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Калий бихромикум

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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Дополнительные факты
  3. Психика и сознание
  4. Голова, лицо и уши
  5. Нервная система
  6. Аналоги по действию
  7. Входит в состав
  8. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

kali-bi, Kali bichromicum, бихромат калия гомеопатия, калиум бихромикум.

Источник описания

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen
Калий бихромикум

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Дополнительные факты

 Potassium bichromate. Preparation: Triturations.

Психика и сознание

 Emotional. Very good humored, and constantly inclined to laugh (first day, Low spirits (during dyspeptic attacks, Great melancholy in the evening (without physical cause). Very gloomy (thirty eight to forty second day). (fifteenth day). Discouragement, amount ing to ennui (fourth day). Anxiety, rising from the chest (third day). Anthropophobia (fourth day). Ill humor (eight day). Great ill humor and irritability (twenty third day). Ill humor; disinclination for the usual business (fourth day) Irritability humor (after first dose)., (first day). (fifth day). Excessive irritability and ill humor (sixth day). Irritable, peevish mood, Peevish mood, сomplete indifference, with distress in the stomach (twenty sixth day). Intellectual. Disinclination for mental work (ninth day). Total aversion to all mental work after dinner (without physical indolence). Unable to attend to his usual business; he was obliged to rest, and after sleeping an hour felt relieved, though the ill humor and intolerable feeling of distress and sickness remained (twenty third day). (she found herself talking nonsense to herself, constantly repeating Tulips and rhododendrons, felt as if she was loosing her reason but was conscious of all that was going on all the time, lasting about an hour),. (after one hour).

