Other names and synonyms
lept.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Veronica Virginica, Linn. Leptandra Virginica, Nut).
Natural order: Scrophulariaceae. Preparation: Tincture or trituration of the root.
Natural order: Scrophulariaceae. Preparation: Tincture or trituration of the root.
Psyche and consciousness
Feeling very gloomy (after third dose, first day). Very gloomy and irritable all day (second day).
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo. Very dizzy while walking (third day). General Head. Headache. Slight headache (four hours after first dose, first days, and three hours after first dose, second day). Severe headache, with frequent pains in the bowels, all day (fifth day). сonstant dull headache, very much worse in the regions of causality (after second dose, second day). Dull, slight headache, with slight distress in the umbilicus (three hours after first dose, Second day). Forehead. Frontal headache (three hours after second dose, third day). Slight frontal headache (Four hours after first dose, third day, and after fourth dose, second day),; (after third dose, second day). Slight frontal headache, with neuralgic pain in the right temple (after fourth dose, second day). Slight frontal headache, with sharp pains in the temples (three and eight hours after second dose, fourth day). Slight frontal headache, with a dull, aching sensation in the umbilicus (after second dose, first day). Slept middling well, awoke several times, and found that I had a severe frontal headache (first night). Very severe frontal headache; walking makes it almost intolerable, at 8 p.m and subsequently (third day). Great frontal headache (third day). Dull, frontal headache (one hour after first dose, first day). Dull, frontal headache, with a sensation as if the hair were pulled at (after second dose, first day). Dull, frontal headache, which is very deep in the cerebrum (after third dose, third day). сonstant, dull, frontal headache, worse in the temples (two hours after first dose, first day). сonstant, dull, frontal headache, very severe, deep in the region of causality (after third dose, first day).
Eyes ache and smart severely (after fourth dose, second day). Eyes sore and smart severely (after second dose, second day). Eyes smarting constantly, with dull pains in the eyeballs (after fourth dose, second day). Eyes smart a good deal (after third dose, second day); (three hours after second dose, third day). Eyes smart very much (four hours after first dose, and after third dose, third day). Eyes smart and ache very much (after third dose, first day). Eyelids agglutinated (fourth morning). Profuse secretion of tears (one hour after first dose, first day).
Eyes ache and smart severely (after fourth dose, second day). Eyes sore and smart severely (after second dose, second day). Eyes smarting constantly, with dull pains in the eyeballs (after fourth dose, second day). Eyes smart a good deal (after third dose, second day); (three hours after second dose, third day). Eyes smart very much (four hours after first dose, and after third dose, third day). Eyes smart and ache very much (after third dose, first day). Eyelids agglutinated (fourth morning). Profuse secretion of tears (one hour after first dose, first day).
Mouth and throat
Tongue. Tongue coated yellow (second morning). Tongue coated yellow along the center (third day, fourth and fifth morning); (fourth morning,). Taste. Flat taste in the mouth (fifth morning); (second morning). Unpleasant, flat taste in the mouth (fourth morning).
Gastrointestinal tract
Hypochondria. Dull pain in the lower part of the right hypochondriac region (third morning). Frequent, dull, aching pain in the lower part of the right hypochondriac region, near the gall bladder, with dull, aching distress in the umbilical region and rumbling in the bowels (four hours after first dose); dull, aching distress in the whole of the liver, that extends to the spine; the most distress in the region of the gall-bladder; great distress in the whole of the bowels, with sharp, cutting pains, rumbling, and desire for stool (after second dose, third day). Sharp, cutting pains near the gall-bladder (four hours after first dose, first day). Umbilical. Slight distress in the umbilicus, with dull slight headache (three hours after first dose second day). Great distress in the umbilicus (after third dose, second day). сonstant aching distress in the umbilical region (after second dose, second day). сonstant aching distress in the umbilicus, with sharp pain by spells (four hours after first dose, and after third dose, first day). Dull, aching sensation in the umbilicus, with slight frontal headache (after second dose, first day). Dull, aching distress in the umbilical and hypogastric regions (five hours after first dose, fourth day, and three hours after second dose, third day). Dull, aching distress in the umbilical region, with very sharp pains by spells (after second dose, second day). Dull, aching distress in the umbilicus (five hours after second dose); there has been a great deal of distress in the umbilicus, with a great burning distress in the back part of the liver and spine (six hours after second dose, first day). сonstant, dull, aching distress in the umbilicus; at times there are very sharp pains in the same region (after third dose, first day). сonstant, dull, aching distress in the umbilical and hypogastric regions, with very sharp pains every few minutes; makes me feel very weak and faint (after third dose, third day). Frequent pains in the umbilical region (sixth day). During the night have had frequent pains in the umbilicus, with much rumbling all day (fourth day). Severe pains in the umbilical region, all the afternoon (fifth day). Frequent severe pains in the umbilical and hypogastric regions, being up all night with a very sick patient (second night). For the last two hours have been in awful pain and distress in the umbilical and hypogastric region; drinking cold water aggravates the pain and distress very much; dull, aching, burning distress in the region of gall-bladder, with frequent chilliness along the spine; great distress in the hypogastric region, with great desire for stool(eight hours after first dose) A very profuse black stool, about the consistence of cream, with undigested potatoes in it, gave relief, but was followed by great distress in the region of the liver, extending to the spine; it is of a hot and aching character, with chilliness along the spine; for the last five hours there has been constant distress, with pains in the whole of the abdomen, but for the last half hour the pains in the umbilicus and hypogastric regions have been awful to endure, with rumbling and great desire for stool; a very profuse, black, fetid stool, that ran a stream from my bowels, and could not be retained a moment; this gave great relief, but did not stop the pain altogether (eight hours after second dose, fourth day). General Abdomen. Great distress in the small intestines, and desire for stool; stool soft, very fetid, and black (three hours after first dose, first day). Had a restless night, after midnight; the pains and distress in the bowels prevented me from sleeping (second night). Frequent pains in the bowels all day, with severe headache (fifth day). Frequent pain in the bowels, with heat and dryness of the skin (fourth morning ). Dull, aching distress in the bowels (fourth day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Great rumbling and distress in the hypogastric region, with a profuse, black, very fetid, soft, papescent stool, with slight pain in the bowels afterwards (fourth morning). сonstant, dull, and aching pain in the right inguinal region, which passes down to the right testicle; it is very hard to endure the pain in the testicles (after third dose, third day).
Diarrhoea of clay-colored evacuations. Great distress in the stomach and all the small intestines, with great desire for stool that could not be retained one moment; ran a stream from my bowels, very fetid, with large quantities of mucus in it, followed by severe pain in the hypogastric region, at 8 p.m; the great distress in the stomach and small intestines continues, with frequent pains in the umbilicus that make me feel very faint and weak; great rumbling in the bowels; stool that could not be retained, consisting of water and large quantities of mucus and a little yellow matter, followed by very hard pains in the umbilicus, at 10 p.m (after the dose); constant, dull, burning, aching distress in the whole of the bowels, with frequent pain and rumbling and great desire for stool; stool of water and mucus, followed by very hard pain in the hypogastric and umbilical regions; another very profuse, thin stool, with large quantities of mucus, two hours later; after sleeping two hours awoke at 5 P. M. with great distress in the whole of the bowels, and great desire for stool profuse watery stool, mixed with mucus, that could not be retained; another stool of water and mucus, with part natural faeces, very fetid; another stool, with large quantities of mucus in it, followed by sharp, cutting pains and great distress in the umbilical region, feeling very weak and faint; an hour later, at 6 P. M. another profuse stool that could not be retained, followed by severe pains in the bowels, three hours later (third day). Stool, which ran a stream from my bowels, followed by very severe cutting pains in the intestines, at 3 p.m (second night). Very profuse, black, fetid stool, that ran a stream from my bowels (during abdominal pains; eight hours after second dose, fourth day). Very profuse, black stool, about the consistence of cream, with undigested potatoes in it (during pain in bowels; eight hours after second dose, fourth day). Soft, yellow, papescent stool, preceded by pain in the umbilical region (sixth day). Soft, mushy stool (six hours after second dose, first day). Stool soft and mushy, followed by a very weak feeling in the bowels and rectum (after second dose, third day). Stool soft very fetid, and mushy (after fourth dose, second day). Stool, first part natural, second part soft and mushy (seventh day). Stool, first hard, black, and lumpy, afterwards soft and mushy (after first dose, third day). No stool (second and fifth days),; (fourth and fifth days).
