Other names and synonyms
bol-s.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
B. satanas, Lenz. Natural order: Fungi. Preparation: Triturations.
Psyche and consciousness
Fear and restlessness. Intellect undisturbed.
Head, face, and ears
Sparks before the eyes, alternating with obscuration of vision. Noises in the ears.
Mouth and Throat.
Troublesome dryness in the mouth an throat. Violent burning and scraping in the throat.
Mouth and Throat.
Troublesome dryness in the mouth an throat. Violent burning and scraping in the throat.
Gastrointestinal tract
Unquenchable thirst. Nausea. Sudden nausea (after two hours). Retching and vomiting. A desire to vomit came very suddenly; between the attacks there was very little nausea, and no pain when vomiting the last time; after about three hours he noticed a slight trace of blood. He was obliged to vomit (after two hours and three hours, and repeated twenty times within three hours). Vomiting repeated thirty times within two hours. He vomited everything that he took. Salzmann continued to vomit (after the contents of the stomach) a bitter fluid, which was finally mixed with blood; olive oil did not entirely relieve the vomiting, not when mixed with charcoal. Epigastric region distended. Perceptible pulsation in the epigastric region. Frightful pain in the stomach.
Abdomen sunken and frightfully painful. Obstinate tension of the abdomen.
A profuse diarrhoea of blood and of the mucous membranes of the intestines. Watery evacuations.
Chest and Pulse.
Oppression of the chest. Pulse scarcely perceptible.
Abdomen sunken and frightfully painful. Obstinate tension of the abdomen.
A profuse diarrhoea of blood and of the mucous membranes of the intestines. Watery evacuations.
Chest and Pulse.
Oppression of the chest. Pulse scarcely perceptible.
Limbs and spine
A sudden sensation through all his limbs as though he would be attacked with apoplexy (after two hours). Violent, extremely painful in the muscles of the limbs of the face.
Common symptoms
Loss of all strength. A great weakness suddenly (after two hours). So weak that he could scarcely stand or walk (after two to eight hours). Excessive weakness, amounting to faintness. Great discomfort in the whole body.
Limbs cold. сold sweat over the whole body.
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug