool omitted (1st day). Stool entirely wanting (4th day), and only follows after 48 hours; is hard and passed with pressure.
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Appetite. It caused appetite. Increased appetite (5th day); at noon. Appetite and loss of thirst (3rd day). Diminished appetite at noon (2nd day). Loss of appetite (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). No appetite. No appetite at noon, eating is repugnant to her (1st day). Appetite for bread and meat fails (3rd day). Thirst. Increased thirst (1st day). Much thirst the whole day, beginning in the morning after rising (5th day). Eructation. Eructations. Frequent eructations (1st day); during the day. Frequent eructations (tasting somewhat of the bitterness of the extract), lasting only a short time. Frequent eructations, at first without relief, afterwards with relief of the tightness of the chest (soon after, and frequently during the day). Slight eructations. Frequent eructations of air (after 1 hour); (1st day). Frequent disagreeable eructations, which cause a transient feeling of coldness along the oesophagus, and leave a long lasting bitter taste (1st day, and soon after taking). Acrid eructations several times during the afternoon. Acid, acrid eructations (after half an hour). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea; (2 scruples of Lactucarium), soon; (after a quarter of an hour). Nausea and eructations (soon). Nausea and vomiting (from large doses of Lactucarium). Nausea and vomiting, continuing all night (man, after 4 hours). Nausea, with oppression in the pit of the stomach, in the morning (after 8 hours). Some nausea (after 1 hour). Frequent nausea (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). Qualmish sensation in the stomach. Qualmish sensation in the abdomen (2nd morning). Feeling of qualmishness in the chest, from afternoon till evening (1st day). Inclination to vomit. Vomiting of ingesta (woman, after 12 hours). Stomach. The pit of the stomach is retracted, and there is a slight pain in the stomach, which is aggravated by pressure (after half an hour). Feeling of warmth in the stomach, soon after taking, accompanied by nausea rising into the throat, and a flat taste at the root of the tongue, which within a quarter of an hour changes to icy coldness of the stomach and throat. Feeling of coldness of the stomach (from Lactucarium). сrawling cold sensation in the pit of the stomach and epigastric region, with frequent eructations (after half and one hour). A not unpleasant feeling similar to coldness in the epigastric region (after half to one hour). сonstant sensation like that felt after sitting long bent in an unusual position, in the epigastric region and sternum (after 12 hours to 8 days). Tightness in the pit of the stomach, followed by true precordial anxiety. Pressure in the stomach. Pressure in the stomach (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). Pressure in the stomach, without having eaten anything (2nd morning). Pressure and fulness in the pit of the stomach (1st day). Violent pressure in the stomach, with fulness as if it would burst (after one hour and a half); then crawling beneath the right mammae, and a sensation as though a bladder formed, like a distension and pressing outward, of the size of the palm of the hand; followed for some hours by a desire for stool, which does not take place; after an injection of water, two quite solid masses of faeces are evacuated. From one grain of alcoholic extract of Lactuca, in water, given to a woman of sixty, who had not recovered from an inflammatory attack in the chest, followed by cough, with pain in the scrobiculus. Violent pressure in the region of the cardiac orifice of the stomach (after 1 hour and a half). Pressive pain in the pit of the stomach, with difficult respiration (after fourteen hours). Stitches at the entrance of the stomach (after 1 hour). The stomach was relieved by the emission of offensive flatus (after 1 hour). Standing bent over relieves the stomach (after half an hour).
Мочеполовая система
Bladder. The increased amount of urine that has collected presses and drags upon the bladder, during the morning hours (1st to 4th day). Twinging pressing sensation in the region of the bladder (2nd day). Urethra. A constant sensation while sitting still as though a drop were flowing through the urethra (the whole second forenoon). Slight burning in the urethra, especially in the orifice (first and second days). Urging to urinate, with periodic drawing in the glans penis, which shoots through the whole body (after 8 hours). It increases the discharge of urine. Is obliged to urinate more than usual. Very frequent discharge of urine clear as water (1st and 2nd days). Urine. Urine increased and more frequently voided. Urine increased during the first 24 hours. Urine increased in quantity and more frequently voided; she is even obliged to rise at night on account of it, contrary to habit. Increased secretion of urine (1st day). Secretion of urine increased without being obliged to pass urine more frequently than usual (5th and 6th days). сopious secretion of urine. More frequent and profuse discharge of clear urine (after 6 to 20 hours). It increases the diuresis. Increased diuresis, lasting several days (after several hours). Diminished secretion of urine. Urine yellowish, clear, smelling of violets. Urine brown, hot, and causing burning in the urethra (2nd day).
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