Other names and synonyms
lachn.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Red Root. Hamodoracea.
An herb growing in sandy swamps near the coast ; the root red, fibrous ; the leaves sword-shaped ; the stem hairy ; flowers yellow, woolly. The first specimen was sent in 1852 by Doctor вyron, from Monticello, Florida, to Hering, under whose direction it was proved by Raue, Lippe and Fincke. See Am. Hom. Rev., vol. 4, p. 458.
An herb growing in sandy swamps near the coast ; the root red, fibrous ; the leaves sword-shaped ; the stem hairy ; flowers yellow, woolly. The first specimen was sent in 1852 by Doctor вyron, from Monticello, Florida, to Hering, under whose direction it was proved by Raue, Lippe and Fincke. See Am. Hom. Rev., vol. 4, p. 458.
- Headache, Lilienthal, Hom. сlin., vol. 1, p. 26 ; Dryness of throat, Lippe, Am. Hom. Rev., vol. 5, p. 488 ; Diphtheria, Hosfield, Parker, Org., vol. 3, p. 369 ; Stiff neck, вerridge, Hom. сlin., vol. 4, p. 108 ; Typhoid pneumonia, Duffield, Am. Hom. Rev., vol. 4, p. 489.
Psyche and consciousness
While dozing through day, sees images.
Loquacious delirium, brilliant eyes, circumscribed red cheeks, worse from 1 to 2 A. M. θ Typhoid pneumonia.
Loquacity, afterwards stupid and irritable.
Excited over a trifle.
Restless while perspiring ; tosses about ; whining.
Great hilarity in evening.
Despondency, bitter crying spells. θ Headache.
Giddy : with sensation of heat in chest and around heart, boiling bubbling ; with icy coldness of forehead.
Loquacious delirium, brilliant eyes, circumscribed red cheeks, worse from 1 to 2 A. M. θ Typhoid pneumonia.
Loquacity, afterwards stupid and irritable.
Excited over a trifle.
Restless while perspiring ; tosses about ; whining.
Great hilarity in evening.
Despondency, bitter crying spells. θ Headache.
Giddy : with sensation of heat in chest and around heart, boiling bubbling ; with icy coldness of forehead.
Head, face, and ears
Tearing : in forehead from left to right side ; in right temple, extending to cheek ; in temples.
Pain in forehead, with general heat, alternating with crampy pain in chest ; at last tearing in nose and shoulders.
Head feels enlarged and as if split open with a wedge from outside to within ; body icy cold, skin moist and sticky ; cannot get warm even under a feather bed, face yellow ; whines with pain ; head burns like fire, much thirst.
Vertex feels enlarged and extended upward ; tearing pain.
Headache : until 10 A. M. ; pressing eyes outward ; worse toward noon, she becomes more giddy ; in evening, pricking headache.
Continuous stitch in left forehead from within to without, leaves after a few minutes a pressing pain, and extends over whole forehead, pressing from within outward.
Congestive and neuralgic headaches ; eyes much affected.
Violent pain in right side of head and temple ; a splitting, bursting pain, occasionally extending down to jaw, worse moving head or body ; disposition to keep eyes closed ; great despondency ; bitter crying spells ; disturbed by least noise ; cannot bear even walking of persons over heavy carpet ; head feels enlarged, as if split open with a wedge ; tearing pains worse from vomiting.
Draws skin of forehead upward, worse left side.
Sensation as if hair was standing on end, worse on occiput.
Scalp very painful, even to touch.
Red pimples on forehead, become larger and suppurate.
Looking intensely, sees grey rings.
If he looks at a spot for some time, it becomes quite dark, also if he reads any length of time.
When reading or writing, small grey spot, as large as lentil, runs before left eye.
Moving head quickly, sight becomes obscure.
Obscuration of sight, as if a cloud were before eyes ; could not see in evening ; better walking about ; worse sitting down.
Eyes brilliant, face red, pupils large, delirium. θ Pneumonia.
Lachrymation and burning, with sensation of dryness.
Compression of left eyeball, from below upward.
Pressing as from dust in eyes, discharge of white mucus.
Eyes feel heavy, as if they could not be kept open.
Eyes feel cold.
Eyebrows and lids drawn upward, looks with fixed eyes.
Twitching in upper eyelids, worse when closing them.
Almost complete deafness during acute diseases.