Hypochondria. Dull pain in the lower part of the right hypochondriac region (third morning). Frequent, dull, aching pain in the lower part of the right hypochondriac region, near the gall bladder, with dull, aching distress in the umbilical region and rumbling in the bowels (four hours after first dose); dull, aching distress in the whole of the liver, that extends to the spine; the most distress in the region of the gall-bladder; great distress in the whole of the bowels, with sharp, cutting pains, rumbling, and desire for stool (after second dose, third day). Sharp, cutting pains near the gall-bladder (four hours after first dose, first day). Umbilical. Slight distress in the umbilicus, with dull slight headache (three hours after first dose second day). Great distress in the umbilicus (after third dose, second day). сonstant aching distress in the umbilical region (after second dose, second day). сonstant aching distress in the umbilicus, with sharp pain by spells (four hours after first dose, and after third dose, first day). Dull, aching sensation in the umbilicus, with slight frontal headache (after second dose, first day). Dull, aching distress in the umbilical and hypogastric regions (five hours after first dose, fourth day, and three hours after second dose, third day). Dull, aching distress in the umbilical region, with very sharp pains by spells (after second dose, second day). Dull, aching distress in the umbilicus (five hours after second dose); there has been a great deal of distress in the umbilicus, with a great burning distress in the back part of the liver and spine (six hours after second dose, first day). сonstant, dull, aching distress in the umbilicus; at times there are very sharp pains in the same region (after third dose, first day). сonstant, dull, aching distress in the umbilical and hypogastric regions, with very sharp pains every few minutes; makes me feel very weak and faint (after third dose, third day). Frequent pains in the umbilical region (sixth day). During the night have had frequent pains in the umbilicus, with much rumbling all day (fourth day). Severe pains in the umbilical region, all the afternoon (fifth day). Frequent severe pains in the umbilical and hypogastric regions, being up all night with a very sick patient (second night). For the last two hours have been in awful pain and distress in the umbilical and hypogastric region; drinking cold water aggravates the pain and distress very much; dull, aching, burning distress in the region of gall-bladder, with frequent chilliness along the spine; great distress in the hypogastric region, with great desire for stool(eight hours after first dose) A very profuse black stool, about the consistence of cream, with undigested potatoes in it, gave relief, but was followed by great distress in the region of the liver, extending to the spine; it is of a hot and aching character, with chilliness along the spine; for the last five hours there has been constant distress, with pains in the whole of the abdomen, but for the last half hour the pains in the umbilicus and hypogastric regions have been awful to endure, with rumbling and great desire for stool; a very profuse, black, fetid stool, that ran a stream from my bowels, and could not be retained a moment; this gave great relief, but did not stop the pain altogether (eight hours after second dose, fourth day). General Abdomen. Great distress in the small intestines, and desire for stool; stool soft, very fetid, and black (three hours after first dose, first day). Had a restless night, after midnight; the pains and distress in the bowels prevented me from sleeping (second night). Frequent pains in the bowels all day, with severe headache (fifth day). Frequent pain in the bowels, with heat and dryness of the skin (fourth morning ). Dull, aching distress in the bowels (fourth day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Great rumbling and distress in the hypogastric region, with a profuse, black, very fetid, soft, papescent stool, with slight pain in the bowels afterwards (fourth morning). сonstant, dull, and aching pain in the right inguinal region, which passes down to the right testicle; it is very hard to endure the pain in the testicles (after third dose, third day).