Голова, лицо и уши

 Objective. Eyes glistening, sunken, with dark rings about them (third day). Several bright red spots and streaks in the white of the left eye, which change their form and place after a time and disappear in a few days (four days after last dose). White of eyes became yellow, some hours before death. White of the eye dirty yellow, discolored, congested, dotted here and there with yellowish brown spots, of the size of a pin’s head, especially in the left eye, which also showed a pale brown spot near the inner margin of the cornea, which looked like a resolving ecchymosis; the eyes were hot and he was frequently obliged to rub them (seventh day). Inflammation of the eyes (in some cases). Inflammation of the eyes, with yellow discharge and agglutination, in the morning. Violent inflammation and loss of vision (from the solution of chrome getting into the eye). Eyes inflamed, with adherence of lids in the morning, and yellow discharge. Ophthalmia; it commenced with itching for several days, followed by pain and heat in the eyes, and agglutination of the lids; the conjunction was red. Leucoma on left cornea. Pustule on left cornea, with surrounding indolent inflammation, at tended with pricking pain. Eyes swelled up and heavy in morning. Eyes sunken. Accumulation of mucus in the canthi (one hundred and thirty-fourth day). Subjective. вurning in the eyes, in the evening. Itching and burning in both eyes, lachrymation and photo phobia (twenty-second day). Pains in the eyes for the first fort night. Heaviness and soreness of the eyes. Obtuse heavy pain above the eyes, aggravated by cold air and motion (first hour after second dose). Dull, heavy pain over the left eye, in the afternoon (second day). Heat in the eyes. Heat and pressure in the eyes (ninth day) вurning in the eyes. вurning in the eyes and margins of the lids (one hundred and twenty first day). вurning in the eyes, face, and upper part of the body, glowing as from an internal heat, though there was at the same time internally a violent sensation of chilliness, which lasted through the afternoon nap (soon after 80 drops, first day)). вurning in the eyes, in the morning, with some redness of the left eye towards the outer canthus (one hundred and twenty day). вurning in the eyes, especially in the margins of the lids, in the morning on waking (one hundred and thirty seventh day). вurning in the eyes after rising in the morning; smoking especially caused burning and lachrymation, which was not usually the case (forty second day). On fixing the eyes on an object they became hot and began to burn and the vision vanished, so that objects seemed dim and undefined (ninth day). вurning in the eyes and lids, after dinner (eighty second day). вurning of the eyes, with running of water from the nose, though on waking the nose was quite dry (seventy ninth day). вurning in the eyes, with disagreeable sensation in the nose, which cannot be described; although I am accustomed to smoke, yet every inspiration through the nose caused a very sickening sensation like sulfuretted hydrogen (ninety fifth day). вurning and pressure in the eyes (thirty fourth day). вurning and biting in the eyes. вurning in the left eye. вurning in the right eye and inner surface of the upper lid, after dinner (eighty seventh day). вurning in the inner canthus of the right eye on waking, soon after wards extending over the whole margin of the lower lid, aggravated by writing, disappearing after ceasing to write. A burning spot as large as the head of a pin in the albuginea of the right eye, not far from the outer margin of the cornea (fifty ninth day). Great burning in the eyes, especially in the margins of the lids, which are also sensitive on motion and touch, in the evening (sixty third day). Great burning and pressure in the eyes, in the open air, in the evening. Violent burning in the eyes, in the evening (twenty sixth day). Violent burning in the left eye, in the evening, with lachrymation (one hundred and thirty fifth day). Violent burning and a sensation of increased warmth in the right eye, towards evening; also burning in the skin about the eye, by paroxysms (fifty ninth day). вurning pain in external angle of left eye (after fourth dose). The eyes ache constantly, with pressure in them, especially if she looks long at any object, when her vision completely disappears, so that after looking for a few moments at anything she is obliged to close the eyes and let them rest, though there is no change in the appearance of the eyes (fifth day). Pressure and burning in the eyes, a sensation as if sharp sand were in them (fifty ninth day). Pressive pain in right eye (fifth day). вiting and lachrymation frequently returned after the proving. Sensitiveness of the eyes. Sensitiveness of the eyes; the margins of the lids are red; a yellow purulent substance had collected over night in the inner canthus (ninety sixth day). Eyes tender. Smarting in eyes, worse in open air (after first dose). Smarting and watering of the eyes (fourth day). Smarting of the external canthus. Itching in both eyes, obliging him to rub them (third day). Itching and biting in the eyes, lasting the whole day (twenty fourth day). Itching and pain in eyes like sand in them, worse in the evening and night (second week). Itching and lachrymation of the eyes (thirty third day). Itching in the canthi. Violent itching in both eyes, so that he was obliged to rub them, with lachrymation at noon (seventeenth day). Transient but violent stitches in quick succession in the right eye (third day). Orbit. Pressure about the orbits, lasting an hour (one hundred and thirtieth day). Violent shooting pains from the root of the nose along the left orbital arch to the external angle of the eye exactly, with dimness of sight like a scale on the eye; begins in the morning and increases till noon, goes away towards the evening; lasted three weeks. Lids. Redness and swelling of the upper eyelids (after merely passing through the works during the boiling). Redness of the margins of the lids, towards the external canthi (one hundredth day). Margins of the lids very red, the conjunctiva of the lids and balls red (twenty fourth day). Eyelids inflamed and much swollen. Slight (oedematous) swell ing of both right lids, in the morning on waking, lasting till evening. Eyelids slightly granular. Agglutination of the eyes, on waking in