Singing in right ear when walking in open air.
Tearing in ears.
Crawling in right ear while eating ; in left ear, better boring with finger, but immediately returning and feeling as if something had closed ear.
Itching in left ear and sore feeling in right.
Sensation of coldness in external ear.
Burning on right side of root of nose.
Nose bleeds profusely, blood pale.
Circumscribed red face, 1 to 2 A. M., violent delirium, eyes brilliant. θ Typhoid pneumonia.
Face swollen, with redness and blueness under eyes.
Pale, sickly, yellow countenance ; face and lips bluish.
Tearing in temples down into cheeks.
Tearing pressing in left cheek toward eyes.
Sensation as if something was crawling over face.
Redness, swelling and tension of lips.
Pain in forehead, with general heat, alternating with crampy pain in chest ; at last tearing in nose and shoulders.
Head feels enlarged and as if split open with a wedge from outside to within ; body icy cold, skin moist and sticky ; cannot get warm even under a feather bed, face yellow ; whines with pain ; head burns like fire, much thirst.
Vertex feels enlarged and extended upward ; tearing pain.
Headache : until 10 A. M. ; pressing eyes outward ; worse toward noon, she becomes more giddy ; in evening, pricking headache.
Continuous stitch in left forehead from within to without, leaves after a few minutes a pressing pain, and extends over whole forehead, pressing from within outward.
Congestive and neuralgic headaches ; eyes much affected.
Violent pain in right side of head and temple ; a splitting, bursting pain, occasionally extending down to jaw, worse moving head or body ; disposition to keep eyes closed ; great despondency ; bitter crying spells ; disturbed by least noise ; cannot bear even walking of persons over heavy carpet ; head feels enlarged, as if split open with a wedge ; tearing pains worse from vomiting.
Draws skin of forehead upward, worse left side.
Sensation as if hair was standing on end, worse on occiput.
Scalp very painful, even to touch.
Red pimples on forehead, become larger and suppurate.
Looking intensely, sees grey rings.
If he looks at a spot for some time, it becomes quite dark, also if he reads any length of time.
When reading or writing, small grey spot, as large as lentil, runs before left eye.
Moving head quickly, sight becomes obscure.
Obscuration of sight, as if a cloud were before eyes ; could not see in evening ; better walking about ; worse sitting down.
Eyes brilliant, face red, pupils large, delirium. θ Pneumonia.
Lachrymation and burning, with sensation of dryness.
Compression of left eyeball, from below upward.
Pressing as from dust in eyes, discharge of white mucus.
Eyes feel heavy, as if they could not be kept open.
Eyes feel cold.
Eyebrows and lids drawn upward, looks with fixed eyes.
Twitching in upper eyelids, worse when closing them.
Almost complete deafness during acute diseases.
Singing in right ear when walking in open air.
Tearing in ears.
Crawling in right ear while eating ; in left ear, better boring with finger, but immediately returning and feeling as if something had closed ear.
Itching in left ear and sore feeling in right.
Sensation of coldness in external ear.
Burning on right side of root of nose.
Nose bleeds profusely, blood pale.
Circumscribed red face, 1 to 2 A. M., violent delirium, eyes brilliant. θ Typhoid pneumonia.
Face swollen, with redness and blueness under eyes.
Pale, sickly, yellow countenance ; face and lips bluish.
Tearing in temples down into cheeks.
Tearing pressing in left cheek toward eyes.
Sensation as if something was crawling over face.
Redness, swelling and tension of lips.
Mouth and throat
Upper incisors and eye teeth feel loose and sore, worse touching with tongue and closing teeth.
Teeth feel loose and too long ; worse in bed.
Teeth ache after eating or drinking warm things.
Sensation as if mouth was sore and thick.
Saliva of tough mucus.
Great dryness of throat, worse on awaking during night, with much coughing.
Roughness of throat, with pricking when swallowing ; continuously increasing dryness of throat, with sleeplessness, followed by hoarseness.
Sensation of swelling in left side of throat ; when he swallows he feels an itching in spot.
Sore throat, with short cough.
Diphtheria, stiffness of neck ; head drawn to one side.
Hoarseness ; dry cough from irritation of throat, worse in bed.
Burning in right side of larynx.
Teeth feel loose and too long ; worse in bed.