Diarrhoea of clay-colored evacuations. Great distress in the stomach and all the small intestines, with great desire for stool that could not be retained one moment; ran a stream from my bowels, very fetid, with large quantities of mucus in it, followed by severe pain in the hypogastric region, at 8 p.m; the great distress in the stomach and small intestines continues, with frequent pains in the umbilicus that make me feel very faint and weak; great rumbling in the bowels; stool that could not be retained, consisting of water and large quantities of mucus and a little yellow matter, followed by very hard pains in the umbilicus, at 10 p.m (after the dose); constant, dull, burning, aching distress in the whole of the bowels, with frequent pain and rumbling and great desire for stool; stool of water and mucus, followed by very hard pain in the hypogastric and umbilical regions; another very profuse, thin stool, with large quantities of mucus, two hours later; after sleeping two hours awoke at 5 P. M. with great distress in the whole of the bowels, and great desire for stool profuse watery stool, mixed with mucus, that could not be retained; another stool of water and mucus, with part natural faeces, very fetid; another stool, with large quantities of mucus in it, followed by sharp, cutting pains and great distress in the umbilical region, feeling very weak and faint; an hour later, at 6 P. M. another profuse stool that could not be retained, followed by severe pains in the bowels, three hours later (third day). Stool, which ran a stream from my bowels, followed by very severe cutting pains in the intestines, at 3 p.m (second night). Very profuse, black, fetid stool, that ran a stream from my bowels (during abdominal pains; eight hours after second dose, fourth day). Very profuse, black stool, about the consistence of cream, with undigested potatoes in it (during pain in bowels; eight hours after second dose, fourth day). Soft, yellow, papescent stool, preceded by pain in the umbilical region (sixth day). Soft, mushy stool (six hours after second dose, first day). Stool soft and mushy, followed by a very weak feeling in the bowels and rectum (after second dose, third day). Stool soft very fetid, and mushy (after fourth dose, second day). Stool, first part natural, second part soft and mushy (seventh day). Stool, first hard, black, and lumpy, afterwards soft and mushy (after first dose, third day). No stool (second and fifth days),; (fourth and fifth days).
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite. Great appetite (fourth day); (seventh day). Awoke at 5 p.m feeling very hungry, with great pain in the epigastric region, and continued until I had taken breakfast (sixth day). Eructation. Food rises very sour, at 10 p.m (fifth day). Nausea. Sick at the stomach, with deathly faintness, immediately after rising in the night (first night). Stomach. Good deal of distress in the stomach and bowels, with a burning sensation (after second dose, first day). сonstant distress in the lower part of the epigastric region and umbilicus; by spells there are sharp, cutting pains in the same parts (two hours after first dose, first day). Dull, aching distress in the stomach and umbilical region (one hour first dose, first day). вurning distress in the whole epigastric and hypochondriac regions (after third dose, third day). сonstant aching distress in the epigastric and umbilical regions, with sharp, cutting pains, by spells (after fourth dose, second day). сonstant, burning, aching distress in the region of the stomach and liver (three hours after second dose, third day). Frequent pains in the epigastric region all day (sixth day). Very severe pains in the stomach and small intestines, with great distress and desire for stool (after fourth dose, second day). Very severe aching distress came on in the epigastric region, immediately after getting up; the distress in the stomach is constantly getting worse, I cannot sit or stand still, it is so severe, at 10 p.m; the painful distress in the stomach has been unendurable all the forenoon, it is a hard, aching, burning sensation, and appears to be in the stomach; the painful distress has not been so hard, at 9 P. M. (fifth day). сonstant, dull, aching pain in cardiac portion of the stomach (after third dose, second day).
Urogenital system
Urine acid (before the provings); slightly acid (second day); rather scanty and does not affect blue litmus paper (third day); very red, does not affect blue litmus-paper (fourth day); neutral (fifth day).
Limbs and spine
Very constant distress, with very sharp pains spells in the lumbar region (three hours after second dose fourth day). Dull aching in the lumbar region (after third dose, third day).
Superior Extremities.
Both wrists are very lame and ache quite severely in the morning; the left one aches the most; the pain lasting till noon (fifth day).
Very constant distress, with very sharp pains spells in the lumbar region (three hours after second dose fourth day). Dull aching in the lumbar region (after third dose, third day).
Superior Extremities.
Both wrists are very lame and ache quite severely in the morning; the left one aches the most; the pain lasting till noon (fifth day).
Common symptoms
Feeling very languid (third day, fourth and fifth mornings). Quite weary and languid, can hardly walk (third day). Feeling very languid (third day, fourth and fifth mornings). Quite weary and languid, can hardly walk (day). Feeling very tired.
A severe attack of jaundice, accompanied with diarrhoea of clay-colored evacuations, headache, and the symptoms usually seen in such cases.
A severe attack of jaundice, accompanied with diarrhoea of clay-colored evacuations, headache, and the symptoms usually seen in such cases.
Sleepiness. Slept well (fifth and sixth nights). Slept well; arose once in the night (first night). Slept soundly (third night); (fourth and fifth night). Sleeplessness. Had a restless night after midnight (third night). Lost my sleep last night, and am feeling very bad to-day (fifth day).
Skin was hot and dry, with frequent pain in the bowels (fourth morning).
Aggravation (Morning), Lameness, etc. of wrists. Walking), Dizziness; frontal headache.
Included in the composition
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