morning. Agglutination of the lids, in the morning on waking, the white of the eyes was reddish yellow, with much itching and rubbing in the eyes; the eyes were weak and drawn in their orbits (fourth day). Eyes agglutinated in the morning and very sensitive to sunlight (twenty fourth day), Eyes agglutinated in the morning, with lachrymation and photophobia, with itching and burning in the eyes (twenty fifth day). Eyes agglutinated on waking in the morning; after opening them there was considerable and persistent lachrymation (eighteenth day). Twitching and jerking in the right eyelid while reading, and for a short time afterwards. Dry mucus in the eyelashes, in the morning (ninety ninth day). Dryness of the lids (sixth day). Dryness and burning the lids, in the morning (twenty eight day). Roughness in the margins of the lids, so that when winking it caused a rubbing sensation against the eyeball (twenty first day). The inner surface of the lids felt thickened and rough (thirty seventh day). Heaviness of the upper lids, on waking in the morning, so that they must be raised by force, disappearing after half an hour (sixty fifth day). вurning in the lids (forty seventh day). вurning in the margins of the lids. вurning in the margins of the lids, in the morning. вurning in the margins of the lids, immediately after rising, in the morning. вurning in the margins of the lids, in the afternoon (twenty eight day). вurning in the margins of the lids, especially towards the external canthus (fifty fifth day). вurning in the margins of the lids, with frequent running of water from the nose, in the evening (one hundred and seventh day). вurning in the margins of both lower lids, aggravated by writing. вurning on the inner surface of the eyelids. Violent burning in the lids and surface of the eyeball; this continued more or less severely during the whole day, with pressure in both eyeball (one hundred and thirty seventh day). Violent burning in the margins of the lids, at noon (thirty eight day). вurning pain in the margin of the right lower (one hundred and tenth day). Eyelids painful to touch, with agglutination of the eyes, in the morning, and lachrymation (nineteenth day). Feeling of rawness in the margins of the lids (one hundred and third day). Quite violent itch ing and burning in the margins of the lids, which even seemed to be raw, so that on moving them, there was a sensation as though they rubbed against the eyeball in the forenoon (one hundredth day). сonjunctiva. Redness of conjunctiva with lachrymation. Redness of the conjunctiva, with heat and an uneasy sensation as when opened under water. Slight redness of the whole conjunctiva (sixth day). Injection of the vessels of the conjunctiva of both eyes especially of the right (one hundred and eleventh day). сonjunctiva oculi inject ed. сonjunctiva both of bulb and lids injected (second week). Appearance of small white pustules in the conjunctiva of left eye towards the inner canthus; these pustules are small white granular elevations surrounded with a good deal of redness. Lachrymal Apparatus. Moisture in the eyes (seventh day). Eyes water. The usual running of the eyes and nose from exposure to the open air when the least cold. Increased secretion of tears (after five or six days). Lachrymation. Lachrymation in the morning, at home. Lachrymation, with burning pain in the eyes (fist day ). Lachrymation, itching and burning in the eyes, especially on the margins of the upper lids; the conjunctiva of the ball and lid was red and injected with large red vessels; in the left eye, which was affected more than the right, during the whole proving, there was a sensation for a quarter of an hour as though something had got into it, which gradually disappeared (thirty second day). Profuse lachrymation of both eyes, with transit stitches in the lids; the conjunctiva of the lids is much redder than usual, with several injected of the conjunctiva of the ball (sixth day). Soreness in the caruncula (fifth day). вall. Violent burning and pressure on the surface of the right eye ball, in the forenoon (ninety ninth day). Pressive pain in the right eyeball (first day). Pressive pain in left eyeball (after fourth dose). Eyeball tender when rubbed, especially left. Pupil. Pupils dilated. Pupils dilated and fixed. Vision. Eyesight weak,; as if obscured (sixth day). Amaurotic weakness of vision (ninth day). Dimness of vision (eighth day),; in evening in walking. Slight confused and dim. A sudden feeling as though a black were placed both eyes at the distance of about ten paces, so that I was unable to recognize any object at that distance; as I was looking through a closed window I thought that might be the cause of the difficulty, but on turning around and speaking with a person standing about two paces from me, I was unable to recognize him, the vision was so obscured; this lasted about ten minutes, when the obscuration gave way to a sensation as though a veil were hanging before the eyes and were drawn upwards and downwards; this, however, soon disappeared and the former condition returned; I washed the eyes in cool water, hoping thereby to find relief, especially as the eyes had already begun to be painful, but it was of no avail; it lasted about a quarter of an hour, when the obscuration disappeared and a kind of vertigo set in (quite similar to that which follows too large an amount of alcoholic stimulants); this lasted two or three minutes, when it disappeared, giving place to a violent headache, especially in the frontal and orbital regions, at times associated with sticking pains in the eyes and tearing in the ears; the whole attack lasted till 9 P. M. (after six daily doses). Photophobia (eighteenth day); with lachrymation and itching in the eyes, and redness and burning in the margins of the lids (twenty third day). increasing in the afternoon to such a degree that he was only able to open the eyes and endure the sunlight and jerking of the lids, associated with profuse lachrymation and burning in the eyes; this excessive photophobia disappeared towards evening, and the eyes became quite insensible to the light (twenty fourth day). Sees the point of pen double, one point by the side of the other. Great flickering before the eyes, at noon; vision of spots, sparks and colors, so that I was scarcely able to write; disappearing after half an hour, at noon (ninety eighth day).

Нервная система

 Confusion and vertigo. сonfusion of the head, (tenth day). Etc. сonfusion of the head, especially in the region of the forehead and vertex, about noon (seventh day). сonfusion of the head, especially in the supraorbital region (after one hour). сonfusion of the head about 6 p. m. Sudden with nausea, anxiety and dulness of mind, on account of this confusion of the head and anxiety, the night was almost sleepless (first day). сonfusion in the right temporal region (twentieth day). Heaviness in the head in the morning (during dyspeptic attacks). Vertigo, (in evening). (fourth day). Vertigo, going off in about six or eight hours (10 to 20, and then 60 gtt, in the same day). vertigo lasting a long time after the proving, and (on account of my decided tendency to an apoplectic attack) preventing further proving, vertigo and nausea in the house, relieved in the open air (twenty-second day). (30) Vertigo on rising up in bed (the room seemed to whirl around). on lying down again it became still worse and was immediately associated with inclination to vomit this attack lasted a quarter of an hour (thirty second day). Vertigo on rising from his seat; everything appeared turning around, accompanied by pain in the epigastrium, Vertigo while sitting writing, so that the pen trembled in the hand (followed by violent vomiting). (immediately after 80 drops) frequent attacks of vertigo in the evening (second day). Paroxysms of vertigo every two hours lasting for twelve hours (30 gtt, 1st dill). Sudden attacks of vertigo (40 drops). Frequent, sudden attacks of vertigo while standing or walking. Transient vertigo (seventh day). Transient attacks of vertigo on waking in the morning thirty-third day, slight vertigo on moving head rapidly, lasting for several hours (after fourth dose). (40) Vertigo so violent from time to time that I suddenly reeled and feared that I should fall, for several days, Dizziness (one hundred and first day) Giddiness in the morning relieved by tea, at 10 or 11 a. m. increased on stooping. General head. Heaviness in head (after vomiting). (third day). Heaviness and giddiness on rising in morning, increased on stooping relieved by walking about, pain in the head, heavy pain in head, on waking, at 5 am, (eight day). Pain in various parts of the head, mostly in the temples without symptoms of rush of blood, but more of the character of a nervous pain after dinner, (one hundred and twenty-first day). Pain in the head, at point. Pain in the head at sundry times, generally of the one side and at a point that may be covered with the finger (fifteenth day). Flying pains about the head, headache pain from occiput to forehead (after discharge from nose stops). Headache, chiefly in frontal protuberance (after paroxysms of vertigo). (30 gtt. 1st Dil). A severe headache came on in the after noon and increased gradually till dinner after which (eaten with appetite) it was relieved, though not gone; next morning it was gone. The headache with which he woke in the morning was excessively aggravated by the drug, until nausea set in, and at last, after about an hour, vomiting followed, whereupon all symptoms disappeared (first day). Violent headache especially on the vertex, on waking in the morning this disappeared after rising, but was followed by heaviness and a feeling as though I had not slept enough; later in the day the pain returned (sixtieth day). Violent headache over the whole head, especially in both parietal regions, lasting all day with short intervals of freedom from pain (twenty second day). Very violent headache, with great prostration of the limbs, Most violent headache, at times associated with vertigo relieved in the afternoon after twice repeated bleeding of the nose, (60) вurning headache with vertigo, during which all objects seemed to be enveloped in a yellow mist; this continued to increase until I took warm soup, when it was transiently relieved (first day). Fullness and heaviness of whole head, particularly the vertex (third day). Feeling of fullness in the head with frequent transient vertigo, Feeling as though the bones of the skull would separate as though the brain were too large for the skull and the bones were forced asunder; I could not call this sensation a pain; but it was very distressing and especially affected the temporal bones towards the ears and the parietal bones the external meatus especially of the left side was also sensitive and stooped (fifty sixth day). Rush of blood to the head (second day). Dull headache in the evening, |Drawing on the bones of the head (fifteenth day). Pressive pain in the head (seventy first day). towards noon (eighteen day). Violent pressive pain, especially