Teeth ache after eating or drinking warm things.
Sensation as if mouth was sore and thick.
Saliva of tough mucus.
Great dryness of throat, worse on awaking during night, with much coughing.
Roughness of throat, with pricking when swallowing ; continuously increasing dryness of throat, with sleeplessness, followed by hoarseness.
Sensation of swelling in left side of throat ; when he swallows he feels an itching in spot.
Sore throat, with short cough.
Diphtheria, stiffness of neck ; head drawn to one side.
Hoarseness ; dry cough from irritation of throat, worse in bed.
Burning in right side of larynx.
Appetite and food preferences
Much thirst.
Aversion to meat.
Aversion to meat.
Gastrointestinal tract
Hiccough in bed.
Rising of sweetish water, with nausea ; qualmishness about navel when walking in open air.
Full feeling in stomach ; rolling of wind.
Beating in pit of stomach, as from a pulse, as if a hammer was beating on an ulcerated spot.
Cutting in upper part of abdomen from left to right.
Twirling and twisting in upper part of abdomen, two inches above navel.
Fermentation and rumbling ; rolling of wind in abdomen, l. side, hears it but does not feel it.
Much flatulency. θ Typhoid pneumonia.
Sensation of heat through abdomen, feels as if bowels would be moved ; evacuation, better head.
Frequent desire to evacuate, without result.
Evacuation, with much flatulency and pressing.
Continuous stitch in anus, morning.
Rising of sweetish water, with nausea ; qualmishness about navel when walking in open air.
Full feeling in stomach ; rolling of wind.
Beating in pit of stomach, as from a pulse, as if a hammer was beating on an ulcerated spot.
Cutting in upper part of abdomen from left to right.
Twirling and twisting in upper part of abdomen, two inches above navel.
Fermentation and rumbling ; rolling of wind in abdomen, l. side, hears it but does not feel it.
Much flatulency. θ Typhoid pneumonia.
Sensation of heat through abdomen, feels as if bowels would be moved ; evacuation, better head.
Frequent desire to evacuate, without result.
Evacuation, with much flatulency and pressing.
Continuous stitch in anus, morning.
Urogenital system
Pressing on bladder when urinating.
During night, drops flow from urethra, coloring shirt red.
Violent burning in left half of scrotum, drawing toward right side.
Tingling and itching of scrotum and surrounding parts.
Sweat and itching of scrotum and penis.
Catamenia : too early, blood viscid, mixed with mucus ; profuse, bright red.
During catamenia, sensation of distension of abdomen, it feels as if it were boiling.
During night, drops flow from urethra, coloring shirt red.
Violent burning in left half of scrotum, drawing toward right side.
Tingling and itching of scrotum and surrounding parts.
Sweat and itching of scrotum and penis.
Catamenia : too early, blood viscid, mixed with mucus ; profuse, bright red.
During catamenia, sensation of distension of abdomen, it feels as if it were boiling.
Chest organs
Dry cough as from larynx ; sputa blood-streaked ; severe pain in chest. θ Typhoid pneumonia.
Cough worse in bed, also from sleeping.
Stitches : like knives, in quick succession, in right side of chest below mamma, at rest and moving, in afternoon ; in left side of chest.
Severe pain in chest, with cough, circumscribed red cheeks, soreness over abdomen, with sensitiveness to touch ; pulse 110, small and wiry ; bowels costive ; between 1 and 2 A. M. delirium, at times great, wanted to be dressed and go out ; tongue coated yellowish brown and dry ; deafness ; bloody expectoration ; much harassed with flatulency. θ Typhoid pneumonia.
Cough worse in bed, also from sleeping.
Stitches : like knives, in quick succession, in right side of chest below mamma, at rest and moving, in afternoon ; in left side of chest.
Severe pain in chest, with cough, circumscribed red cheeks, soreness over abdomen, with sensitiveness to touch ; pulse 110, small and wiry ; bowels costive ; between 1 and 2 A. M. delirium, at times great, wanted to be dressed and go out ; tongue coated yellowish brown and dry ; deafness ; bloody expectoration ; much harassed with flatulency. θ Typhoid pneumonia.
Cardiovascular system
Stitches in heart, with anxiety.
Sensation of heat, bubbling and boiling in chest and region of heart, rising to head ; giddy ; breaks out in perspiration.
Frequent violent pulsations of heart, each beat double, one hard and full, the other soft and small.
While lying, feels beating of heart in his head.
Trembling of heart, with great debility.
Pulse : slow, irregular ; from 58 to 68 ; during coldness, 74, some beats fast, some slow ; 110, small, thin, hard (pneumonia).
Sensation of heat, bubbling and boiling in chest and region of heart, rising to head ; giddy ; breaks out in perspiration.
Frequent violent pulsations of heart, each beat double, one hard and full, the other soft and small.
While lying, feels beating of heart in his head.
Trembling of heart, with great debility.
Pulse : slow, irregular ; from 58 to 68 ; during coldness, 74, some beats fast, some slow ; 110, small, thin, hard (pneumonia).
Limbs and spine
Stiffness, wry neck.
Pain and stiffness in neck, going over whole head and down nose, then as if pinching nostrils together.
Torticollis ; neck stiff, head drawn to one side ; pain in nape as if dislocated, when turning neck or bending head backward. θ Diphtheria, scarlet fever, etc.
Right side of neck stiff, head drawn to right side.
Sensation as if a piece of ice was lying on back between shoulders, followed by a chill, with gooseflesh all over.
Sensation between shoulder blades as if wet with cold perspiration, skin being dry and cool.
Burning : on right shoulder blade ; in region of left kidney, deep, extending toward right side ; in spine, four inches above small of back ; in os sacrum, 4 P. M.
Tearing : from shoulder, extending to finger joints ; in upper part of arm, beginning at elbow joint, where it pains most, extending into shoulder ; in elbow joints, at times upward and then downward ; in knuckles of middle fingers of right hand.
Left index finger drawn crooked.
Thumb and index finger feels as if sprained.
Tearing : in right ischium ; in left knee, when walking ; in right tibia ; in right big toe, awakening from sleep.
Tingling : from knees to ankles ; legs and feet, worse in heat.
Cramps : in calves lying in bed ; in feet during night.
Burning : in feet ; under nail of left toe.
Tearing pains in limbs.
Burning of palms of hands and soles of feet.
At rest : stitches in chest.
Lying : feels beating of heart in head ; in bed cramps in calves.
Sitting down : obscuration of sight.
Bending head backward : torticollis.
Morning : stitches in chest ; attacks of coldness.
Moving head quickly : sight becomes obscure.
Turning head : torticollis.
Moving head or body : pain.
Walking : obscuration of sight ; singing in right ear ; tearing in left knee.
Tosses about : while perspiring.
Touch : scalp very painful ; with tongue or closing teeth, soreness of teeth.
Boring : with finger in ear, crawling .
Scratching : burning and itching of skin.
Pain and stiffness in neck, going over whole head and down nose, then as if pinching nostrils together.
Torticollis ; neck stiff, head drawn to one side ; pain in nape as if dislocated, when turning neck or bending head backward. θ Diphtheria, scarlet fever, etc.
Right side of neck stiff, head drawn to right side.
Sensation as if a piece of ice was lying on back between shoulders, followed by a chill, with gooseflesh all over.
Sensation between shoulder blades as if wet with cold perspiration, skin being dry and cool.
Burning : on right shoulder blade ; in region of left kidney, deep, extending toward right side ; in spine, four inches above small of back ; in os sacrum, 4 P. M.
Tearing : from shoulder, extending to finger joints ; in upper part of arm, beginning at elbow joint, where it pains most, extending into shoulder ; in elbow joints, at times upward and then downward ; in knuckles of middle fingers of right hand.
Left index finger drawn crooked.
Thumb and index finger feels as if sprained.
Tearing : in right ischium ; in left knee, when walking ; in right tibia ; in right big toe, awakening from sleep.
Tingling : from knees to ankles ; legs and feet, worse in heat.
Cramps : in calves lying in bed ; in feet during night.
Burning : in feet ; under nail of left toe.
Tearing pains in limbs.
Burning of palms of hands and soles of feet.
At rest : stitches in chest.
Lying : feels beating of heart in head ; in bed cramps in calves.
Sitting down : obscuration of sight.
Bending head backward : torticollis.
Morning : stitches in chest ; attacks of coldness.
Moving head quickly : sight becomes obscure.
Turning head : torticollis.
Moving head or body : pain.
Walking : obscuration of sight ; singing in right ear ; tearing in left knee.