in the forehead, after dinner, violent pressive pain in the whole circumference of the skull, on waking in the morning Pressive headache. Pressive headache over the whole head, especially in both parietal regions, extending towards the temples (seventeenth day) Pressive headache, especially in the fore head and occiput, on waking in the morning. Pressive headache in the evening followed by a feeling as if the nose were stopped with great heat of the air coming through it, after two hours bleeding of the nose, preceded by burning in the eyes and great sleepiness. Pressive headache, with transient though violent stitches, now in the vertex, now in the temple or in the occiput (twenty third day). Pressive headache, with nausea (thirty-third day), Dull pressive headache over the whole head (Fourth day). returns towards noon (fifth day). Headache came on in the morning (immediately after taking a new dose). сonsisting of pressive pains in the eyes and accompanied by violent tearing in the ears; as the headache subsided there remained a slight pain, mostly in the frontal region, at times associated with ringing and pain in the ears, weight in the head. Shooting pains generally in one temple, (80) Tearing, sticking headache over the whole head, especially in the right temporal and occipital regions (seventh day). Stitches through the cranial bones, as if a sharp needle were suddenly thrust through them (one hundred and eight days). Violent stitches in the head, with chilliness, continuing for about three weeks, pressive tearing headache over the whole head, especially violent in the forehead and occiput, with short but violent stitches in the temples, which constantly recur in the same spot (sixth day). Slight sensitiveness of the cranial bones, here and there (thirty fifth day). General throbbing (in the head) on bending forwards (third day). Headache; extremely violent, pressive throbbing over the whole head, with a violent sticking pain in a circumscribed spot near the crown; touching the hair at this spot was extremely painful; as the headache increased in violence there were frequent attacks of nausea (thirty second day). Forehead. Lightness across the forehead on stooping, chiefly in the morning, Heaviness across forehead, ( The forehead seems hotter than the cheeks. Pain in the forehead (twenty-second day); Pain in the forehead (soon); (twenty second day). Pain in the left side of the forehead lasting for an hour with great violence, on waking in the morning (one hundred and thirty-third day). Pain in the forehead with pressure upon the eyes, though after sleeping half an hour the headache entirely disappeared and in other respects I felt very well; in the evening (one hundred and twenty first day). Pain in the region of the forehead and vertex, on waking in the morning after rising it changed to the occiput (tenth day). Pain in the frontal bone, in the arch of the left orbit and extending to the upper jaw of the same side, when it caused increased flow of saliva (sixth day). Pain in the frontal bone, repeated every morning whether he took the medicine or not, The pain in the frontal bone, which lasted during the most of the proving, became gradually less and appeared later and later each day; during the later days a second paroxysm of the same pain occurred in the evening, which was of equal severity but for shorter duration than the one in the afternoon; this also regularly postponed in time till it disappeared, slight pain in right side of forehead, in the evening (ninth day ). Frontal and occipital headache (third and sixth day). (100). Frontal headache, preventing sleep (three hours after 15 drops third day). On stooping frontal headache, as after a debauch, Dull, heavy pain in forehead, on the right protuberance (eight day). Pressive pain in the frontal region, which even extends into the eyes (usually coming on about an hour after a new dose). Pressive pain in the forehead, which disappears in an hour and gives place to a constrictive pain in the vertex (thirty fourth day). Pressive pain in the forehead, after dinner (thirty fourth day). Pressive pain in the frontal left sinus, nearly the whole forenoon, like that which accompanies or forebodes catarrh, soon after rising in the morning, a darting pain in a small spot over the left eye, spreading over the forehead, but still remaining worst at the original spot, worse on motion, Transitory darting pain in the forehead, aggravated in the open air (after 1st dose,). Slight shoot ing pain in the forehead (third day).(110) Transient shooting pain in the temples, worse lying down; this lasted some hours (after vomit ing ). Violent shooting headache across the forehead and in the temple whilst walking, relieved by rest (fifth day). A sharp stitch in the forehead above the right eye, in the evening (one hundred and thirteenth day). Frequent throbbing headache, at the angles of the forehead, in a small spot accompanied with dimness of sight. Temples. Transient heavy pains in the right temple immediately after eating; frequently recurring in afternoon, accompanied by an uneasy craving sensation in stomach. Obtuse heavy pain occasionally in the temple, aggravated by cold air and notion (one hour after second dose). Head ache, chiefly in temples, with uneasiness in the stomach and dimness of sight. Tension in the temporal muscles (thirty fourth day). A feeling of compression from both temples with uneasiness in the evening (sixty third day). сreeping pinching in the temporal bones, in the forenoon (one hundred and twenty-first day). Drawing in the temporal region, and in the articulation of the lower jaw (ninety-first day). Drawing pain in the right temple (one hundred and thirteenth day). Dull painful sensation like a pressure in the right and left temporal regions, from time to time during the day (twenty-second day). Violent pressive pain in the left temporal bone, extending to the vertex in the frequently daily attacks, accompanied by nausea and inclination to vomit; the head ache at first appeared only in the afternoon after 4 o’clock after four days it occurred in the morning (eleventh to fourteenth day). Darting pain in the left temple (fourth day). Pressive darting pains in both temples, for an hour (after fourth dose). Darting sharp pains in temples (one hour and a half after fourth dose). Tearing in left temple, soon after a new dose (. Tearing and sticking in both temples;violent tearing from time to time extending from the temporal region to the occiput of either side (forty day). Vertex. Pain in the vertex (twentieth day). сontractive headache in the region of the vertex towards noon (forty ninth day). Pressure on the vertex (one hundred and thirty Sixth day). at noon (one hundred and thirty third day). Pressure in the vertex as if a weight were lying upon it, at 11 am. (twenty first day). Great pressure as from a weight on the vertex (ninety eight day). Heavy pressive pain in vertex going off in about six or eight hours (10 20 and then 60 gtt. in the same day). Parietals. Seized with violent pain in the left parietal region above and behind the temple in a spot the size of a crown piece the pain was felt chiefly at night and subsided during the day and came on violently again at the same hour in the evening about sunset; a swelling soon formed at the seat of the pain it grew worse in the night, and went down a little in the day; in a week it got to its height, and was then about the size of an egg; it was then quite hard and not sore to the touch; the pain was confine to the lump and was of a stabbing character, and as if the head were opening; it lasted in all about two months, and then the pains and swelling gradually went away without any suppuration or softening, pressive headache in the whole right side of the head, chiefly violent in the occipital region of the same side, accompanied by transient but violent stitches (after three hours). Pains darting or aching in one side of the head, Violent cutting along the right parietal bone (fourth day). (140). Lancinating pains in the right side of the head in several attacks, which last only a short time (seventeenth day). Sticking in the right side of the head and whole occipital region (second day). Transient stitches in the right side of the head, extending into the ear and corresponding side of the face (twenty-sixth to thirtieth day). Pulsative pain in the left parietal bone (third day). Occiput. Pressure in the occiput, in the forenoon (sixty nine day). вiting in the occiput (ninety first day). External Head. Several inflamed pimples on the occiput and hairy portion of the nape (eighty third day). Falling out of the hair (twenty second day). Tension of the whole scalp (one hundred and twenty first day). сrawling contraction of the whole scalp (seventh day). (150). Drawing externally in the left temple, seeming to be in the aponeurosis of the muscle (fifteenth day). Slight pressure externally on the vertex (fifty-eighth day). Tearing and drawing in the right temporal muscle. Sore pain with bristling of the hair on the crown (second day). Itching and burning over the whole scalp; so that I was constantly obliged to scratch; also several small pimples in various places on the head (eighty- eighth day). Several itching points on the scalp, towards the nape of the neck (seventy-sixth day).

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