Tosses about : while perspiring.
Touch : scalp very painful ; with tongue or closing teeth, soreness of teeth.
Boring : with finger in ear, crawling .
Scratching : burning and itching of skin.
Nervous system
Sensation of great weakness, as from loss of fluids.
Very restless, throws herself about.
Very restless, throws herself about.
Somnolency during day, sees images.
Sleepiness, with yawning, eyes feel so heavy she cannot keep them open.
Sleepless. Feverish, circumscribed red cheeks ; with increasing dryness of throat ; without feeling weak.
Restless sleep, followed by sweat.
Feverish, distressing dreams (following cramp in left foot during night).
Awakens : 2 A. M., with cramp in her breast, extending from right to left ; after awaking and stretching, a shock, followed by chilliness and gooseflesh all over.
Morning : dryness of eyes ; stitch in anus ; sweat.
From 1 to 2 A. M. : loquacious delirium.
Noon : headache.
After 12 P. M. : sweat.
In afternoon : stitches in chest.
At 2 A. M. : awakens with cramp in breast.
During day : somnolency.
At 4 P. M. : burning in os sacrum.
Evening : pricking headache ; could not see.
Night : dryness of throat ; drops flow from urethra, coloring shirt red ; cramps in feet ; skin burns and itches.
In bed : teeth feel loose and too long ; cough.
Cannot get warm under a feather bed.
Eating or drinking warm things : toothache.
Open air : when walking, singing in right ear ; qualmishness about navel.
Sleepiness, with yawning, eyes feel so heavy she cannot keep them open.
Sleepless. Feverish, circumscribed red cheeks ; with increasing dryness of throat ; without feeling weak.
Restless sleep, followed by sweat.
Feverish, distressing dreams (following cramp in left foot during night).
Awakens : 2 A. M., with cramp in her breast, extending from right to left ; after awaking and stretching, a shock, followed by chilliness and gooseflesh all over.
Morning : dryness of eyes ; stitch in anus ; sweat.
From 1 to 2 A. M. : loquacious delirium.
Noon : headache.
After 12 P. M. : sweat.
In afternoon : stitches in chest.
At 2 A. M. : awakens with cramp in breast.
During day : somnolency.
At 4 P. M. : burning in os sacrum.
Evening : pricking headache ; could not see.
Night : dryness of throat ; drops flow from urethra, coloring shirt red ; cramps in feet ; skin burns and itches.
In bed : teeth feel loose and too long ; cough.
Cannot get warm under a feather bed.
Eating or drinking warm things : toothache.
Open air : when walking, singing in right ear ; qualmishness about navel.
Common symptoms
Heat : tingling in legs and feet.
Hot flat irons : better icy coldness of body.
Sweat : with dizziness, boiling and bubbling in chest and region of heart ; after 12 P. M., after a restless sleep ; in morning ; icy cold, principally on forehead.
Skin cold, damp and clammy.
Alternately : flushes and chilliness.
From 6 to 12 P. M. : fever.
For six weeks : dull toothache in second left upper molar.
Right : tearing in temple ; violent pain in side of head and temple ; singing in ear ; crawling in ear ; sore feeling in ear ; burning in side of root of nose ; stitches in side of chest ; stiff neck ; tearing in ischium ; in tibia ; in big toe ; burning heat worse side of face ; circumscribed redness of cheek.
Left : continuous stitch in forehead ; draws skin of forehead upward, worse left side ; small spot before eye ; compression of eyeball ; singing in ear ; itching in ear ; tearing pressing in cheek towards eyes ; sensation of swelling in side of throat ; rolling of wind in abdomen on side ; violent burning in half of scrotum ; burning in region of kidney ; tearing in knee ; burning under big toe nail.
From right to left : cramp in breast.
From left to right : tearing in forehead ; cutting in upper part of abdomen ; burning in scrotum ; in kidney.
From outside to within : head as if split.
From within to without : stitches in forehead, pressing.
From below upward : compression of left eyeball.
Head as if enlarged ; as if split open with a wedge ; vertex as if enlarged ; as if hair was standing on end ; as if a cloud was before his eyes ; pressing as from dust in eyes ; as if eyes could not be kept open ; as if something had closed ear ; as if something was crawling over face ; upper incisors and eye teeth as if loose and sore ; teeth as if too long ; as if mouth was sore and thick ; as if a hammer was beating on an ulcerated spot in stomach ; as if bowels would be moved ; abdomen feels as if it was boiling ; pain as if pinching nostrils together ; nape as if dislocated ; as if piece of ice was lying on back between shoulders ; as if back between shoulder blades was wet with cold perspiration ; thumb and index finger as if sprained ; weakness as from loss of fluids ; skin as if an eruption would appear.
Pain : in forehead ; in neck ; in nape.
Violent pain : in right side of head and temple.
Severe pain in chest.
Tearing : in forehead from left to right side ; in right temple, extending to cheek ; in temples ; in nose and shoulders ; in vertex ; in ears ; in temples down into cheeks ; from shoulder extending to finger joints ; in upper arm from elbow joint to shoulder ; in elbow joints ; in knuckles of middle fingers of right hand ; in right ischium ; in left knee ; in right tibia ; in right big toe ; in limbs.
Tearing pressing : in left cheek towards eyes.
Cutting : in upper part of abdomen.
Beating : in pit of stomach.
Splitting, bursting pain : down jaw.
Stitches : in side of chest ; in heart.
Continuous stitch : in left forehead ; in anus.
Neuralgia : in head.
Cramps : in calves ; in feet ; in left foot.
Crampy pain : in chest.
Violent burning : in left half of scrotum.
Pricking pain : in head ; in throat.
Pressing pain : in forehead.
Soreness : over abdomen.
Sore feeling : in right ear ; in throat.
Burning : in head ; in right side of root of nose ; in right side of larynx ; in shoulder blade ; in region of left kidney ; in spine ; in os sacrum ; in feet ; under nail of left toe ; in palms and soles ; in right side of face.
Heat : in chest.
Tingling : of scrotum and surrounding parts from knees to ankles ; in legs and feet.
Pressing : on bladder when urinating.
Twirling and twisting : in upper part of abdomen.
Dull pains : in teeth.
Boiling bubbling : around heart.
Feels beating of heart in head.
Trembling : of heart.
Full feeling : in stomach.
Tension : of lips.
Stiffness : of neck.
Crawling : in ears.
Twitching : in upper eyelids.
Dryness : of throat.
Itching : in left ear ; in spot in throat ; of scrotum ; of penis ; of skin.
Sensation of coldness : external ear.
Icy coldness : of forehead.
Hemorrhages ; typhoid pneumonia.
Hot flat irons : better icy coldness of body.
Sweat : with dizziness, boiling and bubbling in chest and region of heart ; after 12 P. M., after a restless sleep ; in morning ; icy cold, principally on forehead.
Skin cold, damp and clammy.
Alternately : flushes and chilliness.
From 6 to 12 P. M. : fever.
For six weeks : dull toothache in second left upper molar.
Right : tearing in temple ; violent pain in side of head and temple ; singing in ear ; crawling in ear ; sore feeling in ear ; burning in side of root of nose ; stitches in side of chest ; stiff neck ; tearing in ischium ; in tibia ; in big toe ; burning heat worse side of face ; circumscribed redness of cheek.
Left : continuous stitch in forehead ; draws skin of forehead upward, worse left side ; small spot before eye ; compression of eyeball ; singing in ear ; itching in ear ; tearing pressing in cheek towards eyes ; sensation of swelling in side of throat ; rolling of wind in abdomen on side ; violent burning in half of scrotum ; burning in region of kidney ; tearing in knee ; burning under big toe nail.
From right to left : cramp in breast.
From left to right : tearing in forehead ; cutting in upper part of abdomen ; burning in scrotum ; in kidney.
From outside to within : head as if split.
From within to without : stitches in forehead, pressing.
From below upward : compression of left eyeball.
Head as if enlarged ; as if split open with a wedge ; vertex as if enlarged ; as if hair was standing on end ; as if a cloud was before his eyes ; pressing as from dust in eyes ; as if eyes could not be kept open ; as if something had closed ear ; as if something was crawling over face ; upper incisors and eye teeth as if loose and sore ; teeth as if too long ; as if mouth was sore and thick ; as if a hammer was beating on an ulcerated spot in stomach ; as if bowels would be moved ; abdomen feels as if it was boiling ; pain as if pinching nostrils together ; nape as if dislocated ; as if piece of ice was lying on back between shoulders ; as if back between shoulder blades was wet with cold perspiration ; thumb and index finger as if sprained ; weakness as from loss of fluids ; skin as if an eruption would appear.
Pain : in forehead ; in neck ; in nape.
Violent pain : in right side of head and temple.
Severe pain in chest.
Tearing : in forehead from left to right side ; in right temple, extending to cheek ; in temples ; in nose and shoulders ; in vertex ; in ears ; in temples down into cheeks ; from shoulder extending to finger joints ; in upper arm from elbow joint to shoulder ; in elbow joints ; in knuckles of middle fingers of right hand ; in right ischium ; in left knee ; in right tibia ; in right big toe ; in limbs.
Tearing pressing : in left cheek towards eyes.
Cutting : in upper part of abdomen.
Beating : in pit of stomach.
Splitting, bursting pain : down jaw.
Stitches : in side of chest ; in heart.
Continuous stitch : in left forehead ; in anus.
Neuralgia : in head.
Cramps : in calves ; in feet ; in left foot.
Crampy pain : in chest.
Violent burning : in left half of scrotum.
Pricking pain : in head ; in throat.
Pressing pain : in forehead.
Soreness : over abdomen.
Sore feeling : in right ear ; in throat.
Burning : in head ; in right side of root of nose ; in right side of larynx ; in shoulder blade ; in region of left kidney ; in spine ; in os sacrum ; in feet ; under nail of left toe ; in palms and soles ; in right side of face.
Heat : in chest.
Tingling : of scrotum and surrounding parts from knees to ankles ; in legs and feet.
Pressing : on bladder when urinating.
Twirling and twisting : in upper part of abdomen.
Dull pains : in teeth.
Boiling bubbling : around heart.
Feels beating of heart in head.
Trembling : of heart.
Full feeling : in stomach.
Tension : of lips.
Stiffness : of neck.
Crawling : in ears.
Twitching : in upper eyelids.
Dryness : of throat.
Itching : in left ear ; in spot in throat ; of scrotum ; of penis ; of skin.
Sensation of coldness : external ear.
Icy coldness : of forehead.
Hemorrhages ; typhoid pneumonia.
Continuous chilliness.
Sensation as if piece of ice was lying on back, between shoulders, then a shock, followed by coldness over whole body with gooseflesh ; these attacks recur on moving and pass off after going to bed.
Body icy cold, hot flat irons relieve.
Flushes alternately with chilliness.
Feels hot, but chills run all over her before heat can develop.
Evening fever, worse 6 to 12 P. M. ; face red, worse upper part.
Dry heat, feet burn ; restless tossing ; rumbling in abdomen.
Burning heat, face red, worse on right side ; followed by circumscribed redness of cheeks, also worse right side.
Feverish, with somnolency.
General heat, with sweat on forehead.
Fever with delirium, circumscribed redness of cheeks and brilliant eyes. θ Pneumonia.
Sensation as if piece of ice was lying on back, between shoulders, then a shock, followed by coldness over whole body with gooseflesh ; these attacks recur on moving and pass off after going to bed.
Body icy cold, hot flat irons relieve.
Flushes alternately with chilliness.
Feels hot, but chills run all over her before heat can develop.
Evening fever, worse 6 to 12 P. M. ; face red, worse upper part.
Dry heat, feet burn ; restless tossing ; rumbling in abdomen.
Burning heat, face red, worse on right side ; followed by circumscribed redness of cheeks, also worse right side.
Feverish, with somnolency.
General heat, with sweat on forehead.
Fever with delirium, circumscribed redness of cheeks and brilliant eyes. θ Pneumonia.
Skin itches and burns all night, worse after scratching.
Red pimples ; pimples here and there containing a watery fluid.
Sensation in skin as if an eruption would appear.
Red pimples ; pimples here and there containing a watery fluid.
Sensation in skin as if an eruption would appear.
Patient type and constitution
Woman ; typhoid pneumonia.
Woman, at. 37, married, nervo-sanguine ; headache.
Woman, at. 37, married, nervo-sanguine ; headache.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare : Actea rac., athusa, Agaricus, вellad., сann. ind., сicuta, сrotal, Gelsem., Glonoine, Gymnocladus, Hyosc., Laches, Opium, Platina, Phosphor., Sanguin., Stramon.